In regular life of coding we are downloading files from FTP server using c# code or any other code it may take much time to code as well as more time to download. Insted of that we can download a file from directly sql.
For this you just need normal SQL syntax and some command line syntax.
Using the code
To download files from FTP server you can use SQL server with 'Mput' command of FTP which is much lesser to code and will take a bit of time to download. Inverse process is also possible as you can use 'MPut' method to upload a file to FTP server.
For this you can use following script for download file(s) from FTP Server. Just pass your actual attributes and you have done, your files are downloaded.
MGet Command
DECLARE @FTPServer varchar(128)
DECLARE @FTPUserName varchar(128)
DECLARE @FTPPassword varchar(128)
DECLARE @SourcePath varchar(128)
DECLARE @SourceFiles varchar(128)
DECLARE @DestinationPath varchar(128)
DECLARE @FTPMode varchar(10)
SET @FTPServer = 'ftpserver'
SET @FTPUserName = 'username'
SET @FTPPassword = 'password'
SET @SourcePath = ''
SET @SourceFiles = '*.csv'
SET @DestinationPath = 'D:\Husen\Download'
SET @FTPMode = 'binary'
DECLARE @Command varchar(1000)
DECLARE @workfile varchar(128)
DECLARE @nowstr varchar(25)
DECLARE @tempdir varchar(128)
CREATE TABLE #tempvartable(info VARCHAR(1000))
INSERT #tempvartable EXEC master..xp_cmdshell 'echo %temp%'
SET @tempdir = (SELECT top 1 info FROM #tempvartable)
IF RIGHT(@tempdir, 1) <> '\' SET @tempdir = @tempdir + '\'
DROP TABLE #tempvartable
SET @nowstr = replace(replace(convert(varchar(30), GETDATE(), 121), ' ', '_'), ':', '-')
SET @workfile = 'FTP_SPID' + convert(varchar(128), @@spid) + '_' + @nowstr + '.txt'
select @FTPServer = replace(replace(replace(@FTPServer, '|', '^|'),'<','^<'),'>','^>')
select @FTPUserName = replace(replace(replace(@FTPUserName, '|', '^|'),'<','^<'),'>','^>')
select @FTPPassword = replace(replace(replace(@FTPPassword, '|', '^|'),'<','^<'),'>','^>')
select @SourcePath = replace(replace(replace(@SourcePath, '|', '^|'),'<','^<'),'>','^>')
IF RIGHT(@DestinationPath, 1) = '\' SET @DestinationPath = LEFT(@DestinationPath, LEN(@DestinationPath)-1)
select @Command = 'echo ' + 'open ' + @FTPServer + ' > ' + @tempdir + @workfile
EXEC master..xp_cmdshell @Command
select @Command = 'echo ' + @FTPUserName + '>> ' + @tempdir + @workfile
EXEC master..xp_cmdshell @Command
select @Command = 'echo ' + @FTPPassword + '>> ' + @tempdir + @workfile
EXEC master..xp_cmdshell @Command
select @Command = 'echo ' + 'prompt ' + ' >> ' + @tempdir + @workfile
EXEC master..xp_cmdshell @Command
IF LEN(@FTPMode) > 0
select @Command = 'echo ' + @FTPMode + ' >> ' + @tempdir + @workfile
EXEC master..xp_cmdshell @Command
select @Command = 'echo ' + 'lcd ' + @DestinationPath + ' >> ' + @tempdir + @workfile
EXEC master..xp_cmdshell @Command
IF LEN(@SourcePath) > 0
select @Command = 'echo ' + 'cd ' + @SourcePath + ' >> ' + @tempdir + @workfile
EXEC master..xp_cmdshell @Command
select @Command = 'echo ' + 'mget ' + @SourcePath + @SourceFiles + ' >> ' + @tempdir + @workfile
EXEC master..xp_cmdshell @Command
select @Command = 'echo ' + 'quit' + ' >> ' + @tempdir + @workfile
EXEC master..xp_cmdshell @Command
select @Command = 'ftp -s:' + @tempdir + @workfile
create table #a (id int identity(1,1), s varchar(1000))
print @Command
insert #a
EXEC master..xp_cmdshell @Command
select id, ouputtmp = s from #a
drop table #a
select @Command = 'del ' + @tempdir + @workfile
print @Command
EXEC master..xp_cmdshell @Command
You can use following script to Upload file(s) from local directory to FTP Server.
