The GridViewFormView
control is an ASP.NET user control that displays a fully-featured GridView
(Master/Detail) control with the capability to edit existing records, insert new records, and delete records, along with sorting, filtering, and paging. The control can be easily configured to allow record inserting/editing in the GridView
control or in the FormView
control after a record is selected.
This control demonstrates some of the more clearer ways of editing, inserting, and deleting records with a Master/Detail control in an N-Tier environment, in which data objects and business objects are used with a GridView
to load and store data.
I recently had a project in which I needed to manage some datatables via gridview
s, but the number of columns in the table was too large to be handled nicely with in-grid editing. After looking into the new DetailsView
control, I found that it would meet the requirements, except that the fields could not be positioned in the form as the requirements specified. One of the primary differences between the FormView
control and the DetailsView
control is that the template fields can be positioned by HTML, instead of just in a template definition. Coupling the GridView
together with a FormView
control presented a good solution to the problem.
When I Googled around for samples on having a GridView
work together with a FormView
control, I would find a code snippet here and there that did part of what I needed, but few real-world examples of the two controls together. This article/control is an attempt in providing such a solution.
Using the GridViewFormView UserControl
To use the GridViewFormView UserControl
in a web project, drop a copy of the control (both the HTML and code file) into your web project and change the name/class of the control to meet your needs. The columns and handling of the GridViewFormView
's controls in the sample source are intentionally left in for the coder to easily copy/remove/modify the fields as quickly as possible, without having to start from scratch. The columns and controls demonstrate the handling of different field types and controls, most of which are common when working with database tables and stored-procs.
In the code file, substitute your own business/data layer to load and save the GridViewFormView
fields/records. Many of the supporting functions in the class can be used with any business/data object, and just a specific handful of lines of code need to be modified/removed.
To reference the control from another UserControl
or a Page, don't forget to call the class's Initialize()
function to set the properties for the control. You can also set the various properties in the HTML and code file to enable or disable record-editing, record-inserting, sorting, paging, etc. along with whether you want the record-editing to be performed in the FormView
or the GridView
NOTE: This control is not meant to be a stand-alone, snap-in UserControl
- the intention of it is to be used as almost a "starter kit" when working with a GridViewFormView
. Enhance the sections you need to use, and throw away the parts you don't need.
Before running the sample demonstration, run the Orders_SPs.sql file against the Northwind database.
NOTE #2: Due to the foreign key constraint between the Orders
table and the Order Details
table in the Northwind database, the Delete command throws an exception from the data layer. Otherwise, the delete command works as expected.
Below is a demonstration of several of the different views in the GridViewFormView
Basic View of the GridView Control
Editing a Record in the GridView Control
Inserting a Record in the GridView Control
Basic View of the FormView Control
Editing a Record in the FormView Control
Inserting a Record in the FormView Control
How the GridViewFormView Control Works
The GridViewFormView
control is basically just an instance of a GridView
control and the FormView
control wrapped within a single user control, which exposes a number of properties that can be used to enable/disable various features. The GridView
control and the FormView
control are both on separate panels, only one of which is visible at any given time.
The FormView
panel is hidden by default, and when a record is selected in the GridView
, the record is bound to the FormView
control and the views are swapped, so the GridView
panel is hidden while the FormView
panel is made visible. The user can return to the GridView
display at any time by clicking the "Return to OrdersList
" link button.
Below are some of the more useful code-snippets used in the control to read/write data between the business objects and the GridView
control and the FormView
public void Initialize()
AllowGridViewRecordSorting = true;
AllowGridViewRecordDeleting = true;
AllowGridViewRecordEditing = true;
AllowGridViewRecordInserting = true;
AllowGridViewRecordSelection = true;
AllowFormViewRecordDeleting = true;
AllowFormViewRecordEditing = true;
AllowFormViewRecordInserting = true;
ForceEditsInFormView = false;
GridViewEditControlsVisible = false;
public void SearchRecords(string _SearchFilter)
SearchFilter = _SearchFilter;
protected void SetBehavior(ViewMode vmNewViewMode)
m_ViewMode = vmNewViewMode;
protected void SetBehavior()
bool bHasGridRows = (gvOrders.Rows.Count > 0);
if ((bHasGridRows == false) && (AllowFormViewRecordInserting == true))
m_ViewMode = ViewMode.FormView;
switch (m_ViewMode)
case ViewMode.Unknown:
pnlGridView.Visible = bHasGridRows;
pnlFormView.Visible = !bHasGridRows;
case ViewMode.GridView:
pnlGridView.Visible = true;
pnlFormView.Visible = false;
case ViewMode.FormView:
pnlGridView.Visible = false;
pnlFormView.Visible = true;
lbtnGridInsertOrders.Visible = GridViewEditControlsVisible;
lbtnGridCancelOrders.Visible = GridViewEditControlsVisible;
gvOrders.ShowFooter = GridViewEditControlsVisible;
lbtnAddNewOrders.Visible = (AllowGridViewRecordInserting &&
!GridViewEditControlsVisible &&
lbtnReturnToOrdersList.Visible = bHasGridRows;
protected void ClearDataViews()
gvOrders.DataSource = null;
fvOrders.DataSource = null;
protected void BindDataViews()
gvOrders.ShowFooter = (AllowGridViewRecordInserting &&
protected void BindDataViews(int _OrderID)
CIF.Business.Northwind.Orders _Orders = new CIF.Business.Northwind.Orders();
DataTable dtOrders = null;
if (_OrderID > 0)
dtOrders = _Orders.GetDataTable("OrderID", _OrderID.ToString());
fvOrders.DataSource = dtOrders;
dtOrders = _Orders.GetDataTable();
if (dtOrders.Rows.Count > 0)
DataView dv = dtOrders.DefaultView;
if ((SortExpression != string.Empty) && (SortDirection != string.Empty))
dv.Sort = SortExpression + " " + SortDirection;
if (SearchFilter != string.Empty)
dv.RowFilter = SearchFilter;
if (dv.Count <= 0)
gvOrders.DataSource = null;
gvOrders.DataSource = dv;
if (AllowFormViewRecordInserting == true)
fvOrders.DataSource = dtOrders;
gvOrders.DataSource = null;
I hope you find this article and control useful - it has saved me a lot of time when working with several different types of tables and datasets, and quickly getting a full-featured GridView
(Master/Detail) control up and running. Enjoy!