Imports System.IO
Imports System.Drawing
Imports System.Drawing.Text
Imports System.Drawing.Imaging
Imports System.Drawing.Drawing2D
Public Class _Default
Inherits System.Web.UI.Page
#Region " Web Form Designer Generated Code "
<System.Diagnostics.DebuggerStepThrough()> Private Sub InitializeComponent()
End Sub
Protected WithEvents lblMessage As System.Web.UI.WebControls.Label
Protected WithEvents btnTestDraw As System.Web.UI.WebControls.Button
Protected WithEvents Label21 As System.Web.UI.WebControls.Label
Protected WithEvents imgBarkod As System.Web.UI.WebControls.Image
Protected WithEvents txtBarkod As System.Web.UI.WebControls.TextBox
Private designerPlaceholderDeclaration As System.Object
Private Sub Page_Init(ByVal sender As System.Object, _
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Init
End Sub
#End Region
Public EANimgUrl As String
Private Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, _
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
EANimgUrl = "EAN/"
If Me.IsPostBack = True Then
End If
End Sub
Private Sub DrawCommand()
Dim strEANCode, imgUrl As String
strEANCode = txtBarkod.Text
imgUrl = EANimgUrl & strEANCode & ".jpg"
If Not File.Exists(Server.MapPath(imgUrl)) Then
If CheckDigit(strEANCode) = True Then
DrawEANBarCode(strEANCode, imgBarkod.Width.Value, imgBarkod.Height.Value)
lblMessage.Text = ""
imgBarkod.Visible = True
imgBarkod.ImageUrl = imgUrl
lblMessage.Text = "Invalid EAN Code!.."
imgBarkod.Visible = False
End If
lblMessage.Text = ""
imgBarkod.Visible = True
imgBarkod.ImageUrl = imgUrl
End If
End Sub
Public Sub DrawEANBarCode(ByVal strEANCode As String, _
ByVal imgWidth As Integer, _
ByVal imgHeight As Integer)
Dim oGraphics As Graphics
Dim oBitmap As Bitmap
Dim K As Single
Dim PosX As Single
Dim PosY As Single
Dim ScaleX As Single
Dim strEANBin As String
Dim strFormat As New StringFormat
Dim FontForText As Font = New Font("Courier New", 10)
strEANBin = EAN2Bin(strEANCode)
Dim X1 As Single = 0
Dim Y1 As Single = 0
Dim X2 As Single = imgWidth
Dim Y2 As Single = imgHeight
PosX = X1
PosY = Y2 - CSng(1.2 * FontForText.Height)
oBitmap = New Bitmap(imgWidth, imgHeight, PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb)
oGraphics = Graphics.FromImage(oBitmap)
ScaleX = (X2 - X1) / strEANBin.Length
For K = 1 To Len(strEANBin)
If Mid(strEANBin, K, 1) = "1" Then
oGraphics.FillRectangle(New System.Drawing.SolidBrush(Color.Black), _
PosX, Y1, ScaleX, PosY)
End If
PosX = X1 + (K * ScaleX)
Next K
strFormat.Alignment = StringAlignment.Center
strFormat.FormatFlags = StringFormatFlags.NoWrap
oGraphics.DrawString(strEANCode, FontForText, _
New System.Drawing.SolidBrush(Color.Black), _
CSng((X2 - X1) / 2), CSng(Y2 - FontForText.Height), _
oBitmap.Save(Server.MapPath(EANimgUrl & strEANCode & ".jpg"))
End Sub
Public Function CheckDigit(ByVal strEANCode As String) As Boolean
Dim Nums(12), i, k As Integer
Dim ck As String = Right(strEANCode, 1)