MPut Command
DECLARE @FTPServer varchar(128)
DECLARE @FTPUserName varchar(128)
DECLARE @FTPPassword varchar(128)
DECLARE @SourcePath varchar(128)
DECLARE @SourceFiles varchar(128)
DECLARE @DestinationPath varchar(128)
DECLARE @FTPMode varchar(10)
SET @FTPServer = 'ftpserver'
SET @FTPUserName = 'username'
SET @FTPPassword = 'password'
SET @SourcePath = 'D:\Husen\Upload'
SET @SourceFiles = '*.csv'
SET @DestinationPath = ''
SET @FTPMode = 'binary'
DECLARE @Command varchar(1000)
DECLARE @workfile varchar(128)
DECLARE @nowstr varchar(25)
DECLARE @tempdir varchar(128)
CREATE TABLE #tempvartable(info VARCHAR(1000))
INSERT #tempvartable EXEC master..xp_cmdshell 'echo %temp%'
SET @tempdir = (SELECT top 1 info FROM #tempvartable)
IF RIGHT(@tempdir, 1) <> '\' SET @tempdir = @tempdir + '\'
DROP TABLE #tempvartable
SET @nowstr = replace(replace(convert(varchar(30), GETDATE(), 121), ' ', '_'), ':', '-')
SET @workfile = 'FTP_SPID' + convert(varchar(128), @@spid) + '_' + @nowstr + '.txt'
select @FTPServer = replace(replace(replace(@FTPServer, '|', '^|'),'<','^<'),'>','^>')
select @FTPUserName = replace(replace(replace(@FTPUserName, '|', '^|'),'<','^<'),'>','^>')
select @FTPPassword = replace(replace(replace(@FTPPassword, '|', '^|'),'<','^<'),'>','^>')
select @DestinationPath = replace(replace(replace(@DestinationPath, '|', '^|'),'<','^<'),'>','^>')
IF RIGHT(@SourcePath, 1) <> '\' SET @SourcePath = @SourcePath + '\'
select @Command = 'echo ' + 'open ' + @FTPServer + ' > ' + @tempdir + @workfile
EXEC master..xp_cmdshell @Command
select @Command = 'echo ' + @FTPUserName + '>> ' + @tempdir + @workfile
EXEC master..xp_cmdshell @Command
select @Command = 'echo ' + @FTPPassword + '>> ' + @tempdir + @workfile
EXEC master..xp_cmdshell @Command
select @Command = 'echo ' + 'prompt ' + ' >> ' + @tempdir + @workfile
EXEC master..xp_cmdshell @Command
IF LEN(@FTPMode) > 0
select @Command = 'echo ' + @FTPMode + ' >> ' + @tempdir + @workfile
EXEC master..xp_cmdshell @Command
IF LEN(@DestinationPath) > 0
select @Command = 'echo ' + 'cd ' + @DestinationPath + ' >> ' + @tempdir + @workfile
EXEC master..xp_cmdshell @Command
select @Command = 'echo ' + 'mput ' + @SourcePath + @SourceFiles + ' >> ' + @tempdir + @workfile
EXEC master..xp_cmdshell @Command
select @Command = 'echo ' + 'quit' + ' >> ' + @tempdir + @workfile
EXEC master..xp_cmdshell @Command
select @Command = 'ftp -s:' + @tempdir + @workfile
create table #a (id int identity(1,1), s varchar(1000))
insert #a
EXEC master..xp_cmdshell @Command
select id, ouputtmp = s from #a
drop table #a
select @Command = 'del ' + @tempdir + @workfile
EXEC master..xp_cmdshell @Command
Here, we have made a simple text file with a list of commands using your parameters and executed it. Gentle reminder, commectivity and destination path should be there.
Points of Interest
Now, refer this link and try other commands by yourself.