One of the reasons I write these articles, is so that when I see commonly asked questions in our forums that require an
in depth answer, I have one up my sleeve. I was astonished recently to see someone ask 'when storing dates in SQL Server,
should we use the datetime datatype, or varchar' ? Certainly there's often questions about changing the format of dates
that indicate that the user has stored the date as a string. So, today I want to walk through some exercises to
illustrate how best to work with dates and times in SQL Server, and along the way, establish why there are things we should NEVER do.
Getting the date
I guess the first thing you want, is to know the date, right ?
Will get the current date in your timezone twice, and then GETUTCDATE gets the UTC date, as you'd expect. If you are old, like me, UTC is the same as GMT. If you're not, then, UTC is the time localised to have no time zone off set. According to the documentation CURRENT_TIMESTAMP and getdate() differ in this respect ( the docs say getdate() uses the timezone, and does not say that CURRENT_TIMESTAMP does ). This is wrong. They are both the same thing. The difference is that CURRENT_TIMESTAMP is standard SQL, and so that's the one you should use ( because it should work anywhere ). getdate() is a SQL Server function, it is not guaranteed to work on other SQL platforms.
Creating the test data
First, we're going to create some data. Our table stores names and birthdays. It's pretty simple, but none of the concepts I am going to show you, would change if the table had a lot of columns besides the ones we are using.
create table tblMember
id int identity,
name varchar(100),
DOB varchar(50)
insert into tblMember values('Fred', '1969/02/17'), ('Bill', '1971/07/04'), ('Bob', '1973/09/15'), ('Sarah', 'The first Monday in 1982')
insert into tblMember values('Robert', '05/14/1995'), ('Hank', '13/05/2001'), ('Laura', 'Feb 17 1969'), ('Emma', 'Not telling')
You can probably already see some issues with this data. If you ever have to work with data like this, and you've got a big table with a few bad values, there are ways to get a list of the rows with broken values in them. Here's how you can do it in SS2012
select id, name, dob from tblMember where try_parse(DOB as date) is null
But this version, which works in older versions, is just as good.
select id, name, dob from tblMember where isdate(DOB) = 0
Locale issues
One thing you may have noted with the test data is that, between all the other entries, there are a number of entries that are clearly yyyy/mm/dd and some that are clearly yyyy/dd/mm. It's more common actually for people to store dates as mm/dd/yyyy or dd/mm/yyyy, and just assume the locale of their system will never change. The only date format that is locale proof, is yyyymmdd, with no slashes. So, if you must store a date as a string, that is the only reasonable way to do it, unless you want to mess with longer strings that use text for the month ( which I'll admit is more human readable, but it's still a two step process to convert it in order to change the string format ). However, again, no string format is more clearly a date, than the date format. As you can see from the other entries I've inserted, if you store a date as a string, and especially if you collect it as a string, then there are all sorts of possible entries that are human understandable, and useless in an automated environment ( for example, if we wanted to send all our users birthday cards on their birthday ).
Displaying dates
Of course, it's common to want to pull out dates in a specific format, and this is one of the strengths of the date
time type, it is pure data, but you can turn it in to any display string format you like. SQL Server can also implicitly
try to convert strings to dates, if they are used in place of dates, but this is both slow, and if any error occurs, the
whole request will fail. Try this to see:
select CONVERT(nvarchar(30), DOB, 109) from tblMember
You can try this:
select DOB, CONVERT(nvarchar(30), DOB, 109) from tblMember where isdate(DOB) = 1
And it will return the original date strings, it won't format them. Convert works for all possible types, so it's not
at all clear, even with the format identifier, that you want to work with a date time. This is what you need to do:
select DOB, CONVERT(nvarchar(30), convert(datetime,DOB), 109) from tblMember where isdate(DOB) = 1
I am not sure why SQL Server fails to do the convert for invalid dates, yet ends up not realising it needs to work with
dates, but either way, it's pretty obvious to me that turning a string in to a date, so you can turn it in to a formatted
string, is insane.
For your reference, this is a link to the Microsoft
documentation on the possible numeric values to pass in to define the string format you want a date converted to.
Converting our broken table
So, if you have to work on a system like this, what you should you do ? I'd start by adding a new column, and making
any insert and update code maintain both values ( triggers can be used in this regard ). Then you can convert all your
select statements at your leisure, testing each one as you go, until you're sure the old column is no longer used, and
delete it.
