When I started working in database programming and complex business implementations, the need for a data access framework was definitive. I started to build my own classes that accessed data objects. Of course, starting from 0, the effort was bigger and I thought that a "general" data access framework could help me and my team. The short time didn't allow me to imagine such an infrastructure, for at least one database management system and one programming language. But when I started worked at the Prodigy company, the desire was materialized. I discovered a complex framework implementation which reflected many of the SQL Server database tables' features, like tables and column definitions, constraints and relationships. Of course, the data access classes that mapped database tables were auto-generated with a specific tool. But the application scope is not to explain that complex framework. Data Access classes generation is a common feature, used by many programmers and, even Microsoft has its Entrerprise Library and will implement LINQ which likely be a powerful tool. The DACBuilder intends not to implement another data access layer generator, but to show how easily you can generate classes in different programming languages, mapped on tables in different data sources. The key for this generation is XML and XSL transformations.
An example
Here is an example of code generated in VBScript, for a database management system accessed by an ODBC driver. Consider a table named "Items", with the following structure:
ID � int
PK Name � varchar(255)
Price � decimal (18,2)
CategoryID � int � FK to "Categories" table
Const adUseServer = 2
Const adCmdText = 1
Const adCmdStoredProc = 4
Const adInteger = 3
Const adVarChar = 200
Const adDate = 7
Const adDecimal = 14
Const adBoolean = 11
Const adBinary = 128
Const adVariant = 12
Const adParamOutput = 2
Class DACItems
Private xID
Private xName
Private xPrice
Private xCategoryID
Private cnnString
Private cnn
Public Sub Initialize()
xID = -1
xName = ""
xPrice = -1
xCategoryID = -1
cnnString = ""
End Sub
Public Sub Uninitialize()
Set cnn = Nothing
End Sub
Public Property Let ID(vData)
xID = vData
End Property
Public Property Get ID()
ID = xID
End Property
Public Property Let Name(vData)
xName = vData
End Property
Public Property Get Name()
Name = xName
End Property
Public Property Let Price(vData)
xPrice = vData
End Property
Public Property Get Price()
Price = xPrice
End Property
Public Property Let CategoryID(vData)
xCategoryID = vData
End Property
Public Property Get CategoryID()
CategoryID = xCategoryID
End Property
Private Sub OpenConnection()
Set cnn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
With cnn
.Provider = "MSDASQL"
.CursorLocation = adUseServer
.ConnectionString = cnnString
End With
End Sub
Private Sub CloseConnection()
Set cnn = Nothing
End Sub
Public Property Let ConnectionString(vData)
cnnString = vData
End Property
Public Property Get ConnectionString ()
ConnectionString = cnnString
End Property
Public Function Add()
Dim bRet
Dim cmd
Set cmd = CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
Set cmd.ActiveConnection = cnn
cmd.CommandType = adCmdText
cmd.CommandText = "INSERT INTO Items VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?)"
Dim param
Set param = cmd.CreateParameter("", adInteger)
param.Value = xID
cmd.Parameters.Append param
Set param = cmd.CreateParameter("", adVarChar, 255)
param.Value = xName
cmd.Parameters.Append param
Set param = cmd.CreateParameter("", adDecimal, 18, 2)
param.Value = xPrice
cmd.Parameters.Append param
Set param = cmd.CreateParameter("", adInteger)
param.Value = xCategoryID
cmd.Parameters.Append param
Dim result
cmd.Execute result
bRet = result > 0
Set cmd = Nothing
Add = bRet
End Function
Public Function Edit()
Dim bRet
Dim cmd
Set cmd = CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
Set cmd.ActiveConnection = cnn
cmd.CommandType = adCmdText
cmd.CommandText = "UPDATE Items SET Name = ?," & _
" Price = ?, CategoryID = ? WHERE ID = ?"
Dim param
Set param = cmd.CreateParameter("", adVarChar, 255)
param.Value = xName
cmd.Parameters.Append param
Set param = cmd.CreateParameter("", adDecimal, 18, 2)
param.Value = xPrice
cmd.Parameters.Append param
Set param = cmd.CreateParameter("", adInteger)
param.Value = xCategoryID
cmd.Parameters.Append param
Set param = cmd.CreateParameter("", adInteger)
param.Value = xID
cmd.Parameters.Append param
Dim result
cmd.Execute result
bRet = result > 0
Set cmd = Nothing
Edit = bRet
End Function
Public Function Delete()
Dim bRet
Dim cmd
Set cmd = CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
Set cmd.ActiveConnection = cnn
cmd.CommandType = adCmdText
cmd.CommandText = "DELETE FROM Items WHERE ID = ?"
Dim param
Set param = cmd.CreateParameter("@ID", adInteger)
param.Value = xID
cmd.Parameters.Append param
Dim result
cmd.Execute result
bRet = result > 0
Set cmd = Nothing
Delete = bRet
End Function
Public Function Read()
Dim bRet
Dim rs
Set rs = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
Dim cmd
Set cmd = CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
cmd.CommandType = adCmdText
cmd.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM Items WHERE ID = ?"
