1.0 Introduction
Most chat programs are text based, and do not support multi languages. In this article, I would like to share with the reader, the techniques I used to implement multilingual support and picture/media transfer in a chat program.
2.0 Streams and Protocols
A stream is a continuous flow of bytes. For a chat server and a chat client to communicate over the network, each would read and write to the network stream. The network stream is duplex, and bytes transmitted and read are always in FIFO order.
When a chat client is connected to a chat server, they would have established a common network stream to use.
However, for any meaningful communication, there must be some rules and order. These rules and order would be known as the communication protocols. There are at least a few layers of protocols.
At the lowest level, the communicating parties would need to know how to break a continuous flow of bytes into packets/frames. These rules would be referred to as the Network Protocol.
At the next level, the parties would need to interpret the packets/frames. These rules would be known as the Application Protocol(s).
3.0 Network Protocol
I would like to make a distinction between a text stream and a binary stream. In a text stream, only text characters are allowed. In a binary stream, all byte values (0x00 - 0xFF) are allowed.
One way to set markers in a text stream is to use a non-text byte as a marker. For example, the traditional C string is terminated by 0x00, which serves as an end marker.
For a binary stream, there is no way to set a marker because all byte values are legal. Thus, one way to break a binary stream to packets is for the parties to communicate to one another about the size of the binary bytes to follow, before actually sending the bytes.
In ChatStream.cs (and ChatStream.vb), the ChatStream
class is implemented with methods for reading and writing text data (Read()
and Write()
), and also methods for reading and writing binary data (ReadBinary()
and WriteBinary()
Note that in the Write()
method, we set a 0x03 as the marker, and Read()
will read until the marker is encountered. For the WriteBinary()
method, no marker is set, and ReadBinary()
requires an input parameter to indicate the number of bytes to read.
public class ChatStream:IChatStream
public string Read(NetworkStream n)
byte[] bytes=new byte[512];
int totalbytes=0;
int i=n.Read(bytes,totalbytes,2);
return "";
totalbytes +=i;
UnicodeEncoding Unicode = new UnicodeEncoding();
int charCount = Unicode.GetCharCount(bytes, 0, totalbytes);
char[] chars = new Char[charCount];
Unicode.GetChars(bytes, 0, totalbytes, chars, 0);
string s=new string(chars);
return s;
public void Write(NetworkStream n,string s)
s=s+new string((char)0x03,1);
UnicodeEncoding Unicode = new UnicodeEncoding();
byte[] bytes=Unicode.GetBytes(s);
n.Write(bytes,0,bytes.Length );
public byte[] ReadBinary(NetworkStream n,int numbytes)
int totalbytes=0;
byte[] readbytes=new byte[numbytes];
int i=n.Read(readbytes,totalbytes,numbytes-totalbytes);
return null;
totalbytes +=i;
return readbytes;
public void WriteBinary(NetworkStream n,byte[] b)
Public Class ChatStream
Implements IChatStream
Public Function Read(ByVal n As NetworkStream) As String Implements IChatStream.Read
Dim bytes As Byte() = New Byte(511) {}
Dim totalbytes As Integer = 0
While True
Dim i As Integer = n.Read(bytes, totalbytes, 2)
If i = 2 Then
If bytes(totalbytes) = CByte(&H3) Then
If bytes(totalbytes + 1) = CByte(&H0) Then
Exit While
End If
End If
Return ""
End If
totalbytes += i
End While
Dim Unicode As New UnicodeEncoding()
Dim charCount As Integer = Unicode.GetCharCount(bytes, 0, totalbytes)
Dim chars As Char() = New [Char](charCount - 1) {}
Unicode.GetChars(bytes, 0, totalbytes, chars, 0)
Dim s As New String(chars)
Return s
End Function
Public Function Read() As String Implements IChatStream.Read
