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Async/Await Explained with Diagrams and Examples

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15 Apr 2021CPOL29 min read 50.2K   98   15
Explains program flow when using await in various scenarios
In this article, we start out with some simple basic concepts and slowly work our way up to the more advanced concepts. The following discussion is primarily from a WPF point of view, though I do occasionally look at WinForms.


This documentation explains how Async/Await works. It can be a confusing subject. We'll start out with some simple basic concepts and slowly work our way up to the more advanced concepts. Hopefully, the visual diagrams will help those who are visual learners.

The following discussion is primarily from a WPF point of view, though I do occasionally look at WinForms.



We'll start out by defining some nomenclature.

Synchronous (Sync) Method

A synchronous (sync) method is a regular method which is not marked async and does not have an await in it. For example:

private void Foo()

Asynchronous (Async) Method

An asynchronous (async) method is a method which is marked async and has an await in it. For example:

private async Task FooAsync()
    await BarAsync();

Asynchronous method names often end with “…Async()”.

An async method should return a Task. The only place it is OK to have an async method return void is in an event handler, such as a button click event handler:

private async void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
    await FooAsync();

Synchronous Call

A synchronous call is a call which does not include an await. It may or may not return a value. For example:

    int x = Bar();

Asynchronous Call

An asynchronous call is a call in which await is used. It may or may not return a value. For example:

await BarAsync();


int x = await BarAsync();

Note the await does not ‘launch’ the call to BarAsync(); instead, the await determines what is done with the result of BarAsync(); which may be an incomplete Task or a completed Task.

An analogy would be the return in the following statement:

return Bar();

Here, we do not say the return ‘launches’ Bar(); instead, the return determines what is done with the result of Bar();

Sync Calling Sync

A Regular Call

a regular call

Foo() calls Bar(). Bar() runs and then returns to Foo().

A Regular Call to stream.Read()

a regular call to stream.Read()

Foo() calls stream.Read(). The thread waits until stream.Read() completes, and then continues.

Async awaiting Async

await stream.ReadAsync()

await stream.ReadAsync()

ButtonClick() calls await stream.ReadAsync(). Instead of waiting for the read to complete, the thread returns to the caller of ButtonClick(), allowing the thread to do other things.

Typically ButtonClick() is called from the UI thread's Message Loop (described below) and runs on the UI thread. By returning during the await, the UI thread is able to process other messages in the Message Queue and update the screen.

Later, when the stream.ReadAsync() completes, the rest of the ButtonClick() method runs on the UI thread (dark blue).

How we get the UI thread to run the rest of ButtonClick() after stream.ReadAsync() completes is a bit complicated and will be explained later.

Doing Two Things at Once with One Thread

In the above scenario, ButtonClick() calls await stream.ReadAsync(). Instead of waiting for the read to complete, the UI thread returns to the caller of ButtonClick(), allowing the UI thread to do other things.

At this point, it could be said we are doing two things simultaneously:

  1. We are waiting for the ReadAsync() call to complete
  2. The UI thread is processing messages in the Message Queue

It's a matter of sematics whether or not waiting actually counts as doing something (typically it does not count). We are indeed waiting, and we do have things set up so that when this wait completes the rest of the code after the await stream.ReadAsync() will execute; however, it is a passive wait, and we are not tying up the UI thread during this wait period. The UI thread is free to do other things while we also passively wait for the await stream.ReadAsync() to complete. Note there is still only one thread, the UI thread, and that thread is still doing all the work.

ButtonClick calling FooAsync calling stream.ReadAsync()

ButtonClick calling FooAsync calling stream.ReadAsync()

ButtonClick() calls await FooAsync(). FooAsync() calls await stream.ReadAsync(). Instead of waiting for the read to complete, an uncompleted Task is returned to the caller of FooAsync(). await FooAsync() sees the Task returned to it is incomplete, so it returns to its caller, which is the UI thread's Message Loop. This allows the UI thread to process other messages in the Message Queue and update the screen.

Later, when ReadAsync() completes, the rest of FooAsync() runs (dark blue). When FooAsync() reaches the end it returns a completed Task to await FooAsync() and the rest of ButtonClick() runs.

All of the action in this example happens on the UI thread. The UI thread is freed up while waiting for a read to complete. When the read is complete, the rest of FooAsync() runs on the UI thread, and when FooAsync() returns to ButtonClick() the rest of ButtonClick() runs on the UI thread. The details behind how this is achieved will be explained later below.

