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CRemoteAccessServiceAdministration : CObject

$Revision: 19 $


This class handles Remote Access Service Administration. It is still under development.

Data Members



void GetErrorString( const UINT error_code, CString& error_string ) const
DWORD GetErrorCode( void ) const
Returns the error code should any method return FALSE.
BOOL GetUserAccountServer( CString& user_account_server_name, LPCTSTR ras_server_name, LPCTSTR ras_server_domain_name = NULL )
BOOL ClearPortStatistics( const CString& port_name, LPCTSTR server_name = NULL )
BOOL DisconnectPort( const CString& port_name, LPCTSTR server_name = NULL )
BOOL EnumeratePorts( LPCTSTR server_name = NULL )
Let's you enumerator the RAS ports on the local machine or on a machine on the network.
BOOL GetNext( CRemoteAccessServicePort& port )



API's Used

CRemoteAccessServiceAdministration uses the following API's:
Copyright, 2000, Samuel R. Blackburn
$Workfile: CRASADM.CPP $
$Modtime: 1/04/00 5:18a $