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Learn HTML 5 in 3 days – Day 2 – Part 1

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19 Apr 2016CPOL7 min read 50.6K   50   17
Welcome to Day 2 (Part 1) of Learn HTML 5 in 3 days series.


1Long time after the completion of Day1, finally I made my move to Day 2.

In Day 1 we have touched some of the basic but important topics in HTML 5. Today we will make a dive into the some advanced stuffs.

In Day 1 we mainly concentrated at

  • new tags and controls
  • new validation features
  • Application cache

Complete List

Day 2 Agenda

In order to make article short and simple I have decided to break Day 2 into two parts.

Part 1 Agenda

  • Lab 12  - working with Canvas
  • Lab 13 – working with SVG
  • SVG vs Canvas

Part 2 Agenda

  • Lab 14 - HTML5 Media
  • Lab 15 – Drag and Drop
  • Lab 16 – Geo Location
  • Lab 18 – Web Worker
  • Lab 19 – Web Worker and Ajax
  • Lab 20 – Server Sent Events

Lab 12 - working with Canvas

What is Canvas?

Canvas is like a drawing board.

  • It provides a rectangle area of a specific width and height.
  • We will use new HTML 5 JavaScript api and draw various shapes of different size, colors and patterns in that rectangle area(canvas).

Let’s understand Canvas with the help of couple of labs.

Initial setup

Step 1

Create a HTML page.


Step 2

Create canvas inside body tag as follows.

<canvas id="MyCanvas" width="500px" height="500px" style="border:1px solid black;">


Step 3

Create Script tag in head part


<script type="text/javascript">



Step 4

Create a JavaScript function “Draw” and place it inside script tag.

Inside Draw function get access to the canvas object.

function Draw()

        var ctx = document.getElementById('MyCanvas').getContext("2d");      
        //Canvas Code Comes Here

Lab 12.1 Working a Path
What is path?

  • Path is simply a list of zero or more sub paths.
  • Each sub path is a list of one or more endpoints.
  • Each end point in a sub path will be connected to each other by a straight line or by curved lines.

Lab 12.1.1 – Creating path with Single Begin Path

Code Snippet


ctx.strokeStyle = "blue";

ctx.moveTo(75, 50);

ctx.lineTo(75, 100);


ctx.strokeStyle = "red";

ctx.lineTo(25, 100);



Image 2


In above example complete path is made up of two sub paths.

  • BeginPath – Create a new Path.
  • We first build structure with sub paths and then stroke all those sub paths at once with the help of stroke() method
  • strokeStyle will be used to set the current style.
  • Every time stroke method is called, all sub paths will be stroked in current style.
  • In above example,
    • First stroke method draw sub path in blue color between coordinates (75,50) and (75,100)
    • Second stroke method will draw 2 sub paths (both in red color).
      • One between coordinates (75,50) and (75,100)
      • Second between (75,100) and (25,100)

(This is why first sub path in canvas is neither red nor blue its mixture of both)


Lab 12.1.2 – Creating path with Multiple Begin Path

Code Snippet


ctx.strokeStyle = "blue";

ctx.moveTo(75, 50);

ctx.lineTo(75, 100);



ctx.moveTo(75, 100);

ctx.strokeStyle = "red";

ctx.lineTo(25, 100);



Image 3

Lab 12.1.3 – Understand ClosePath

Code Snippet


ctx.strokeStyle = "blue";

ctx.moveTo(75, 50);

ctx.lineTo(75, 100);

ctx.lineTo(25, 100);




Image 4


closePath – lineTo from current point to startPoint

Lab 12.1.4 – Understand Fill

Code Snippet


ctx.moveTo(75, 50);

ctx.lineTo(75, 100);

ctx.lineTo(25, 100);

ctx.fillStyle = "red";



Image 5

Lab 12.1.5 – Draw curved line

Code Snippet


ctx.moveTo(175, 50)

ctx.quadraticCurveTo(60, 360, 175, 300);



Image 6


quadraticCurveTo function takes four parameters.

