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Taking Intelligent Apps to the Next Level: Implementing Advanced Features with Azure Machine Learning: Part 2

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25 Oct 2023CPOL10 min read 4.1K  
In this four-part series, you’ll learn how to create an Intelligent App with Azure Container Apps. In this fourth and final part, you’ll explore how to integrate a custom model into your Intelligent Apps, enhancing the application’s features with specialized AI.

Image 1

In the first and second articles of this four-part series, we explored the process of constructing an Intelligent App using Azure Container Apps that incorporated Azure AI to perform sentiment analysis on user feedback. In the third article, we trained a custom AI model using targeted data.

In this fourth and final tutorial, we’ll incorporate these custom models, trained within Azure Machine Learning (ML), into the Intelligent App we created. We’ll deploy and leverage an endpoint to make the most of this integration. Your application users will benefit from quickly determining a record’s sentiment, enabling them to take prompt action.


To follow this tutorial, we need:

For a peek at the final application, check out the complete project code.

Let’s dive in.

Preparing to Test and Validate the Enhanced Intelligent App

Setting up the Endpoint Environment

To use our model with our application, we first need to register it for use with a managed endpoint. To do so, click on the Models menu item to view a list of models in your environment.

If you didn’t train your model or prefer a pre-built one, unzip the example model file into its own directory and select From local files. Ensure the model type is MLflow, which matches the type of model we trained.

Upload all these files from the unzipped folder. Your folder should be simple and without spaces, as you’ll need to reference this in the code later. Pick a name and version for your model and register it.

Upload model phase of the Register model from local files screen. Model type is set to MLflow and there is a Browse button to select the folder. 6 files from this folder are displayed.

For certain models, you can use the built-in endpoint creation process. However, as of writing this article, our model requires some customization for both the endpoint and environment before launching.

First, let’s build a custom environment using a minimal endpoint container. Go to Environments in the left menu. You’ll find two options for the environment type: curated and custom. In this tutorial, we’re turning a curated image into a custom one, so click the curated tab. Find the minimal inference server image. At the time of this writing, it was called minimal-ubuntu20.04-py38-cpu-inference, but the version may have changed. It’s a minimal Docker image that supports ML endpoints for some pipelines.

Click on the image’s Context tab to get its Dockerfile and Conda dependencies file. Download these configuration files using the Download Content option. This will download a .zip archive with these files, so unzip them and place them in their own directory for customization.

The image Context tab with the Dockerfile selected and a preview of the file.

Return to the custom tab in the environments screen and hit Create to make a new custom environment. Give this environment a name. For “Select environment source,” choose Upload existing docker context and select the minimal server folder you downloaded previously.

Click on Next. Azure ML will allow you to modify the environment. To add dependencies, update the list under line 8. Here’s what the configuration file should look like:

name: minimal
- anaconda
- conda-forge
- python=3.8.13
- pip=22.1.2
- pip:
  - torch
  - pandas==1.1.5
  - psutil>=5.2.2,<6.0.0
  - mlflow-skinny
  - inference-schema
  - azureml-defaults~=1.51.0
  - azureml.automl.dnn.nlp

The Create environment page on the Customize tab shows the conda_dependencies.yaml file selected and being actively edited.

Because this is a YAML file, we’ll need to ensure that the tabs on each line item are correct. This updated configuration file adds essential Python data science libraries for our model, including:

  • mlflow-skinny, a “runtime” version of the MLFlow machine learning library
  • inference-schema, which drives inputs and outputs to our inference server
  • azureml-defaults, which includes some default code and libraries to run AzureML libraries
  • azureml.automl.dnn.nlp, which we use to train our model

Making an Endpoint

With our environment set up, we can now create an endpoint for our application. Open the Endpoints menu, then hit Create for a new one. In the first window, choose the model you registered previously and click Select. Then, click More options to configure the endpoint. Give your endpoint a name, leave managed selected, and ensure your model is selected in the next window.

The deployment screen lets you tweak live probes, score timeouts, and change other configurations. But for now, let’s stick with the defaults.

The endpoint selection for the deployment screen. The New radio button is selected and the Endpoint name is set to userreviewsentimentendpoint. The compute type is set to Managed.

Next, we can customize our environment and scoring script. Select the toggle that enables you to customize, pick the environment that you created, and add a scoring script — custom code that runs when you send data to the endpoint.

