In this article, I would like to describe my experience with installing and configuring Redis server in most compact way. Also, I would like to do a brief overview of usage Redis hashes and lists in .NET/C# client.
In this article:
Redis is one of the fastest and most feature-rich in-memory key value data stores.
- No local data buffering (like synchronized local data buffering on the Azure caching)
- No full clusterization support yet (expected in the end of this year)
- Easy configuration
- Simple usage
- High performance
- Support of different data types (like hashes, lists, sets, sorted sets)
- ASP.NET session integration
- Web UI for viewing content of the cache
In this simple demo, I'm going to demonstrate how to install and configure Redis on the server and use it from the C# code.
Redis Installation
Download binaries from (win32 win64 direct link) unpack archive to the application directory (e.g. C:\Program Files\Redis)
Download Redis service compiled from, then copy to the program folder (e.g. C:\Program Files\Redis. If config file is missing, download it and copy to the application directory as well. Example of the valid Redis config file is at
The complete set of files for Redis application is also available in zip file (x64).
When you have the full set of the application files (like it is shown on the image below),

navigate to the application directory and run the following command:
sc create %name% binpath= "\"%binpath%\" %configpath%" start= "auto" DisplayName= "Redis"
-- name of service instance, example: redis-instance; %binpath%
-- path to this project EXE file, example: C:\Program Files\Redis\RedisService_1.1.exe; %configpath%
-- path to redis configuration file, example: C:\Program Files\Redis\redis.conf;
sc create Redis start= auto DisplayName= Redis binpath= "\"C:\Program Files\Redis\RedisService_1.1.exe\
" \"C:\Program Files\Redis\redis.conf\""
It should look like this:

Make sure that you have enough privileges to start the service. After installation, check that the service was created successfully and is running now:

Alternatively, you can use installer, created by someone (I've not tried):
Redis Server Protection: Password, IP Filtering
The primary way to protect Redis server is to set IP filtering using Windows firewall or properties of the active network connection. Additional protection can be set using redis password. It needs to update the Redis config file (redis.conf) in the following way:
First, find the line:
# requirepass foobared
Remove the #
symbol in the beginning and replace foobared
with new password:
requirepass foobared
Then restart Redis Windows service!!!
When instantiating the client, use constructor with a password:
RedisClient client = new RedisClient(serverHost, port, redisPassword);
Redis Server Replication (master - slave configuration)
This technique allows creation copy of the server data into the synchronized copy, this means that each time when master is modified, slave server gets notification and is automatically synchronized. Mostly replication is used for read (but not write) scalability or data redundancy and for the server failover. Setup two instances of Redis (two services on the same or different servers), then configure one of them as slave. To make Redis server instance to be slave of another server, change the config file in this way:
Find the line below:
# slaveof <masterip> <masterport>
replace with:
slaveof 6379
(specify real IP of the master server, and port in case you customized it). If master is configured to require password (authentication), change redis.conf as it is shown below, find line:
# masterauth <master-password>
remove the #
symbol in the beginning and replace <master-password> with master password, to be like that:
masterauth mastpassword
Now this Redis instance can be used as a readonly synchronized copy of the master server.
Using Redis Cache from the C# Code
To use Redis in C# run the Manage NuGet packages addon, find ServiceStack.Redis
pack, and install it.