Dim param
Set param = cmd.CreateParameter(", adInteger)
param.Value = xID
cmd.Parameters.Append param
Set rs = cmd.Execute
If Not(rs.EOF) Then
xID = CInt(rs("ID"))
xName = CStr(rs("Name"))
xPrice = CDbl(rs("Price"))
xCategoryID = CInt(rs("CategoryID"))
bRet = True
End If
bRet = False
Set rs = Nothing
Set cmd = Nothing
Read = bRet
End Function
Public Function ReadCategoriesItems()
Dim rs
Set rs = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
Dim cmd
Set cmd = CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
Set cmd.ActiveConnection = cnn
cmd.CommandType = adCmdText
cmd.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM Items WHERE CategoryID = ?"
Dim param
Set param = cmd.CreateParameter("", adInteger)
param.Value = xCategoryID
cmd.Parameters.Append param
Set rs = cmd.Execute
Set cmd = Nothing
ReadCategoriesItems = rs
End Function
'END Standard Methods
'BEGIN Other DAC logic
'END Other DAC logic
End Class
You may see that the auto-generated class has some properties, mapped on columns that belong to the Items table, and some methods (Add
, Edit
, Delete
, Read
), responsible for inserting, updating, deleting, and reading a record from the table, and the method ReadCategoriesItems
, which returns a RecordSet
with all items for a specified category. You can see the SQL statement for the methods which uses the unnamed parameters format. This is an option. If the data source is SQL Server and you want to execute a stored procedure with named parameters (which is the default for code generation), you are able to do that.
DB Systems, table structure, and XML output
The code generation is made starting just from a table structure. If you define the appropriate fields structure, tables, and the relationships between them, the DACBuilder job is simple and powerful. So, the starting point is the database. The tables structure can be reflected in objects. The DACBuilder application brings the structure of a specified table or view and, if applicable, the structure of a specified stored procedure or a function (routine). It filters on tables or views, for persistent objects, and on stored procedures and functions for routines. There are multiple choices for code generation:
- data access classes in different languages of the .NET platform (for now, just C# and Visual Basic .NET);
- data access classes for other languages PHP, VB 6.0, VBScript, and JScript;
- SQL Server stored procedures for insert, update, delete, select, and search;
- UI features (design and code) for .NET Windows Forms, WebForms (aspx pages and ascx controls), and HTML;
- XML format resources generation;
- XML schema generation;
- general custom fields implementation;
- connection strings for multiple data sources generation.
The code is generated in a rich text edit box and not directly in a file on disk, but you can save the file with the specified extension, depending on what it contains (SQL script or code). It has a simple color syntax highlighting based on the current generated content language. For .NET languages, it has a compiling option and an assembly generation command (with run-time reference of the required assemblies), of course with error management. Depending on what database system you choose, the application reads the tables contained by the specified database. The implementation is available just for SQL Server, Access, and MySQL, and for every system there exists specific methods to reach the metadata information. In every situation, the output is an XML document which is transformed using a template for every chosen action. The XML structure is a simple one, with two levels (table information � level 1, columns information � level 2).
The XML for the table in the given example is:
<table name="Items" friendly_name="Items"
base="" namespace="" abbreviation="">
<column column_name="ID" column_friendly_name="ID"
ordinal_position="1" is_nullable="No" data_type="int"
numeric_precision="10" numeric_precision_radix="10"
numeric_scale="0" identity="0"
constraint_type="PRIMARY KEY" referenced_table="" />
<column column_name="Name" column_friendly_name="Name"
ordinal_position="2" is_nullable="No" data_type="varchar"
character_maximum_length="255" character_octet_length="255"
constraint_type="" referenced_table="" />
<column column_name="Price" column_friendly_name="Price"
ordinal_position="3" is_nullable="No" data_type="decimal"
numeric_precision="18" numeric_precision_radix="10"
numeric_scale="2" constraint_type="" referenced_table="" />
<column column_name="CategoryID" column_friendly_name="CategoryID"
ordinal_position="4" is_nullable="No" data_type="int"
numeric_precision="10" numeric_precision_radix="10"
numeric_scale="0" constraint_type="FOREIGN KEY"
referenced_table="Categories" />
The meaning for the attributes contained in the XML nodes is explained in the following table:
Level 1 � table information |
name |
Table name. A friendly table name used for the data access container (DAC) class. |
namespace |
Namespace to include the generated DAC. |
abbreviation |
column_friendly_name |
Abbreviation to easily identify the generated DAC. |
Level 2 � column information |
name |
Column name. |
column_friendly_name |
Friendly name for DAC properties creation. |
ordinal_position |
Column position in table definition. |
column_default |
Column default value. |
is_nullable |
If column accepts NULL or not. |
data_type |
Database underlying column type. |
character_maximum_length |
Column maximum length, if its data type is character. |
character_octet_length |
Column octet length, if its data type is character. |
numeric_precision |
Numeric data type precision. |
numeric_precision_radix |
Numeric data type precision radix. |
numeric_scale |
Numeric data type scale. |
datetime_precision |
Column date time precision, if its data type is date or date time. |
identity |
Column auto increment property. |
constraint_type |
Column constraint type (PRIMARY KEY or FOREIGN KEY ). |
referenced_table |
Column referenced table, if the constraint type is FOREIGN KEY . |
column_description |
Column description, extended property. |
For SQL Server, the procedure which returns metadata information is called GetTableColumnsXML
and contains a FOR XML EXPLICIT
clause in the SQL statement. The information is brought from the INFORMATION_SCHEMA
views: tables, columns, KEY_COLUMN_USAGE
, table constraints, and referential constraints.
