With the introduction of Event Grid to market the new possibilities appear to distribute events faster, to eliminate polling of events as in Service Bus. Now latency and cost could be cut as Event Grid executes simple HTTP-based event delivery itself when the message meeting subscription filter appears. To this point, everything works perfect, but to hook the function to Event Grid requires a lot of manual work, many clicks to be done in Azure portal. Taking into consideration many functions on few different environments could lead to many errors during deployment. But even after deployment, who will maintain it? How many clicks do you need to do in order to introduce a change in your subscription?
"Let's use Event Grid in our project" - I proposed. This is how this has started.
Looking back at the existing solution that we had in those days for Service Bus subscriptions - each one created manually, maintained manually, no history of change. This was a "no-go" for me. I expected to have a definition of consumer (subscription definition) as close to the consumer as possible and have a clear view of how the subscription has changed over time in our code repository.
The idea behind this is very simple:
- Create consumer function as Azure
. - Create consumer subscription definition in the same Azure
. - Hook the function to Event Grid during CI/CD process with PowerShell script.
There will be many components with FunctionApp
s. Each component will be enclosed in the Resource Group. Each FunctionApp
can have many functions and each of these functions can have many subscription definitions.
-- Resource Group
|-- Function App
|-- function
| -- subscription filter
| -- ...
| -- ...
| -- ...
Using the Code
I have created two functions in my FunctionApp
2.x project. The first one is the standard EventGridTrigger
and is responsible for consuming incoming events. The later one holds the definition of subscription.
Consumer Function
using Microsoft.Azure.EventGrid.Models;
using Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs;
using Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.Extensions.EventGrid;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace EventGridSubscription2xFunctionApp
public class MyFunction
public static async
Task Run([EventGridTrigger] EventGridEvent eventGridEvent, ILogger log)
Remarks for FunctionApp 1.x
Please be informed that to make it work for Azure Functions 1.x, you must use the specific NuGet package versions.

And binding is also different.
public static async Task Run
([EventGridTrigger] JObject eventGridEvent, TraceWriter log)
Subscription Definition Function
Subscription function has to follow the naming convention to allow later in an easy way to be discovered and hooked on EventGrid
component. In our case, we choose to use "_Subscription
" postfix for the function name containing EventGrid
subscription definition.
public static async Task<HttpResponseMessage> Run(
[HttpTrigger(AuthorizationLevel.Function, "get")] HttpRequest req,
ILogger log)
var subscription1 = Create("subscription-name-1",
"my-event-type-11", "my-event-type-12");
var subscription2 = Create("subscription-name-2",
var subscriptions = new[] { subscription1, subscription2 };
return new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.OK)
Content = new StringContent(JsonConvert.SerializeObject
(subscriptions, Formatting.Indented),
Encoding.UTF8, "application/json")
The function will be triggered by http request and in response returns Json formatted subscriptions definitions. As one function can be triggered by different subscriptions, for each of them, separate definition will be created. In the example above, they are subscription1
and subscription2
private static EventGridSubscription Create
(string subscriptionName, params string[] eventTypes)
var subscription = new EventGridSubscription
Name = subscriptionName,
Prefix = "prefix",
Postfix = "postfix",
EventTypes = eventTypes
return subscription;
The model of response with subscription definition is below. The response is Json formatted.
public class EventGridSubscription
private readonly List<string> _eventTypes;
public EventGridSubscription()
_eventTypes = new List<string>();
public string Name { get; set; }
public string[] EventTypes { get; set; }
public string Prefix { get; set; }
public string Postfix { get; set; }
The central component of this solution is PowerShell script that gets subscription definition from "_Subscription
" function and hooks WebHook
on EventGrid
creating or updating subscriptions. In our current solution, we have many components with its FunctionApps
. Each component is in a separate Resource Group. Therefore, script requires as input parameters component resource group name as well as resource group with EventGrid
param (
The logic is straightforward:
- Find all
- Find all functions with "
" postfix - Get function keys and subscription definition
- Register the function on
And now step by step.