Sync calling Task.Run()

Sync → Task.Run() → Sync

Sync Task.Run() Sync

Foo() queues Bar() to run on a ThreadPool thread. Foo() continues executing without waiting for Bar() to complete. Bar() runs independently on a ThreadPool thread.

Sync → Task.Run() → Sync and Waiting

Sync → Task.Run() → Sync and waiting

  1. Task.Run() queues Bar() to run on a ThreadPool thread.
  2. Foo() waits for task t to complete.
    1. The thread running Foo() enters a wait state by setting its execution state to “WaitSleepJoin” (the blocked state), and yields the remainder of its processor time slice. (This frees the CPU to run other threads.) The thread consumes no processor time until its blocking condition is satisfied.
    2. Later, when Bar() completes, the thread running Foo() has its execution state set back to “Running,” and resumes running when the Thread Manager has a time slice available for it.

Performing a .Wait() on the UI thread is ill-advised as that can make the program unresponsive. We don’t want to be tying up the UI thread doing nothing. (Consider converting Foo() to an async method and using await Task.Run(()=>Bar()); instead.)

If instead Foo() is running on a ThreadPool thread, then performing a .Wait() is once again ill-advised, as now we are blocking a ThreadPool thread waiting for another ThreadPool thread to run Bar(). Why start another thread and then just wait for it to finish when you could be doing that work yourself?

This brings us to a general rule regarding waiting for Tasks to complete:

Avoid using Task.Wait and Task.Result

“There are very few ways to use Task.Result and Task.Wait correctly so the general advice is to completely avoid using them in your code.”
David Fowler, Partner Software Architect at Microsoft

Async awaiting Task.Run()

Async awaiting Task.Run() Launching Sync Method

Async awaiting Task.Run() launching Sync Method

  1. FooAsync() queues Bar() to run on a ThreadPool thread and returns to its caller. (If FooAsync() is running on the UI thread, the UI thread is not blocked, which is good.)
  2. Bar() runs (red).
  3. When Bar() completes, the task running Bar() completes. FooAsync() then continues using the same SynchronizationContext it started on (blue). This means if FooAsync() was running on the UI thread then FooAsync() continues on the UI thread; if FooAsync() was running on a ThreadPool thread, then FooAsync() continues using any ThreadPool thread.

Note FooAsync() is not awaiting on method Bar() to complete, FooAsync() is awaiting on the task running Bar() to complete.

Async awaiting Task.Run() Launching Async Method

Async awaiting Task.Run() launching Async method

  1. await Task.Run(async () => await BarAsync()) queues BarAsync() to run on a ThreadPool thread and returns to its caller. (If FooAsync() is running on the UI thread, the UI thread is not blocked, which is good.)
  2. BarAsync() runs (red).
  3. When BarAsync() comes to the await stream.ReadAsync(buffer) statement, instead of waiting for the read to complete, BarAsync() returns and the ThreadPool thread running BarAsync() is freed to run other tasks.
  4. When stream.ReadAsync(buffer) completes, the rest of BarAsync() runs on any available ThreadPool thread.
  5. When method BarAsync() completes, the task running BarAsync() completes, and the rest of FooAsync() continues using the same SynchronizationContext it started on (blue). This means if FooAsync() was running on the UI thread then FooAsync() continues on the UI thread; if FooAsync() was running on a ThreadPool thread, then the rest of FooAsync() continues using any ThreadPool thread.

Note FooAsync() is not awaiting on method BarAsync() to complete, FooAsync() is awaiting on the task running BarAsync() to complete.

Async calling Sync

Async calling Sync

In general, an asynchronous method can call a synchronous method. The asynchronous method just pretends for a moment that it's a synchronous method calling a synchronous method. For example, asynchronous code can call a simple synchronous function which multiples two numbers together and returns the result.

There are cases where using await to asynchronously call a synchronous method that returns a Task can get one into trouble. There are also cases where this is perfectly acceptable. It depends on details of the returned Task. This issue will be discussed further in a follow-up article on async/await.

Sync calling Async = ☠

The term “Sync over Async” refers to Synchronous code calling Asynchronous code. Synchronous code cannot await asynchronous code, therefore it’s difficult to know when the Asynchronous code has completed. Even worse, waiting for asynchronous code to complete can result in a deadlock in certain situations. This leads us to the general rule for synchronous code calling asynchronous code:

Sync over Async is bad. Don’t do it.

Below, we examine what perils can happen when we attempt to call Async code from Sync code.

