This article provides a simple class which can read and write MP3 ID3v1 tags.
The code
The code itself is very easy to understand, here it is:
Imports System.IO
Public Class MP3ID3v1
Public Sub New(Optional ByVal Filename As String = "")
If (Filename <> "") Then Me.Filename = Filename
End Sub
Public Enum Genres As Byte
Blues = 0
ClassicRock = 1
Country = 2
Dance = 3
Disco = 4
Funk = 5
Grunge = 6
HipHop = 7
Jazz = 8
Metal = 9
NewAge = 10
Oldies = 11
Other = 12
Pop = 13
RnB = 14
Rap = 15
Reggae = 16
Rock = 17
Techno = 18
Industrial = 19
Alternative = 20
Ska = 21
DeathMetal = 22
Pranks = 23
Soundtrack = 24
EuroTechno = 25
Ambient = 26
TripHop = 27
Vocal = 28
JazzFunk = 29
Fusion = 30
Trance = 31
Classical = 32
Instrumental = 33
Acid = 34
House = 35
Game = 36
SoundClip = 37
Gospel = 38
Noise = 39
AlternRock = 40
Bass = 41
Soul = 42
Punk = 43
Space = 44
Meditative = 45
InstrumentalPop = 46
InstrumentalRock = 47
Ethnic = 48
Gothic = 49
Darkwave = 50
TechnoIndustrial = 51
Electronic = 52
PopFolk = 53
Eurodance = 54
Dream = 55
SouthernRock = 56
Comedy = 57
Cult = 58
Gangsta = 59
Top40 = 60
ChristianRap = 61
PopFunk = 62
Jungle = 63
NativeAmerican = 64
Cabaret = 65
NewWave = 66
Psychadelic = 67
Rave = 68
Showtunes = 69
Trailer = 70
LoFi = 71
Tribal = 72
AcidPunk = 73
AcidJazz = 74
Polka = 75
Retro = 76
Musical = 77
RocknRoll = 78
HardRock = 79
None = 255
End Enum
Public Enum FrameTypes As Byte
Title = 0
Artist = 1
Album = 2
Year = 3
Track = 4
Comment = 5
Genre = 6
End Enum
Private mstrFilename As String
Public Property Filename() As String
Return mstrFilename
End Get
Set(ByVal Value As String)
Dim objFile As File
If (objFile.Exists(Value)) Then
mstrFilename = Value
Throw New System.IO.FileLoadException( _
"The specified file does not exist", Value)
End If
End Set
End Property
Private mblnTagExists As Boolean
Public ReadOnly Property TagExists() As Boolean
Return mblnTagExists
End Get
End Property
Private mobjFrame(7) As Object
Public Property Frame(ByVal FrameType As FrameTypes)
Return mobjFrame(FrameType)
End Get
Set(ByVal Value)
mobjFrame(FrameType) = Value
End Set
End Property
Public Sub Refresh()
Dim strTag As New String(" ", 3)
Dim strTitle As New String(" ", 30)
Dim strArtist As New String(" ", 30)
Dim strAlbum As New String(" ", 30)
Dim strYear As New String(" ", 4)
Dim strComment As New String(" ", 28)
Dim bytDummy As Byte
Dim bytTrack As Byte
Dim bytGenre As Byte
Dim intFile As Integer = FreeFile()
FileOpen(intFile, mstrFilename, OpenMode.Binary, _
OpenAccess.Read, OpenShare.LockWrite)
Dim lngLOF As Long = LOF(intFile)
If (lngLOF > 128) Then
FileGet(intFile, strTag, lngLOF - 127, True)
If (strTag.ToUpper <> "TAG") Then
mblnTagExists = False
mobjFrame(0) = ""
mobjFrame(1) = ""
mobjFrame(2) = ""
mobjFrame(3) = ""
mobjFrame(4) = ""
mobjFrame(5) = ""
mobjFrame(6) = ""
mblnTagExists = True
FileGet(intFile, strTitle)
FileGet(intFile, strArtist)
FileGet(intFile, strAlbum)
FileGet(intFile, strYear)
FileGet(intFile, strComment)
FileGet(intFile, bytDummy)
FileGet(intFile, bytTrack)
FileGet(intFile, bytGenre)
mobjFrame(0) = strTitle
mobjFrame(1) = strArtist
mobjFrame(2) = strAlbum
mobjFrame(3) = strYear
mobjFrame(4) = bytTrack
mobjFrame(5) = strComment
mobjFrame(6) = bytGenre
End If
End If
End Sub
Public Sub Update()
Dim strTag As New String(" ", 3)
Dim strTitle As New String(" ", 30)
Dim strArtist As New String(" ", 30)
Dim strAlbum As New String(" ", 30)
Dim strYear As New String(" ", 4)
Dim strComment As New String(" ", 28)
Dim bytDummy As Byte
Dim bytTrack As Byte
Dim bytGenre As Byte
Dim intFile As Integer = FreeFile()
FileOpen(intFile, mstrFilename, OpenMode.Binary, _
OpenAccess.ReadWrite, OpenShare.LockWrite)
Dim lngLOF As Long = LOF(intFile)
If (lngLOF > 0) Then
If (lngLOF > 128) Then
FileGet(intFile, strTag, lngLOF - 127)
If (strTag.ToUpper <> "TAG") Then
Seek(intFile, lngLOF)
strTag = "TAG"
FilePut(intFile, strTag)
End If
strTitle = LSet(mobjFrame(0), Len(strTitle))
strArtist = LSet(mobjFrame(1), Len(strArtist))
strAlbum = LSet(mobjFrame(2), Len(strAlbum))
strYear = LSet(mobjFrame(3), Len(strYear))
bytTrack = mobjFrame(4)
strComment = LSet(mobjFrame(5), Len(strComment))
bytGenre = mobjFrame(6)
FilePut(intFile, strTitle)
FilePut(intFile, strArtist)
FilePut(intFile, strAlbum)
FilePut(intFile, strYear)
FilePut(intFile, strComment)
FilePut(intFile, bytDummy)
FilePut(intFile, bytTrack)
FilePut(intFile, bytGenre)
End If
End If
End Sub
End Class
Using the code
To implement the class in your projects, just add the class file to your
solution and declare a new instance of it:
Dim objMP3V1 As New MP3ID3v1("c:\song.mp3")
If the MP3 file contains tags, the property TagExists
will be
, so you can start reading the tags (you'll find all frame
types inside the code):
If (objMP3V1.TagExists) Then
End If
For assigning a new tag, just set the property to the new value and call
objMP3V1.Frame(MP3ID3v1.FrameTypes.Album) = "Album name"
That's it.