First two points are control points that is used in the quadratic Bézier calculation and the next two points are the ending point for the curve

Lab 12.2 Working with Rectangle

Lab 12.2.1 Draw rectangle

Code Snippet


ctx.fillRect(75, 75, 150, 150);


ctx.strokeStyle = "black";

ctx.lineWidth = 5;



Image 7

Lab 12.2.2 Clear rectangle

Code Snippet


ctx.fillRect(75, 75, 250, 250);

ctx.clearRect(125, 125, 100, 100);


Image 8

Lab 12.3 Working with Gradient

Lab 12.3.1 Working with Liner Gradient

Code Snippet

var grd = ctx.createLinearGradient(75, 75, 225, 75);

grd.addColorStop(0, "black");

grd.addColorStop(0.2, "magenta");

grd.addColorStop(0.4, "blue");

grd.addColorStop(0.6, "green");

grd.addColorStop(0.8, "yellow");

grd.addColorStop(1, "red");

ctx.fillStyle = grd

ctx.fillRect(75, 75, 150, 150);


Image 9


  • CreateLinearGradient takes 4 parameters x1,y1,x2,y2
    1. When x1=x2 and y1!=y2, gradient direction will be horizontal
    2. When y1=y2 and x1!=x2, gradient direction will be vertical.
    3. When x1!=x2 and y1!=y2 gradient direction will be diagonal.
  • AddColorStop function takes two arguments.
    1. Number between 0 and 1 that represents the position between start and end in a gradient.
    2. Color

Lab 12.3.2 Working with Radial Gradient

Code Snippet

var grd = ctx.createRadialGradient(150, 150, 5, 150, 150,85);

grd.addColorStop(0, "orange");

grd.addColorStop(0.2, "magenta");

grd.addColorStop(0.4, "blue");

grd.addColorStop(0.6, "green");

grd.addColorStop(0.8, "yellow");

grd.addColorStop(1, "red");

ctx.fillStyle = grd

ctx.fillRect(75, 75, 150, 150);



Image 10


CreateRadialGradiant takes 6 arguments x1,y1,r1,x2,y2,r2

  1. x1,y1,y1 will represents the center and radius of starting circle.
  2. x2,y2,r2 will represents the center and radius of ending circle.

Gradient start with starting circle and moves towards the end circle.

Lab 12.4 Working with Circle

Code Snippet




ctx.lineWidth = "8";

ctx.arc(100, 175, 85, 0, 2*Math.PI);




ctx.fillStyle = "green";

ctx.strokeStyle = "yellow";

ctx.lineWidth = "8";

ctx.arc(285, 175, 85, 0, 1 * Math.PI);





Image 11


DrawArc function takes 5 arguments x,y,r,sa,ea

  • x and y is center of circle
  • r is radius
  • sa and ea are start angle and end angle of circle.

Angles can be measured in either degree or radians.

In case of radians Mathematical constant PI (π) indicates half circle, and 2*PI indicates full circle.

Lab 12.5 Working with Text

Code Snippet


ctx.font = "30px Segoe UI";

ctx.fillText("www.StepByStepSchools.Net",0, 150);


Image 12


fillText/strokeText simply takes 3 arguments

  1. Actual Text
  2. X and Y coordinates

Lab 12.6 Scale

Code Snippet

ctx.strokeRect(75, 75, 75, 75);


ctx.strokeRect(75, 75, 75, 75);



Image 13


Scale method simply scales position and diameter of all future drawings.

In above example it is scaled by 200%.

Lab 12.7 Rotate

Code Snippet


ctx.strokeRect(75, 75, 75, 75);


Image 14


Rotates future drawings by specified angle

Lab 12.8 Translate

Code Snippet

ctx.strokeRect(0, 0, 150, 150);

ctx.translate(150, 150);

ctx.strokeRect(0, 0, 150, 150);


Image 15


Translate method remaps the (0,0) position in the canvas.

Note: We can also use a simple method called “settransform” which let us scale, rotate and translate in one go.

Lab 12.9 Save and restore canvas state

Code Snippet


ctx.fillRect(75, 75, 150, 150);

ctx.fillStyle = "blue";             

ctx.fillRect(90, 90, 50, 50);;

ctx.fillStyle = "yellow";

ctx.fillRect(90, 160, 50, 50);;

ctx.fillStyle = "green";



ctx.fillRect(160, 160, 50, 50);


Image 16


Save method will store current canvas state in the canvas.

Restore method pops out the last saved state form the stack and set it to canvas.

