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The DataGridViewPrinter Class

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A printing class for the DataGridView

Sample Image - DataGridViewPrinterApplication.jpg


The DataGridView control in .NET 2.0 is an amazing data representation control, and contains many advanced features that we could benefit from. The only thing that is not supported by this control is the printing feature. I searched the web for such a feature, but did not find anything really good, and most of the printing classes that I found were for printing a DataTable object or for printing the traditional DataGrid control. Therefore, I decided to create my own code for this feature and share it with others.

The Class Features

  • The print style is almost the same as the style of the DataGridView control:
    • the same font style for the header and other rows
    • the same foreground and background styles for the header and other rows
    • the same alternating background style for the rows
    • special font for certain rows will be considered
    • special foreground and background styles for certain rows will be considered
    • the same alignment for the columns
  • Supports multiple pages
  • The width of each column to be printed is calculated to fit all the cells (including the header cell)
  • The title at the top of the page can be specified
  • The title font and color could be specified
  • The title and the header row are repeated in each page
  • The report could be top-centered (considering the top margin of the page) on the page or be aligned to the top-left margin
  • The printing process ignores any invisible rows or columns (assuming that the user does not want them to appear)
  • If the DataGridView width is greater than the page width, then the columns with x coordinate greater than the page width will be printed into another page. This ensures that all columns will be printed (Thanks to Stephen Long)Image 2
  • Support page numbering Image 3
  • The printing process uses Graphics.MeasureString to calculate the height and width for a certain text with a specified font. This ensures the preciseness of the printing. Image 4
  • The class supports Right-to-Left fonts Image 5

The Class Constructor

public DataGridViewPrinter(DataGridView aDataGridView, PrintDocument aPrintDocument,
    bool CenterOnPage, bool WithTitle, string aTitleText, Font aTitleFont,
    Color aTitleColor, bool WithPaging)
  • aDataGridView: The DataGridView control which will be printed
  • aPrintDocument: The PrintDocument to be used for printing
  • CenterOnPage: Determines if the report will be printed in the top-center of the page
  • WithTitle: Determines if the page contains a title text
  • aTitleText: The title text to be printed in each page (if WithTitle is set to true)
  • aTitleFont: The font to be used with the title text (if WithTitle is set to true)
  • aTitleColor: The color to be used with the title text (if WithTitle is set to true)
  • WithPaging: Determines if the page number will be printed

How to Use the Class

The project should have the following global objects:

// The DataGridView Control which will be printed.
DataGridView MyDataGridView;
// The PrintDocument to be used for printing.
PrintDocument MyPrintDocument;
// The class that will do the printing process.
DataGridViewPrinter MyDataGridViewPrinter;

Then, use the following code:

// The printing setup function
private bool SetupThePrinting()
    PrintDialog MyPrintDialog = new PrintDialog();
    MyPrintDialog.AllowCurrentPage = false;
    MyPrintDialog.AllowPrintToFile = false;
    MyPrintDialog.AllowSelection = false;
    MyPrintDialog.AllowSomePages = false;
    MyPrintDialog.PrintToFile = false;
    MyPrintDialog.ShowHelp = false;
    MyPrintDialog.ShowNetwork = false;

    if (MyPrintDialog.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK)
        return false;

    MyPrintDocument.DocumentName = "Customers Report";
    MyPrintDocument.PrinterSettings = 
    MyPrintDocument.DefaultPageSettings =
    MyPrintDocument.DefaultPageSettings.Margins = 
                     new Margins(40, 40, 40, 40);

    if (MessageBox.Show("Do you want the report to be centered on the page",
        "InvoiceManager - Center on Page", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo,
        MessageBoxIcon.Question) == DialogResult.Yes)
        MyDataGridViewPrinter = new DataGridViewPrinter(MyDataGridView,
        MyPrintDocument, true, true, "Customers", new Font("Tahoma", 18,
        FontStyle.Bold, GraphicsUnit.Point), Color.Black, true);
        MyDataGridViewPrinter = new DataGridViewPrinter(MyDataGridView,
        MyPrintDocument, false, true, "Customers", new Font("Tahoma", 18,
        FontStyle.Bold, GraphicsUnit.Point), Color.Black, true);