Return Read(m_stream)
End Function
Public Sub Write(ByVal s As String) Implements IChatStream.Write
Write(m_stream, s)
End Sub
Public Sub Write(ByVal n As NetworkStream, ByVal s As String) Implements IChatStream.Write
s = s & New String(Chr(&H3), 1)
Dim Unicode As New UnicodeEncoding()
Dim bytes As Byte() = Unicode.GetBytes(s)
n.Write(bytes, 0, bytes.Length)
End Sub
Public Function ReadBinary(ByVal numbytes As Integer) As Byte() Implements IChatStream.ReadBinary
Return ReadBinary(m_stream, numbytes)
End Function
Public Function ReadBinary(ByVal n As NetworkStream, ByVal numbytes As Integer) As Byte() Implements IChatStream.ReadBinary
Dim totalbytes As Integer = 0
Dim readbytes As Byte() = New Byte(numbytes - 1) {}
While totalbytes < numbytes
Dim i As Integer = n.Read(readbytes, totalbytes, numbytes - totalbytes)
If i = 0 Then
Return Nothing
End If
totalbytes += i
End While
Return readbytes
End Function
Public Sub WriteBinary(ByVal b As Byte()) Implements IChatStream.WriteBinary
WriteBinary(m_stream, b)
End Sub
Public Sub WriteBinary(ByVal n As NetworkStream, ByVal b As Byte()) Implements IChatStream.WriteBinary
n.Write(b, 0, b.Length)
End Sub
#End Region
End Class
4.0 Unicode
The traditional C string is a single-byte character string. It is adequate for representing all ASCII characters. However, for languages where the character set has more than 256 characters, a single-byte character representation is no longer adequate.
In .NET as in VB6, strings are all internally double-byte.
To manipulate the double-byte characters in the String
class, we can make use of the UnicodeEncoding
This code fragment shows how to extract out all the double-byte bytes from a string:
UnicodeEncoding Unicode = new UnicodeEncoding();
byte[] bytes=Unicode.GetBytes(s);
Dim Unicode As New UnicodeEncoding()
Dim bytes As Byte() = Unicode.GetBytes(s)
Similarly, to construct a Unicode string from a byte array:
UnicodeEncoding Unicode = new UnicodeEncoding();
int charCount = Unicode.GetCharCount(bytes, 0, totalbytes);
char[] chars = new Char[charCount];
Unicode.GetChars(bytes, 0, totalbytes, chars, 0);
string s=new string(chars);
Dim Unicode As New UnicodeEncoding()
Dim charCount As Integer = Unicode.GetCharCount(bytes, 0, totalbytes)
Dim chars As Char() = New [Char](charCount - 1) {}
Unicode.GetChars(bytes, 0, totalbytes, chars, 0)
Dim s As New String(chars)
Although the TextBox
and RichTextBox
controls in .NET support Unicode, a Unicode supported font is needed for display of Unicode characters, and an appropriate IME (Input Method Editor) is needed for Unicode input.
For this program, I make use of Arial Unicode MS which comes with Windows XP.
You can also use Symbola Fonts from the Ancient Script Fonts web site.
5.0 Sending and Receiving Pictures
If you ever use a binary editor to view a picture file (JPG or BMP), you will know that all byte values are possible in a picture file. To transfer picture binary data from a file or memory stream, we would not be able to set a marker to break the stream as what we can do for text data.
For this program:
The protocol for sending a picture is as follows:
- The client sends a command: send pic:<target>.
- When the server receives the command, it will check if <target> has an active connection. It then replies with “<server> send pic”.
- When the client receives this special message, it will send a text message to indicate to the server the number of bytes of binary data that will be sent over. Following that, the binary data are then sent.
- The server uses the
method to get the binary data, and then saves the data to a file marked with the sender and target names.
- The server will then send a message to the <target> indicating that there is a picture ready for it to retrieve.
The protocol for getting a picture is as follows:
- The client sends a command: get pic:<sender>.