Dim realCK As String
If Not IsNumeric(strEANCode) Then Return False
i = 1
If strEANCode.Length = 8 Then
Do While i < 8
Nums(i) = CType(Mid(strEANCode, i, 1), Integer)
i += 1
k = (Nums(7) * 3)
k += (Nums(6) * 1)
k += (Nums(5) * 3)
k += (Nums(4) * 1)
k += (Nums(3) * 3)
k += (Nums(2) * 1)
k += (Nums(1) * 3)
k = k Mod 10
k = 10 - k
realCK = k.ToString
ElseIf strEANCode.Length = 13 Then
Do While i < 13
Nums(i) = CType(Mid(strEANCode, i, 1), Integer)
i += 1
k = (Nums(12) * 3)
k += (Nums(11) * 1)
k += (Nums(10) * 3)
k += (Nums(9) * 1)
k += (Nums(8) * 3)
k += (Nums(7) * 1)
k += (Nums(6) * 3)
k += (Nums(5) * 1)
k += (Nums(4) * 3)
k += (Nums(3) * 1)
k += (Nums(2) * 3)
k += (Nums(1) * 1)
k = k Mod 10
k = 10 - k
realCK = k.ToString
Return False
End If
If ck = realCK Then
Return True
Return False
End If
End Function
Public Function EAN2Bin(ByVal strEANCode As String) As String
Dim K As Integer
Dim strAux As String
Dim strExit As String
Dim strCode As String
strEANCode = Trim(strEANCode)
strAux = strEANCode
If (strAux.Length <> 13) And (strAux.Length <> 8) Then
Err.Raise(5, "EAN2Bin", "Invalid EAN Code!..")
End If
For K = 0 To strEANCode.Length - 1
Select Case (strAux.Chars(K).ToString)
Case Is < "0", Is > "9"
Err.Raise(5, "EAN2Bin", "Please don't use any number characters!..")
End Select
If (strAux.Length = 13) Then
strAux = Mid(strAux, 2)
Select Case CInt(Left(strEANCode, 1))
Case 0
strCode = "000000"
Case 1
strCode = "001011"
Case 2
strCode = "001101"
Case 3
strCode = "001110"
Case 4
strCode = "010011"
Case 5
strCode = "011001"
Case 6
strCode = "011100"
Case 7
strCode = "010101"
Case 8
strCode = "010110"
Case 9
strCode = "011010"
End Select
strCode = "0000"
End If
strExit = "000101"
For K = 1 To Len(strAux) \ 2
Select Case CInt(Mid(strAux, K, 1))
Case 0
strExit &= IIf(Mid(strCode, K, 1) = "0", "0001101", "0100111")
Case 1
strExit &= IIf(Mid(strCode, K, 1) = "0", "0011001", "0110011")
Case 2
strExit &= IIf(Mid(strCode, K, 1) = "0", "0010011", "0011011")
Case 3
strExit &= IIf(Mid(strCode, K, 1) = "0", "0111101", "0100001")
Case 4
strExit &= IIf(Mid(strCode, K, 1) = "0", "0100011", "0011101")
Case 5
strExit &= IIf(Mid(strCode, K, 1) = "0", "0110001", "0111001")
Case 6
strExit &= IIf(Mid(strCode, K, 1) = "0", "0101111", "0000101")
Case 7
strExit &= IIf(Mid(strCode, K, 1) = "0", "0111011", "0010001")
Case 8
strExit &= IIf(Mid(strCode, K, 1) = "0", "0110111", "0001001")
Case 9
strExit &= IIf(Mid(strCode, K, 1) = "0", "0001011", "0010111")
End Select
Next K
strExit &= "01010"
For K = Len(strAux) \ 2 + 1 To Len(strAux)
Select Case CInt(Mid(strAux, K, 1))
Case 0
strExit &= "1110010"
Case 1
strExit &= "1100110"
Case 2
strExit &= "1101100"
Case 3
strExit &= "1000010"
Case 4
strExit &= "1011100"
Case 5
strExit &= "1001110"
Case 6
strExit &= "1010000"
Case 7
strExit &= "1000100"
Case 8
strExit &= "1001000"
Case 9
strExit &= "1110100"
End Select
Next K
strExit &= "101000"
EAN2Bin = strExit
End Function
End Class