    return true;
// The Print Button
private void btnPrint_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    if (SetupThePrinting())
// The PrintPage action for the PrintDocument control
private void MyPrintDocument_PrintPage(object sender,
    System.Drawing.Printing.PrintPageEventArgs e)
    bool more = MyDataGridViewPrinter.DrawDataGridView(e.Graphics);
    if (more == true)
        e.HasMorePages = true;
// The Print Preview Button
private void btnPrintPreview_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    if (SetupThePrinting())
        PrintPreviewDialog MyPrintPreviewDialog = new PrintPreviewDialog();
        MyPrintPreviewDialog.Document = MyPrintDocument;

Refer to the demo project that contains the DataGridViewPrinter class (.cs file) and a simple example showing how to use it.

The DataGridViewPrinter Class Source Code

using System;
using System.Text;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Drawing.Printing;
using System.Data;
using System.Windows.Forms;

class DataGridViewPrinter
    // The DataGridView Control which will be printed
    private DataGridView TheDataGridView;
    // The PrintDocument to be used for printing
    private PrintDocument ThePrintDocument;
    // Determine if the report will be
    // printed in the Top-Center of the page
    private bool IsCenterOnPage;
    // Determine if the page contain title text
    private bool IsWithTitle; 
    // The title text to be printed
    // in each page (if IsWithTitle is set to true)
    private string TheTitleText;
    // The font to be used with the title
    // text (if IsWithTitle is set to true)
    private Font TheTitleFont;
    // The color to be used with the title
    // text (if IsWithTitle is set to true)
    private Color TheTitleColor;
    // Determine if paging is used
    private bool IsWithPaging;
    // A static parameter that keep track
    // on which Row (in the DataGridView control)
    // that should be printed
    static int CurrentRow; 

    static int PageNumber;

    private int PageWidth;
    private int PageHeight;
    private int LeftMargin;
    private int TopMargin;
    private int RightMargin;
    private int BottomMargin;

    // A parameter that keeps track
    // on the y coordinate of the page,
    // so the next object to be printed
    // will start from this y coordinate
    private float CurrentY;

    private float RowHeaderHeight;
    private List<float> RowsHeight;
    private List<float> ColumnsWidth;
    private float TheDataGridViewWidth;
    // Maintain a generic list to hold start/stop
    // points for the column printing
    // This will be used for wrapping
    // in situations where the DataGridView will not
    // fit on a single page
    private List<int[]> mColumnPoints;
    private List<float> mColumnPointsWidth;
    private int mColumnPoint;
    // The class constructor
    public DataGridViewPrinter(DataGridView aDataGridView, 
        PrintDocument aPrintDocument,
        bool CenterOnPage, bool WithTitle, 
        string aTitleText, Font aTitleFont,
        Color aTitleColor, bool WithPaging)
        TheDataGridView = aDataGridView;
        ThePrintDocument = aPrintDocument;
        IsCenterOnPage = CenterOnPage;
        IsWithTitle = WithTitle;
        TheTitleText = aTitleText;
        TheTitleFont = aTitleFont;
        TheTitleColor = aTitleColor;
        IsWithPaging = WithPaging;

        PageNumber = 0;

        RowsHeight = new List<float>();
        ColumnsWidth = new List<float>();

        mColumnPoints = new List<int[]>();
        mColumnPointsWidth = new List<float>();

        // Calculating the PageWidth and the PageHeight
        if (!ThePrintDocument.DefaultPageSettings.Landscape)
            PageWidth = 
            PageHeight = 
            PageHeight = 
            PageWidth = 