- When the server receives the command, it will first check if there is a file with the <sender> and the client name. If so, it will send the reply “<server> get pic”. It will then send a text message to indicate to the client the number of bytes to read. Then the binary data will be sent over.
- The client uses the common
method to get the binary data and display the image in the RichTextBox
The server code for acting on the send_pic
and get_pic
commands from the client:
private void action_send_pic()
string[] s=readdata.Split(':');
string name="";
if (s.Length==3)name=s[2];
TcpClient t=null;
if (chatserver.FindUserRoom(name)!=0)
string snumbytes=chatserver.Read(client.GetStream());
int numbytes=int.Parse(snumbytes);
byte[] b=chatserver.ReadBinary(client.GetStream(),numbytes);
if (b==null)
"server> Transmission Error");
FileStream f=new FileStream(nickname+"_"+name+".jpg",FileMode.Create);
chatserver.Write (t.GetStream(),
private void action_get_pic()
string[] s=readdata.Split(':');
string sender="";
string picname="";
picname=sender + "_" + nickname + ".jpg";
FileStream f=new FileStream(picname,FileMode.Open);
FileInfo fi=new FileInfo(picname);
byte[] b=new byte[fi.Length];
chatserver.Write (client.GetStream(),
TcpClient t=null;
if (chatserver.FindUserRoom(sender)!=0)
Private Sub action_send_pic()
Dim s As String() = readdata.Split(":"C)
Dim name As String = ""
If s.Length = 3 Then
name = s(2)
End If
Dim t As TcpClient = Nothing
If chatserver.FindUserRoom(name) <> 0 Then
t = DirectCast(chatserver.ClientConnections(name.ToUpper()), TcpClient)
End If
If (t IsNot Nothing) Then
chatserver.Write(client.GetStream(), ChatProtocolValues.SEND_PIC_MSG)
Dim snumbytes As String = chatserver.Read(client.GetStream())
Dim numbytes As Integer = Integer.Parse(snumbytes)
Dim b As Byte() = chatserver.ReadBinary(client.GetStream(), numbytes)
If b Is Nothing Then
chatserver.Write(client.GetStream(), "server> Transmission Error")
End If
Dim f As New FileStream(nickname & "_" & name & ".jpg", FileMode.Create)
f.Write(b, 0, b.Length)
chatserver.Write(t.GetStream(), ChatProtocolValues.PIC_FROM_MSG(nickname, name))
chatserver.Write(client.GetStream(), ChatProtocolValues.PIC_SEND_MSG(nickname))
chatserver.Write(client.GetStream(), ChatProtocolValues.USER_NOT_FOUND_MSG(name))
End If
End Sub
Private Sub action_get_pic()
Dim s As String() = readdata.Split(":"C)
Dim sender As String = ""
Dim picname As String = ""
If s.Length = 3 Then
sender = s(2)
End If
picname = (sender & "_" & nickname &".jpg"
If Not File.Exists(picname) Then
chatserver.Write(client.GetStream(), ChatProtocolValues.PIC_NOT_FOUND_MSG(picname))
Dim f As New FileStream(picname, FileMode.Open)
Dim fi As New FileInfo(picname)
Dim b As Byte() = New Byte(fi.Length - 1) {}
f.Read(b, 0, b.Length)
chatserver.Write(client.GetStream(), ChatProtocolValues.GET_PIC_MSG)
chatserver.Write(client.GetStream(), "" & b.Length)
chatserver.WriteBinary(client.GetStream(), b)
chatserver.Write(client.GetStream(), ChatProtocolValues.PIC_SEND_ACK_MSG)
Dim t As TcpClient = Nothing
If chatserver.FindUserRoom(sender) <> 0 Then
t = DirectCast(chatserver.ClientConnections(sender.ToUpper()), TcpClient)
End If
If t IsNot Nothing Then
chatserver.Write(t.GetStream(), ChatProtocolValues.GOTTEN_PIC_MSG(nickname))
End If
End If
End Sub
