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A titletip is similar to a tooltip, but is used to
display data in a control that is otherwise not large enough to display the full
text. We are all used to seeing cell titletips that display contents that are hidden by
the width of the cell. These titletips typically use a single line. If the contents are
greater than the single line, they were truncated.
The code presents a titletip class that can show the
complete contents of a cell regardless of its size. The titletip window will
adjust itself up or down depending on the cell being displayed, and will take
into account the size of the parent's client area, and that of the screen. It will do its utmost to show you that data!
This article is based on code written by Zafir
Anjum, but has been extensively reworked to add a great deal of new
How to use CTitleTip
Using the class is extremely easy. Just declare an object of type
in your main windows' header, and then create the
title tip window in your dialog's OnInitDialog
, or your
view's OnInitialUpdate
class CTitleTipDemoDlg : public CDialog
CTitleTip m_TitleTip;
BOOL CTitleTipDemoDlg::OnInitDialog()
return TRUE;
You then need to add a mouse over handler so that when the mouse cursor
moves over controls that may contain large amounts of text, you can popup
a title tip to display that text. For instance, in our demo dialog we have
a static control (m_staticText
) that displays a lot of text.
Just add an OnMouseMove
handler and add the following code:
void CTitleTipDemoDlg::OnMouseMove(UINT nFlags, CPoint point)
CRect rect;
if (rect.PtInRect(point))
CString str;
m_TitleTip.Show(rect, str, 0, 80);
CDialog::OnMouseMove(nFlags, point);
The CTitleTip::Show
function has the following syntax
void Show(CRect rectTitle,
LPCTSTR lpszTitleText,
int xoffset = 0,
int nMaxChars = -1,
LPRECT lpHoverRect = NULL,
If nMaxChars is less than 0, then the text will only wrap where there is insufficient room
to display the entire line.
if lpHoverRect is NULL then it will be set as rectTitle.