        // Calculating the page margins
        LeftMargin = ThePrintDocument.DefaultPageSettings.Margins.Left;
        TopMargin = ThePrintDocument.DefaultPageSettings.Margins.Top;
        RightMargin = ThePrintDocument.DefaultPageSettings.Margins.Right;
        BottomMargin = ThePrintDocument.DefaultPageSettings.Margins.Bottom;

        // First, the current row to be printed
        // is the first row in the DataGridView control
        CurrentRow = 0;

    // The function that calculates
    // the height of each row (including the header row),
    // the width of each column (according
    // to the longest text in all its cells including
    // the header cell), and the whole DataGridView width
    private void Calculate(Graphics g)
        if (PageNumber == 0)
        // Just calculate once
            SizeF tmpSize = new SizeF();
            Font tmpFont;
            float tmpWidth;

            TheDataGridViewWidth = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < TheDataGridView.Columns.Count; i++)
                tmpFont = TheDataGridView.ColumnHeadersDefaultCellStyle.Font;
                if (tmpFont == null)
                // If there is no special HeaderFont style,
                // then use the default DataGridView font style
                    tmpFont = TheDataGridView.DefaultCellStyle.Font;

                tmpSize = g.MeasureString(
                tmpWidth = tmpSize.Width;
                RowHeaderHeight = tmpSize.Height;

                for (int j = 0; j < TheDataGridView.Rows.Count; j++)
                    tmpFont = TheDataGridView.Rows[j].DefaultCellStyle.Font;
                    if (tmpFont == null)
                    // If the there is no special font style of the
                    // CurrentRow, then use the default one associated
                    // with the DataGridView control
                        tmpFont = TheDataGridView.DefaultCellStyle.Font;

                    tmpSize = g.MeasureString("Anything", tmpFont);

                    tmpSize =
                    if (tmpSize.Width > tmpWidth)
                        tmpWidth = tmpSize.Width;
                if (TheDataGridView.Columns[i].Visible)
                    TheDataGridViewWidth += tmpWidth;

            // Define the start/stop column points
            // based on the page width and
            // the DataGridView Width
            // We will use this to determine
            // the columns which are drawn on each page
            // and how wrapping will be handled
            // By default, the wrapping will occurr
            // such that the maximum number of
            // columns for a page will be determined
            int k;

            int mStartPoint = 0;
            for (k = 0; k < TheDataGridView.Columns.Count; k++)
                if (TheDataGridView.Columns[k].Visible)
                    mStartPoint = k;

            int mEndPoint = TheDataGridView.Columns.Count;
            for (k = TheDataGridView.Columns.Count - 1; k >= 0; k--)
                if (TheDataGridView.Columns[k].Visible)
                    mEndPoint = k + 1;

            float mTempWidth = TheDataGridViewWidth;
            float mTempPrintArea = (float)PageWidth - (float)LeftMargin -
            // We only care about handling
            // where the total datagridview width is bigger
            // then the print area
            if (TheDataGridViewWidth > mTempPrintArea)
                mTempWidth = 0.0F;
                for (k = 0; k < TheDataGridView.Columns.Count; k++)
                    if (TheDataGridView.Columns[k].Visible)
                        mTempWidth += ColumnsWidth[k];
                        // If the width is bigger
                        // than the page area, then define a new
                        // column print range
                        if (mTempWidth > mTempPrintArea)
                            mTempWidth -= ColumnsWidth[k];
                            mColumnPoints.Add(new int[] { mStartPoint, mEndPoint });
                            mStartPoint = k;
                            mTempWidth = ColumnsWidth[k];
                    // Our end point is actually
                    // one index above the current index
                    mEndPoint = k + 1;
            // Add the last set of columns
            mColumnPoints.Add(new int[] { mStartPoint, mEndPoint });
            mColumnPoint = 0;

    // The funtion that prints the title, page number, and the header row
    private void DrawHeader(Graphics g)
        CurrentY = (float)TopMargin;