The client responses to the server's messages:
private void action_server_send_pic()
MemoryStream ms=new MemoryStream();
byte[] buf=ms.GetBuffer();
Write("" + buf.Length);
Console.WriteLine("Send: {0} bytes", buf.Length);
private void action_server_get_pic()
string snumbytes=Read();
int numbytes=int.Parse(snumbytes);
byte[] readbytes=ReadBinary(numbytes);
Console.WriteLine("Error getting picture");
responseData="server> Error getting picture";
MemoryStream ms=new MemoryStream(readbytes);
Image img=Image.FromStream(ms);
Private Sub action_server_send_pic()
Dim ms As New MemoryStream()
pic.Image.Save(ms, ImageFormat.Jpeg)
Dim buf As Byte() = ms.GetBuffer()
Write("" + buf.Length)
Console.WriteLine("Send: {0} bytes", buf.Length)
End Sub
Private Sub action_server_get_pic()
Dim snumbytes As String = Read()
Dim numbytes As Integer = Integer.Parse(snumbytes)
Dim readbytes As Byte() = ReadBinary(numbytes)
If readbytes Is Nothing Then
Console.WriteLine("Error getting picture")
responseData = "server> Error getting picture"
End If
Dim ms As New MemoryStream(readbytes)
Dim img As Image = Image.FromStream(ms)
End Sub
6.0 Sending, Receiving, and Playing Media Clips
The protocol for transferring media clips is very similar to that for picture transfer. The main difference is that unlike a picture which is basically copied from a picture box in the UI and saved to a file with a fixed jpg extension, the media clips are just files that are tagged and stored by the program, and can have various different extensions. The extensions for these files have to be maintained as the media player relies on the extension to play the files.
When sending the binary data of a media clip to the server, the extension of the clip must be sent. And when the receiver retrieves the binary data from the server, the extension must also be made known so that the media clip file can be recreated with the correct extension.
To resolve this problem, there is a slight change in the protocol. When sending media clip data to the server, the sender first sends a three-character extension, followed by the number of bytes of binary data, and then finally, the binary data. The server first reads the extension, saves the extension to a file named <sender>_<target> (without the extension), and then saves the binary data to a file named <sender>_<target>.<ext>.
private void action_server_send_media()
String ext=shp1.Text.Substring(shp1.Text.Length-3);
FileInfo fi=new FileInfo(_currentpath +"\\"+nickname+"."+ext);
FileStream f=new FileStream(_currentpath +"\\"+nickname+"."+ext,
byte[] b=new byte[fi.Length];
Write("" + b.Length);
Private Sub action_server_send_media()
If shp1.Text.Equals("Empty") Then
Write("" + 0)
End If
Dim ext As [String] = shp1.Text.Substring(shp1.Text.Length - 3)
Dim fi As New FileInfo(_currentpath & "\" + nickname & "." & ext)
Dim f As New FileStream(_currentpath & "\" & nickname + "." & ext, FileMode.Open)
Dim b As Byte() = New Byte(fi.Length - 1) {}
f.Read(b, 0, b.Length)
Write("" & b.Length)
End Sub
Similarly, when the receiver retrieves the media clip, the server first locates the file that stores the extension, retrieves the extension, and the retrieves the file <sender>_<target>.<ext>, and then sends the extension followed by the media clip binary data to the receiver.