For MS Access systems, the method to get metadata information is performed using OLEDB features, as the GetOleDbSchemaTable
method provided by the OleDbConnection
class. This is useful, as not only a MS Access system can be analysed, but any other OLEDB provider. The output is the XML document obtained using the DataSet
object XML output.
For MySQL systems, the analysis is performed in a specific way, using the SHOW
statement: "SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM tableName
". The ODBC driver 3.51 for MySQL is required, as the application uses ODBC objects to get information. The output is an XML document obtained as in the MS Access case.
For both MS Access and MySQL systems, and any other new system which could be implemented, the XML output must be transformed in the DACBuilder XML format (which was explained before). The transformation is performed using a specific template (msaccess_2_sql.xsl or mysql_2_sql.xsl).
The object responsible for obtaining information about metadata in the database systems is called DBHelper
, which is included in the DACCreator
namespace, in the referenced DACCreator assembly. The code in this assembly is not provided and explained because of time and space missing. Of course, it will be available on demand. The DBHelper()
constructor receives a connection string and a database system type. The database type is specified using an enumeration called DBTypes
public enum DBTypes
SQL = 0
, ORACLE = 1
, MYSQL = 3
The Oracle system for DBTypes.ORACLE
is not implemented.
An example of how to get information about a table in a database of a specific system is provided in the GetStructure
method of the BForm
application main form:
DBHelper dbH = new DBHelper(ConnectionString, dbType);
XmlDocument doc = dbH.GetTableStructure(cboTables.SelectedValue.ToString());
case DBTypes.MYSQL:
CommonGenerator mysql_DACGen =
new CommonGenerator(cboTables.SelectedValue.ToString(), doc);
mysql_DACGen.Generate(templatesPath + "mysql_2_sql.xsl");
case DBTypes.MSACCESS:
CommonGenerator msaccess_DACGen =
new CommonGenerator(cboTables.SelectedValue.ToString(), doc);
msaccess_DACGen.Generate(templatesPath + "msaccess_2_sql.xsl");
The CommonGenerator
class is used to transform XML documents (either in files on disk, or in memory as XmlDocument
objects). The method used is called Generate
. If the transformation is performed with no errors, the output is stored in the CommonCode
property, as a string (which could be XML, HTML, or text, depending on the method attribute of the xsl:output
element in the XML document passed as parameter for the Generate
method). The code for transformation consists of a few lines of code:
XPathNavigator nav = StructureDOM.DocumentElement.CreateNavigator();
XmlDocument xsldoc = new XmlDocument();
XmlNamespaceManager nsmgr = new XmlNamespaceManager(xsldoc.NameTable);
nsmgr.AddNamespace("xsl", "http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform");
XmlUrlResolver resolver = new XmlUrlResolver();
XslTransform trans = new XslTransform();
trans.Load(xsldoc, resolver, this.GetType().Assembly.Evidence);
TextWriter writer = new StringWriter();
XmlTextWriter xmlWriter = new XmlTextWriter(writer);
xmlWriter.Formatting = Formatting.Indented;
trans.Transform(nav, null, xmlWriter, null);
string sOutput = writer.ToString();
is the XML document which is subject to the transformation, passed as a parameter in the CommonGenerator
Routines handling is available only for the SQL Server system. The routines list is brought using the same DBHelper
object, with the method GetRoutines
view. The stored procedure which returns metadata information is called GetRoutineParametersXML
view. Of course, the SQL statement contains the FOR XML EXPLICIT
clause to format data in the DACBuilder XML format. Most attributes found on a base table are available for stored procedure parameters.
The XML output obtained by gathering metadata information is then added to a DataSet
object with two tables. The DataSet
object is passed as a data source to the dgColumns
grid in which you can edit information. It is recommended that you give a simple and concise friendly name for the parent object (table or routine) and child objects (columns or parameters) because they will be the names you will use later in the applications which are using the generated DAC objects.
