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This class wraps the Tape API of Win32.
Data Members
void Close( void )
Closes the tape drive. Basically calls Prepare( UnloadTape ).
BOOL CreatePartition( const TypeOfPartition type_of_partition,
const DWORD number_of_partitions,
const DWORD number_of_megabytes_in_each_partition )
Creates a tape partition.
can be one of the following:
BOOL Erase( const TypeOfErasure type_of_erasure, const BOOL return_immediately = FALSE )
Erases the tape.
can be one of the following:
DWORD GetDriveNumber( void ) const
Retrieves the drive number of an opened tape.
BOOL GetParameters( CTapeGetDriveParameters& parameters )
BOOL GetParameters( CTapeGetMediaParameters& parameters )
Retrieves either drive parameters or
media parameters.
BOOL GetPosition( const Position type_of_position_to_get,
DWORD& partition_number,
DWORD& position_low,
DWORD& position_high )
Retrieves the postion of the tape.
can be one of the following:
DWORD GetStatus( void ) const
Retrieves the status of the tape.
BOOL Load( void )
Loads a tape.
BOOL Lock( void )
Locks the tape into place.
BOOL Mark( const TypeOfMark type_of_mark,
const DWORD number_of_marks_to_write,
const BOOL return_immediately = FALSE )
Makes tape marks.
can be one of the following:
BOOL Open( const UINT tape_drive_number_starting_at_zero = 0 )
Opens the tape drive number you specify.
BOOL Prepare( const Operation what_to_do, const BOOL return_immediately = FALSE )
Prepares a tape for reading/writing.
can be one of the
- FormatTape
- LoadTape
- LockTape
- TensionTape
- UnloadTape
- UnlockTape
BOOL Read( LPBYTE buffer,
const DWORD number_of_bytes_to_read,
LPDWORD number_of_bytes_read,
BOOL abort = FALSE,
BOOL restore_security_data = TRUE )
Reads data from the tape.
BOOL Seek( const DWORD seek_low,
const DWORD seek_high,
LPDWORD seeked_low,
LPDWORD seeked_high )
Repositions the tape for reading/writing.
BOOL SetAutomaticallyClose( BOOL automatically_close )
When this is set to TRUE, the tape
drive will be closed when the destructor is called. It returns
the previous setting.
BOOL SetParameters( const CTapeSetDriveParameters& parameters )
BOOL SetParameters( cosnt CTapeSetMediaParameters& parameters )
Sets either the drive or media parameters.
BOOL SetPosition( const PositionMethod how_to_get_there,
const DWORD partition_number,
const DWORD position_low,
const DWORD position_high,
const BOOL return_immediately = FALSE )
Repositions the tape for reading/writing.
can be one of the following:
- AbsoluteBlock
- LogicalBlock
- Rewind
- EndOfData
- FileMarks
- RelativeBlocks
- SequentialFileMarks
- SequentialSetMarks
- SetMarks
BOOL Unload( void )
- Ejects the tape.
BOOL Unlock( void )
- Unlocks the locking mechanism.
BOOL Write( LPBYTE buffer,
const DWORD number_of_bytes_to_write,
LPDWORD number_of_bytes_written,
BOOL abort = FALSE,
BOOL restore_security_data = TRUE )
Writes data to the tape.
API's Used
CTape uses the following API's:
- BackupRead
- BackupSeek
- BackupWrite
- CreateFile
- CreateTapePartition
- EraseTape
- GetTapeParameters
- GetTapePosition
- GetTapeStatus
- PrepareTape
- SetTapeParameters
- SetTapePosition
- WriteTapemark
Copyright, 2000, Samuel R. Blackburn
$Workfile: ctape.cpp $
$Modtime: 1/04/00 5:24a $