The FileExplorer
project is a WPF based control that implements most aspects of Windows Explorer. It can be used to display shell objects or any hierarchical data.

The code presented here implements:
- a standalone window,
- a file open and file save dialog, and
- a folder picker dialog.
The FileExplorer control is designed such that it can be embedded into the UI of other applications that you might develop.
I have created the first edition of WPF FileExplorer
in 2008. This version just included a DirectoryTree
and FileList
, which delivered a lot of functionality required (but not provided by the framework). The next version, FileExplorer2
, arrived in 2010. It supported different entity types, more controls, and improved performance through asynchronous loading (not using the async keyword) and bounty directory tree lookup.
The FileExplorer2
version was a real progress in the matter of implementing a custom file explorer control. But the problem of this implementation was that it is designed as a demo that has no room for customization. The design of FileExplorer2
has a tower of hierarchy, which makes it impossible to improve afterwards.
I recreated the 3rd version FileExplorer3
from scratch in spring 2014. This version provides more controls, supports different entry types in the same explorer, is enabled for touch, and can be customized. This article is focused on the FileExplorer3
project and describes its usage.
- DirectoryTree, FileList, Navigation, Breadcrumb, Sidebar, Statusbar control.
- NormalWindow, TabControl and ToolWindow display mode.
- Support any hierarchical structure as entry, not necessarily IO based, and not just System.IO or DirectoryInfoEx.
(Currently supports : System.IO, DirectoryInfoEx, GoogleDrive, OneDrive and DropBox) - Can combine different types of entries in one window.
- Certain behaviors can be configured (e.g. Open or Select on double click) using ScriptRunner.
- Drag and Drop and MultiSelect, this time it's refactored into a UIEventHub, a re-usable control that is MVVM compliant and supports touch.
- FileList supports
- Multiple views in same control, note that it uses the ListView.View property, instead of having an ItemsControl for each view.
- Customizable Column (definable in ViewModel)
- All views support Column sort and filter using GridViewHeader.
- Virtual loading using VirtualStackPanel and VirtualWrapPanel are used to create a UIElement when needed.
- Asynchronous entries loading using EntriesHelper
- Refresh when filesystem raise changed.
- Breadcrumb in an MVVM friendly tree like structure.
Note: Touch Drag n Drop support does not work in the shell, unless it is initialized. You can initialize this with a touch and hold (for 2 seconds) gesture before you start to drag.
is released under MIT License
and is available here:
Note: The MIT license is less restrictive than LGPL and MS-PL. Users can modify the library without making them open source.
Using the code
Compiling the source code
The FileExplorer3 project supports omline directories, such as, OneDrive or DropBox. These services require identification keys which are not included in the source code. You therefore, have to copy Copy Of AuthorizationKeys.cs
(in TestApp.WPF) to AuthorizationKeys.cs
in order to use OneDrive or DropBox. You can enable the GoogleDrive implementation if you obtain your gapi_client_secret.json
and put it in TestApp.WPF project directory. Please review the Copy of AuthorizationKeys.cs
file to find more information with regard to obtaining these keys.
if (System.IO.File.Exists("gapi_client_secret.json"))
using (var gapi_secret_stream = System.IO.File.OpenRead("gapi_client_secret.json"))
_profileGoogleDrive = new GoogleDriveProfile(_events, _windowManager, gapi_secret_stream);
Review the Section about disabling map/unmap buttons to use this project without a particular online directory service.
The FileExplorer project uses the Caliburn Micro framework internally. Whether you use thise framework in your project or not, depends on your project, but you will have to execute the Caliburn Micro BootStrapper in any case. Using the included class is in mot cases sufficient:
<Application x:Class="Nuget.FileExplorer.WPF.App"
<uc:FileExplorerBootStrapper x:Key="boot" />
Caliburn Micro MVVM framework
The FileExplorer3
implementation is based on the Caliburn Micro
framework. You can use the ExplorerViewModel
or TabbedExplorerViewModel
(for multi-tab explorer) and the framework finds the View automatically. The following code is, for example, in TestApp.WPF, AppViewModel.cs, line 110:
_windowManager.ShowWindow(new ExplorerViewModel(_events, _windowManager, RootModels.ToArray()));
This code uses the WindowManager
in CaliburnMicro to show an explorer window. The Caliburn Micro framework finds the appropriate view (ExplorerView in this case) automatically. The association between view and viewmodel is imported in AppBootstrapper.cs
using MEF.