Template parameters
Regarding objects generation, the technique is the same for all objects. Starting from a table or a routine structure, applying different templates, different objects are generated, either as a SQL statement (stored procedure), as a class in a specified programming language, or as a schema or HTML code. Because the XSL templates can be customized using a xsl:parameter
element, a visual feature is implemented to allow changes for these parameters. It is about a form class that receives in its constructor a parameter of the DataTable
type, which contains all the parameters in the XSL stylesheet. The application loads the stylesheet in an XmlDocument
object, searches for all existing parameters, and creates a DataTable
object, dtParameters
, with three columns:
� parameter name;
� parameter value;
� boolean attribute specifying whether the parameter gets its value from a constant value, or from a select
attribute (if it is true
, it means that the value is obtained from the parsed XmlDocument
Having a template with this collection of parameters (xsl:param
<xsl:param name="auto_increment" select="boolean(/table/column[@identity=1])"/>
<xsl:param name="pk">PRIMARY KEY</xsl:param>
<xsl:param name="fk">FOREIGN KEY</xsl:param>
<xsl:param name="getID">0</xsl:param>
<xsl:param name="insert_sp" select="concat(/table/@friendly_name, '_INSERT')"/>
<xsl:param name="update_sp" select="concat(/table/@friendly_name, '_UPDATE')"/>
<xsl:param name="delete_sp" select="concat(/table/@friendly_name, '_DELETE')"/>
<xsl:param name="select_sp" select="concat(/table/@friendly_name, '_SELECT')"/>
<xsl:param name="use_noname_parameters">0</xsl:param>
<xsl:param name="use_DataAccessComponent">0</xsl:param>
<xsl:param name="use_CustomFields">0</xsl:param>
The configuration of a form instance will be:

Depending on the parameter values, the generated objects can substantially differ, which gives applications a powerful extensibility. The form is called frmParameters
, and it is opened as a modal dialog in the PrepareXslParameters
method of the main application form. The private member xslParametersDoc
of type XmlDocument
is filled with a valid XSL stylesheet, and its xsl:param
collection is transformed in a DataTable
xslParametersDoc = new XmlDocument();
XmlNamespaceManager nsmgr = new
XmlNodeList parameters =
xslParametersDoc.SelectNodes("/xsl:styl" +
"esheet/xsl:param", nsmgr);
DataTable dtParameters = new DataTable();
DataColumn("name", typeof(string)));
DataColumn("value", typeof(string)));
DataColumn("select", typeof(bool)));
The form is instantiated with the DataTable
object which serves as the data source for the editable grid.
frmParameters frm = new frmParameters(dtParameters);
dtParameters.DefaultView.AllowNew = false;
dgParameters.DataSource = dtParameters.DefaultView;
Only the value
attribute is editable, and the modified parameters are returned back into the XSL document using an event on the frmParameters
frm.SelectParameters += new
The delegate SelectParametersEventHandler
definition is:
public delegate void
SelectParametersEventHandler(object sender,
SelectParametersEventArgs e);
The class SelectParametersEventArgs
contains the parameters DataTable
object with the new values (in a property called Parameters
). The handler allocated for the event SelectParameters
takes the Parameters
and returns all the xsl:param
nodes into the xslParametersDoc
XmlNamespaceManager nsmgr = new
XmlNode node;
XmlElement elem;
bool bIsSelect;
foreach(DataRow dr in e.Parameters.Rows)
node = xslParametersDoc.SelectSingleNode("/xsl:stylesh" +
"eet/xsl:param[@name='" +
dr["name"].ToString() + "']", nsmgr);
if(node != null)
elem = (XmlElement)node;
bIsSelect = (bool)dr["select"];
elem.SetAttribute("select", dr["value"].ToString());
node.InnerText = dr["value"].ToString();
If the user press OK on frmParameters
, the xslParametersDoc
object is passed to the Generate
method of the CommonGenerator
object, and the output is rendered using the new parameter values; otherwise, the output is rendered with the default parameter values.
DAC Transformation
Next, I will try to explain a DAC transformation. Using the table in the example at the beginning of the article, we will generate a simple data access container (DAC) with access on a SQL Server system, and as programming language - C#. First, we choose the table Items from the tables combo box. Next, in the structure menu, choose the Get structure command. This will automatically fill the dgColumns
with the metadata information about the columns. The grid will have two nested tables:
- the first containing information about the selected table;
- the second (child), containing information about table columns.
We can fill the values for friendly_name
, namespace
, and abbreviation
(suppose this DAC will be used in an accounting system, so we decide its abbreviation will be ACC) in the first table. We can now fill some information about the table columns. The second column of the second table is column_friendly_name
which will represent the property names. All the other fields could be changed. For example, if we do not have a constraint with the Categories table defined in the database, we can force to have it in the application; even this technique is not recommended (we can change the constraint_type
value with "FOREIGN KEY
" and the referenced_table
value with "Categories"). After all the modifications are done, we can generate the DAC class. From the .NET DAC menu, we can choose the Simple DAC (SQL) command. The frmParameters
window is called because the corresponding stylesheet contains the parameters. Let's explain the parameters:
� specifies if the columns has the identity attribute.
- primary key.
- foreign key.
- if 1, it will output the inserted primary key value.
