I wish this calendar will help developers those who are working in ASP.NET using Calendar Control (server control) and JavaScript.
This calendar contains some additional functions (four buttons). These functions can be used to scroll year/month to either the future or the past. Further this will display the selected month name in the label control.

This calendar displays working days only (Except Holidays and week ends). So user can select only working days. Week ends are automatically restricted for users.

This calendar will display the current date in red square box and holiday will be displayed with Orange shade (Only for display purpose).
So user can select any working day from this calendar, once user selects a date the calendar will get closed and the selected date will be assign to parent form Date control (Text box).

Using the code
//Create separate class public method for fetching holidays from holiday master table.
// Class Object Name: objBusiness
// Method Name: GetBusinessHolidays();
DataSet ds = objBusiness.GetBusinessHolidays();
SQL Script :
Use this sql script in your stored procedure or query for fetching holiday's from holiday master table
SELECT Replace(CONVERT(varchar , holiday_date,106),' ' ,'-') AS Holidat_Date
FROM tblHoliday_Master Order by holiday_date.
Whether u need anyother information pls let me know ur problem what did u face.
Srinivasan Venkatachalam