Lab 12.10 Working with Images

Code Snippet

vari = new Image();
i.src = "Desert.jpg";
i.onload = function () {
    //Draw Squqre
ctx.strokeStyle = "green";
ctx.lineWidth = 5;
ctx.drawImage(i, 0, 0);
ctx.strokeRect(60, 120, 70, 80);

    //draw Text
ctx.strokeStyle = "yellow";
ctx.font = "30px Segoe UI";
ctx.lineWidth = 1;
ctx.strokeText("My Home", 80, 40);

    //Draw Arrow
ctx.strokeStyle = "red";
ctx.lineWidth = 2;
ctx.moveTo(110, 110);
ctx.lineTo(125, 40);

ctx.moveTo(110, 110);
ctx.lineTo(100, 90);

ctx.moveTo(110, 110);
ctx.lineTo(126, 95);


Image 17

Lab 12.11 Animation using Canvas

  • Once we draw something in canvas we cannot change it. In order to do some modification in existing drawing,
    1. We remove existing drawing with the help of “clearRect” function.
    2. Then redraw with new attributes
  • When above strategy is combined with traditional JavaScript function like Windows.Timeout or Window.SetInterval, it leads to animation.

Code Snippet

var interval;
var x = 0, y = 0;
varctx = document.getElementById('MyCanvas').getContext("2d");

ctx.moveTo(x, y);
ctx.clearRect(x , y, 50, 50);
if (x >document.getElementById('MyCanvas').width) {

        x = 0;
        y += 50;
if (y + 50 >document.getElementById('MyCanvas').height)
            x = 0; y = 0;
else {
        x += 15;
ctx.fillStyle = getRndColor();
ctx.fillRect(x, y,50,50);
functiongetRndColor() {
var r = 255 * Math.random() | 0,
        g = 255 * Math.random() | 0,
        b = 255 * Math.random() | 0;
    return 'rgb(' + r + ',' + g + ',' + b + ')';

interval = setInterval("drawInAnimation()", 15);


Image 18
Note: Above image is recorded gif version of actual ouput. Hence animation just restarts in the middle, thats because its not real HTML animation(here). Requesting you to download source code from top and run the same.

Lab 13 – working with SVG

Just like Canvas, SVG let us draw Images inside a rectangle area. We will see the difference between Canvas and SVG, but before that let’s do a lab on SVG.

Initial setup

Step 1

Create a HTML page.





Step 2

Create canvas inside body tag as follows.

<SVG id="MySVG" width="500px" height="500px" style="border:1px solid black;">

</SVG > 

Lab 13.1 Working with various kinds of shapes

Instead of understanding each shape individually, let’s use multiple shapes in combination and create something creative.

Code Snippet

<svg width="205" height="200">

    <!--surrounding border-->

    <rect x="0" y="0" width="205" height="200" style="fill: rgb(199, 240, 185);"> </rect>

    <!--surrounding border-->

    <!--Hat Start-->

    <rect x="78" y="10" width="44" height="70" style="fill: black; stroke: black; "></rect>

    <ellipse cx="100" cy="20" rx="67" ry="12" stroke="white"

                stroke-width="0.5" fill="black"></ellipse>          

    <!--Hat End-->

    <!--Left ear-->

    <ellipse cx="55" cy="70" rx="25" ry="25" stroke="black" stroke-width="2" fill="gray"></ellipse>

    <!--Right ear-->

    <ellipse cx="145" cy="70" rx="25" ry="25" stroke="black" stroke-width="2" fill="gray"></ellipse>


    <circle cx="100" cy="105" r="50" stroke="black" stroke-width="2" fill="rgb(230, 231, 194)" />

    <!--Left Eye-->

    <ellipse cx="75" cy="95" rx="10" ry="20"

                style="fill:white;stroke:black;stroke-width:1" />

    <!--Left Eye ball-->

    <ellipse cx="80" cy="95" rx="5" ry="12"

                style="fill:black;stroke:black;stroke-width:1" />

    <!--Right Eye-->

    <ellipse cx="125" cy="95" rx="10" ry="20"

                style="fill:white;stroke:black;stroke-width:1" />

    <!--Right Eye ball-->

    <ellipse cx="120" cy="95" rx="5" ry="12"

                style="fill:black;stroke:black;stroke-width:1" />

    <!--Mouth start-->

    <clipPath id="cut-off-bottom">

        <rect x="70" y="135" width="60" height="30" />


    <ellipse cx="100" cy="125" rx="30" ry="20" clip-path="url(#cut-off-bottom)"

                style="fill:rgb(230, 231, 194);stroke:black;stroke-width:2" />

    <!--Mouth End-->


    <polygon points="100,115 85,125 115,125"

                style="fill: brown;

            stroke-width: 1" />


    <line x1="0" y1="165" x2="205" y2="165" style="stroke:brown;

stroke-width:2" />

    <text x="25" y="185" font-family="Comic Sans MS'" fill="Blue" >A coder can be creative</text>



Image 19

Lab 13.1 SVG animations

SVG’s declarative way of programming makes animation much easier. Let’s add couple of animations to above SVG diagram.