Sync → Async

Sync calling Async

Non-async Foo() calls BarAsync(). When BarAsync() calls await stream.ReadAsync(buffer), it returns to Foo() which continues executing.

Later, after stream.ReadAsync(buffer) completes, the rest of BarAsync() runs (dark blue).

Note we cannot await the call to BarAsync() because Foo() is a synchronous method which does not support await. We have no way of knowing when or if the rest of BarAsync() runs. It may never run and we’d never know it.

Sync → Async → .Wait() ☠

Warning: Can lead to deadlock.

Sync calling Async and waiting

  1. ButtonClick() running on the UI thread calls BarAsync().
  2. BarAsync() calls await stream.ReadAsync(buffer), which at some point returns an incomplete task, which is stored as Task t in ButtonClick().
  3. ButtonClick() then calls t.Wait(). The UI Thread is now tied up waiting for task t to complete.
  4. Later, when ReadAsync completes, it queues the rest of BarAsync() to run on the UI thread. Unfortunately, ButtonClick() is tying up the UI thread waiting for BarAsync() to complete. This results in a deadlock: ButtonClick() is waiting for BarAsync(), and BarAsync() is waiting for ButtonClick(). Since ButtonClick() is blocking the UI thread, the entire program freezes and is unable to respond to keyboard keys or mouse clicks.

Note it’s possible that in some situations the code will not deadlock: if stream.ReadAsync() is replaced with Task.Delay(0) then the await will skip the time consuming “return an incomplete task to the caller” ordeal and just continue running. However, if that Task.Delay(0) is replaced with Task.Yield() then the code will always deadlock.

Let’s see what happens when we try to fix this by calling the async method with a Task.Run().

Sync → Task.Run() → Async

Sync calling Task.Run() calling Async

ButtonClick() running on the UI thread creates task t running BarAsync(). ButtonClick() then continues on its way, never further checking task t.

Separately, task t runs BarAsync() on a ThreadPool thread. (Tasks started with Task.Run() run on ThreadPool theads.) When BarAsync() comes to the await stream.ReadAsync(buffer) it returns freeing the ThreadPool thread so that thread can work on something else.

Later, when the ReadAsync(buffer) completes, the rest of BarAsync() runs on any available ThreadPool thread. The reason it can complete on any available ThreadPool thread is because philosophically, all ThreadPool threads are the same. (A more technical explanation would be because ThreadPool threads have no SynchronizationContext, so the ‘default’ SynchronizationContext is used, which translates to “Any ThreadPool thread.”)

We still have the problem of not knowing when our async task completes. Let’s see what happens now if we introduce a .Wait() to wait for the task to complete.

UI Thread → Task.Run() → Async → .Wait()

UI thread Task.Run() Async .Wait

Non-async ButtonClick() running on the UI thread uses Task.Run() to create task t running BarAsync(). ButtonClick() then calls t.Wait() and waits for task t to complete, blocking the UI thread.

Meanwhile, task t runs BarAsync() on a ThreadPool thread. (Tasks started with Task.Run() run on ThreadPool theads.) When BarAsync() comes to the await stream.ReadAsync(buffer), it returns freeing the ThreadPool thread to work on something else.

Later, when the ReadAsync(buffer) completes, the rest of BarAsync() runs on any available ThreadPool thread.

When method BarAsync completes, the task t running BarAsync completes, the t.Wait() completes, and the rest of ButtonClick continues to run on the UI thread.

Even though this won’t deadlock, it does tie up the UI thread with a .Wait(), making our program unresponsive to user input while we wait. It would be much better to convert ButtonClick() to an async method and await task t instead.

ThreadPool → Task.Run() → Async → .Wait ☠

ThreadPool Task.Run() Async .Wait deadlock

Assume Foo() is running on a ThreadPool thread. Foo() calls Task.Run() to create a task t running BarAsync(). Foo() then calls t.Wait() and waits for task t to complete, blocking the ThreadPool thread it’s running on.

Meanwhile, task t runs BarAsync() on another ThreadPool thread. (Tasks started with Task.Run() run on ThreadPool theads.) When BarAsync() comes to the await stream.ReadAsync(buffer), it returns freeing the ThreadPool thread to work on something else.

Later, when the ReadAsync(buffer) completes, the rest of BarAsync() runs on any available ThreadPool thread.

ThreadPool Starvation

The potential problem here is Foo() is blocking a ThreadPool thread, and we need another ThreadPool thread to complete BarAsync() after the await. It’s possible to conjure up a scenario where we launch multiple instances of Foo() tying up ThreadPool threads until there are no more ThreadPool threads left. All the ThreadPool threads are blocked waiting for yet another ThreadPool thread to finish running BarAsync().

