Would you like a calendar in your ASP.NET MVC project?
Maybe you are looking froward to a calendar control that can embedded in your ASP.NET MVC project.
Maybe much more people suggest you try a javascript calendar to meet your requirements.
Maybe you were trying the <asp:Calendar ...> control but it need a form with runat="server" that is not so clean and easy to use with our MVC web.
And now, you can finish them exactly easy just use <%= Html.Calendar() %>
in your view page!
What is it ? / Features
I've just released the run time binary on my codeplex project, you can find it here:
The Mvc Calendar is extended the HtmlHelper so you can easily embed it in your View page of an ASP.NET MVC project.
It can generate a well-formed XHTML table and with some CSS classes by default. So you can customize it by customizing the CSS.
And also you can specify the SelectedDate property so the calendar shows the month you want to let it show.
If you want to show archive data on the calendar, You can supply an array with some DateTime objects to the calendar, then it'll calculate whether a day need a hyperlink because it contains some data like articles or blog posts on that day. You should also specify the controller name and action name to the calendar to make the links.
Using the code
Okay, let's get started on the code right now!
<%= Html.Calendar() %>
Now you'll get a calendar show the current moth:
<%= Html.Calendar("otherCalendar", DateTime.Now.AddMonths(-1)) %>
Then you'll get a different calender,
And you'll customize the CSS affected the calendar.
You could get one looks like:
Now let me show you the advanced options.
var allPosts = MvcCalendarSample.Models.Post.GetAllPosts();
var datesArray = from d in allPosts
select new DateTime(d.CreatedAt.Ticks);
<%= Html.Calendar("archiveCalendar", datesArray, "home", "archive") %>
You'll get a calendar with some links which look like "/home/archive?date=2008-7
" or "/home/archive?date=2008-7-12
You can customize your routes:
Then you can get the url like: "/home/archive/2008-7
", is it beautiful?
Please download the code sample to run it live!
4.Archive Calendar
But where do the links bring me to? the "/home/archive/2008-7"?
Of course you need an action there and a View too.
Let's have a look at the code:
In the /Views/Home/Archive.aspx file:
<h2>Mvc Calendar 4: with data and links and selected date</h2>
var selectedDate = DateTime.Parse(ViewData["date"].ToString());
var allPosts = MvcCalendarSample.Models.Post.GetAllPosts();
var datesArray = from d in allPosts
select new DateTime(d.CreatedAt.Ticks);
<%= Html.Calendar("archiveCalendar", selectedDate, datesArray, "home", "archive") %>
<hr />
The Archive action:
public ActionResult Archive(string date)
DateTime selectedDate;
if(!DateTime.TryParse(date,out selectedDate))
return this.Content("param date is not in a valid DateTime format");
ViewData["Title"] = "Archived Posts in " + date;
ViewData["date"] = date;
var allPosts = Post.GetAllPosts();
var dateSplits = date.Split('-');
var filteredPosts = new List<Post>();
if (dateSplits.Length == 3)
filteredPosts = (from p in allPosts
where p.CreatedAt.Year == selectedDate.Year &&
p.CreatedAt.Month == selectedDate.Month &&
p.CreatedAt.Day == selectedDate.Day
select p).ToList();
else if (dateSplits.Length == 2)
filteredPosts = (from p in allPosts
where p.CreatedAt.Year == selectedDate.Year &&
p.CreatedAt.Month == selectedDate.Month
select p).ToList();
ViewData["posts"] = filteredPosts;
return View();
Now you'll see we have the data on the view and then I'll drop the posts in the View page:
<h2>Archived posts in <%= ViewData["date"] %></h2>
var selectedPosts = ViewData["posts"] as List<MvcCalendarSample.Models.Post>;
<p>Total <%= selectedPosts.Count%> posts in <%= ViewData["date"] %></p>
<% foreach (var post in selectedPosts)
{ %>
<p>[<%= post.CreatedAt %>] <a href="#"><%= post.Title %></a></p>
<%} %>
Now you can see the page like:
The archive view calendar has finished.
Hope you 'll like this.
This is the first release.
Any comment must be my great thanks.