As you see, you can arbitrarily add DOC/View, and all the view can be resized.
Why I Write this class?
My company asked me to make a COM dialog supporting multi_Doc/View. Because this is a COM based dialog, I can't make it using this Single or Mulit_Doc Doc/View. I looked for a solution in The Code Project, Code Guru etc., but I couldn't find a suitable class and sample, so I did it myself.
What's this about?
This demo only implements the base function: you can add the Doc / view, resize the View by dragging the splitter. Here, using iterator, notice all the view changing size. This can be done better :-), and this method has some bug. For example, I can't proportionately scale the sub_split's view� I will fix it. :-)
What classes are part of this?
This class is like the Split, but not derived form the CSplitterWnd
View's base class, here all view resizing must derive form it.
How to using this class
Add this files into your project
Add some code in your project
#include <VECTOR>
#include "SplitterControl.h"
#include "DisplayView.h"
using namespace std;
class CMyDlgDlg: public CDialog
void UpdateRect(CSplitterControl *pSplitter);
CDisplayView *AddRootView(UINT docNum, UINT viewNum,CRect
rect,CSplitterControl *splitter);
void AddView(UINT docNum,UINT viewNum,UINT type,
CSplitterControl *splitter,
CView *pCurView);
CSplitterControl m_pSplit;
CCreateContext m_pContext;
Into the CMyDlgDlg's dialog designer
Copy the function implementation code from the demo project.
void CMyDlgDlg::AddView(UINT docNum, UINT viewNum,UINT type,
CSplitterControl *splitter,CView *pCurView)
CDisplayView *CMyDlgDlg::AddRootView(UINT docNum, UINT viewNum,
CRect rect,CSplitterControl *splitter)
void CMyDlgDlg::UpdateRect(CSplitterControl *pSplitter)
BOOL CMyDlgDlg::OnInitDialog()
CRect rc;
m_pSplit.Create(WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE,rc,this,IDC_STA_SPLIT);
m_pSplit.SetRange(300, 300, -1);
return TRUE;
In the SplitterControl.cpp, add the Dialog's head file
#include "MyDlg.h" /*The application class */
#include "MyDlgDlg.h" /*the dialog class */
I am Chinese and finish my school life last month, my English is very poor, so this article has some language error :-). I am a devoted reader of CodeProject, thanks everybody for helping me. Thanks CodeProject, thanks C++.