        // Printing the page number (if isWithPaging is set to true)
        if (IsWithPaging)
            string PageString = "Page " + PageNumber.ToString();

            StringFormat PageStringFormat = new StringFormat();
            PageStringFormat.Trimming = StringTrimming.Word;
            PageStringFormat.FormatFlags = StringFormatFlags.NoWrap |
                StringFormatFlags.LineLimit | StringFormatFlags.NoClip;
            PageStringFormat.Alignment = StringAlignment.Far;

            Font PageStringFont = new Font("Tahoma", 8, FontStyle.Regular,

            RectangleF PageStringRectangle = 
               new RectangleF((float)LeftMargin, CurrentY,
               (float)PageWidth - (float)RightMargin - (float)LeftMargin,
               g.MeasureString(PageString, PageStringFont).Height);

            g.DrawString(PageString, PageStringFont, 
               new SolidBrush(Color.Black),
               PageStringRectangle, PageStringFormat);

            CurrentY += g.MeasureString(PageString, 

        // Printing the title (if IsWithTitle is set to true)
        if (IsWithTitle)
            StringFormat TitleFormat = new StringFormat();
            TitleFormat.Trimming = StringTrimming.Word;
            TitleFormat.FormatFlags = StringFormatFlags.NoWrap |
                StringFormatFlags.LineLimit | StringFormatFlags.NoClip;
            if (IsCenterOnPage)
                TitleFormat.Alignment = StringAlignment.Center;
                TitleFormat.Alignment = StringAlignment.Near;

            RectangleF TitleRectangle = 
                new RectangleF((float)LeftMargin, CurrentY,
                (float)PageWidth - (float)RightMargin - (float)LeftMargin,
                g.MeasureString(TheTitleText, TheTitleFont).Height);

            g.DrawString(TheTitleText, TheTitleFont, 
                new SolidBrush(TheTitleColor),
                TitleRectangle, TitleFormat);

            CurrentY += g.MeasureString(TheTitleText, TheTitleFont).Height;

        // Calculating the starting x coordinate
        // that the printing process will start from
        float CurrentX = (float)LeftMargin;
        if (IsCenterOnPage)            
            CurrentX += (((float)PageWidth - (float)RightMargin - 
              (float)LeftMargin) - mColumnPointsWidth[mColumnPoint]) / 2.0F;

        // Setting the HeaderFore style
        Color HeaderForeColor = 
        if (HeaderForeColor.IsEmpty)
        // If there is no special HeaderFore style,
        // then use the default DataGridView style
            HeaderForeColor = TheDataGridView.DefaultCellStyle.ForeColor;
        SolidBrush HeaderForeBrush = new SolidBrush(HeaderForeColor);

        // Setting the HeaderBack style
        Color HeaderBackColor = 
        if (HeaderBackColor.IsEmpty)
        // If there is no special HeaderBack style,
        // then use the default DataGridView style
            HeaderBackColor = TheDataGridView.DefaultCellStyle.BackColor;
        SolidBrush HeaderBackBrush = new SolidBrush(HeaderBackColor);

        // Setting the LinePen that will
        // be used to draw lines and rectangles
        // (derived from the GridColor property
        // of the DataGridView control)
        Pen TheLinePen = new Pen(TheDataGridView.GridColor, 1);

        // Setting the HeaderFont style
        Font HeaderFont = TheDataGridView.ColumnHeadersDefaultCellStyle.Font;
        if (HeaderFont == null)
        // If there is no special HeaderFont style,
        // then use the default DataGridView font style
            HeaderFont = TheDataGridView.DefaultCellStyle.Font;

        // Calculating and drawing the HeaderBounds        
        RectangleF HeaderBounds = new RectangleF(CurrentX, CurrentY,
            mColumnPointsWidth[mColumnPoint], RowHeaderHeight);
        g.FillRectangle(HeaderBackBrush, HeaderBounds);