- insert stored procedure name, usually table_name + "_INSERT".
- update stored procedure name, usually table_name + "_UPDATE".
- delete stored procedure name, usually table_name + "_DELETE".
- select stored procedure name, usually table_name + "_SELECT".
- if 1, creates SQL statements using the OLE DB unnamed parameters format "?".
- if 1, the DAC object will not be independent, but it will be part of a Data Access Component framework, which provides connection information, transaction, and so on (in addition, the .NET Data Access Container and .NET Data Access Component commands provide the classes used in conjunction with the generated DAC objects in this framework).
- if 1, generates supplementary statements for the Custom Fields usage.
The main stylesheet template is:
<xsl:template match="/">using System;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using System.Configuration;
<xsl:if test="$use_CustomFields=1">
using System.Reflection;
using System.IO;
using DotNetScripting;
using CustomFields;
namespace <xsl:value-of select="/table/@namespace"/>.DAC
public class <xsl:value-of select="/table/@abbreviation"/>
DAC<xsl:value-of select="/table/@friendly_name"/>
<xsl:if test="$use_DataAccessComponent=1">
: DataAccessContainer</xsl:if>
public <xsl:value-of
<xsl:value-of select="/table/@friendly_name"/>()
<xsl:if test="$use_DataAccessComponent=1">
this.TableName = "<xsl:value-of select="/table/@name"/>";
this.AutoIncrement =
<xsl:choose><xsl:when test="$auto_increment=1">
<xsl:if test="$use_CustomFields=1">
#region Private members
<xsl:apply-templates select="/table/column" mode="member"/>
private DataRow x<xsl:value-of select="/table/@friendly_name"/>Row;
#region Properties
<xsl:apply-templates select="/table/column" mode="property"/>
public DataRow <xsl:value-of select="/table/@friendly_name"/>Row
return x<xsl:value-of select="/table/@friendly_name"/>Row;
<xsl:if test="$use_DataAccessComponent!=1">
#region Connection
<xsl:call-template name="connection"/>
#region Standard methods
<xsl:when test="$use_DataAccessComponent!=1">
<xsl:call-template name="methods"/>
<xsl:when test="$use_DataAccessComponent=1">
<xsl:call-template name="methods_DataAccessComponent"/>
#region Other DAC logic
<xsl:if test="$use_CustomFields=1">
<xsl:call-template name="CustomFields"/>
You can see how by filtering using the parameter values, the result is different. Other templates are also used, either by calling, or by applying. An example of calling a template is used for connection, when the use_DataAccessComponent
parameter value is not equal to 1:
<xsl:if test="$use_DataAccessComponent!=1">
#region Connection
<xsl:call-template name="connection"/>
The template called connection
contains the private members and public properties and methods used to open connections to a database. An example of applying a template is used to create the private members and public properties mapped on table columns:
<xsl:apply-templates select="/table/column" mode="member"/>
<xsl:apply-templates select="/table/column" mode="property"/>
The mode
attribute is used to differentiate between the templates with the same match (column, in our example). There are different templates, based on the code you want to output, SQL statements, or programming language. Depending on the selected language, there will be supplementary templates, special for members or property data types, parameter types, default values, or cast. The parameter use_DataAccessComponent
is important, because it includes the object in a different framework. If you want to use this framework, you have to generate the DataAccessContainer
and DataAccessComponent
classes for the specified namespace - SQL
, OleDb
, or Odbc
. The DataAccessContainer
class is a base class for DAC objects, containing virtual methods like Add
, Edit
, Delete
, and Read
. The DataAccessComponent
class can handle DAC objects, either one or multiple, in a transaction or not. The objects will not have anymore connection management, because the connection can be opened by the DataAccessComponent
class. Though, a valid connection object and a valid data access command must be provided to the objects. The DataAccessContainer
has a public property called RowState
, of DataRowState
type, which tells to DataAccessComponent
what kind of operation to perform on a DAC object. The derived DAC objects must override the Add
, Edit
, and Delete
methods. The ExecuteOperation
method receives a DAC object as parameter and, depending on the RowState
property value, inserts, updates, or deletes it. The ExecuteOperations
methods receive an ArrayList
of DAC objects, and perform the same actions on it, either in a transaction or not.
The classes code is available on the .NET DAC menu, Data Access Container or Data Access Component commands. You have to compile and create an assembly with these two classes (the .NET DAC->Compile and the .NET DAC->Create assembly methods). The generated assembly must be referenced in order to compile a generated DAC object in the DataAccessComponent
In this way, the framework can be customized with additional features, because it is recommended to have a balanced approach of the DAC framework and the database features to get the best performance in an application. The DataAccessComponent
class provides additional methods for executing stored procedures and reading data.
DB routine execution
The DACBuilder application provides functionality for generating .NET code that allows SQL routine or query execution. It builds a class called DAC_<sp_name>
with a method called <sp_name>
, where <sp_name> is the procedure name. If the use_properties
parameter is set to 1, then it creates properties for this class, instead of using method parameters. Every routine parameter will have its own property. In other cases, the methods will receive a parameter for every routine parameter. The query
parameter is used to differentiate between the executing non query statements and received result sets.