Sample of using Set
methods directly from the instantiated client:
string host = "localhost";
string elementKey = "testKeyRedis";
using (RedisClient redisClient = new RedisClient(host))
if (redisClient.Get<string>(elementKey) == null)
redisClient.Set(elementKey, "some cached value");
message = "Item value is: " + redisClient.Get<string>("some cached value");
Typed entity sets are more interesting and practical, because they operate with exact types of objects. In the code sample below, there are two classes defined Phone
, and Person
- owner of the phone. Each phone instance has a reference to the owner. This code demonstrates how we can add, remove or find items in the cache by criteria:
public class Phone
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Model { get; set; }
public string Manufacturer { get; set; }
public Person Owner { get; set; }
public class Person
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Surname { get; set; }
public int Age { get; set; }
public string Profession { get; set; }
using (RedisClient redisClient = new RedisClient(host))
IRedisTypedClient<phone> phones = redisClient.As<phone>();
Phone phoneFive = phones.GetValue("5");
if (phoneFive == null)
phoneFive = new Phone
Id = 5,
Manufacturer = "Motorolla",
Model = "xxxxx",
Owner = new Person
Id = 1,
Age = 90,
Name = "OldOne",
Profession = "sportsmen",
Surname = "OldManSurname"
phones.SetEntry(phoneFive.Id.ToString(), phoneFive);
message = "Phone model is " + phoneFive.Manufacturer;
message += "Phone Owner Name is: " + phoneFive.Owner.Name;
In the example above, we instantiate the typed client IRedisTypedClient
<phone>, which works with specific type of cached objects: Phone
ASP.NET Session State with Redis
To configure ASP.NET session state with redis provider, add a new file to your web project, named RedisSessionStateProvider.cs, copy code from, then add or change the following section in the configuration file (sessionState
tag has to be inside system.web
tag), or you can download attached sources and copy code.
<sessionstate timeout="1" mode="Custom"
customprovider="RedisSessionStateProvider" cookieless="false">
<add name="RedisSessionStateProvider" writeexceptionstoeventlog="false"
server="localhost" port="6379" password="pasword">
</add> </providers>
NOTE, that password is optional, based on the server authentication. It must be replaced with real value, or removed, if Redis server doesn't require authentication. server attribute and port also have to be replaced according to concrete values (default port is 6379). Then in the project, you can use the session state:
public class MvcApplication1 : System.Web.HttpApplication
protected void Application_Start()
protected void Session_Start()
Session["testRedisSession"] = "Message from the redis ression";
In the Home controller:
public class HomeController : Controller
public ActionResult Index()
ViewBag.Message = Session["testRedisSession"];
return View();

ASP.NET output cache provider with redis can be configured in the similar way.
Redis Sets and Lists
The major note is that Redis lists implement IList<T>
while Redis sets implement ICollection<T>
. Let's see how we can use them.
Lists are mostly used when it needs to separate different categories of objects of the same type. For example, we have "most selling phones" and "old collection" two lists of phones:
string host = "localhost";
using (var redisClient = new RedisClient(host))
IRedisTypedClient<phone> redis = redisClient.As<phone>();
IRedisList<phone> mostSelling = redis.Lists["urn:phones:mostselling"];
IRedisList<phone> oldCollection = redis.Lists["urn:phones:oldcollection"];
Person phonesOwner = new Person
Id = 7,
Age = 90,
Name = "OldOne",
Profession = "sportsmen",
Surname = "OldManSurname"
mostSelling.Add(new Phone
Id = 5,
Manufacturer = "Sony",
Model = "768564564566",
Owner = phonesOwner
oldCollection.Add(new Phone
Id = 8,
Manufacturer = "Motorolla",
Model = "324557546754",
Owner = phonesOwner