Get All FunctionApps in Resource Group
Just get all resources that are Kind
of "functionapp
[string] [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] $ResourceGroupName
$azureRmResourceParams = @{
ResourceGroupName = $ResourceGroupName
ResourceType = 'Microsoft.Web/sites'
ApiVersion = '2018-09-01'
$resources = Get-AzureRmResource @azureRmResourceParams
$functionApps = @()
foreach ($resource in $resources) {
if($resource.Kind -eq "functionapp"){
$name = $resource.Name
$functionApps += $name
return $functionApps
Then we iterate through FunctionApp
s and get all functions that have "_Subscription
" prefix. Only those will be processed.
$azureRmResourceParams = @{
ResourceGroupName = $ResourceGroupName
ResourceType = 'Microsoft.Web/sites/functions'
ResourceName = $FunctionApp
ApiVersion = '2015-08-01'
$functions = Get-AzureRmResource @azureRmResourceParams
foreach ($function in $functions) {
$functionName = $function.ResourceName
if ($functionName.endswith("_Subscription") )
And this is the core logic, to get master key for function, get subscription and finally group them as metadata.
if($masterKey -eq $null){
$functionAppMasterKeyParams = @{
ResourceGroup = $ResourceGroupName
FunctionApp = $FunctionApp
$masterKey = Get-FunctionAppMasterKey @functionAppMasterKeyParams
$subscriptionFunctionName = $functionName -replace "$FunctionApp/", ""
$subscriptionApiUrl =
'http://'+$FunctionApp+''+$subscriptionFunctionName +
$subscriptionResult = Invoke-WebRequest $subscriptionApiUrl |
$functionAppName = $subscriptionFunctionName -replace "_Subscription", ""
$eventGridApiUrl = 'http://'+$FunctionApp+'
$sysKeyResult = Invoke-WebRequest $eventGridApiUrl |
select -Expand Content | ConvertFrom-Json | select value
$sysKey = $sysKeyResult.value
$eventGridSubscriptionEndpoint = 'https://'+$FunctionApp+
foreach($result in $subscriptionResult)
$subscription = @{
name = $
endpoint = $eventGridSubscriptionEndpoint
eventTypes = $result.eventTypes
subjectEndsWith = $result.subjectEndsWith
subjectBeginsWith = $result.subjectBeginsWith
Remarks for FunctionApp 1.x vs 2.x
There are differences in API for FunctionApp
1.x and 2.x. The ones concerning the described case are below.
The SystemKey
1.x 'https://'+$FunctionApp+'
2.x 'http://'+$FunctionApp+'
The Azure function WebHook
for EventGrid
1.x 'https://'+$FunctionApp+'
2.x 'https://'+$FunctionApp+'
Remarks for FunctionApp 2.x
Secrets for FunctionApp
in version 2.x must be stored in storage file not in blob. As blob is the default value, it should be explicitly set. Access to FunctionApp
secrets is needed by PowerShell script to get FunctionApp
keys. It could be setup manually through Azure portal or automated in ARM template. I strongly discourage you from doing anything manually.

Glue It Together in Azure DevOps
The standard release pipeline of Azure DevOps can be used to deploy FunctionApp
s as well for PowerShell script. Just deploy FunctionApp
and then run Azure PowerShell task, which will do the magic - hook EventGrid
to functions.
Points of Interest
ARM Template Approach
There is also other way to do this. You can use this ARM template. But... the flow with ARM template will be:
- Deploy
- Gets
for FunctionApp
using PowerShell - Deploy ARM using
This is an egg-chicken problem. You need SystemKey
before deploying FunctionApp
. You can not extract it during FunctionApp
deploy and pass to EventGrid
template in the same ARM. The second drawback (in my opinion) in this approach is keeping subscription definition in ARM templates. I wanted to have filter definition close to consumer code.
- 19th November, 2018: Initial version
- 20th November, 2018: added