I have always come to this site for help so it's time for me to give back. This is my first post here so be gentle :P
The point of this article is to show you how to replace a cursor system-wide and specifically how to restore it to the original cursor once you're ready to do so.
Changing a system cursor was cake for me, but a problem came about when I wanted to restore that system cursor back to the original cursor. Many suggested to use the LoadCursor or LoadImage API to restore the cursor, but it seemed (for me at least) that neither API worked in So, on my own, I came up with the following solution.
Using the code
I'm not sure if it is the best way to do it but it seems to work fairly well. The main code from the sample project is as follows:
Dim SavedCursor As Icon
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
SavedCursor = Icon.FromHandle(Cursors.Arrow.CopyHandle)
Dim NewCursor As IntPtr = LoadCursorFromFile(Application.StartupPath & "\MyCross.cur")
If NewCursor = IntPtr.Zero Then
Debug.WriteLine("Error loading cursor from file.")
End If
If SetSystemCursor(NewCursor, IDC_ARROW) = 0 Then
Debug.WriteLine("Error setting system cursor.")
End If
Button1.Enabled = False
Button2.Enabled = True
End Sub
Private Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click
Dim OldCursor As IntPtr = SavedCursor.Handle
SetSystemCursor(OldCursor, IDC_ARROW)
Button1.Enabled = True
Button2.Enabled = False
End Sub
Points of Interest
This sample was written and tested in Visual Studio 2008 using the 3.5 .net framework. Any feedback would be great (especially if anyone has any improvements).
-Release 1 (July 15th, 2008)