        // Setting the format that will be
        // used to print each cell of the header row
        StringFormat CellFormat = new StringFormat();
        CellFormat.Trimming = StringTrimming.Word;
        CellFormat.FormatFlags = StringFormatFlags.NoWrap |
           StringFormatFlags.LineLimit | StringFormatFlags.NoClip;

        // Printing each visible cell of the header row
        RectangleF CellBounds;
        float ColumnWidth;        
        for (int i = (int)mColumnPoints[mColumnPoint].GetValue(0);
            i < (int)mColumnPoints[mColumnPoint].GetValue(1); i++)
            // If the column is not visible then ignore this iteration
            if (!TheDataGridView.Columns[i].Visible) continue; 

            ColumnWidth = ColumnsWidth[i];

            // Check the CurrentCell alignment
            // and apply it to the CellFormat
            if (TheDataGridView.ColumnHeadersDefaultCellStyle.
                CellFormat.Alignment = StringAlignment.Far;
            else if (TheDataGridView.ColumnHeadersDefaultCellStyle.
                CellFormat.Alignment = StringAlignment.Center;
                CellFormat.Alignment = StringAlignment.Near;

            CellBounds = new RectangleF(CurrentX, CurrentY, 
                         ColumnWidth, RowHeaderHeight);

            // Printing the cell text
                         HeaderFont, HeaderForeBrush,
               CellBounds, CellFormat);

            // Drawing the cell bounds
            // Draw the cell border only if the HeaderBorderStyle is not None
            if (TheDataGridView.RowHeadersBorderStyle != 
                g.DrawRectangle(TheLinePen, CurrentX, CurrentY, ColumnWidth,

            CurrentX += ColumnWidth;

        CurrentY += RowHeaderHeight;

    // The function that prints a bunch of rows that fit in one page
    // When it returns true, meaning that
    // there are more rows still not printed,
    // so another PagePrint action is required
    // When it returns false, meaning that all rows are printed
    // (the CureentRow parameter reaches
    // the last row of the DataGridView control)
    // and no further PagePrint action is required
    private bool DrawRows(Graphics g)
        // Setting the LinePen that will be used to draw lines and rectangles
        // (derived from the GridColor property of the DataGridView control)
        Pen TheLinePen = new Pen(TheDataGridView.GridColor, 1);

        // The style parameters that will be used to print each cell
        Font RowFont;
        Color RowForeColor;
        Color RowBackColor;
        SolidBrush RowForeBrush;
        SolidBrush RowBackBrush;
        SolidBrush RowAlternatingBackBrush;

        // Setting the format that will be used to print each cell
        StringFormat CellFormat = new StringFormat();
        CellFormat.Trimming = StringTrimming.Word;
        CellFormat.FormatFlags = StringFormatFlags.NoWrap | 

        // Printing each visible cell
        RectangleF RowBounds;
        float CurrentX;
        float ColumnWidth;
        while (CurrentRow < TheDataGridView.Rows.Count)
            // Print the cells of the CurrentRow only if that row is visible
            if (TheDataGridView.Rows[CurrentRow].Visible)
                // Setting the row font style
                RowFont = TheDataGridView.Rows[CurrentRow].DefaultCellStyle.Font;
                // If there is no special font style of the CurrentRow,
                // then use the default one associated with the DataGridView control
                if (RowFont == null)
                    RowFont = TheDataGridView.DefaultCellStyle.Font;

                // Setting the RowFore style
                RowForeColor = 
                // If there is no special RowFore style of the CurrentRow,
                // then use the default one associated with the DataGridView control
                if (RowForeColor.IsEmpty)
                    RowForeColor = TheDataGridView.DefaultCellStyle.ForeColor;
                RowForeBrush = new SolidBrush(RowForeColor);