Compiling code
The .NET generated DAC objects code can be compiled and saved as binary in assemblies. The compiling and assembly generation is performed by objects residing in the DotNetScripting
namespace. This powerful feature was the subject of a CodeProject article, DotNetScript. Thank you, jconwell, for the interesting article. It uses System.Reflection
and System.CodeDom.Compiler
to compile, create assemblies, add resources, instantiate objects, execute methods, get or set property values, and handle errors. If the code which is subject to compilation needs to reference assemblies in the GAC or in files, the DACBuilder is able to do it, using the three buttons in the right corner of the BForm
window. The first button provides a popup menu with the GAC assemblies. The application doesn't use the GAC API to retrieve the assemblies installed in the GAC; this could be a good subject for another article.
The second button loads an assembly located on disk, while the third button removes it from the list of referenced assemblies.
Resources generation
The DACBuilder application is able to generate resources in the managed ResX format. Resources generation is done as VS does, using a native data grid which has an XmlDataDocument
as a data source and a rich edit text box. Here is the code example:
doc = new XmlDataDocument();
doc.DataSet.ReadXmlSchema(templatesPath + "template.resx");
doc.DataSet.Tables[0].RowChanged += new
doc.DataSet.Tables[0].RowDeleted += new
dgResources.DataSource = doc.DataSet.Tables[0].DefaultView;
XML Schema generation
The XML schema generation is performed in a similar way, using a specific stylesheet (dataset_schema.xsl). The template contains specific XML schema elements, and the output is done by using the xml
method of the xsl:output
<xsl:output method="xml" omit-xml-declaration="yes"/>
SQL scripts generation
The SQL stored procedures are generated in the same way, using XSL stylesheets with different parameters. The stored procedures which can be generated are for insert, update, and delete, for selecting a single record, and for search using default parameters. Other features include table creation, and insert
statements for all rows in the table. This last command must be used carefully, because it is not recommended to access it for tables with large number of records. The SQL statements can be parsed and executed on the current server. You have to be also careful when you are executing statements, because most are DDL statements which can affect your database. An example of how to generate a SQL statement is for the search stored procedure. The procedure receives parameters for every column in the table. The parameters have default values, which are �1 for numeric values, and NULL
for other data types:
<xsl:template match="column" mode="parameter_default">
<xsl:if test="position()>1">,
</xsl:if> @<xsl:value-of select="@column_name"/>
[<xsl:value-of select="@data_type"/>]
<xsl:call-template name="data-length-precision-scale">
<xsl:with-param name="data-type" select="@data_type"/>
<xsl:with-param name="length" select="@character_maximum_length"/>
<xsl:with-param name="precision" select="@numeric_precision"/>
<xsl:with-param name="scale" select="@numeric_scale"/>
</xsl:call-template> = <xsl:call-template
<xsl:with-param name="data_type" select="@data_type"/>
The procedure builds a select
SQL statement string with filters for parameters not having the default values. It means that if the user wants to have a filter on only one parameter, it gives a value only for that parameter. The template for a parameter filter is:
<xsl:template match="column" mode="column_filter">
IF @<xsl:value-of select="@column_name"/>
<xsl:with-param name="data_type" select="@data_type"/>
IF @filter = N''
SET @filter = N' <xsl:value-of select="@column_name"/>
<xsl:call-template name="select_primitive_type_comparison_SQL">
<xsl:with-param name="data_type" select="@data_type"/>
<xsl:with-param name="object"
select="concat('@', @column_name)"/>
SET @filter = N' AND <xsl:value-of select="@column_name"/>
<xsl:with-param name="data_type" select="@data_type"/>
<xsl:with-param name="object"
select="concat('@', @column_name)"/>
The procedure will build the SQL string, and append the filter if there is one (at least one parameter has a value different than its default value), and the string will serve as a parameter for the sp_executesql
statement, with the search stored procedure parameters and values:
DECLARE @filter NVARCHAR(4000)
SET @filter = N''
<xsl:apply-templates select="/table/column" mode="column_filter"/>
IF @filter != N''
SET @stmt = @stmt + N'
' + @filter
PRINT @stmt
EXEC sp_executesql @stmt
, N'
select="/table/column" mode="parameter"/>
<xsl:apply-templates select="/table/column"
The output generated for table Items will be:
@ID [int] = -1,
@Name [varchar](255) = NULL,
@Price [decimal](18, 2) = -1,
@CategoryID [int] = -1
SET @stmt = N'
[ID] AS [ID]
, [Name] AS [Name]
, [Price] AS [Price]
, [CategoryID] AS [CategoryID]
FROM [Items] AS [Items]
DECLARE @filter NVARCHAR(4000)
SET @filter = N''
IF @ID != -1
IF @filter = N''
SET @filter = N' ID = @ID
SET @filter = N' AND ID = @ID
IF @filter = N''
SET @filter = N' Name LIKE ''%'' + @Name + ''%''
SET @filter = N' AND Name LIKE ''%'' + @Name + ''%''
IF @Price != -1
IF @filter = N''
SET @filter = N' Price = @Price
SET @filter = N' AND Price = @Price
IF @CategoryID != -1
IF @filter = N''
SET @filter = N' CategoryID = @CategoryID
SET @filter = N' AND CategoryID = @CategoryID
IF @filter != N''
SET @stmt = @stmt + N'
' + @filter
PRINT @stmt
EXEC sp_executesql @stmt
, N'
@ID [int],
@Name [varchar](255),
@Price [decimal](18, 2),
@CategoryID [int]
@ID = @ID, @Name = @Name, @Price = @Price, @CategoryID = @CategoryID
Other SQL features are "meta" scripts for the fnGetExtendedProperty
function, GetTableColumnsXML
procedure, GetRoutineParametersXML
procedure, KeyTables
table creation statement, and the GET_NEXT_ID
procedure. The last two are useful as a mechanism for generating numeric values for primary keys, when you don't want to have an identity attribute.