container = new CompositionContainer(
new AggregateCatalog(
AssemblySource.Instance.Select(x => new AssemblyCatalog(x))
.Concat(new ComposablePartCatalog[] { new DirectoryCatalog(".") }))
The automatic association of CaliburnMicro requires that all views are stored in FileExplorer3's View directory, using a naming convention based on {ViewModelName}View.xaml. The tool window (Explorer.ToolWindow.xaml) does not adhere to this rule since you can create it by passing a "ToolWindow" as context in the ShowWindow()
_windowManager.ShowWindow(new ExplorerViewModel(
_events, _windowManager, RootModels.ToArray()), "ToolWindow");
You would want the ExplorerView
to be part of your UI in most cases. This can be done by specifying the context with the cal:View.Context
attached property.
<ContentControl Name="Explorer" DockPanel.Dock="Left" cal:View.Context="ToolWindow" />
The project includes also a FilePicker
and DirectoryPickerViewModel
var filePicker = new FilePickerViewModel(_events, _windowManager, FileFilter,
FilePickerMode.Open, RootModels.ToArray());
if (_windowManager.ShowDialog(filePicker).Value)
MessageBox.Show(String.Join(",", filePicker.SelectedFiles.Select(em => em.FullPath)));
new ScriptRunner().Run(new ParameterDic(),
ScriptCommands.OpenFile(_windowManager, _events, RootModels.ToArray(), FileFilter, "demo.txt",
(fpvm) => ScriptCommands.MessageBox(_windowManager, "Open", fpvm.FileName), ResultCommand.OK));
A user of the Explorer UserControl may has to initialize many fields before it can start. This can be done by using the ExplorerInitializer
, which is reusable among all tabs in TabbedExplorerViewModel
public static IExplorerInitializer getInitializer(IWindowManager windowManager,
IEventAggregator events, IEntryModel[] rootModels, params IViewModelInitializer<IExplorerViewModel>[] initalizers)
var retVal = new ExplorerInitializer(windowManager, events, rootModels);
return retVal;
var initializer = getInitializer(_windowManager, _events, RootModels.ToArray(),
new BasicParamInitalizers(_expandRootDirectories, _enableMultiSelect, _enableDrag, _enableDrop),
new ColumnInitializers(),
new ScriptCommandsInitializers(_windowManager, _events, profiles),
new ToolbarCommandsInitializers(_windowManager));
var sr = new ScriptRunner();
sr.Run(Explorer.NewWindow(initializer, context, null), new ParameterDic());
Other MVVM frameworks
You can also use the Explorer
UserControl without the Caliburn Micro
framework. Just use the Explorer
UserControl and toggle properties with its ViewModel. A sample code for this is, for example, in ToolWindow.xaml:
<Window ...
xmlns:cal="" ...>
<conv:EntryModelToStringConverter x:Key="emts" />
<AdornerDecorator x:Name="PART_DragDropAdorner" Grid.ColumnSpan="3" />
<uc:Explorer x:Name="explorer" Mode="ToolWindow" />
<StackPanel ...>
<bc:DragDropLiteEventProcessor />
<TextBlock Text="{Binding ViewModel.FileList.CurrentDirectory,
Converter={StaticResource emts},
ElementName=explorer}" />
<TextBlock Text="{Binding ViewModel.FileList.Selection.SelectedItems,
Converter={StaticResource emts},
ElementName=explorer}" />
...<TextBlock x:Name="testDroppable"
Text="{Binding Label}" >
<bc:DragDropEventProcessor EnableDrag="false" EnableDrop="true" />
<bc:DragDropLiteEventProcessor EnableDrag="false" EnableDrop="true"
EnableMouse="False" EnableTouch="True" />

In either way, you will have to specify the root directory in IEntryModel
. This can be parsed from the profile:
(IProfile provide FileExplorer to access the content of IO, WebStorage, or other store defined by user)
var _profileEx = new FileSystemInfoExProfile(events, windowManager);
rootDir = _profileEx.ParseAsync(System.IO.DirectoryInfoEx.DesktopDirectory.FullName).Result;
There is a profile for each file system/directory service:
, - Access using System.IO namespace FileSystemInfoExProfile
, - Access using DirectoryInfoEx library SkyDriveProfile
, - Access Microsoft OneDrive storage using Microsoft.Live library DropBoxProfile
, - Access DropBox using DropNet library - and
Access Google Drive using gapi library
The web based profiles require a login and password. Please check the demo (and 'Using the Code' section) if you look for a 'how to' on this. It is possible to include or remove an online directory service into the UI interface by using the Map
or Unmap
button, respectively
The WPF UIEventHub
control registers a number of events and distributes them to registered elements: UIEventProcessor, available UIEventProcessor included MultiSelectEventProcessor and DragDropEventProcessor, which is an update for the SelectionHelper
and FileDragDropHelper
static class in FileExplorer2
The documentation for UIEventHub
is available here
Disable Map / Unmap buttons
You can disable the the map/unmap function altogether, if you don't want to use these online APIs at all. You can find the TestApp.WPF
calls to the ScriptCommandsInitializers
and ToolbarCommandsInitializers
in the TabWindow
() method.