                // Setting the RowBack (for even rows) and the RowAlternatingBack
                // (for odd rows) styles
                RowBackColor = 
                // If there is no special RowBack style of the CurrentRow,
                // then use the default one associated with the DataGridView control
                if (RowBackColor.IsEmpty)
                    RowBackBrush = new SolidBrush(
                    RowAlternatingBackBrush = new
                // If there is a special RowBack style of the CurrentRow,
                // then use it for both the RowBack and the RowAlternatingBack styles
                    RowBackBrush = new SolidBrush(RowBackColor);
                    RowAlternatingBackBrush = new SolidBrush(RowBackColor);

                // Calculating the starting x coordinate
                // that the printing process will
                // start from
                CurrentX = (float)LeftMargin;
                if (IsCenterOnPage)                    
                    CurrentX += (((float)PageWidth - (float)RightMargin -
                        (float)LeftMargin) - 
                        mColumnPointsWidth[mColumnPoint]) / 2.0F;

                // Calculating the entire CurrentRow bounds                
                RowBounds = new RectangleF(CurrentX, CurrentY,
                    mColumnPointsWidth[mColumnPoint], RowsHeight[CurrentRow]);

                // Filling the back of the CurrentRow
                if (CurrentRow % 2 == 0)
                    g.FillRectangle(RowBackBrush, RowBounds);
                    g.FillRectangle(RowAlternatingBackBrush, RowBounds);

                // Printing each visible cell of the CurrentRow                
                for (int CurrentCell = (int)mColumnPoints[mColumnPoint].GetValue(0);
                    CurrentCell < (int)mColumnPoints[mColumnPoint].GetValue(1);
                    // If the cell belongs to invisible
                    // column, then ignore this iteration
                    if (!TheDataGridView.Columns[CurrentCell].Visible) continue;

                    // Check the CurrentCell alignment
                    // and apply it to the CellFormat
                    if (TheDataGridView.Columns[CurrentCell].DefaultCellStyle.
                        CellFormat.Alignment = StringAlignment.Far;
                    else if (TheDataGridView.Columns[CurrentCell].DefaultCellStyle.
                        CellFormat.Alignment = StringAlignment.Center;
                        CellFormat.Alignment = StringAlignment.Near;
                    ColumnWidth = ColumnsWidth[CurrentCell];
                    RectangleF CellBounds = new RectangleF(CurrentX, CurrentY,
                        ColumnWidth, RowsHeight[CurrentRow]);

                    // Printing the cell text
                      EditedFormattedValue.ToString(), RowFont, RowForeBrush,
                      CellBounds, CellFormat);
                    // Drawing the cell bounds
                    // Draw the cell border only
                    // if the CellBorderStyle is not None
                    if (TheDataGridView.CellBorderStyle != 
                        g.DrawRectangle(TheLinePen, CurrentX, CurrentY, 
                              ColumnWidth, RowsHeight[CurrentRow]);

                    CurrentX += ColumnWidth;
                CurrentY += RowsHeight[CurrentRow];

                // Checking if the CurrentY exceeds the page boundaries
                // If so, then exit the function and returning true meaning another
                // PagePrint action is required
                if ((int)CurrentY > (PageHeight - TopMargin - BottomMargin))
                    return true;

        CurrentRow = 0;
        // Continue to print the next group of columns

        if (mColumnPoint == mColumnPoints.Count)
        // Which means all columns are printed
            mColumnPoint = 0;
            return false;
            return true;

    // The method that calls all other functions
    public bool DrawDataGridView(Graphics g)
            bool bContinue = DrawRows(g);
            return bContinue;
        catch (Exception ex)
            MessageBox.Show("Operation failed: " + ex.Message.ToString(),
                Application.ProductName + " - Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK,
            return false;

Problems With the Class

  • If a certain column's width is greater than the page width, then the excluded text will not be wrapped or printed in another page.
  • The class does not support image cells.


This article has no explicit license attached to it, but may contain usage terms in the article text or the download files themselves. If in doubt, please contact the author via the discussion board below.

A list of licenses authors might use can be found here.

