This article details some of the pros-vs.-cons I found in learning Windows CE with VB.NET. By reading this article, I hope that you will get a better understanding of how easy it is to build a Quality Inspecting type application using the WinCE platform. Most of all, in this article, I hope to discuss just a few of the trials and overcomings of working with my first WinCE related application. At times, it was frustrating, but overall, it was fun working with the new language.
This exercise, InspectorCE (i.e., ICE v1.0), actually began with me experimenting with ideas that would target the Windows CE platform. I've wanted to program using WinCE ever since Microsoft and CP have promoted the easy transition from Windows X .NET Framework over to WinCE framework. So, here is my progress thus far.
Using the code
Using the code is simple. Most of the programming took place using the deployment scheme built into Visual Studio .NET's Pocket PC 2002 Emulator. I have yet to test the setup and/or the application using an actual Windows CE powered device. So, with caution, I would urge you to give it a try and report back to let us know how it goes.
On startup, you are presented with the Home Screen interface for a Quality Inspection Visit. Once you have created a visit record, you go on to select detail information about Store Location, Owner's Name, Manager, etc...
Secondly, from the inspection sheet, you will score and rank the Store based upon individual criteria for the organization.
Finally, as an inspector, i.e. Consultant, you will choose to save, print, and or edit your inspection data. Once the data is saved, a (*.xml) file is created that can be uploaded and synchronized with the corporate database. This project will include the WebReference project to help on that front. It should be tweaked but I didn't have time to play around with it more.
First Point of Interest
Private Sub btnNext1_Click(...) Handles btnNext1.Click
Me.tabControl.SelectedIndex = 1
End Sub
Private Sub btnNext2_Click(...) Handles btnNext2.Click
Me.tabControl.SelectedIndex = 2
End Sub
Private Sub btnNext3_Click(...) Handles btnNext3.Click
Me.tabControl.SelectedIndex = 3
End Sub
I wanted to show the above code to demonstrate just one of the dislikes I encountered. Usually, my code for these events would look something like this:
Private Sub btnNext1_Click(...) _
Handles btnNext1.Click, _
btnNext2.Click, btnNext3.Click
Dim btn As Button = sender
Select Case btn.Name
Case btnNext1.Name
Case btnNext2.Name
Case btnNext3.Name
End Select
End Sub
Notice how all of the logic code has been incorporated into ONE method syntax. Well, you can't do something as simple as this in WinCE because the Button
control in WinCE does not have the Name
attribute attached to it. Sounds ridiculous right? Well, I thought so too. Before I pulled out the rest of my hair trying to figure that one out, I just simply resorted back to the old VB6 method of writing individual methods for each button clicked. If anyone else out there knows of a better way, please let me know.
Second Point of Interest
Have any of you figured out how Windows CE forms are managed? I was taken back by errors whenever I tried to do simple open, close, form routines. For example, we can't do this:
Private Sub miEditVisit_Click(...) Handles miEditVisit.Click
Dim frm As New FrmVisits
Me.Close() <--- This causes a NULLReference Exception Error
End Sub
I mean, yes it makes sense that the form does not exist anymore, but when, where, how, are they being called, loaded, and initialized? I may be going up the wrong tree here but I will definitely be looking that one up soon.
Over all, I think that the experience gained here is great. But as a Newbie
to Windows CE, prepare yourself for some small amount of frustration. Everything else once you get past that is pretty much the same as usual. You will have to get used to a smaller working screen area. But, that's were us great programmers
get to become our greatest creative selves right?