When you develop a new control in .NET Framework often reuse standard
controls as textboxes , buttons etc�
Commonly we have to replicate, at control level , properties of a child
control and is a very tedious work to hand-write the code for all hosted
Look, for example at this control

Probably the Control should have properties similar to child controls
In this case, for example, Control's Text
property should be
textbox property
Well so you must manually rewrite all properties statements in this way:
Public Property BoxText() As String
Return Me.TextBox1.Text
End Get
Set(ByVal Value As String)
Me.TextBox1.Text = Value
End Set
End Property
That is a very tedious work, considering that much properties as similars
(like Font
, Background
and so on)
Class Inspector
Class Inspector can spy and recreate properties declarations of controls,
components enums and other classes containeds in an assembly.
You can load any .NET assembly and in the left treeView will be loaded all
assembly referenced in it (if you don't specify an assembly with menu item
"File/Get references from an assembly" will be loaded the program assembly
You can now navigate in tree nodes to class/enum that you want inspect and,
by clicking on this, in right text panel will be appears VB code for properties
declararations of inspected class.
The code can be browsed,copied and saved. You can also define a Prefix for
properties names, so if you define i.e. Btn
the Text
property declaration appear as
Private _BtnText as System.String
<Description("The text contained in the control.")> _
Public Property BtnText as System.String
return _BtnText
End Get
Set (Value as System.String)
End Set
End Property
You can, moreover, define a language different from default (English) by
setting relative combobox
If i.e. I set language to Italian (and if my .NET framework distribution
supports this language) the precendent property declaration will appears as
Private _BtnText as System.String
<Description("Il testo contenuto nel controllo.")> _
Public Property BtnText as System.String
return _BtnText
End Get
Set (Value as System.String)
End Set
End Property
That is Description
attributes will be translate in the selected
The source project was written with Visual Studio 2003 and the program was
tested with .NET framework v.1.1
In my site is
also avaible a setup package