var profiles = new IProfile[] {
_profileSkyDrive, _profileDropBox, _profileGoogleDrive
var initializer = getInitializer(_windowManager, _events, RootModels.ToArray(),
new ScriptCommandsInitializers(_windowManager, _events, profiles),
new ToolbarCommandsInitializers(_windowManager));
var tabVM = new TabbedExplorerViewModel(initializer);
In ScriptCommandsInitializers.InitalizeAsync()
if (_profiles.Length > 0)
explorerModel.DirectoryTree.Commands.ScriptCommands.Map =
Explorer.PickDirectory(initilizer, _profiles,
dir => Explorer.BroadcastRootChanged(RootChangedEvent.Created(dir)),
And in ToolbarCommandsInitializers, you can find the following
explorerModel.DirectoryTree.Commands.ToolbarCommands.ExtraCommandProviders = new[] {
new StaticCommandProvider(
new CommandModel(ExplorerCommands.Map) {
Symbol = Convert.ToChar(0xE17B),
IsEnabled = true,
IsHeaderVisible = false, IsVisibleOnToolbar = true
new CommandModel(ExplorerCommands.Unmap) {
Symbol = Convert.ToChar(0xE17A),
IsVisibleOnMenu = true,
IsVisibleOnToolbar = true
You can remove these calls to disable the map functionality.

You can implement the IProfile
interface to display your own hierarchy information.
The IProfile
interface includes:
(provide CommandModel
), PathHelper
(System.IO.Path replacement), HierachyComparer
(Compare Hierarchy of two IEntryModels
), MetadataProvider
(provide MetadataModel
), and DragDrop
(Drag and drop support).

The Parse and Listing (IProfile.Parse/ListAsync()
) methods can be used to return 1 or multiple IEntryModel
s. An IEntryModel
includes only basic properties, but your implementation can define more properties (e.g. Size) since these are defined by user of the interface. The columns in FileList
are fully customizable and cannot be hard-coded.
You can display different types of information in the sidebar
or statusbar
based on the currently selected item:
public enum DisplayType { Auto, Text, Number, Link, DateTime, TimeElapsed, Kb, Percent, Filename, Boolean, Image }
public class FileBasedMetadataProvider : MetadataProviderBase
public override async Task&l;IEnumerable<imetadata>> GetMetadataAsync(IEnumerable<IEntrymodel> selectedModels,
int modelCount, IEntryModel parentModel)
if (selectedModels.Count() > 0)
retList.Add(new Metadata(DisplayType.TimeElapsed, MetadataStrings.strCategoryInfo,
MetadataStrings.strCreationTime, creationTime.ToLocalTime()) { IsVisibleInSidebar = true });
retList.Add(new Metadata(DisplayType.Kb, MetadataStrings.strCategoryInfo,
MetadataStrings.strSize, size) { IsVisibleInSidebar = true });
return retList;
Custom Commands
The Profile
class can define a CommandProvider
, which provides a CommandModel
that is used to implement commands in the context of a menu (MenuItem) and toolbar.
You can specify additional
public class ExCommandProvider : ICommandProvider
FileSystemInfoExProfile _profile;
public ExCommandProvider(FileSystemInfoExProfile profile)
_profile = profile;
public List GetCommandModels()
return new List()
new OpenWithCommandEx(_profile) { IsVisibleOnMenu = false, IsVisibleOnToolbar = true }
The FileList
view displays items and directories in different view modes (settable via Parameters.ViewMode).
The grid column in the FileList
is customizable and filterable. It is also visible not just in the GridView
, but in all other ViewModes
as well.