Code Snippet – Initial setting

<svg width="205" height="220">

        <rect x="0" y="0" width="205" height="220" style="fill: rgb(199, 240, 185);">


Code Snippet – Animation for eyes

<!--Left Eye-->

        <ellipse cx="75" cy="95" rx="15" ry="15"

                    style="fill:white;stroke:black;stroke-width:1" />

        <!--Left Eye ball-->

        <ellipse cx="75" cy="95" rx="5" ry="5"


            <animate attributeName="cx" attributeType="XML"

                        from="75" to="85" id="Left1" repeatCount="1"

                        begin="0s;Left5.end" dur="0.5s" />

            <set attributeName="cx" attributeType="XML"


                    begin="Left1.end" />

            <animateTransform attributeName="transform"

                                type="rotate" id="Left2"

                                from="0 75 95" to="360 75 95"

                                begin="Left1.end" dur="1s"



            <animate attributeName="cx" attributeType="XML"

                        from="85" to="65" id="Left3"

                        begin="Left2.end" dur="0.5s" />

            <set attributeName="cx" attributeType="XML"


                    begin="Left3.end" />

            <animateTransform attributeName="transform"

                                type="rotate" id="Left4"

                                from="360 75 95" to="0 75 95"

                                begin="Left3.end" dur="1s"



            <animate attributeName="cx" attributeType="XML"

                        from="65" to="75" id="Left5"

                        begin="Left4.end" dur="0.5s" />

            <set attributeName="cx" attributeType="XML"


                    begin="Left4.end" >


<!--Right Eye-->

        <ellipse cx="125" cy="95" rx="15" ry="15"

                    style="fill:white;stroke:black;stroke-width:1" />

        <!--Right Eye ball-->

        <ellipse cx="125" cy="95" rx="5" ry="5" style="fill:black;stroke:black;stroke-width:1">

            <animate attributeName="cx" attributeType="XML"

                        from="125" to="135" id="Right1" repeatCount="1"

                        begin="0s;Right5.end" dur="0.5s" />

            <set attributeName="cx" attributeType="XML" to="135" begin="Right1.end" />

            <animateTransform attributeName="transform"

                                type="rotate" id="Right2"

                                from="0 125 95" to="360 125 95"

                                begin="Right1.end" dur="1s"



            <animate attributeName="cx" attributeType="XML"

                        from="135" to="115" id="Right3"

                        begin="Right2.end" dur="0.5s" />

            <set attributeName="cx" attributeType="XML"


                    begin="Right3.end" />

            <animateTransform attributeName="transform"

                                type="rotate" id="Right4"

                                from="360 125 95" to="0 125 95"

                                begin="Right3.end" dur="1s"



            <animate attributeName="cx" attributeType="XML"

                        from="115" to="125" id="Right5"

                        begin="Right4.end" dur="0.5s" />

            <set attributeName="cx" attributeType="XML" to="125" begin="Right4.end" />


Code Snippet – Mouth Animation

<clipPath id="cut-off-bottom">

    <rect x="70" y="135" width="60" height="11">

        <animate attributeName="y" attributeType="XML"

                    from="135" to="125" id="MouthClipAnimation1"

                    begin="0;MouthClipAnimation3.end+3" dur="1s" />

        <animate attributeName="height" attributeType="XML"

                    from="11" to="22" id="MouthClipAnimation2"

                    begin="0;MouthClipAnimation4.end+3" dur="1s" />

        <set attributeName="y" attributeType="XML"


                begin="MouthClipAnimation1.end-0.1" />

        <set attributeName="height" attributeType="XML"


                begin="MouthClipAnimation2.end-0.1" />

        <animate attributeName="y" attributeType="XML"

                    from="125" to="135" id="MouthClipAnimation3"

                    begin="MouthClipAnimation1.end+3" dur="1s" />

        <animate attributeName="height" attributeType="XML"

                    from="22" to="11" id="MouthClipAnimation4"

                    begin="MouthClipAnimation2.end+3" dur="1s" />

        <set attributeName="y" attributeType="XML"


                begin="MouthClipAnimation3.end-0.1" />

        <set attributeName="height" attributeType="XML"


                begin="MouthClipAnimation4.end-0.1" />



<ellipse cx="100" cy="125" rx="30" ry="20" clip-path="url(#cut-off-bottom)"

            style="fill:rgb(230, 231, 194);stroke:black;stroke-width:2">

    <animate attributeName="cy" attributeType="XML"

