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Function Calling Sequence Tracer Class

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15 Aug 2003 2  
A class to trace the sequence at which functions are called.

Sample image


Sometimes in complex applications large number of messages are to be processed and there are a large number of functions for handling requests and events. Sometimes it is confusing to see what are the functions called by a given function. What are the functions that will lead to a call to a particular function. What is the sequence of calling of all these functions. If some programmer is supposed to continue an unfinished work of another programmer, in a badly documented system it will be a nightmare. Even the same programmer who had previously made all this can be confused. I experienced this problem in one of my projects. I searched for a solution on the Internet but I was unlucky, so I started to do it myself. I wrote a class to trace methods in the application and log all the sequence to a file in a readable format.

The idea

The idea of my solution is to use a global object of a small class having some static member functions and static member variables. In an early point in the application (in the constructor of the application class, for example) we specify the file that will hold the sequence log. This is done using a static function. The class contains some private static member variables to maintain the current level of the call. At the beginning of a function an instance of this class is instantiated in the stack using the constructor, which takes as a parameter the text that should be logged. At the end of the function, this class instance will be out of scope so the destructor of the class will be called and the level will decrease.


The following is the header file of the SequenceTracer class:

// SequenceTracer.h


#include <fstream>  // for std::ofstream

class SequenceTracer  
    static void Start(const char * fileName); // Set the file name and start

    SequenceTracer(const char * text); // The only constructor

    virtual ~SequenceTracer();
    static int Stack[256]; // The stack maintaing sequence numbers

    static int Level; // The current level in the stack

    static std::ofstream * OutStream; // The always open output stream



And this is the implementation file for the class:

// SequenceTracer.cpp

#include "SequenceTracer.h"


int SequenceTracer::Level;
std::ofstream * SequenceTracer::OutStream;
int SequenceTracer::Stack[256];

void SequenceTracer::Start(const char *fileName)
    OutStream = new std::ofstream (fileName);

SequenceTracer::SequenceTracer(const char * text)
    if (!OutStream) // Outstream should be initialized


    for (int i = 0; i < Level; i++)
        *OutStream << '\t'; // Make indentation

    Stack[Level]++; // Increment the sequence number

    for (i = 0; i < Level, Stack[i] > 0; i++)
        *OutStream << Stack[i] << '.'; // Print the sequence number

    *OutStream << " "; // Add a space

    *OutStream << text << "\n"; // Write the text followed by newline

    Level++; // Increase the level


    Stack[Level] = 0; // Reset the sequence number

    Level--; // Decrease the level

    if (Level < 0) // If we are finished

        delete OutStream; // Write to the file and delete stream

        OutStream = 0; // Reset the stream pointer


Using the class

Using this class is very easy simply in three steps:

  1. Include the SequencTracer.h in CPP files in which you want to trace function sequence
  2. In an early point in the application (The application constructor for example) call the static function Start and give this function the name of the file to be created and will store all the sequence
  3. In the beginning of any function you would like to figure out the usage, instantiate an object of the class in the stack

After you run the application and the level is less than 0, you can see the contents of the sequence file. It will look like:

Sample image

I made an application specially to test the class. I made two helper macros to further simplify using the class:

#ifdef _DEBUG
#define SEQ_TRACE(txt) SequenceTracer unique_variable_name##__LINE__ (txt)
#define SEQ_START(fileName) SequenceTracer::Start(fileName)
#define  SEQ_TRACE(txt)
#define SEQ_START(fileName)
// Thanks to Michael Dunn for ##__LINE__


  • 16-8-2003: Article submitted, minor updates.


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