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This class lets you get a list of filenames (complete path) contianed in a directory. It will also recurse meaning it will retrieve all filenames for the directory you want and any subdirectories too.


Constructs the object.


void Close( void )
In staying with the file motif, we should be able to close that which is opened.
BOOL Open( const CString& directory_name )
Returns TRUE if directory_name is not empty.
BOOL Read( CStringArray& filenames )
This method will fill filenames with the complete path to the files in the directory specified in the Open() call.
BOOL Read( FILE_ACTION_FUNCTION action_to_take, void * action_parameter )
This method will call the action_to_take function with the supplied action_parameter for every file in the directory specified in the Open() call. action_to_take will be passed a string containing the complete path to the file.
BOOL ReadRecursively( CStringArray& filenames )
This method will fill filenames with the complete path to the files in the directory and all subdirectories of the directory specified in the Open() call.
BOOL ReadRecursively( FILE_ACTION_FUNCTION action_to_take, void * action_parameter )
This method will call the action_to_take function with the supplied action_parameter for every file in the directory and all subdirectories of the directory specified in the Open() call. action_to_take will be passed a string containing the complete path to the file.


#include <wfc.h>
#pragma hdrstop

BOOL action_to_take( void * action_parameter, const CString& complete_filename )
   WFCTRACEINIT( TEXT( "action_to_take()" ) );

   DWORD * file_counter_p = reinterpret_cast< DWORD * >( action_parameter );

   (*file_counter_p)++; // increment the counter

   // Print the filename
   _tprintf( TEXT( "%s\n" ), (LPCTSTR) complete_filename );

int _tmain( int number_of_command_line_arguments, LPCTSTR command_line_arguments[] )
   WFCTRACEINIT( TEXT( "_tmain()" ) );

   int argument_index = 1;

   DWORD total_number_of_files = 0;

   CFileDirectory directory;

   while( argument_index < number_of_command_line_arguments )
      if ( directory.Open( command_line_arguments[ argument_index ] ) != FALSE )
         directory.Read( action_to_take, &total_number_of_files );

   _tprintf( "Processed %lu files.\n", total_number_of_files );

   return( EXIT_SUCCESS );

Copyright, 2000, Samuel R. Blackburn
$Workfile: CFileDirectory.cpp $
$Modtime: 1/17/00 9:02a $