At this point, the operating system sees the need for more ThreadPool threads, so it creates a new ThreadPool thread. This new ThreadPool thread might run the remainder of BarAsync(); or, it might run another instance of Foo(). Which method the new ThreadPool thread runs depends on the program details and how the ThreadPool queues are managed. If the new ThreadPool thread always runs the remainder of BarAsync() the system will start to recover; however, if the new ThreadPool thread instead always runs another instance of Foo(), then we are doomed: Foo() will block the new ThreadPool thread and we will be back to our ThreadPool starvation state, except the ThreadPool will have increased in size. The system may never recover, with the ThreadPool slowly increasing in size indefinitely, with all the ThreadPool threads blocked, each one forever waiting for just one more ThreadPool thread to come save it.

An example of this type of ThreadPool starvation is at this link.

Returning a Value

Sync Calling Sync Returning Value

int x = Bar();

Sync calling Sync returning value

Async Awaiting Async Returning Value

int x = await BarAsync();

Async awaiting Async returning value

This is the normal way of calling an async method:

  1. FooAsync() calls BarAsync()
  2. BarAsync() encounters the await Task.Delay(2000); and returns an incomplete task to FooAsync(), which returns the incomplete task to its caller.
  3. Later, BarAsync() completes and returns 7 to FooAsync() which stores the 7 in variable x.
  4. FooAsync() continues running now that it has a value for x.

Task.Run() Returning Value

Sync calling Task.Run() waiting on Sync method returning value

Foo() launches task, waits for task to complete, gets result from task.

Task<int> t = new Task<int>(Bar);
int x = t.Result;


Task<int> t = Task.Run( () => Bar() );
int x = t.Result;


Task<int> t = Task.Run( () => Bar() );
int x = t.Result;


int x = Task.Run( () => Bar() ).Result;

Async awaiting Task.Run() returning value

int x = await Task.Run on sync method returning value

int x = await Task.Run on non-async method returning value

This is a standard way of awaiting on time consuming synchronous code.

  1. FooAsync() queues Bar() to run on a ThreadPool thread and returns to its caller. (If FooAsync() is running on the UI thread, the UI thread is not blocked, which is good.)
  2. Bar() runs (red).
  3. When Bar() completes, the task running Bar() completes, and 7 is stored in variable x.
  4. FooAsync() then continues: If FooAsync() was running on the UI thread, then FooAsync() continues on the UI thread; if FooAsync() was running on a ThreadPool thread, then FooAsync() continues on any ThreadPool thread.
int x = await Task.Run on async method returning value

int x = await Task.Run on async method returning value

  1. int x = await Task.Run(async () => await BarAsync()) queues BarAsync() to run on a PoolThread thread and returns to its caller. (If FooAsync() is running on the UI thread, the UI thread is not blocked, which is good.)
  2. BarAsync() runs (red).
  3. When BarAsync() comes to the await stream.ReadAsync(buffer) statement, instead of waiting for the read to complete, BarAsync() returns and the ThreadPool thread running BarAsync() is freed to run other tasks.
  4. When stream.ReadAsync(buffer) completes, the rest of BarAsync() runs on any available ThreadPool thread.
  5. When method BarAsync() completes, the task running BarAsync() completes, and 7 is stored in variable x.
  6. FooAsync() then continues: If FooAsync() was running on the UI thread then FooAsync() continues on the UI thread; if FooAsync() was running on a ThreadPool thread, then FooAsync() continues on any available ThreadPool thread.

In this case, one may consider removing the Task.Run part and just using int x = await BarAsync();

await BarAsync() vs. await Task.Run(async () => await BarAsync())

await BarAsync()

Runs BarAsync() directly. If BarAsync() takes some time and does not await on time consuming code (e.g., perhaps it’s doing some CPU intensive calculation, so it can’t await that because it’s not waiting, it’s working), then the caller must wait while BarAsync() does it’s time consuming work.

await Task.Run(async ()=> await BarAsync())

Here, we are awaiting on the Task which is running BarAsync. This frees the caller to do other things while it awaits for the Task to complete. The task runs on a background ThreadPool thread.

Sync Calling Async Returning Value

Can’t be done because BarAsync() returns a Task<int>, not an int.

private async Task<int> BarAsync()
    await Task.Delay(2000);
    return 7;

<s>int x = BarAsync();</s>  "Cannot implicitly convert Task<int> to int."