Create a new script named and paste this code:

from cmath import log
import logging
import os
import json
import mlflow
from io import StringIO
from mlflow.pyfunc.scoring_server import infer_and_parse_json_input, predictions_to_json

def init():
    global model
    global input_schema
    model_path = os.getenv("AZUREML_MODEL_DIR") + "/ReviewSentiment"
    model = mlflow.pyfunc.load_model(model_path)
    input_schema = model.metadata.get_input_schema()

def run(raw_data):
    json_data = json.loads(raw_data)   
    if "review" not in json_data.keys():
        raise Exception("Request must contain a top level key named 'review'")
    serving_input = { "inputs": json_data["review"] }
    data = infer_and_parse_json_input(serving_input, input_schema)
    predictions = model.predict(data)
    return predictions

This code has two functions: init, which loads and prepares the model, and run, which uses our data input against the model.

In the init function, we use the environment variable "AZUREML_MODEL_DIR" to reference where Azure ML stores our model files. You should also see an additional folder after this variable — this is the base folder that stores our model file when we upload or retrieve a model job.

Next, we load the model using the load_model function in the mlflow library and the input schema, which enables input validation. This preloads all the components for our endpoint so that when a client requests an analysis, we don’t need to wait for items to start up.

Now, look at the run function. It takes in raw data as a JSON object, loads it into a variable called json_data, and checks if the JSON data contains a review key, which allows you to do a basic review of your input.

Next, we need to format our input according to the mlflow model’s requirements. In this case, we’re expecting the API to accept an object formatted as follows:

{ "inputs": <JSON-Object> }.

We send this input to the model for predictions using the infer_and_parse_json_input method.

With the scoring script ready and our environment selected, it’s time to select Compute to run our endpoint container. In this demonstration, we use a memory-optimized compute instance so that the endpoint has enough space to load and use the model. Depending on the model, you might need different compute sizes, especially if you’re not using a pre-trained model. If you encounter resource errors during deployment, adjust the size as required.

We can also define the traffic sent to this deployment. Azure ML sets up a load balancer for managed endpoints with multiple deployments, often for tasks like A/B testing or rolling out new model versions.

The Compute configuration shows the Virtual machine set to Standard_D2as_v4 and Instance count set to 1.

Once you set the configurations, click Create to start the deployment. This takes around five to ten minutes while Azure ML assembles the resources and environment.

Testing Payloads

With the endpoint deployed, we can test the payloads our model can score. As referenced in our code, we need to ensure this input is in a key/value pair called review, and the input type is expected to be an array.

Let’s try a simple example. Open the endpoint, click Test, and enter the following code in the Input data to test endpoint box:

    "review": ["This Product was so awesome"]

After running this test, you should receive a JSON object with a predictions key containing an array with a single value of True, signifying the positive review we just left.

The Test tab displays the input data and test result of reviewsentiment-9.

Although our endpoint is for real-time usage, we can still batch requests by specifying them in the input array. But if real-time performance isn’t crucial, we can gather reviews at set intervals, like every 15 minutes, and make this an asynchronous workflow.

To demonstrate, let’s try a larger payload. Enter the following test data:

    "review": [
        "This Product was so awesome",
        "I really did like this product",
        "I'm a little bit disappointed by this item"

This time, the endpoint will take a little bit longer to respond, but the array should contain two positives (True) and one negative (False).

You can observe these predictions in action by checking your deployment logs.

The same tab shows the test results for a 3-line payload as true-true-false.

Accessing the Machine Learning Endpoint from Your App

With our model trained and endpoint ready, we can now call the endpoint from our existing application. First, add a new field to your database to store the new model predictions. Open the project in Visual Studio and add the following line to your Review.cs file in the Models directory:

public string CustomSentiment { get; set; }

Next, in the developer PowerShell terminal window, run these commands from your project folder to update your database:

dotnet ef migrations add NewReviewField
dotnet ef database update

PowerShell displays the databases being successfully updated.

With this new field in place, update your Review Index.cshtml page by adding the CustomSentinent value, which lists our reviews when we go to the URL /reviews:

    @Html.DisplayFor(modelItem => item.CustomSentiment)

Now, let’s incorporate the endpoint’s boilerplate code into our application to process a review.