                from="125" to="135" id="MouthEllipseAnimation1"

                begin="0;MouthEllipseAnimation4.end+3" dur="1s" />

    <animate attributeName="rx" attributeType="XML"

                from="30" to="8" id="MouthEllipseAnimation2"

                begin="0;MouthEllipseAnimation5.end+3" dur="1s" />

    <animate attributeName="ry" attributeType="XML"

                from="20" to="8" id="MouthEllipseAnimation3"

                begin="0;MouthEllipseAnimation6.end+3" dur="1s" />

    <set attributeName="cy" attributeType="XML"


            begin="MouthEllipseAnimation1.end-0.1" />

    <set attributeName="rx" attributeType="XML"


            begin="MouthEllipseAnimation2.end-0.1" />

    <set attributeName="ry" attributeType="XML"


            begin="MouthEllipseAnimation3.end-0.1" />

    <animate attributeName="cy" attributeType="XML"

                from="135" to="125" id="MouthEllipseAnimation4"

                begin="MouthEllipseAnimation1.end+3" dur="1s" />

    <animate attributeName="rx" attributeType="XML"

                from="8" to="30" id="MouthEllipseAnimation5"

                begin="MouthEllipseAnimation2.end+3" dur="1s" />

    <animate attributeName="ry" attributeType="XML"

                from="8" to="20" id="MouthEllipseAnimation6"

                begin="MouthEllipseAnimation3.end+3" dur="1s" />

    <set attributeName="cy" attributeType="XML"


            begin="MouthEllipseAnimation4.end-0.1" />

    <set attributeName="rx" attributeType="XML"


            begin="MouthEllipseAnimation5.end-0.1" />

    <set attributeName="ry" attributeType="XML"


            begin="MouthEllipseAnimation6.end-0.1" />


Code Snippet – Box Animation

<!--Box Anmation-->

        <rect x="0" y="165" width="14" height="14"

              stroke-width="2" fill="brown">

            <animate attributeName="width" attributeType="XML"

                     from="0" to="210" id="leftToRight"

                     begin="0;bottomToTop.end" dur="1s" />

            <set attributeName="width" attributeType="XML"


                 begin="leftToRight.end-0.2" />

            <set attributeName="x" attributeType="XML"


                 begin="leftToRight.end-0.2" />

            <animate attributeName="height" attributeType="XML"

                     from="14" to="55" id="topToBottom"

                     begin="leftToRight.end" dur="1s" />

            <set attributeName="height" attributeType="XML"


                 begin="topToBottom.end-0.2" />

            <set attributeName="y" attributeType="XML"


                 begin="topToBottom.end-0.2" />

            <animate attributeName="width" attributeType="XML"

                     from="0" to="210" id="rightToLeft"

                     begin="topToBottom.end" dur="1s" />

            <animate attributeName="x" attributeType="XML"

                     from="206" to="0" id="rightToLeft"

                     begin="topToBottom.end" dur="1s" />

            <set attributeName="width" attributeType="XML"


                 begin="rightToLeft.end-0.2" />

            <set attributeName="x" attributeType="XML"


                 begin="rightToLeft.end-0.2" />

            <animate attributeName="height" attributeType="XML"

                     from="14" to="55" id="bottomToTop"

                     begin="rightToLeft.end" dur="1s" />

            <animate attributeName="y" attributeType="XML"

                     from="206" to="165" id="bottomToTop"

                     begin="rightToLeft.end" dur="1s" />

            <set attributeName="height" attributeType="XML"


                 begin="bottomToTop.end-0.2" />

            <set attributeName="y" attributeType="XML"


                 begin="bottomToTop.end-0.2" />


        <line x1="0" y1="165" x2="205" y2="165" style="stroke:brown;

stroke-width:2" />

        <text x="14" y="200" font-family="Comic Sans MS'" fill="Blue">A coder can be creative</text>


Image 20
Note: Above image is recorded gif version of actual ouput. Hence animation just restarts in the middle, thats because its not real HTML animation(here). Requesting you to download source code from top and run the same.

SVG vs Canvas

Let’s list down the key differences between SVG and Canvas

  • Vector vs Pixel

Canvas is Pixel based whereas SVG is Vector based.

Look at the following output.

Image 21


Image 22

In simple word, SVG images are resolution independent whereas canvas images are not.                         

  •   XML vs JavaScript

In case of SVG we do all the drawing (like drawing various shapes, lines) with the help of semantic tags (xml tags) whereas in case of Canvas JavaScript is the only the way.