The caller needs to be an async method.

Sync Calling Task.Run() Launching Async Task and Waiting for Return Value

Can lead to Deadlock! (See Threadpool Starvation)

Don’t .Wait() on an async task. Instead, use await for an async task (or remove the Task.Run() and just await the method).

Async Calling Sync Returning Value

int x = Bar();

Async calling non-async returning value

This is generally OK as long as Bar() does not return a Task which we later wait on to complete. Sometimes, that's OK and sometimes that can lead to trouble. The details of that case will be discussed in a separate follow-up article on async/await.

Passing Parameters

int x = await Task.Run(() => Bar(a, b, c));
int x = await Task.Run(async () => await BarAsync(a, b, c));

One could also do:

int x = Task.Run(() => Bar(a, b, c)).Result;

though in this case one could just omit the Task.Run and do:

int x = Bar(a, b, c);

Don’t wait on an async method or task.

Don’t do:

int x = Task.Run(async () => await BarAsync(a, b, c)).Result;

as that can lead to a threadpool starvation deadlock. (See ThreadPool Starvation.)

Completing on Any Thread

Completing on Any Thread

Adding .ConfigureAwait(false) allows the continuation after the await to run on any available thread (dark red). Typically, this will be a ThreadPool thread. This is convenient when we know the rest of ButtonClick() doesn’t need to be run on the UI thread.

Two Threads Not Doing Two Things at Once

In the above example, we have an instance of two threads running due to the .ConfigureAwait(false) which allows the remainder of ButtonClick() to run on a background ThreadPool thread, while the UI thread which started running ButtonClick() is free to do other things. Yet we are not doing two things at once, because even though the rest of ButtonClick() runs on a different thread, it still does not run until after the call to ReadAsync(buffer) completes. We're never doing two things at once, even though we're using two threads.

Async Calling Async Completing on Any Thread

Async Calling Async Completing on Any Thread

  1. ButtonClick() starts on the UI thread.
  2. ButtonClick() calls await FooAsync().
  3. FooAsync() calls await stream.ReadAsync().
  4. stream.ReadAsync() returns an incomplete task to ButtonClick(), which in turn returns to its caller (the message loop).
  5. When stream.ReadAsync() completes, the rest of FooAsync() runs on any available thread, likely a ThreadPool thread due to the .ConfigureAwait(false); (which is just a shorter way of saying .ConfigureAwait(continueOnCapturedContext:false);).
  6. FooAsync() completes and returns to ButtonClick().
  7. The rest of ButtonClick() runs on the UI thread (because the call to FooAsync() does not have .ConfigureAwait(false); appended).

Using CancellationToken with Task.Run()

Since I have numerous examples of using Task.Run(), I should include an example of using a CancellationToken with Task.Run() which is always a good idea.

From Microsoft documentation:

“When the owning object calls CancellationTokenSource.Cancel(), the IsCancellationRequested property on every copy of the cancellation token is set to true.”
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Windows;

CancellationTokenSource cts;
Task<int> task;

private async void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
    this.cts = new CancellationTokenSource();
    this.task = Task.Run(() => SomeTask(cts.Token), cts.Token);
    int x = await this.task;
    this.task = null;

private async Task<int> SomeTask(CancellationToken ct)
    for(int i=0; i < 20; ++i)
        await Task.Delay(500);
    return 5;

Note how the cancellation token is passed twice to Task.Run().

  1. It’s passed as a parameter to SomeTask(cts.Token)
    Passing the cancellation token to SomeTask() allows SomeTask() to periodically check the state of the Token to see if it’s been set to the “Cancel” state so it can abort the procedure if it has.
  2. It’s passed as the 2nd parameter to Task.Run(…, cts.Token);
    Passing the cancellation token as the 2nd parameter to Task.Run() allows Task.Run() to skip running SomeTask() if the Cancellation Token is already set to “Cancel” when Task.Run() is called.

Note that Microsoft developer Stephen Toub feels Tasks do not need to be disposed of so the above code which disposes of the Task may be overkill. See:

Getting Back to the UI Thread

In order to understand how await gets back to the UI thread when it needs to, we need to explain the concepts of the Message Queue, the Message Loop, and what a SynchronizationContext is.

The Message Queue

Windows programs that have a GUI (Graphical User Interface) have an individual message queue for each thread that has created a window. Usually, only the initial thread creates windows and maintains the message queue for the program. This thread is known as the “UI Thread” (User Interface thread) or GUI Thread (Graphical User Interface thread). (They’re the same thing.)

