This is just a simple Tic Tac Toe game. I've included a Rules Word Doc for anyone who doesn't know the rules, but let me just go ahead and save you the time:
- If you are X's then get three X's in a row
- If you are O's then get three O's in a row
Note that, with 3D, it will show all possible winning combinations if applicable. See picture above.
Pretty confusing stuff huh....ha ha.
This was a class assignment, well at least, just the 2 dimensional part of the program. I went a little over board and did 3D also. It really wasn't that difficult, it was just a lot more extra checking. Basically, you just add each move into an array and check for appropriate winning combinations after every turn. I've added comments in the source code, so it is relatively easy to follow. Hope you enjoy the game.
It's a fun kid's game. You can change the code very simply to personalize it for two people so that it will show the name of the winner. Kids like to see their name on the PC.