In our project we developed a bunch of utility classes. For each one of them we
had to create some kind of test application just to enter parameters and
display result of method invoked. At some point I decided that WinForm we just
created should be the last one. Why could not we create entry form on the fly
for each method in utility class, we want to test? With this thought in mind, I
dig out mine old little utility that uses reflection to display assembly
hierarchy, and make couple of additions.
What we have now is a simple application that can display object hierarchy of
any assembly, including properties and attributes of each member. I think, it�s
doing it in more user-friendly way than ildasm.exe does. You can display
detailed view (as TreeView) or simplified flat view. In addition it can run
static methods with parameters of basic data types.
Using the code
Just use File>Open and browse the tree.
Points of Interest
You are welcome to use this code as an example of working with reflection,
including dynamic object loading and method invocation.
Some ideas how we can make this utility more useful:
Having assembly object tree, we can use CodeDom to generate code for �black
box� assembly. May be for new implementation, or to create proxy that
intercepts method calls and doing some preprocessing magic.
We can create UML model for given assembly. Rational using XML as format for
their XDE model files so it should not be too difficult.
I�ll be glad to receive any comments or suggestions.
Version 1.0.2 - Recently opened assemblies added to File menu. Compiled exe
added to zip. (Thanks to S.Rod. for suggestions)
Version 1.0.3 - Bug fixing in recent files on exit.