Events, such as button clicks or keyboard keys, get placed into this message queue.

Here is a visual diagram of a message queue. This is known as a “First In First Out” (FIFO) queue. Messages are retrieved in the order they go in. Imagine that each blue rectangle is a ‘message’, such as a Button Click event message, or a “Keyboard Key was Pressed Down” message.

Message Queue

Events which may be placed in the message queue include:


(Search for file WinUser.h to see the full list of WM_* messages.)

The Windows operating system is responsible for sending event messages to the message queue. It determines which window on the desktop has focus, and sends the messages to the message queue associated with the thread that created that window.

More on Messages and Message Queues can be found here:

Posting a Message

Enqueueing a message to the message queue is known as “Posting” the message.

A message is added to the message queue by calling the operating system’s PostMessage() library routine.

The Message Loop

The UI thread runs code known as the message loop (also known as a message pump). This is the code which removes messages from the message queue and processes them. The code is an endless loop which runs for the duration of the program and looks something like this:

    if (!GetMessage(ref msg, IntPtr.Zero, 0, 0))

    TranslateAndDispatchMessage(ref msg);

If there is no message in the message queue, GetMessage() blocks; that is, GetMessage() waits until there is a message to return and then returns the message.

This endless loop doesn't exit until the program is requested to terminate.

PowerPoint Presentation on Windows and Messages:

Caveat: The WM_TIMER Message

WM_TIMER messages are handled in a special way that is not "First In First Out" (FIFO). The SetTimer system function sets up a system timer with a counter containing the appropriate number of “ticks” until the timer expires. On every hardware timer tick, Windows decrements the counter of the timer. When the counter reaches 0, Windows sets a timer expired flag in the appropriate application’s message queue header. When the message loop calls GetMessage, if the message queue is empty, it then checks the timer expired flag, and if it is set, the function will return a WM_TIMER message and reset the flag. This means a WM_TIMER message may be delayed if the CPU is busy and there is a delay in emptying the message queue. It also means multiple WM_TIMER messages can't "pile up." Multiple timers may expire, setting the timer expired flag multiple times, yet only one WM_TIMER message will be generated before resetting the flag. It's also possible GetMessage could return a WM_TIMER message just before another time period expires, and, subsequently, return a second WM_TIMER message almost immediately after the first.

The Message Loop in WPF

Every WPF program has a Main() entry point which one can view by looking under App.xaml in Visual Studio's Solution Explorer and selecting Main():

Main App.Run() is message loop

The code may be explicit, or in this case, it's implicit, auto-generated (hence the 'g' in the file name App.g.i.cs).

The UI thread is the thread which runs this Main() method. Main() creates an instance of class App which in turn specifies window MainWindow is to be created.

Startup URI embedded in App.xaml

Method Main() then calls app.InitializeComponent(); and lastly calls app.Run(); This is where the message loop is. Method Main() does not return until the program exists. It spends its life as the UI thread running the message loop.

Class App inherits from System.Windows.Application. The code for System.Windows.Application can be viewed at this link.

Find the Run() method there and trace it to the message loop.

RunRunInternalRunDispatcherDispatcher.Run()PushFramedispatcher.PushFramemessage loop

Getting Back to the UI Thread


In WinForms, a background thread can launch code to be run on the UI thread by using:


where delegate is the code we want to execute on the UI thread. This posts the delegate to the message queue of the thread that created the control (typically the UI thread).


In WPF, a background thread can launch code to be run on the UI thread by using:


where delegate is the code we want to execute on the UI thread. The delegate is posted to the Dispatcher where it eventually gets run. (A Dispatcher is the combination of a thread and a message queue. Typically, the thread is the UI thread for the program.)


This is how we determine if we are on the UI thread or not.

A SynchronizationContext allows the code to get back to the UI thread if we were running on the UI thread when we entered the await.

In WPF, there are two versions of SynchronzationContext:

  • SynchronizationContext has a method Post() that queues methods to run on a ThreadPool thread. (This base class is actually not used. It's probably leftover from an earlier design iteration.)
  • DispatcherSynchronizationContext inherits from SynchronizationContext and overrides Post() with a method that queues methods to run on the UI thread.

To obtain a SynchronizationContext, one calls SynchronizationContext.Current. For example:

SynchronizationContext sc = SynchronizationContext.Current;

If we are currently on the UI thread, then for WPF projects, this returns an instance of DispatcherSynchronizationContext. (Similarly, for WinForms projects this returns an instance of WindowsFormsSynchronizationContext which also inherits from SynchronizationContext.) On the other hand, if we are on a ThreadPool thread, then SynchronizationContext.Current returns null.