It makes every shape in SVG an Element. We can access those elements inside JavaScript using traditional JavaScript functions like “document.getElementById” and can change any attributes dynamically.

Note: For practical demonstration check the next demonstration.

  •   Support for event handlers

Canvas don’t have support for event handlers whereas SVG do have.

Look at the following code.


   <svg width="120" height="120">

        <circle cx="60" cy="60" r="25" stroke="green"  id="MyCircle"

            stroke-width="8" fill="yellow" onmouseover="IncreaseSize();" onmouseout="DecreaseSize();" />


<input type="button" value="+" onclick="ChangeSize();">


<script type="text/javascript">

    function IncreaseSize ()




    function DecreaseSize()


        document.getElementById("MyCircle").r.baseVal.value = 25;




Image 23

  • Support for saving image

Final outcome (rendered result) in canvas will be an Image. We can easily save the image using browsers default “Save images as” option.

Image 24

It won’t be possible with SVG.


What will be there in Day 3?

  • Lab 21 – Understand CSS 3
  • Lab 22 – Understand Microdata
  • Lab 23 – Web Storage
  • Lab 24 – Web Socket
  • Lab 25 – Web SQL
  • Lab 26 – IndexDB

Let’s party

Hope you enjoyed Day 2. Please stay tuned for Day 3. Don’t forget to leave your thoughts and suggestions in the form of comments.

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This article, along with any associated source code and files, is licensed under The Code Project Open License (CPOL)

Written By
Founder Just Compile
India India
Learning is fun but teaching is awesome.

Who I am? Trainer + consultant + Developer/Architect + Director of Just Compile

My Company - Just Compile

I can be seen in, @sukeshmarla or Facebook

Comments and Discussions

QuestionWhen we can expect Day 2 Part 2 and Day 3 Pin
Murtaza1928-Mar-15 0:43
Murtaza1928-Mar-15 0:43 
AnswerRe: When we can expect Day 2 Part 2 and Day 3 Pin
Marla Sukesh1-Jun-15 20:09
professional Marla Sukesh1-Jun-15 20:09 
GeneralRe: When we can expect Day 2 Part 2 and Day 3 Pin
Murtaza1921-Sep-15 22:24
Murtaza1921-Sep-15 22:24 
GeneralRe: When we can expect Day 2 Part 2 and Day 3 Pin
Marla Sukesh21-Apr-16 5:00
professional Marla Sukesh21-Apr-16 5:00 
AnswerRe: When we can expect Day 2 Part 2 and Day 3 Pin
Chris Werensteijn6-Jun-16 3:24
Chris Werensteijn6-Jun-16 3:24 
QuestionWeb SQL has been dropped Pin
Gerd Wagner25-Mar-15 6:40
professionalGerd Wagner25-Mar-15 6:40 
AnswerRe: Web SQL has been dropped Pin
Marla Sukesh25-Mar-15 6:45
professional Marla Sukesh25-Mar-15 6:45 
GeneralNice Pin
Gaurav Aroraa24-Mar-15 23:11
professionalGaurav Aroraa24-Mar-15 23:11 
GeneralRe: Nice Pin
Marla Sukesh25-Mar-15 3:11
professional Marla Sukesh25-Mar-15 3:11 
QuestionWell written..Keep going Pin
Pradeep Shet24-Mar-15 9:26
Pradeep Shet24-Mar-15 9:26 
AnswerRe: Well written..Keep going Pin
Marla Sukesh24-Mar-15 16:59
professional Marla Sukesh24-Mar-15 16:59 
Questionnice article Pin
Sachin MCA201224-Mar-15 5:37
Sachin MCA201224-Mar-15 5:37 
hi sukesh sir really nice stuff
AnswerRe: nice article Pin
Marla Sukesh24-Mar-15 7:57
professional Marla Sukesh24-Mar-15 7:57 
AnswerOne of the best Article. Pin
aarif moh shaikh24-Mar-15 21:39
professionalaarif moh shaikh24-Mar-15 21:39 
GeneralRe: One of the best Article. Pin
Marla Sukesh25-Mar-15 3:12
professional Marla Sukesh25-Mar-15 3:12 
QuestionCoolStuff! Pin
Abhishek Jaiswall24-Mar-15 4:15
Abhishek Jaiswall24-Mar-15 4:15 
AnswerRe: CoolStuff! Pin
Marla Sukesh24-Mar-15 4:16
professional Marla Sukesh24-Mar-15 4:16 

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