Have you ever thought of a program without using a single structure declared in it? Never thought so, na? I did that already but found it would be impossible to do that, at least it does not make sense as the whole program is internally running on messages passed from one module to another in terms of structures.
Well, well, hold on. If you are thinking that I am talking about custom structures, you have then gone too far around. Actually I am just talking about declaration of ValueType
s. Yes, if you want to do a calculation, by any means you need an integer, and System.Int32
is actually a structure. So for my own program which runs without a single ValueType
declared in it turns out to be a sequence of Print statements. Doesn't make sense, huh! Really, even I thought so. Thus I found it is meaningless to have a program which just calls a few library methods (taking away the fact that library methods can also create valuetype
s inside it) and prints arbitrary strings on the output window.
Please note: As struct
is actually an unit
of ValueType
, I have used it synonymously in the post.
So What Makes Us Use Structures So Often?
The first and foremost reason why we use structures is that:
- They are very simple with fast accessibility.
- It is also created on Thread local stack, which makes it available only to the current scope and destroyed automatically after the call is returned. It doesn't need any external invisible body to clear up the memory allocated henceforth.
- Most of the primitives have already been declared as
. - In case of
we are dealing with the object itself, rather than with the reference of it. - Implicit and explicit operators work great with
and most of them are included already to the API.
I agree, I can name 100 reasons on the same, but let's focus on the topic I have started discussing. Let's make it a bit practical and create a struct
for you.
public struct DemoStruct
int DemoIntItem = 0;
string DemoStringItem = "Abhishek";
public DemoStruct()
this.DemoIntItem = 20;
public DemoStruct(int loadDemoInt)
this.DemoIntItem = loadDemoInt;
public override string ToString()
return string.Format("DemoIntItem : {0} ,
DemoStringItem : {1}", this.DemoIntItem, this.DemoStringItem);
Hmm, just after I wrote this I went on to compile this, and found a nasty error message comes out of the compiler.
What is it? Where I am wrong? Ahh.. After seeing the message, I found that actually the culprit is you cannot have value initializers for a struct
as we do have for classes. Yes, from the CLR point of view, it does not allow you to initialize the value of a variable. Then how would you initialize a member in a struct
? Should I declare a constructor? If you see the code above, you have already seen that I have tried to declare a constructor for my type DemoStruct
, but alas, "Structs cannot contain explicit parameterless constructors". This is weird. I need to at least write a constructor with a parameter in it to initialize the members with my default values.
Does it Mean Structs Already Have a Default Implicit Constructor?
Yes, as far as the MSDN is concerned, struct
s do implement a default parameterless constructor implicitly for you which automatically initializes the members to its default values. Actually, the fact is, struct
s do not have it as a mandatory rule to declare it with a new
operator. And hence if you do not create an object of structure with a new
operator, all the fields will be left unassigned. So the compiler does not need to have a default constructor for you, and hence the implicit constructor is not required at all.
Let's redeclare the same structure again:
public struct DemoStruct
int DemoIntItem;
string DemoStringItem;
public DemoStruct(int loadDemoInt)
this.DemoIntItem = loadDemoInt;
public override string ToString()
return string.Format("DemoIntItem : {0} ,
DemoStringItem : {1}", this.DemoIntItem, this.DemoStringItem);
So after commenting out a few things, it looks good to me. Now if I compile..... holy s***.. it gives me an error again....
So it says, you need to initialize all the members before returning from the constructors. Hmm, that means, if you declare a constructor, you need to reassign everything again. Well, it makes sense to call the default implicit constructor to do this for me.
Let's redesign the structure once again:
public struct DemoStruct
int DemoIntItem;
string DemoStringItem;
public DemoStruct(int loadDemoInt)
this.DemoIntItem = loadDemoInt;
public override string ToString()
return string.Format("DemoIntItem : {0} , DemoStringItem : {1}",
this.DemoIntItem, this.DemoStringItem);
Now finally it works. So this()
will initialize all the members of the object. We need to initialize them as initializer for structures is not there as it is there for classes.
Let's call the structure:
static void Main(string[] args)
DemoStruct mystruct = new DemoStruct(30);
So clearly we call new DemoStruct
to create the object of structure DemoStruct
. Hence in this case, our own parametrized constructor will be called. We could have also done something like this:
static void Main(string[] args)
DemoStruct mystruct;
In this case also, the structure will call the implicit default constructor and get the object automatically.