Let's add that column now, and insert our values in to it:
Alter Table tblMember Add Birthday date
Now we can try to insert our values.
update tblMember set Birthday = DOB
If a statement like this works, then you had no bad rows in your database. Otherwise you'll need to do this:
update tblMember set Birthday = try_parse(DOB as date)
or for before SS2012:
update tblMember set Birthday = convert(date,DOB) where isdate(dob)
Now run this SQL:
select * from tblMember
You will see something like this:
id name DOB Birthday
1 Fred 1969/02/17 1969-02-17
2 Bill 1971/07/04 1971-07-04
3 Bob 1973/09/15 1973-09-15
4 Sarah The first Monday in 1982 NULL
5 Robert 05/14/1995 1995-05-14
6 Hank 13/05/2001 NULL
7 Laura Feb 17 1969 1969-02-17
8 Emma Not telling NULL
Notice that our birthdays are all in the same format now, making them much easier to read. Notice also that nonsensica
entires are gone. If the field is not NULL, we know what it's format is, and we know how to work with it.
Working with parts of dates
Often, a date or datetime is just a lump of data that you consider in one go. However, sometimes you want to work with
parts of it, for example when you select orders from a database and want to group by the month of the order. SQL Server
has several functions to help with this. There are functions called day, month and year, which are very convenient for
when you want to group by these things, but there is also a DatePart function, which can also return all of the values listed above.
From SQL Server 2008, there are types for dates without times and times without dates, as well as datetime2, which is more standards compliant than the old datetime format. As such, these types should be preferred, but while I will touch on them, and I used date and not datetime in our table, a lot of my examples use datetime because I am sure it's the thing you'll run in to most in the real world. Datetime2 can express a larger range of dates that datetime, as well as having a larger default level of precision ( which can also be changed by the user )
As always, trying to work with our string field, breaks
select datepart(dw, dob) from tblMember
Now that our function knows we require a conversion to datetime, this will work:
select datepart(dw, dob) from tblMember where isdate(dob) = 1
If we had SS2012 we could use try_parse and get nulls ( which would mean our select couldn't skip valid rows altogether
because of a bad value ), but it's much cleaner with a datetime type:
select datepart(dw, birthday) from tblMember
Of course, from here we can do more interesting things, such as working out how many days someone has been alive:
select datediff(dd, birthday, getdate()) from tblMember
Or their age in years ( this is probably more useful )
select datediff(yy, birthday, getdate()) from tblMember
We can even define a custom string that contains elements of the date
select convert(char(4), year(birthday)) + '->' +
case when month(birthday) < 10 then '0' else '' end +
convert(char(2), month(birthday)) + '->' +
case when month(birthday) < 10 then '0' else '' end +
convert(char(2), day(birthday)) from tblMember
That last one is definitely easier in SS2012
select format(birthday, 'YYYY->MM->dd') from tblMember
More issues with using strings
Let's change gear and talk about other things that will break if you store dates as strings. It's very common to write
SQL that specifies a date as a string. If your date IS a string, then this means you need to match the format. Try
running this:
select * from tblMember where dob = 'Feb 17 1969'
Compare to this result:
select * from tblMember where birthday = 'Feb 17 1969'
Because our date time field correctly cares about the underlying data, and not the format, this will work properly.
The same is true if we want to order our result. Try running this:
select * from tblMember order by dob desc
As the field is a string, it's been sorted in text order. However, this is probably the order we wanted:
select * from tblMember order by birthday desc
Of course, we could cast this to datetime, but, if we know a datetime is what we want, why not store it that way in the
first place ?
Converting/comparing dates
One thing that happens commonly is that older databases use datetime to store a date, and then want to compare to get
rows where the date is today, or another fixed day. There's a lot of code on the web for stripping the time component of
a date time, most of it complex and hard to remember. The most efficient way of doing this is actually super easy to
declare @now datetime = getdate()
declare @nowDate date = convert(date, @now)
declare @nowTime time = convert(time, @now)
select @now, @nowDate, @nowTime
Casting a date time to a date simply strips the time. Casting a date or time to datetime, will populate the extra info
with the default, which is a good way to establish what the default date is ( the default time is midnight, not
surprisingly )
declare @now datetime = getdate()
declare @nowTime time = convert(time, @now)
set @now = convert(datetime, @nowTime)
select @now
The default date is 1 Jan, 1901. This will become important, in the next section.
Comparing dates and times
In order to do some comparisons, we need first to create some values, which we do as follows:
declare @now datetime = getdate()
declare @then datetime = dateadd(dd, 45, @now)
set @then = dateadd(minute, 164, @then)
select @now, @then
declare @nowDate date = convert(date, @now)
declare @nowTime time = convert(time, @now)
declare @thenDate date = convert(date, @then)
declare @thenTime time = convert(time, @then)
This creates a date and a time, for today, and 45 days and 164 minutes from now.
select @then + @now
select @then - @now
This returns the following:
2128-06-26 03:34:53.367
1900-02-15 02:44:00.000
Jan 1, 1900 is the baseline, it is 'zero' and so adding or subtracting values like this works, but what it gives you
isn't especially useful.
select convert(time, (@then - @now))
which is to say, the time difference between the two values, removing any difference in days.
select @thenDate + @nowDate
select @thenTime + @nowTime
select @thenDate - @nowDate
select @thenTime - @nowTime
All of these generate errors. I suspect that allowing + and - on datetimes is something that was done without too much
thought being put in to it, and because it does nothing terribly useful, it's been removed for the newer types of DATE or
TIME. The correct way to compare dates is the DATEDIFF function. It's fully documented here: datediff.