var upgradedPhone = new Phone
Id = 3,
Manufacturer = "LG",
Model = "634563456",
Owner = phonesOwner
IEnumerable<phone> LGPhones = mostSelling.Where(ph => ph.Manufacturer == "LG");
Phone singleElement = mostSelling.FirstOrDefault(ph => ph.Id == 8);
Redis sets are useful when it needs to store associated sets of data and gather statistical information, for example answer -> queustion, votes for an answer or question. Let's say that we have questions and answers, it needs to store them in the cache for better performance. Using Redis, we can do it this way:
IRedisClientsManager RedisManager { get; set; }
public void DeleteQuestion(long questionId)
using (var redis = RedisManager.GetClient())
var redisQuestions = redis.As<question>();
var question = redisQuestions.GetById(questionId);
if (question == null) return;
question.Tags.ForEach(tag => redis.IncrementItemInSortedSet("urn:tags", tag, -1));
redis.RemoveItemFromSet("urn:user>q:" + question.UserId, questionId.ToString());
question.Tags.ForEach("urn:tags>q:" + tag.ToLower(), questionId.ToString()));
public void StoreQuestion(Question question)
using (var redis = RedisManager.GetClient())
var redisQuestions = redis.As<question>();
if (question.Tags == null) question.Tags = new List<string>();
if (question.Id == default(long))
question.Id = redisQuestions.GetNextSequence();
question.CreatedDate = DateTime.UtcNow;
question.Tags.ForEach(tag => redis.IncrementItemInSortedSet("urn:tags", tag, 1));
redis.AddItemToSet("urn:user>q:" + question.UserId, question.Id.ToString());
question.Tags.ForEach(tag => redis.AddItemToSet
("urn:tags>q:" + tag.ToLower(), question.Id.ToString()));
public void DeleteAnswer(long questionId, long answerId)
using (var redis = RedisManager.GetClient())
var answer = redis.As<question>().GetRelatedEntities<answer>
(questionId).FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == answerId);
if (answer == null) return;
redis.As<question>().DeleteRelatedEntity<answer>(questionId, answerId);
redis.RemoveItemFromSet("urn:user>a:" + answer.UserId, answerId.ToString());
public void StoreAnswer(Answer answer)
using (var redis = RedisManager.GetClient())
if (answer.Id == default(long))
answer.Id = redis.As<answer>().GetNextSequence();
answer.CreatedDate = DateTime.UtcNow;
redis.As<question>().StoreRelatedEntities(answer.QuestionId, answer);
redis.AddItemToSet("urn:user>a:" + answer.UserId, answer.Id.ToString());
public List<answer> GetAnswersForQuestion(long questionId)
using (var redis = RedisManager.GetClient())
return redis.As<question>().GetRelatedEntities<answer>(questionId);
public void VoteQuestionUp(long userId, long questionId)
RedisManager.ExecTrans(trans =>
trans.QueueCommand(redis =>
redis.AddItemToSet("urn:q>user+:" + questionId, userId.ToString()));
trans.QueueCommand(redis =>
redis.RemoveItemFromSet("urn:q>user-:" + questionId, userId.ToString()));
trans.QueueCommand(redis =>
redis.AddItemToSet("urn:user>q+:" + userId, questionId.ToString()));
trans.QueueCommand(redis =>
redis.RemoveItemFromSet("urn:user>q-:" + userId, questionId.ToString()));
public void VoteQuestionDown(long userId, long questionId)
RedisManager.ExecTrans(trans =>
trans.QueueCommand(redis =>
redis.AddItemToSet("urn:q>user-:" + questionId, userId.ToString()));
trans.QueueCommand(redis =>
redis.RemoveItemFromSet("urn:q>user+:" + questionId, userId.ToString()));
trans.QueueCommand(redis =>
redis.AddItemToSet"urn:user>q-:" + userId, questionId.ToString()));
trans.QueueCommand(redis =>
redis.RemoveItemFromSet("urn:user>q+:" + userId, questionId.ToString()));
public void VoteAnswerUp(long userId, long answerId)
RedisManager.ExecTrans(trans =>
trans.QueueCommand(redis =>
redis.AddItemToSet("urn:a>user+:" + answerId, userId.ToString()));
trans.QueueCommand(redis =>
redis.RemoveItemFromSet("urn:a>user-:" + answerId, userId.ToString()));
trans.QueueCommand(redis =>
redis.AddItemToSet("urn:user>a+:" + userId, answerId.ToString()));
trans.QueueCommand(redis =>