private void action_server_get_media()
string ext=Read();
string snumbytes=Read();
int numbytes=int.Parse(snumbytes);
byte[] readbytes=ReadBinary(numbytes);
responseData="server> Error getting picture";
FileStream f=new FileStream(_currentpath +
string c_currentpath=_currentpath.Replace(" ","@");
rtb.SelectedText="\nfile:///" + c_currentpath +
"\\"+nickname+"_received" +
File.Copy(_currentpath +"\\"+nickname+"_received."+ext,
_currentpath +"\\"+nickname+"_received" +
Private Sub action_server_get_media()
Dim ext As String = Read()
Dim snumbytes As String = Read()
Dim numbytes As Integer = Integer.Parse(snumbytes)
Dim readbytes As Byte() = ReadBinary(numbytes)
If readbytes Is Nothing Then
responseData = "server> Error getting picture"
End If
Dim f As New FileStream(_currentpath & "\" & nickname & "_received." & ext, FileMode.Create)
f.Write(readbytes, 0, numbytes)
rtb.SelectionStart = rtb.Text.Length
_media_id += 1
Dim c_currentpath As String = _currentpath.Replace(" ", "@")
rtb.SelectedText = vbLf & "file:///" & c_currentpath & "\" & nickname & "_received" & _media_id & "." & ext
File.Copy(_currentpath & "\" & nickname & "_received." & ext, _currentpath &"\" & nickname & "_received" & _media_id +&"." & ext, True)
End Sub
To play the media clip, the system must have the media player installed. The chat client locates the media player from the Windows registry and sends the clip to be played by the media player.
public class WinMediaPlayer
public static string GetMediaPlayerDirectory()
Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey localmachineregkey=
Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey mediaplayerkey=
return (string)mediaplayerkey.GetValue("Installation Directory");
return "";
public static void Play(IntPtr hwnd,string strFileName)
"\""+strFileName+"\"",ChatClient.MediaPlayerDirectory ,
Public Class WinMediaPlayer
Public Shared Function GetMediaPlayerDirectory() As String
Dim localmachineregkey As Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey = Microsoft.Win32.Registry.LocalMachine
Dim mediaplayerkey As Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey = localmachineregkey.OpenSubKey("SOFTWARE\Microsoft\MediaPlayer")
Return DirectCast(mediaplayerkey.GetValue("Installation Directory"), String)
Return ""
End Try
End Function
Public Shared Sub Play(hwnd As IntPtr, strFileName As String)
If Not ChatClient.MediaPlayerDirectory.Equals("") Then
Helpers.ShellExecute(hwnd, "open", "wmplayer", """" & strFileName & """", ChatClient.MediaPlayerDirectory, Helpers.SW_NORMAL)
End If
End Sub
End Class
7.0 Server Program
The server program starts by creating the requested number of chat rooms, and reads out the users by deserializing the users.bin file. Then, it continues to listen for connections. Once a connection is established, it sprouts a new SocketHelper
object to manage the communication with the connected client.
public class ChatServer:ChatStream,IChatServer
public ChatServer(int port_no,int num_room)
this.port_no =port_no;
listener=new TcpListener(IPAddress.Any,this.port_no);
roomusers=new Hashtable[num_room];
for(int i=0;i<num_room;i++)
roomusers[i]=new Hashtable();
connections=new Hashtable();
Console.WriteLine("Waiting for connection...");
TcpClient client=Listener.AcceptTcpClient();
SocketHelper sh=new SocketHelper(this,client);
Public Class ChatServer
Inherits ChatStream
Implements IChatServer
Public Sub New(port_no As Integer, num_room As Integer)
Me.port_no = port_no
Me.num_room = num_room
num_per_room = DEFAULT_NUM_PER_ROOM
listener = New TcpListener(IPAddress.Any, Me.port_no)
roomusers = New Hashtable(num_room - 1) {}
For i As Integer = 0 To num_room - 1
roomusers(i) = New Hashtable()
connections = New Hashtable()
While True
Console.WriteLine("Waiting for connection...")
Dim client As TcpClient = Listener.AcceptTcpClient()
Dim sh As New SocketHelper(Me, client)
End While
End Sub
End Class
To run the server:
chatserver <port_number> <num_room>
E.g.: chatserver 1300 10 uses port 1300, and creates 10 chat rooms.