Difference between a Class and a Structure in Terms of IL
Let us not talk in terms of general differences between a class and a structure. It is very common and talked many times. I will look into the differences in terms of IL. To see the IL, I am going to use ILDASM. Probably this tool is already available with Visual Studio which lets us look into IL. Let's declare a DemoClass
with the same structure as that of DemoStruct
and see how the MSIL generated looks like.
In the above tree structure, you can see the structure of the two objects. One is for DemoClass
which is exactly the same while the other is DemoStruct
which is a structure.
Now let's differentiate the two structures one by one.
IL for DemoClass
.class public auto ansi beforefieldinit TestConsoleApps.DemoClass
extends [mscorlib]System.Object
.field private int32 DemoIntItem
.field private string DemoStringItem
.method public hidebysig specialname rtspecialname
instance void .ctor(int32 loadDemoInt) cil managed
.maxstack 8
IL_0000: ldarg.0
IL_0001: call instance void [mscorlib]System.Object::.ctor()
IL_0006: nop
IL_0007: nop
IL_0008: ldarg.0
IL_0009: ldarg.1
IL_000a: stfld int32 TestConsoleApps.DemoClass::DemoIntItem
IL_000f: nop
IL_0010: ret
IL for DemoStruct
.class public sequential ansi sealed beforefieldinit TestConsoleApps.DemoStruct
extends [mscorlib]System.ValueType
.field private int32 DemoIntItem
.field private string DemoStringItem
.method public hidebysig specialname rtspecialname
instance void .ctor(int32 loadDemoInt) cil managed
.maxstack 8
IL_0000: ldarg.0
IL_0001: initobj TestConsoleApps.DemoStruct
IL_0007: nop
IL_0008: ldarg.0
IL_0009: ldarg.1
IL_000a: stfld int32 TestConsoleApps.DemoStruct::DemoIntItem
IL_000f: nop
IL_0010: ret
Based on the two ILs above, you can see both the objects produce a public ansi object where one extends System.ValueType
while the other (DemoClass
) directly extends System.Object
. The difference that we could see in the class header is:
is declared as auto while DemoStruct
is created as sequential. Auto is used to impose the object to have full Garbage collection and also allows the object to allow reducing the size of it when not in use. Sequential objects are aligned with the object memory boundary. Each of them points individually to the memory allowed for it. DemoStruct
is declared as sealed (hence this disallows the struct
from being inherited).
On the other hand, if you differentiate the IL for the constructors, you can see only one difference:
The DemoClass uses:
call instance void System.Object :: ctor()
That means the constructor for Object
is called. So basically the System.Object
constructor is called and an object from same is created before the variable are initialized.
on the other hand, uses InitObj which actually initializes each member individually with its default.
Quick Look at Calls
Finally if you look into the IL for the calls made from Main
method, it looks like:
.method private hidebysig static void Main(string[] args) cil managed
.maxstack 2
.locals init ([0] valuetype TestConsoleApps.DemoStruct mystruct,
[1] class TestConsoleApps.DemoClass myclass)
IL_0000: nop
IL_0001: ldloca.s mystruct
IL_0003: ldc.i4.s 30
IL_0005: call instance void TestConsoleApps.DemoStruct::.ctor(int32)
IL_000a: nop
IL_000b: ldc.i4.s 30
IL_000d: newobj instance void TestConsoleApps.DemoClass::.ctor(int32)
IL_0012: stloc.1
IL_0013: ldloc.0
IL_0014: box TestConsoleApps.DemoStruct
IL_0019: call void [mscorlib]System.Console::WriteLine(object)
IL_001e: nop
IL_001f: ldloc.1
IL_0020: call void [mscorlib]System.Console::WriteLine(object)
IL_0025: nop
IL_0026: call valuetype [mscorlib]System.ConsoleKeyInfo
IL_002b: pop
IL_002c: ret
Here the entrypoint is declared for the Main
method. It creates a local instance for both mystruct
and myclass
but uses call to call .ctor
of structure while using newobj
for class. newObj
is used to instantiate a new ValueType
to hold the reference of the object created. Thus the reference will be stored in stack.
To conclude, structure in C# is basically similar to classes but with restrictions imposed in them to work the best with ValueTypes
. Features like inheritance, parameterless constructors, initializers are intentionally revoked from struct
to work the best for ValueTypes
and with P/Invoke statements. It was fun writing this post. I hope you have liked it too.
Thanks for reading!