Return to the Azure ML Studio, open Endpoints from the left menu, click on your deployed endpoint, and select Consume. You’ll see code snippets for Python, C#, and R. Copy everything from the InvokeRequestResponseService method and switch back to your application. Paste the code into the Create method in the Review controller, right after retrieving the sentiment from the Azure AI services API .

The endpoint's Consume tab displays the deployment name, REST endpoint info, redacted authentication keys, and consumption options for Python, C#, and R.

Now, trim the code to look like this:

var handler = new HttpClientHandler()
    ClientCertificateOptions = ClientCertificateOption.Manual,
    ServerCertificateCustomValidationCallback =
            (httpRequestMessage, cert, cetChain, policyErrors) => { return true; }
using (var client = new HttpClient(handler))
    var reviewModel = new AIModel();;
    var requestBody = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(reviewModel);

    const string apiKey = "endpoint-key";
    client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Authorization = 
           new AuthenticationHeaderValue("Bearer", apiKey);
    client.BaseAddress = 
    new Uri("");

    var content = new StringContent(requestBody);
    content.Headers.ContentType = new MediaTypeHeaderValue("application/json");

    HttpResponseMessage response = await client.PostAsync("", content);

    if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
        string result = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
        var data = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<List<string>>(result);

        review.CustomSentiment = data.First();

With these modifications and cleanup in the boilerplate code, this block now:

  • Populates a new class, AIModel, with our review text
  • Creates a standard .NET HTTP client
  • Sends the review information to the endpoint
  • Waits for the array of values and passes on to be written to the database

Now, to ensure the model receives the same types of values the API expects (an array of strings), we need to create the AIModel class as follows:

public class AIModel
   public List<string> review { get; set; }

   public AIModel()
        review = new List<string>();

This will send an array of JSON-converted review strings to the model.

Testing and Validating the Enhanced Intelligent App

Finally, let’s build and run our application to test the result. When the web page opens, navigate to /Reviews/Create and enter a sample review to have the application generate a response from both Azure AI services and our Custom AI endpoint. Pick a category and enter the text “This product is awesome.”

The Review creation screen running locally with text reading "This product is awesome" and a Create button underneath.

Click Create. The process will take a little longer this time as we’re calling both the Azure AI services API and our Custom AI API. But once the process completes and you return to the Reviews screen, you’ll see both the Azure AI Analysis and the custom sentiment marked as positive (True).

Image 12

Comparing the results for our tutorial example, you might notice a negligible difference between the Azure AI model and our custom one. This could be due to various reasons.

  • The phrase we used was pretty generic and didn’t supply much detail.
  • The data we used to train the model is pretty broad, similar to Azure AI.
  • The data is open source and may have also been used to train the Azure AI model.

However, for our demonstration, we’re expecting longer reviews that are more specific. So, let’s try a review that resembles real-life feedback: “This would have been a good product, but there were some issues related to the battery life. Delivery times were quick though, and the price was reasonable.”

Detailed review text and sentiment analysis for two Apple Laptop reviews.

This time, our custom model shows a sentiment of true, whereas Azure AI categorizes it as mixed. Thanks to the training data we used, our model makes a clearer decision regarding the review’s sentiment.

Let’s try another one: “The price was cheap and it did the job, but I should have bought the bigger model.”

Detailed review text and sentiment analysis for two Apple Laptop reviews.

Now, Azure AI analyzes this review as generally neutral, while our AI service analyzes it as negative. Both Azure AI and our custom-trained model offer excellent sentiment analysis for text. However, custom models can also provide specialized analysis or additional features based on data collected over time.

If your applications have broader features and data, you can construct more complex models that analyze multi-columnar data or make decisions based on historical actions, further integrating AI into your workflows.


In this article, we expanded our application by incorporating a custom AI model. We also compared our custom-built model to Azure AI.

While off-the-shelf solutions offer general utility, the power to customize models allows for fine-tuning to specific tasks. For instance, you can use this knowledge to create a bespoke recommendation system for a niche e-commerce platform, catering to subtle buying patterns that traditional models might overlook. With the capacity to train tailored models, you’re ready to venture beyond generalized solutions and unlock AI’s true potential for specialized applications.

Take a look at Azure Machine Learning to integrate more advanced AI features and take your Intelligent Applications to the next level.


This article, along with any associated source code and files, is licensed under The Code Project Open License (CPOL)