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BOOL wfc_create_hard_link( LPCTSTR new_filename, LPCTSTR existing_filename, LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES sa )


This function creates two directory entries for one file. NT 5.0 will have an API called CreateHardLink() that does the same thing.


#include <wfc.h>

int _tmain( int number_of_command_line_arguments, LPCTSTR command_line_arguments[] )
   WFCTRACEINIT( TEXT( "_tmain()" ) );

   if ( number_of_command_line_arguments < 2 )
      _tprintf( TEXT( "Usage: ln new_filename existing_filename\n" ) );
      return( EXIT_SUCCESS );

   if ( wfc_create_hard_link( command_line_arguments[ 1 ],
                                 command_line_arguments[ 2 ],
                                 NULL ) == FALSE )
      _tprintf( TEXT( "Failed.\n" ) );
      return( EXIT_FAILURE );

   return( EXIT_SUCCESS );

API's Used

wfc_create_hard_link() uses the following API's:
Copyright, 2000, Samuel R. Blackburn
$Workfile: wfc_create_hard_link.cpp $
$Modtime: 1/17/00 9:32a $