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This class simplifies FTP. It solves the problem of getting a single file or a directory listing from an FTP server.


CFileTransferProtocol( LPCTSTR user_name = NULL, LPCTSTR password = NULL )
Constructs the object. If user_name is NULL, "anonymous" will be used instead. If password is NULL, an e-mail address will be created using the current user name (retrieved via GetUsername()) and the dotted IP address (retrieved via CSimpleSocket::GetMyAddress()) of the computer. For example, if your user name is "Bob" and your IP address is, the default password will be "Bob@".


void GetDirectory( const CUniformResourceLocator& url, CStringArray& directory )
Retrieves the directory listing from the URL given. For example, ""
void GetFile( const CUniformResourceLocator& url, CByteArray& file_contents )
Retrieves the file specified in url and puts it into file_contents.
void GetPassword( CString& password ) const
Retrieves the password to be used to log in to the ftp servers.
void GetUserName( CString& user_name ) const
Retrieves the login ID to be used when logging in to ftp servers.
BOOL PutFile( const CUniformResourceLocator& url, const CByteArray& file_contents )
Sends the contents of file_contents to the ftp server specified in url. It will return TRUE if the contents were sent, FALSE if it didn't.
void SetPassword( const CString& password )
Sets the password to be used to log in to the ftp servers.
void SetUserName( const CString& user_name )
Sets the login ID to be used when logging in to ftp servers.


#include <wfc.h>

void test_CFileTransferProtocol( void )
   WFCTRACEINIT( TEXT( "test_CFileTransferProtocol()" ) );

   CFileTransferProtocol ftp;

   CStringArray directory;

   CUniformResourceLocator url( TEXT( "" ) );

   ftp.GetDirectory( url, directory );

   _tprintf( TEXT( "Directory for %s\n" ), (LPCTSTR) url );

   int index = 0;

   while( index < directory.GetSize() )
      WFCTRACE( directory.GetAt( index ) );
      _tprintf( TEXT( "%s\n" ), (LPCTSTR) directory.GetAt( index ) );

   CByteArray file_contents;

   url = TEXT( "" );

   ftp.GetFile( url, file_contents );

   _tprintf( TEXT( "Retrieved %d bytes\n" ), (int) file_contents.GetSize() );

Copyright, 2000, Samuel R. Blackburn
$Workfile: CFileTransferProtocol.cpp $
$Modtime: 1/04/00 5:15a $