The code for DispatcherSynchronizationContext can be seen at this link.

The Post() method for DispatcherSynchronizationContext is:

public override void Post(SendOrPostCallback d, Object state)
    _dispatcher.BeginInvoke(_priority, d, state);

The constructor of DispatcherSynchronizationContext sets _dispatcher = Dispatcher.CurrentDispatcher

How Await Works

Now that we've discussed how the UI thread handles the message queue and message loop, and how a SynchronizationContext gets us back to the UI thread, we can now answer the question of how await works.

When we enter an await, if we're on the UI thread, then we want to later resume on the UI thread after the await. On the other hand, if we're on a ThreadPool thread when we enter the await, then we want to resume on a ThreadPool thread after the await.

Now consider the following code:

private async void ButtonClick()
    await stream.ReadAsyc(this.buffer);

Here, ButtonClick() is called from the UI thread. The method first calls ReadAsync() to fetch some data into this.buffer. This read takes a long time, so ReadAsync() returns an incomplete Task to await which in turn returns to the caller of ButtonClick(), which is the message loop. This frees up the UI thread to process other messages in the message loop.

Later, after the ReadAsync() completes, we want to resume running the rest of ButtonClick() on the UI thread.

To accomplish this, when the compiler encounters the await keyword, it generates code before the call to stream.ReadAsync(this.buffer) which captures the SynchronizationContext. The code looks something like this:

SynchronizationContext sc = SynchronizationContext.Current;

At runtime, if we're on the UI thread, then sc becomes an instance of DispatcherSynchronizationContext (which inherits from SynchronizationContext so it is a SynchronizationContext); otherwise, if we're on a ThreadPool thread then sc gets set to null.

After the await, the compiler generates code that looks something like this:

if (sc == null)
    sc.Post(delegate { RestOfMethod(); }, null);

This can be interpreted as, "If we don't have a SynchronizationContext, then just run the rest of the code using whatever thread we happen to be on; otherwise, use the SynchronizationContext to get us back to the UI thread."

How the Rest of Await Works

There's still a bit more about the await keyword which I have not explained here. When the compiler encounters the await keyword, it creates a state machine to handle all the details of breaking up the code into sections: the section before the await, and the section after the await. This gets a bit messy, as one can imagine, and I am quite happy to let the compiler handle those details. There are many excellent articles on the internet which explain the details behind this state machine if the reader is interested.

Async, Method Signatures, and Interfaces

(From the book Async in C# 5.0 by Alex Davies)

The async keyword appears in the declaration of a method, just like the public or static keywords do. Despite that, async is not part of the signature of the method, in terms of overriding other methods, implementing interfaces, or being called.

The only effect that the async keyword has is on the compilation of the method to which it is applied, unlike the other keywords that are applied to a method, which change how it interacts with the outside world. Because of this, the rules around overriding methods and implementing interfaces completely ignore the async keyword.

class BaseClass
    public virtual async Task<int> AlexsMethod()

class SubClass : BaseClass
    // This overrides AlexsMethod above
    public override Task<int> AlexsMethod()

Interfaces can’t use async in a method declaration, simply because there is no need. If an interface requires that a method returns Task, the implementation may choose to use async, but whether it does or not is a choice for the implementing method. The interface doesn’t need to specify whether to use async or not.

The one issue with a method returning a Task is sometimes the method expects that Task to be waited on via a synchronous task.Wait();, while other times the method expects the Task to be waited on via an asynchronous await task;. Using the wrong type of wait on the task can lead to deadlocks and other problems. This will be discussed further in a separate follow-up article.

Proper Use of Async/Await

Don't block on async code. (See:

A method with Async in its name should have await in front of it when called.

An async method eventually needs to call an async I/O routine.

Starting with the .NET Framework 4.5, the I/O types include async methods to simplify asynchronous operations. An async method contains Async in its name, such as ReadAsync(), WriteAsync(), CopyToAsync(), FlushAsync(), ReadLineAsync(), and ReadToEndAsync(). These async methods are implemented on stream classes, such as Stream, FileStream, and MemoryStream, and on classes that are used for reading from or writing to streams, such TextReader and TextWriter.

Efforts to be async amount to nothing unless the entire callstack is async. (Async methods all the way, starting with the async button click event handler, going all the way down to the async I/O system call.)