The FileList
view display is not limited to columns. It can also be used to define new views and actions when clicked:
Custom Columns
All columns are defined in the ColumnList
. We can use a Binding (e.g. Type) and define a DataTemplate:
explorerViewModel.FileList.Columns.ColumnList = new ColumnInfo[]
ColumnInfo.FromTemplate("Name", "GridLabelTemplate", "EntryModel.Label",
new ValueComparer<IEntryModel>(p => p.Label), 200),
ColumnInfo.FromBindings("Type", "EntryModel.Description", "", new ValueComparer<IEntryModel>(p => p.Description), 200),
... and define the template accessible by the FileList
<DataTemplate x:Key="GridLabelTemplate" >
<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal">
<Image Source="{Binding Icon, Mode=OneWay}" Width="30" Height="30" />
<uc:EditBox x:Name="eb" Margin="5,0" DisplayValue="{Binding EntryModel.Label}"
Custom Column Filters

The FileExplorer3 provides ColumnFilters
such that users can specify items to be shown on the file list.
explorerViewModel.FileList.Columns.ColumnFilters = new ColumnFilter[]
ColumnFilter.CreateNew("0 - 9", "EntryModel.Label", e => Regex.Match(e.Label, "^[0-9]").Success),
ColumnFilter.CreateNew("A - H", "EntryModel.Label", e => Regex.Match(e.Label, "^[A-Ha-h]").Success),
ColumnFilter.CreateNew("Today", "EntryModel.LastUpdateTimeUtc", e =>
DateTime dt = DateTime.UtcNow;
return e.LastUpdateTimeUtc.Year == dt.Year && e.LastUpdateTimeUtc.Month == dt.Month && e.LastUpdateTimeUtc.Day == dt.Day;
Custom Views
When IFileListViewModel.Parameters.View
(string) changes, the file list looks for property + "View" in xaml, for example, Icon -> IconView.
All views are defined in Themes\Common\Views.xaml, e.g.
<uc:VirtualWrapPanelView x:Key="IconView"
ColumnHeaderContainerStyle="{StaticResource ListViewExColumnHeaderContainerStyle}"
SmallChanges="{Binding Path=ItemHeight, RelativeSource={RelativeSource Self}}"
ItemTemplate="{DynamicResource IconItemTemplate}"
ItemContainerStyle="{StaticResource IconItemContainerStyle}"
ItemHeight="{Binding Parameters.ItemSize}"
ItemWidth="{Binding Parameters.ItemSize}"
HorizontalContentAlignment="Left" >
Note: The Multi-Select function is now supported since the UIEventHub
was updated. The works even on the non-IChildInfo
supported panel. The UIEventHub
uses HitTest in this case as mentioned in the first version of the MultiSelectHelper.
Custom ContextMenu and Toolbar Commands

The application commands can be defined in the profile, but they can also be defined in Commands.ToolbarComands.ExtraCommandProviders
as shown in the following code sample:
explorerModel.FileList.Commands.ToolbarCommands.ExtraCommandProviders = new[] {
new CommandModel(ApplicationCommands.Delete) { IsVisibleOnMenu = true, Symbol = Convert.ToChar(0xE188) },
new DirectoryCommandModel(new CommandModel(ExplorerCommands.NewFolder) { Header = Strings.strFolder })
{ IsVisibleOnMenu = true, Header = Strings.strNew, IsEnabled = true},
new SeparatorCommandModel(),
new ViewModeCommand(explorerModel.FileList),
Note: A similar mechanism is possible for the DirectoryTree.Commands.ToolbarCommand
Custom UICommands (ScriptCommandBindings)
The IFileListCommandManager
interface defines a number of UICommand
s (Commands) that can be used in the UI.
ScriptCommandBinding.FromScriptCommand(ApplicationCommands.Open, this, (ch) => ch.ScriptCommands.Open,
ParameterDicConverter, ScriptBindingScope.Local),
ScriptCommandBinding.FromScriptCommand(ExplorerCommands.NewFolder, this, (ch) => ch.ScriptCommands.NewFolder,
ParameterDicConverter, ScriptBindingScope.Local),
ScriptCommandBinding.FromScriptCommand(ExplorerCommands.Refresh, this, (ch) => ch.ScriptCommands.Refresh,
ParameterDicConverter, ScriptBindingScope.Local),
ScriptCommandBinding.FromScriptCommand(ApplicationCommands.Delete, this, (ch) => ch.ScriptCommands.Delete,
ParameterDicConverter, ScriptBindingScope.Local),
Note: IFileListCommandManager implements IExportCommandBindings, which, in IFileListViewModel and IExplorerViewModel.OnViewAttached() method, export the RoutedUICommands (ExplorerCommands and ApplicationCommands) to the view, the scope determine where to export.