UI generation
The UI features are useful to generate very simple interfaces for the DAC object. It provides both UI characteristics for visual objects such Windows Forms, web forms, or HTML pages, and class code with methods using the DAC object. There are stylesheets for each UI platform and .NET language (C# and VB.NET). The commands UI->Simple DAC Methods (Web and Windows) generates code which can be saved, compiled, and included in an assembly.
Custom fields implementation
The Custom Fields implementation is a technique destined to enhance the functionality for a base table and its DAC object. This implementation was started at Prodigy, and it was customized on the existing data access framework. It allows end users to add new fields to any table in the database. The implementation is available only for SQL Server. The "meta" objects you need to work with custom fields are available in the Custom Fields menu DB Entities command (for SQL statements) and DAC Entities (for C# or VB.NET). DAC Entities must be compiled and added as a reference to the generated Custom Fields DAC objects. The DB implementation is simple, the system manages tables that has custom field properties, the primary key for this table (the system requires that the table must have a primary key only on a single column), and custom properties. These objects define the structure of the custom fields. The table CustomFieldsProperty contains the following structure:
� property identifier (primary key).
� property type (foreign key referencing the CustomFieldType table).
� column identifier (foreign key referencing CustomFieldsTableColumn).
� property default value.
� property name (it must not include any other character except letters, numbers, and '_').
� property list identifier (if the property supports multi-values).
The values for custom properties are stored in tables specific to the chosen type. The currently implemented ones are for String
, DateTime
, Bool
, Decimal
, and Integer
. Any values table has the following structure:
� property identifier (foreign key referencing the CustomFieldsProperty table).
� primary key value in the base table.
� property value (the type is different, depending on the table � CustomFieldsValuesString
, CustomFieldsValuesInteger
, CustomFieldsValuesBool
, CustomFieldsValuesDateTime
, CustomFieldsValuesDecimal
). The DAC objects reflecting the custom field DB entities are generated by the DACBuilder application and they don't differ by any other DAC object.
The custom fields management can be done by a non-programmer user, by adding, modifying, and deleting properties in the frmCustomFieldsManagement

For the table Items, we have defined four custom fields in this manner:
� String
� Decimal
� Bool
� DateTime
Using the Generate View command, a view with all the base columns and/or custom fields is generated. The view name is CustomFields_<table_name>
. This view can be used in reports, and will help users to perform any operations allowed on custom fields (filters, aggregates etc.). The view is generated using the GetTableCustomFieldsXML
stored procedure, and consists of LEFT JOIN
operations between the base table and a subquery specific to every custom property which is defined. To make a difference between two properties of the same type, the subquery receives an alias with the name CustomFieldsValues<type>_<PKProperty>
. This is the join for the MeasureList
custom field (PKProperty
= 5, type
- String
CustomFieldsValuesString.FKParent AS ID
, CustomFieldsValuesString.PropertyValue AS [MeasureUnit]
FROM CustomFieldsValuesString
WHERE CustomFieldsValuesString.FKProperty = 5
) AS CustomFieldsValuesString_5 ON Items. = CustomFieldsValuesString_5.ID
The view was created using the DACBuilder application. Several SQL select
statements are performed on this view, and the result output is shown below:

Using the Generate Read SP command, a select
stored procedure is generated. It is very similar to the view, except that it receives the PKObjectID@
parameter for filtering just a single record. For the Items table, the statement is very similar to the previous discussed view, and the WHERE
clause looks like:
WHERE Items.ID = @PKObjectID
The Generate Class command provides the most interesting Custom Fields feature. It generates the custom fields DAC class for the selected table. Because this class is generated at run-time and have to be handled by a binary object, the properties and methods have to be homogenized. The class will have members and properties for every custom field defined. The properties type is CustomFieldsProperty
, a class which reflects custom field properties in code (PropertyID
, PropertyName
, PropertyTypeID
, ParentID
, PropertyValue
). The method Initialize()
sets "meta" values for custom fields (PropertyID
, PropertyName
, PropertyTypeID
). The ParentID
property contains an integer value which specifies the key for the record in the main table (Items). The custom fields DAC object has methods for inserting, updating, and deleting values. The method called Save
performs insertion if there is no value existent, and updates if the corresponding value exists. Using Reflection, the binary DAC object will load the custom field DAC object at run-time. The custom field DAC object can be put in an assembly file, and the main DAC object which will consume it must be prepared for this.
