LeitnerBox is a technique for learning with more & better effect.
We should learn the things by heart in 5 steps (30 days) with Leitner Box.
This application was created for learning English words or words of another language.
I've created this project with .NET Framework 3.5 SP1, so you have to install it to use the project.
Leitner Box's Algorithm
According to Leitner's Algorithm, we have to study our questions everyday like this :
1 : Answer all questions in Box 5 -> Part 1
If your answer was True the question goes to the Data Base
else it goes to Box 1.
2 : Shift all parts of Box5 to the left ( In the application use Shift up button
3 : Answer all questions in Box 4 -> Part 1
4 : Shift all parts of Box4 to the left
5 : And so on ...
10 : Add new questions to Box 1
I've implemented this algorithm in this project.
Using the Application
At first you have to create a user, so you will see this form :
Notice: You can use A-Z and a-z for the name.
Press the button to create new user, new user will save in a folder beside the main EXE file.
If there are multiple users, you will see this form:
Appending a Word
You have to select a destination box or a part and then add a question.
Notice: You can't add two words with the same questions.
Auto Complete
Whenever you type a word into 'Add Questions' textboxes, it searches for the inserted word in former words (in all boxes and database). If something is found, it will show a list of them below the textbox. Now you can choose it by pressing Enter on it.
This is a good way to avoid duplication.
Answering Questions
- 2nd March, 2009: First post
- 14th March, 2009: Updated source and demo files - fixed some bugs
- 25th March, 2009: Updated source and demo files
- 2nd April, 2009: Updated source and demo files - fixed some bugs
- 11th April, 2009: Auto Complete added
- 22nd March, 2010: Updated source and demo files