This is just an alternate (VB.Net) version of "JumpTo RegEdit" located here:
This version is updated to VS 2008 and then Converted to VB.NET using the online code converter from here
I have been looking for a way to add the Reg Jump in VB.NET for several of my programs so I converted the C# code to VB.NET.
Using the code
The complete test project is in the download zip file.
There have been very few changes to the code from the original article besides the conversion to VB.Net.
Some of the lines converted from C# converterd to DirectCast
and had a type conversion error so I changed them CType
and it works fine.
C# code:
return Marshal.PtrToStringUni((IntPtr)(lpLocalBuffer.ToInt32() + Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(Interop.TVITEM))));
VB.NET code:
Change this in the converted code:
To this:
Return Marshal.PtrToStringUni(CType(lpLocalBuffer.ToInt32() + Marshal.SizeOf(GetType(Interop.TVITEM)), IntPtr))
That was just one of a few lines that needed to be converted to CType
When run under Windows Vista with UAC enabled it throws this error.
System.InvalidOperationException was unhandled
Message="WaitForInputIdle failed. This could be because the process does not have a graphical interface."
But when run as Admin it does not throw the error.
I added, ="requireAdministrator"
To get around the error in case a person forgets to "Run as Administrator"
Points of Interest
This conversion helped me learn more on using hte API functions and jumping to the Registry at a given point.
I hope it helps others.
Initial conversion 8 July 2012