public interface IScriptCommandBinding : INotifyPropertyChanged
IScriptCommand ScriptCommand { get; set; }
ICommand Command { get; set; }
RoutedUICommand UICommandKey { get; }
CommandBinding CommandBinding { get; }
ScriptBindingScope Scope { get; }
But some of this commands are actually not implemented (Delete):
ScriptCommands.Open = FileList.IfSelection(evm => evm.Count() == 1,
FileList.IfSelection(evm => evm[0].EntryModel.IsDirectory,
ScriptCommands.Delete = NullScriptCommand.Instance;
Some commands cannot be implemented since they are not IO specific. The double click on a file, for example, does nothing. So you will have to implement it.
explorerModel.FileList.Commands.ScriptCommands.Open =
FileList.IfSelection(evm => evm.Count() == 1,
FileList.IfSelection(evm => evm[0].EntryModel.IsDirectory,
new OpenWithScriptCommand(null))),
explorerModel.FileList.Commands.ScriptCommands.Delete =
FileList.IfSelection(evm => evm.Count() >= 1,
ScriptCommands.IfOkCancel(_windowManager, pd => "Delete",
pd => String.Format("Delete {0} items?", (pd["FileList"] as IFileListViewModel).Selection.SelectedItems.Count),
ScriptCommands.ShowProgress(_windowManager, "Delete",
new HideProgress())),
I have coded the IScriptRunner
interface to make the implementation more reusable and easier to read. This interface runs the IScriptCommand
interface and a number of pre-defined IScriptCommands
is already available.

The ScriptRunner class runs script commands in sync or asynchronously. A ScriptCommand
is basically a piece of code to execute. It can return another script command that is to be executed subsequently. There is session information which is passed through a ParameterDic
. The ParameterDic
is a Dictionary<string, object>
The FileExplorer3
can be used to define ScriptCommand
s in 2 places as we discuss next.
ScriptCommand As CommandBindings (in UI)
A ScriptCommand
can be used in a ContextMenu or Toolbar. This requires the Parameter (e.g. pd["Parameter"]) to be set as the selected entryModel
(s). The UIParameterDic
is stored in the ParameterDic
to support this case. The UIParameterDic
provides additional properties like Sender and EventArgs. A script command is registered to UICommand
, using ScriptCommandBindings
in FileListCommandManager
ScriptCommands = new DynamicDictionary<IScriptCommand>();
ScriptCommands.Paste = vm.ScriptCommands.RunInSequence(
(dragDropEffects, src, dest) => new SimpleScriptCommand("Paste", (pm) =>
dest.Profile.DragDrop.OnDropCompleted(src.ToList(), null, dest, dragDropEffects);
return ResultCommand.NoError;
new ExportCommandBindings(
ScriptCommandBinding.FromScriptCommand(ApplicationCommands.Paste, this, (ch) => ch.ScriptCommands.Paste,
ParameterDicConverter, ScriptBindingScope.Local),
IEntryModel _currentDirectoryModel = null;
ToolbarCommands = new ToolbarCommandsHelper(events,
ExtraCommandProviders = new[] {
new StaticCommandProvider(new CommandModel(ApplicationCommands.Paste))
in FileListViewModel
protected override void OnViewAttached(object view, object context)
base.OnViewAttached(view, context);
var uiEle = view as System.Windows.UIElement;
Commands.RegisterCommand(uiEle, ScriptBindingScope.Local);
As Runner for pre-defined commands (in VM)
The 2nd way of defining a ScriptCommand
is through a viewmodel implementation. The code can call {VM}.Commands.ScriptCommands.Execute/ExecuteAsync(), in this case, to pass VMParameterDic
. So the ScriptCommand
can actually access the ViewModel of the caller from the ParameterDic
(e.g. pd["FileList"] as IFileListViewModel
Most commands are defined in viewmodels. The screenshot contains a number of defined script commands. The Commands is based on the ICommandManager interface and can be run on VM.Commands.ExecuteAsync
(), in this case.