8.0 Client Program
The client program starts by connecting to the server. It then attempts to perform authentication. If successful, a thread is started to listen for the server's messages. A form is then loaded to show the UI and handle user's interaction.
public ChatClient(string _host,int _port)
host =_host;
catch {
tl=new Thread(new ThreadStart(Listen));
Public Sub New(_host As String, _port As Integer)
_currentpath = Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetModules()(0).FullyQualifiedName)
host = _host
port = _port
tcpc = Connect(host, port)
stream = tcpc.GetStream()
Stream = stream
End Try
tl = New Thread(New ThreadStart(Listen))
End Sub
To run the client program:
chatclient <server_name_or_ip> <port_no>
E.g.: chatclient localhost 1300, or chatclient 1300
9.0 Chat Client User Interface
The user can either key in commands at the text-box, or use the menu system.
For chatting, just type into the chat box and hit enter. Your message will be broadcast to all the users in the same room.
These are the commands:
Command |
Description |
:help |
list out all the valid command |
:change room |
change to another chat room |
:list |
list all the users in the current chat room |
:list all |
list all the users in all the chat rooms |
:list <room_no> |
list all the user in <room no> |
:which room |
find out which room you are in |
:private:<target>:<message> |
send a private message to a user regardless of room number |
:send pic:<target> |
send the picturebox image to a user |
:get pic:<sender> |
get the picture from the sender |
:send media:<target> |
send the loaded media file to a user. Media files are all files that can be played by the Media Player, eg wma, wmv, avi, jpg.. |
:get media:<sender> |
get the media file from the sender |
:quit |
quit chatting |
I have also added a feature for direct typing of Unicode characters to the textbox. Type \u####<space>
For example to enter the character ☺ (simling face), type \u263a follow by <space>
See my article for more details:
Fun with Unicode
10.0 Testing
Testing the chat server and multiple chat clients all from the same computer.
1. Start a command prompt windows, cd to the directory containing chatserver.exe. Run chatserver 1300 10
2. Start another command prompt, cd to the directory containing chatclient.exe. Run chatclient 1300. Register: Userid: user1, Password user1
3. Start another command prompt, cd to the directory containing chatclient.exe. Run chatclient 1300. Register: Userid: user2, Password:user2
4. Send a message from user1 to user2.
5. For user2, using the mouse draw on the picture box. In the text box, type :send pic:user1 , then press the <enter> key
6. For user1, right click on the green rounded button, select <load media file> to load a media file from the file selection dialog box.
7. For user1, type :send media:user2
Testing over the LAN
1. Select a port number that is not blocked for the computer hosting chatserver and computers running chatclient
2. By default we have choosen port number 1300. You can choose any port number that is not used by other application, for example 9192
3. For the computer running chatserver, start a command prompt windows, cd to the directory containing chatserver.exe. Run chatserver 1300 10
4. For another computer running chatclient, start a command prompt, cd to the directory containing chatclient.exe. Run chatclient <server_name_or_ip> <port_no>. Register: Userid: user3 Password user3
5. For another computer running chatclient, start a command prompt, cd to the directory containing chatclient.exe. Run chatclient <server_name_or_ip> <port_no>. Register: Userid: user4 Password user4
6. For user4, using the mouse draw on the picture box. In the text box, type :send pic:user3 , then press the <enter> key
7. For user3, right click on the green rounded button, select <load media file> to load a media file from the file selection dialog box.
8. For user3, type :send media:user4
11.0 Conclusion
I hope that the readers would benefit from this article and its associated code. I would welcome any comments and contributions.
Happy picture chatting.
- Version 1.0: Sep 2004.
- Version 2.0: Jun 2006.
- Version 3.0: Jul 2008.
- Version 4.0: May 2014 - ChatClient.cs can now be edited by the Visual Designer in Visual Studio
- Version 4.1: 19 May 2014 - Direct uncode typing into the textbox
- 7 July 2014: Include source code for VB.Net