redis.RemoveItemFromSet("urn:user>a-:" + userId, answerId.ToString()));
public void VoteAnswerDown(long userId, long answerId)
RedisManager.ExecTrans(trans =>
trans.QueueCommand(redis =>
redis.AddItemToSet("urn:a>user-:" + answerId, userId.ToString()));
trans.QueueCommand(redis =>
redis.RemoveItemFromSet("urn:a>user+:" + answerId, userId.ToString()));
trans.QueueCommand(redis =>
redis.AddItemToSet("urn:user>a-:" + userId, answerId.ToString()));
trans.QueueCommand(redis =>
redis.RemoveItemFromSet("urn:user>a+:" + userId, answerId.ToString()));
public QuestionResult GetQuestion(long questionId)
var question = RedisManager.ExecAs<question>
(redisQuestions => redisQuestions.GetById(questionId));
if (question == null) return null;
var result = ToQuestionResults(new[] { question })[0];
var answers = GetAnswersForQuestion(questionId);
var uniqueUserIds = answers.ConvertAll(x => x.UserId).ToHashSet();
var usersMap = GetUsersByIds(uniqueUserIds).ToDictionary(x => x.Id);
result.Answers = answers.ConvertAll(answer =>
new AnswerResult { Answer = answer, User = usersMap[answer.UserId] });
return result;
public List<user> GetUsersByIds(IEnumerable<long> userIds)
return RedisManager.ExecAs<user>(redisUsers => redisUsers.GetByIds(userIds)).ToList();
public QuestionStat GetQuestionStats(long questionId)
using (var redis = RedisManager.GetReadOnlyClient())
var result = new QuestionStat
VotesUpCount = redis.GetSetCount("urn:q>user+:" +questionId),
VotesDownCount = redis.GetSetCount("urn:q>user-:" + questionId)
result.VotesTotal = result.VotesUpCount - result.VotesDownCount;
return result;
public List<tag> GetTagsByPopularity(int skip, int take)
using (var redis = RedisManager.GetReadOnlyClient())
var tagEntries = redis.GetRangeWithScoresFromSortedSetDesc("urn:tags", skip, take);
var tags = tagEntries.ConvertAll(kvp => new Tag { Name = kvp.Key, Score = (int)kvp.Value });
return tags;
public SiteStats GetSiteStats()
using (var redis = RedisManager.GetClient())
return new SiteStats
QuestionsCount = redis.As<question>().TypeIdsSet.Count,
AnswersCount = redis.As<answer>().TypeIdsSet.Count,
TopTags = GetTagsByPopularity(0, 10)
Attached Sources Description
List of included packages is in the packages.config,
Funq IoC configuration, registering types and current controller factory - are in the Global.asax (property dependency injection)
Usage of a simple client - in the home controller
Usage of IoC based cache in the Question and Answer controllers, and Global.asax application file. To see how it works, you can run the project, and open in the browser following URL: http://localhost:37447/Question/GetQuestions?tag=test .
You can play with tags, like test3, test11, test2, etc.
Redis Cache configuration - in the web config (<system.web><sessionState>
section) and in the RedisSessionStateProvider.cs file.
There are a lot of TODOs in the MVC project, so if you want to improve/continue please update it, and upload.
I would much appreciate if someone could help build MVC application with simple UI, using Redis (with Funq IoC) cache. Funq IoC is already configured, example of the usage is in the Question controller.
NOTE: Samples were partially taken from the "ServiceStack.Examples-master" solution
Conclusion. Optimization Caching in Application with Fast Local Cache
Since Redis doesn't store data locally (no local replication), it might make sence to optimize performance by storing some light or user - dependent objects in the local cache (to skip serialization to string and client - server data transfering). For example, in the web application, it is better to use 'System.Runtime.Caching.ObjectCache
' for light objects, which are user dependent and used frequently by the application. Otherwise, when object has common usage, large size it must be saved in the distributed Redis cache. Example of the user dependent objects - profile information, personalization information. Common objects - localization data, information shared between different users, etc.