Lets, for example, have a look at what happens when the Explorer
received a root changed event message (when a user maps or unmaps a root directory). The Explorer executes Explorer.ChangeRoot()
then Explorer.Goto()
public void Handle(RootChangedEvent message)
Queue<IScriptCommand> cmds = new Queue<IScriptCommand>();
cmds.Enqueue(Explorer.ChangeRoot(message.ChangeType, message.AppliedRootDirectories));
if (message.Sender != this)
switch (message.ChangeType)
case ChangeType.Created:
case ChangeType.Changed:
case ChangeType.Deleted:
The following view models:
, Explorer
, DirectoryTree
, FileList
, - and
implement the ISupportCommandManager
interface, which provides command properties that can call Execute/ExecuteAsync()
, but you can also call the FileList
, DirectoryTree
based commands in the ExplorerViewModel
The UIEventHub
class makes also frequently use of the IScriptCommand
interface. It calls, for examples, the MultiSelectEventProcessor.
Other View Models
Explorer and TabbedExplorer (ExplorerViewModel)

The ExplorerViewModel
is the view model that hosts everything. Each ExplorerViewModel
has it's own FileList
, DirectoryTree
, Breadcrumb
, Navigation
, Statusbar
and SidebarViewModel
The file name filter is implemented in the ToolWindow
or FilePicker
. You can specify the FilterStr, which will set the SelectedFilter
evm.FilterStr = "Texts (.txt)|*.txt|Pictures (.jpg, .png)|*.jpg,*.png|Songs (.mp3)|*.mp3|All Files (*.*)|*.*";
The CurrentDirectory
is in the IEntryViewModel
property type. You can get it's icon via the Icon
property (ImageSource
) or through it's EntryModel
property of the actual entry (from profile
The internal and external events of the ExplorerViewModel
class are handled separately through different EventAggregator
s (from CaliburnMicro). Supported events include:
, EntryChanged
(file system changed), DirectoryChanged
(current directory)
Internal events can broadcast to external events through the BroadcastEvent
There can only be one active explorer (SelectedItem) at any time in the tabbed explorer. It supports tab re-ordering (dragging one tab to another tab to re-order) by setting a DragHelper
and DropHelper
when creating new tab.
DragHelper = new TabControlDragHelper<IExplorerViewModel>(this);
expvm.DropHelper = new TabDropHelper<IExplorerViewModel>(expvm, this);
These helpers are re-usable. You can use a similar method if you have a tabcontrol and want to support tab re-ordering.
DirectoryTree and Breadcrumb

The DirectoryTree
class and the Breadcrumb(Tree)
class so similar that I thought merging them into 1 class. But the problem is that the expand mode is different. The Breadcrumb
displays, for example, unexpanded items in the root path while DirectoryTree
display them expanded:
await Selection.LookupAsync(value,
RecrusiveSearch<IBreadcrumbItemViewModel, IEntryModel>.LoadSubentriesIfNotLoaded,
SetSelected<IBreadcrumbItemViewModel, IEntryModel>.WhenSelected,
SetChildSelected<IBreadcrumbItemViewModel, IEntryModel>.ToSelectedChild);
await Selection.LookupAsync(value,
RecrusiveSearch<IDirectoryNodeViewModel, IEntryModel>.LoadSubentriesIfNotLoaded,
SetSelected<IDirectoryNodeViewModel, IEntryModel>.WhenSelected,
SetExpanded<IDirectoryNodeViewModel, IEntryModel>.WhenChildSelected);
Both ViewModels are hierarchically. The root viewModel has an EntriesHelper
that contains items in the next level, and vice versa. Please review the the BreadcrumbTree article to understand how the EntriesHelper
and BreadcrumbTree
Navigation, Statusbar and Sidebar

The Statusbar
and Sidebar
both use IEntriesHelper<IMetadataViewModel>
to display metadata. The IsVisibleInSidebar
property and IsVisibleStatusbar
property define the actual display. There is a wide range of supported metadata. Modifying metadata is currently not supported.
The previous version (FileExplorer2
) was always missing a feature to remove certain functions or change the behavior of how the FileExplorer works. There was no unified solution. I had to dig in the source code to tell everyone how to change it. One purpose of this update is to offer as much customization as possible. This customization should be possible with ease and without changing the source code to make this more than just a demo project. This implementation is designed for usage by other projects.
And a number of my projects that used:
- 10 May 2014 - Initial article.
- 29 May 2014 - Updated screenshots and text
- 17 June 2014 - Updated binaries to v3.0.11.
- 4 July 2014 - Updated binaries to v3.0.15.