September 25, 2014: Intro to OOP
An introduction to Object-Oriented Programming and an introduction to the potential of Visual COBOL to bridge the well-established COBOL applications you have and the contemporary programming languages you want to work with.
Sign up for the rest of the series here: http://online.microfocus.com/OOPWebSeries
Join us for this educational webinar series - and an opportunity to try your hand at Object-Oriented Programming for COBOL.
Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) isn’t an empty buzzword or contemporary tech reserved for the newest programming languages. It’s a respected, time-proven development methodology that works just as well for COBOL development as it can for Java or .NET apps.
According to some estimates, there are over 240 billion lines of COBOL code out there and most of it is procedural. So why should COBOL developers look at OO COBOL?
The here and now
As a COBOL programmer, you’ll almost certainly be writing procedural programs based on COBOL-85 or perhaps the COBOL 2002 standards. This is the accepted norm and procedural programming still goes very much hand-in-hand with COBOL development. It remains a tried and trusted method of developing COBOL applications.
But succeeding in an ever-changing industry means keeping up with current trends, and tech-savvy consumers are forcing the adoption of new technologies such as cloud, mobile and new IT architectures.
Developing COBOL applications with OOP represents an opportunity to quickly meet those consumer demands, especially for those thinking about the Java Virtual Machine or .NET.
OOP is the standard for these platforms. This doesn’t mean losing any hard work expended in developing procedural programs. Quite the opposite – those procedural programs can work quite happily on these new platforms – but to fully harness .NET and JVM, a good grounding in OOP will make all the difference. With these new skills you can bridge your existing COBOL apps with other languages, build modern user interfaces, develop web services and more.

These webinars have been created specifically for COBOL programmers who want to learn more about OOP and incorporate it with procedural programming techniques to get the best of both worlds. It is your chance to learn from Micro Focus product experts, including Scot Nielsen, who will give you a guided tour of object-oriented principles with hands-on demos to illustrate key concepts and syntax of object-oriented COBOL.
And right from the start, you can put your new found skills to good use without needing to fully immerse yourself in everything OO. By reusing classes available within the .NET framework or the Java SDK, you’ll see how you can save bags of time writing new functionality. The session on collection classes is a must see. Arrays, lists, hash maps and dictionaries — all ready to use within your own program saving you hours of effort developing your own versions.
And why not package up some useful COBOL functionality that can be consumed by other developers writing in COBOL or Java or C#? We’ll show you how to write your own classes and even extend functionality provided by others using inheritance.
Each webinar focuses on a key aspect of OOP, building up your knowledge and we wrap us each session with exercises you can try-it-at-home in preparation for the next topic in the series.
Topics include:
- An Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming
- Your first COBOL Class
- Data and Properties
- Collection Classes
- Inheritance
- Accessing Procedural COBOL from Java and C#
Find out more and sign up today.