I've had serious trouble doing these two things:
- Using a propertygrid and having all of its properties (like the names of the properties, and description that is shown) dynamic, in VB.NET
- Using Tony Allowat's classes (which solves the first problem) with a custom type editor
I finally managed to get things working ... and thought that others amongst you could be having the same problem as I ... So here it is, my working VB.NET version of Tony Allowatt's propertybag classes, implementing a custom type editor.
I didn't write the code of the PropertyBag.vb file ... Tony Allowatt wrote these usefull classes for the propertygrid, but in C#. Read his article first! Bending the .NET PropertyGrid to Your Will
Using the code
I'm not going to explain much in here, as all the serious code has been explained by Tony Allowatt in his article. I only provide an example of how to use his classes with a custom editor.
Public Class MyOwnClass
End Class
Public Class MultiLineString
End Class
Public Class MultiLineStringEditor
Inherits UITypeEditor
End Class
Public Class MultiLineStringConverter
Inherits System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter
End Class
Public Class MultiLineStringEditorForm
Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form
End Class
Points of interest
Some interesting links:
- 14-01-2004 - Initial Release