In short, the datediff function takes two dates and the part to compare. Here is the list of possible values. Note:
the full names AND the abbreviations are both valid.
datepart | Abbreviation |
year | yy, yyyy |
quarter | qq, q |
month | mm, m |
dayofyear | dy, y |
day | dd, d |
week | wk, ww |
weekday | dw, w |
hour | hh |
minute | mi, n |
second | ss, s |
millisecond | ms |
microsecond | mcs |
nanosecond | ns |
Note that DATEDIFF always uses Sunday as the first day of the week ( although later on I show you how to change what the first day of the week is for other operations ).
select datediff(dd, @nowdate, @thendate)
select datediff(mm, @nowdate, @thendate)
select datediff(day, @now, @then)
select datediff(mm, @now, @then)
select datediff(dd, @now, @thenDate)
select datediff(mm, @nowDate, @then)
select datediff(minute, @nowTime, @thenTime)
These all return the same values. 45 for the dd check, mm for the month check. The minute check return 164, so it's a total minutes, not minutes disregarding other larger values.
select datediff(minute, @now, @thenTime)
This returns -59988960. This is because when we pass in a time, a date of 1/1/1900 is assumed and taken in to account.
Of course, as we saw above, passing in two times works fine ( because the assumed date is the same for both )
select datediff(minute, @nowDate, @thenDate)
select datediff(minute, @now, @thenDate)
Just using dates and asking for a difference that is time based, creates it's own issues, because it assumes a time of midnight. The values here are 64800 and 64037, for me right now. The difference between the two, is the difference between the actual time ( lunchtime ) and midnight, which is the time in @nowDate.
It's worth noting that I'm talking about a number of different types in SQL Server, both DATE and TIME were new in SS 2008, as were DATETIME2 and DATETIMEOFFSET. So if you are in SS2005, your options will be limited.
New date functions in SS2012
There are two clusters of new methods in SS2012 for dates. The second cluster is a single function, but all the others
are basically the same thing. They take the form of XXXFromParts, and can create each of the possible date or time types,
from arguments representing the possible parts. They are as follows:
DATEFROMPARTS(2012, 12, 1)
DATETIMEFROMPARTS(2012, 12, 1, 10, 15, 30, 000)
-- the last argument is how many significant chars are in the millisecond part
DATETIME2FROMPARTS(100, 12, 1, 10, 15, 30, 279, 5)
-- Againt, the milliseconds have a variable # of chars
TIMEFROMPARTS(12,30,15,1, 2)
-- The last three arguments are an hour and minute offset, and a precision
SELECT DATETIMEOFFSETFROMPARTS ( 2010, 12, 31, 14, 23, 23, 0, 12, 0, 7 )
Last day of month
The other new function is EOMONTH, which calculates the last day of a month. EOMONTH(date) returns the last day of
that month. EOMONTH(date, offset) returns the last day of the month that is 'offset' months forward or backwards from the
month passed in.
Setting the first day of the week
The datepart 'dw' returns the day of the week. The default for English is Sunday. If you write any code that uses the
day of the week for any purpose, apart from DATEDIFF ( which ignores the setting ), then you should capture the current
value, set it to what you expect, and reset it when you are done. You can get the current first day of the week using
@@DATEFIRST, as in
declare @firstDay int
set @firstDay = @@DATEFIRST
You can set the first day of the week like this:
SQL and TSQL have rich support for dates, times, and dates with times. If you are working with dates, you should always store them as dates. You should not store time information unless it is relevant, and sometimes storing it can cause bugs ( for example, if you check a range between two dates using <= and >= then having a time component that defaults to midnight can cause your last date to be ignored, and the BETWEEN operator should be avoided for the same reason, if your values include a time component ).
Storing dates as strings is always the worst possible option, and any database you inherit that does this, should have
fixing this as a significant priority, by adding a new column that uses the date type, keeping it up to date with a
trigger, and retiring the old column over time.
It is always better to use standard SQL if you can, and to be aware when you are using propietary SQL, because you never know when your boss or a client may require you to work on another SQL platform.
While your code may always work by making assumptions that are valid most of the time, those sort of obscure bugs are the hardest to track down, because they tend to be intermittent, and so your code should be as defensive as possible.
I've not really covered the ways to get SQL Server to format your dates as strings, because I believe it's better to
entrust data to your data layer, and formatting to your presentation layer. Asking SQL Server to format and convert your
data, is a load best passed to the presentation layer.