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Hiding the Crystal Report Viewer's Statusbar

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27 Apr 2003 2  
Code to hide the Crystal Report Viewer's statusbar.



In .NET the CyrstalReportViewer control is a very powerful tool. It�s supplied with most of the basics that people would require from it, except for one, straight off the bat. How do I hide the StatusBar? What makes it even more baffling is that you can hide both the group tree and the toolbar using the DisplayGroupTree and DisplayToolbar properties respectively. However, a DisplayStatusbar property is nowhere to be seen.


Under help for the CrystalReportViewer there is supposed to be ViewerStatusBar property, which gets the StatusBar object. However, this doesn't appear to be exposed in either VB.NET or C#. However, if you could get a hold of the StatusBar object, then you could set the Statusbar�s visible property to false, causing it to be hidden.

So, how do I get hold of the StatusBar then?

More Background

In a nutshell, the CrystalReportViewer control is actually five controls combined. Namely:

  1. CrystalDecisions.Windows.Forms.PageView. The main window
  2. System.Windows.Forms.Splitter. A splitter between the main window and the Group Tree.
  3. CrystalDecisions.Windows.Forms.ReportGroupTree. A tree view to allow you to drill down on the side of the report.
  4. System.Windows.Forms.ToolBar. The tool bar at the top that allows you to do things like export the report, print, etc.
  5. System.Windows.Forms.StatusBar. And our Status bar that we would like to hide.

The Answer

So knowing that there are actually five controls within the CrystalReportViewer, all we need to do is search through all these controls. Find the Statusbar, and then set its Visible property to false. It�s that simple!

The Code

To set it up as a property for a UserControl (see the source project above), the code would looks like this:

Public Property DisplayStatusBar() As Boolean
            Dim obj As Object
            Dim tempStatusbar As New StatusBar()

            For Each obj In Me.CrystalReportViewer1.Controls
                If obj.GetType Is tempStatusbar.GetType Then
                    Return CType(obj, StatusBar).Visible
                    Exit For
                End If

            tempStatusbar = Nothing
        End Get
        Set(ByVal Value As Boolean)
            Dim obj As Object
            Dim tempStatusbar As New StatusBar()

            For Each obj In Me.CrystalReportViewer1.Controls
                If obj.GetType Is tempStatusbar.GetType Then
                    CType(obj, StatusBar).Visible = Value
                    Exit For
                End If

            tempStatusbar = Nothing
        End Set
    End Property

The above code is less than ideal because the only way I could check the type of the control was to create an instance of the StatusBar, and then compare the GetType method returns. Ideally the code should look something like this:

     Set(ByVal Value As Boolean)
         Dim obj As Object
         For Each obj In Me.CrystalReportViewer1.Controls
             If obj.GetType Is System.Windows.Forms.StatusBar Then
                 CType(obj, StatusBar).Visible = Value
                 Exit For
             End If
     End Set

The reason why I couldn�t do it this way is that the obj.GetType Is System.Windows.Forms.StatusBar seems to be incompatible (System.Type vs System.Windows.Forms.Type).

Anyway, if someone can get it to work without creating an extra instance of StatusBar, I�d love to hear from them.


I would like to repeat that this implementation is less than ideal. Then again, it�s less than ideal that we have to do this in the first place. Hopefully, this article is absoluted by the next version of .NET or even Crystal 9, where they may give you the property by default (here�s hoping). But to put all that aside for a moment, it�s a good work around for hiding the StatusBar when displaying crystal reports in .NET!

I hope this helps someone out there!


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