Written By
Software Developer
United States United States
B.Sc in Computer Engineering Dpt.
M.Sc in Software Engineering Dpt.

ASP.NET Developer
C#.NET Developer
VB.NET Developer
MS SQL Server Developer
Oracle Developer

Comments and Discussions

QuestionPrints a blank page in Visual Studio 2010 Pin
Paul Dufresne10-Sep-12 17:59
Paul Dufresne10-Sep-12 17:59 
AnswerRe: Prints a blank page in Visual Studio 2010 Pin
Lighthamma22-Jan-13 10:50
Lighthamma22-Jan-13 10:50 
AnswerRe: Prints a blank page in Visual Studio 2010 Pin
Member 1049101527-Dec-13 11:17
Member 1049101527-Dec-13 11:17 
BugThis code does not work Pin
mehul_5847-Sep-12 21:45
mehul_5847-Sep-12 21:45 
BugDataGridViewPrinter Pin
UkusBobra25-Jul-12 23:21
UkusBobra25-Jul-12 23:21 
QuestionBottom Margin too big Pin
Al Yambo24-Jul-12 20:46
Al Yambo24-Jul-12 20:46 
QuestionPrinting multiple datagrid views to a document. Pin
matt_hirst21-May-12 3:56
matt_hirst21-May-12 3:56 
QuestionPrint DGView.. Pin
Member 89202043-May-12 0:29
Member 89202043-May-12 0:29 
Thumbs Up | :thumbsup: Thumbs Up | :thumbsup: Que buen aporte, gracias x compartir!
AnswerThank you Pin
LaoR_V27-Apr-12 7:42
LaoR_V27-Apr-12 7:42 
QuestionTrouble printing datagrid view! Pin
Daniel Lauro9-Apr-12 5:23
Daniel Lauro9-Apr-12 5:23 
QuestionCell formating lost Pin
eltonis14-Mar-12 23:47
eltonis14-Mar-12 23:47 
GeneralMy vote of 5 Pin
Manoj Kumar Choubey16-Feb-12 1:57
professionalManoj Kumar Choubey16-Feb-12 1:57 
SuggestionChanging row height and column width Pin
Cheeky6-Feb-12 1:14
Cheeky6-Feb-12 1:14 
QuestionPse in VB 2010 Pin
Baldomero12316-Dec-11 23:59
Baldomero12316-Dec-11 23:59 
GeneralMy vote of 5 Pin
Gabriel_7531-Jul-11 7:45
Gabriel_7531-Jul-11 7:45 
QuestionGREAT!!! Pin
symeramon19-Jul-11 1:54
symeramon19-Jul-11 1:54 
Questionwrap text issue class Pin
Member 79879345-Jul-11 20:14
Member 79879345-Jul-11 20:14 
GeneralRowIndex on multiple pages Pin
Member 78746946-Jun-11 9:18
Member 78746946-Jun-11 9:18 
QuestionUnhandled Exception in MyPrintDocument_PrintPage Pin
cmdErrX22-Mar-11 9:15
cmdErrX22-Mar-11 9:15 
GeneralDataGridViewPrinter Pin
jorgeforero24-Feb-11 6:20
jorgeforero24-Feb-11 6:20 
GeneralRight To Left Pin
Muhammad Ziada8-Oct-10 17:49
professionalMuhammad Ziada8-Oct-10 17:49 
GeneralRe: Right To Left Pin
Member 839738714-Nov-11 8:06
Member 839738714-Nov-11 8:06 
GeneralFix to allow correct printout of grid with headers that have contents and headers without content Pin
HeartWare9-Jul-10 3:43
HeartWare9-Jul-10 3:43 
GeneralRe: Fix to allow correct printout of grid with headers that have contents and headers without content Pin
Al Yambo20-Apr-12 7:21
Al Yambo20-Apr-12 7:21 
GeneralThank you Pin
safqw8-Jul-10 3:18
safqw8-Jul-10 3:18 

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