In the DAC object generation, if you set the use_CustomFields
parameter to 1 in the parameters window, the DAC object will know that it has custom fields. The DAC object will contain additional custom fields implementation:
#region Custom Fields
private bool xHasCustomFields = false;
public bool HasCustomFields
return xHasCustomFields;
private string execAsmbDir;
private string customFieldsAssemblyLocation;
private Assembly customFieldsAssembly;
private string customFieldsObjectName;
private object xCustomFields = null;
public object CustomFields
return xCustomFields;
xCustomFields = value;
private void LoadCustomFields()
Assembly execAsmb = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();
execAsmbDir = execAsmb.Location;
execAsmbDir =
execAsmbDir.LastIndexOf("\\") + 1);
customFieldsObjectName = "DACCustomFields_Items";
customFieldsAssemblyLocation =
execAsmbDir + customFieldsObjectName + ".dll";
xHasCustomFields = true;
customFieldsAssembly =
xCustomFields =
customFieldsObjectName, null);
The assembly name must be in the class name form: DACCustomFields_<table_name>
, and it have to be located in the DAC object assembly directory. The LoadCustomFields()
method will be called in the DAC object constructor. Both methods Add
and Edit
will contain custom fields saving:
xCustomFields =
"Connection", cnn);
xCustomFields =
"Command", cmd);
xCustomFields =
"ParentID", this.xID);
"Save", null);
The DotNetScriptEngine
class (in the namespace DotNetScripting
) will set the properties, and will call the Save
method for the xCustomFields
object. For deletion, the method called will be Delete
, and for reading, Read
. To read custom field values, you can use the GetProperty
static method of the DotNetScriptEngine
CustomFieldsProperty oMeasureUnit =
Notice that the main DAC object doesn�t refer in any way the custom field properties, but only an object, called CustomFields
, because it doesn�t know what kind of custom fields it has. Using Reflection, you can get custom fields properties of type CustomFieldsProperty
for the CustomFields
property (of type object
) of the main DAC object.
Other features
The last useful feature is changing the connection for any of the DB systems at run-time, and connection strings generation for a large range of DB systems (more information on www.connectionstrings.com).
Thanks Andreea Govorosciuc for the useful help on the Custom Fields management form, connection changing, and connection strings generation.
Using the application
When you build the project for the first time, be sure you have activated the post-build event, which creates the templates folder in the application folder and copies all the template files. Then you can deactivate the post-build event (an easy way is to write the REM
instruction before all the post-build event commands).
When you start the application, you have to set the connection information (Tools->New connection...). If it is a SQL Server connection, you have to run some "meta" routines to be able to work with the DACBuilder application (fnGetExtendedProperty
, GetTableColumnsXML
, GetRoutineParametersXML
The code generation benefits of the editing column information and the customized template parameters. The column information editing must be done carefully, because it affects the generated code. It is recommended to edit information regarding friendly names, namespaces, and abbreviation.
On .NET languages code generation, I recommend the usage of the DataAccessComponent
and DataAccessContainer
classes, because they provide additional features for reading data and executing operations.
The SQL code execution on the server must be done with caution, because they are DDL statements. Before you execute a drop
/ create table
statement, you must backup your database.
When you want to compile .NET code, be sure you have referenced appropriate assemblies, located either in GAC, or on disk. You can find useful libraries in the Templates\Libraries folder; even they can be generated by the application (as "meta" libraries). The assemblies are DataAccessComponent.dll, DataAccessContainer.dll (for SQL, OLEDB, ODBC), DACCreator.dll, CustomFields.dll, DotNetScripting.dll, RJS.Web.WebControl.PopCalendar.dll (an ASP.NET calendar control, available here), and DataGridCustomColumns.dll (native DataGrid
combobox columns implementation, available here).
- 2005-03-01 - First DAC implementation (insert, update, select, delete stored procedures) for SQL Server and .NET languages.
- 2005-05-01 - Resources generation implementation.
- 2005-10-20 - Other stored procedures generation.
- 2005-10-28 - XML Schema generation.
- 2005-11-10 - Simple DAC for OLEDB and ODBC generation.
- 2005-12-15 - UI generation.
- 2006-01-26 - Other languages implementation.
- 2006-02-14 - SQL routine handling.
- 2006-02-20 -
- 2006-03-03 - Custom fields implementation.
- 2006-03-15 - Connection strings creation.