If there are no natively async methods in the code, there is no reason to convert anything to async, you’ll just end up with “async over sync” or “sync over async” somewhere in the code. That is, somewhere an async method will call a sync method, or a sync method will call an async method.

Also, don't mix List<T>.ForEach() with async methods (or indeed Parallel.ForEach which has exactly the same problem). See: C# Async Antipatterns: Antipattern #5: Mixing ForEach with async methods, at:

Converting Code to Async

  1. Identify a native I/O call that can be changed to an Async I/O call. For example, Read()ReadAsync().
  2. Convert the native I/O call to an Async I/O call. [e.g. convert Read()ReadAsync().] Designate the method as an async method.
  3. All methods calling this async method now need to be converted to async methods. (The compiler is your friend. Let it tell you what needs fixing.)
  4. Repeat that last step until there are no more methods that need converting to async methods. All methods up the call chain will be converted to async methods until reaching an event handler, such as a button click event handler.

Don’t leave a synchronous method calling an asynchronous method. (Sync over async.)

Fixing Code that Already has Async Sprinkled In Various Places

Do the async methods eventually call a native async I/O method, such as ReadAsync or WriteAsync? Are the async methods called by async methods all the way up the call chain to an event handler? Is there any instance of a synchronous method calling an asynchronous method ("Sync over Async")? If there is, can the sync methods be changed to async methods up the call chain? Or, perhaps the async methods aren't neccessary and can be converted to synchronous methods?



  • 9th April, 2021: Initial version
  • 15th April, 2021: corrected "the rest of FooAsync runs" → "the rest of ButtonClick runs"


This article, along with any associated source code and files, is licensed under The Code Project Open License (CPOL)

Written By
Software Developer (Senior)
United States United States
1987 M.S., Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of California, Santa Barbara
1985 B.S., Mechanical and Environmental Engineering, University of California, Santa Barbara

Comments and Discussions

PraiseMost detailed and precise work. Thanks! (that break is bothering me, though...) Pin
gdemirev16-Jan-23 18:05
gdemirev16-Jan-23 18:05 
Thank you for the super detailed explanation. It answered questions that I didn't even think of yet.

Perhaps in the following sample code fragment, the break; statement should be replaced with continue;, since break takes you out of the loop?
    if (!GetMessage(ref msg, IntPtr.Zero, 0, 0))

    TranslateAndDispatchMessage(ref msg);

GeneralRe: Most detailed and precise work. Thanks! (that break is bothering me, though...) Pin
David Deley6-May-23 8:50
David Deley6-May-23 8:50 
GeneralMy vote of 5 Pin
sbarnes13-Oct-21 22:39
sbarnes13-Oct-21 22:39 
QuestionReally good, but would like info on closing the Form Pin
Louis van Alphen20-Apr-21 10:02
Louis van Alphen20-Apr-21 10:02 
AnswerRe: Really good, but would like info on closing the Form Pin
David Deley6-May-23 10:59
David Deley6-May-23 10:59 
PraiseEXCELLENT explanation and examples ! Thank you ! Pin
Panikos Frangoudes19-Apr-21 5:32
Panikos Frangoudes19-Apr-21 5:32 
PraiseThe best explanation I've found! Pin
Martin Hart Turner19-Apr-21 2:00
Martin Hart Turner19-Apr-21 2:00 
QuestionWhat best Async/Await choice keeping UI alive in case of computing bottleneck Pin
wim4you14-Apr-21 0:15
wim4you14-Apr-21 0:15 
AnswerRe: What best Async/Await choice keeping UI alive in case of computing bottleneck Pin
David Deley15-Apr-21 18:45
David Deley15-Apr-21 18:45 
GeneralRe: What best Async/Await choice keeping UI alive in case of computing bottleneck Pin
wim4you16-Apr-21 7:09
wim4you16-Apr-21 7:09 
QuestionExcellent! Pin
Member 1060974612-Apr-21 10:05
professionalMember 1060974612-Apr-21 10:05 
QuestionAbsolutely fantastic Pin
Marc Clifton12-Apr-21 8:04
mvaMarc Clifton12-Apr-21 8:04 
QuestionJust a question of understanding Pin
Ralph Lechterbeck12-Apr-21 0:26
Ralph Lechterbeck12-Apr-21 0:26 
AnswerRe: Just a question of understanding Pin
David Deley15-Apr-21 18:08
David Deley15-Apr-21 18:08 
GeneralMy vote of 5 Pin
Сергій Ярошко10-Apr-21 19:05
professionalСергій Ярошко10-Apr-21 19:05 

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