A popular method of product validation is using keys similar to VJJJBX-H2BBCC-68CF7F-2BXD4R-3XP7FB-JDVQBC. These compact keys can be derived using Public Key Cryptosystems such as Elliptic Curve Cryptography. Other Public Key Cryptosystems are available such as RSA. However, these systems generally produce larger keys, which the user will eventually have to enter into the program to unlock functionality. Smaller producing Cryptosystems exist, but it is the author's opinion that they are highly encumbered with patents. Quartz is one such example. It is a Public Key Encryption System that produces a smaller cipher text based on Hidden Field Equations (HFEs). The Quartz website is littered with phrases such as "must license" and "pay royalties".
The reader is also encouraged to investigate Signature Schemes with Recovery as an alternative method to producing Product Keys. An example is PSS-R, a Message Recovery Signature Scheme based on RSA. PSS-R is not suitable for product keys due to the size of the resulting key. However, cryptosystems such as a Weil Pairing system should be of interest. Once Weil Pairing is finalized in committee, it will be added to the Crypto++ library.
Finally, the reader should also visit Product Keys Based on the Advanced Encryption Standard to familiarize themselves with basic concepts of Product Keys in the domain of Public Key Cryptography; and Product Activation Based on RSA Signatures. This article will discuss in detail the following topics:
- Elliptic Curve Cryptography Implementation in Crypto++
- Using Elliptic Curves with User Defined Domain Parameters In Crypto++
- Base Encoding a cipher text String in Crypto++
- Working Demo which Exercises Product Keys based on ECC
- Bulk Product Key Generation
- Product Key Validation
- Product Activation
- Securely Saving Key or Activation State to the Registry
This article is based on the Visual C++ 6.0 Environment in hopes that it reaches the largest audience. There are 16 downloads available with this article, which are presented at the top of the page.
Elliptic curve cryptography
This article assumes that the reader has a basic understanding of Cryptography. For an overview, see Gary Kessler's An Overview of Cryptography. For an ECC Tutorial, see Certicom's ECC Tutorial. For a casual Cryptography reader, Elliptic Curve Cryptography should prove to be interesting, as it is not like RSA (based on Integer Factorization), Diffie-Hellman and ElGamal (based on Discrete Logarithms), or MQ (Multivariate Quadratics). However, ECC is related to DLP. This article uses comparatively small EC key sizes. This is justified in that the Product Key lifetime is relatively short, based directly on Product Life Cycles. RSA Laboratories offers the following recommendations for key sizes:
Protection Lifetime of Data
Present � 2010
Present � 2030
Present � Beyond 2031
Minimum Symmetric Security Level
80 bits
112 bits
128 bits
Minimum RSA Key Size
1024 bits
2048 bits
3072 bits
Below is a comparison of the equivalent Key sizes of ECC and RSA.

The following Figure estimates the Security Level of ECC and RSA & DSA in MIPS Years.

The friendly folks at the US Government's NSA have put together some reading that may also be of interest. The article is titled The Case for Elliptic Curve Cryptography. It is very noteworthy that Peter Shor of AT&T Research has a Quantum Factoring Algorithm, which runs in O((log n)3) time. Additionally, Shor has proposed a Quantum Root Finding Algorithm that is also polynomial in time complexity (to solve the Discrete Logarithm problem). In 2001, IBM built a quantum computer capable of factoring the number 15 (using 7 qubits - the quantum equivalent of 27) using Shor's Algorithm. It is believed the future will produce quantum computers with over 1000 qubits. Finally, J. E. Cremona has published his book Algorithms for Modular Elliptic Curves online.
Compiling and integrating Crypto++
Please see the related article, Compiling and Integrating Crypto++ into the Microsoft Visual C++ Environment. This article is based upon basic assumptions presented in the previously mentioned article. It also addresses most problems encountered with projects from Command Line to MFC (Errors C1083, C1189, LNK1104, LNK2001, and LNK2005). Additionally, it provides tips and other niceties for using the Crypto++ Library.
Elliptic curve cryptography implementation in Crypto++
Crypto++ can be an intimidating library at times. The author finds the easiest method for getting a user started is by giving him or her a working CLI project. Multiple projects are presented with this article. They simply exercise the Crypto++ ECC Implementation on the command line. The samples build upon one another until a fully implemented demo is presented. The author chose this method because two of his favorite authors use it - Jeffrey Richter and W. Richard Stevens. The first sample should be considered ecctest160. ecc160test uses an Elliptical Curve over a 160 bit field. This is the equivalent of 1024 RSA moduli, or an 80 bit Symmetric Key. Some notes on the code below:
CryptoPP::AutoSeededRandomPool rng
contructs a Cryptographically Secure Pseudo-random Number Generator which is auto-seeded
unsigned int PlainTextLength = PlainText.length() + 1
is used to capture the trailing '\0'
of the string
is guaranteed to offer the trailing '\0' whereas std::basic_string::data()
is not
- The
and various catch()
statements have been omitted for clarity
- The
throw std::string
is present because a 0 length indicates an abnormal condition from the Crypto++ library
- The author prefers not to pollute the Global Namespace, so objects are brought in with the scope operator:
and CryptoPP::ECIES< CryptoPP::ECP >::PrivateKey
rather than issuing using namespace std
or using namespace CryptoPP
CryptoPP::ECIES< CryptoPP::ECP >::PrivateKey PrivateKey;
CryptoPP::ECIES< CryptoPP::ECP >::PublicKey PublicKey;
CryptoPP::AutoSeededRandomPool rng;
PrivateKey.Initialize( rng, CryptoPP::ASN1::secp160r1() );
PrivateKey.MakePublicKey( PublicKey );
if( false == PrivateKey.Validate( rng, 3 ) )
throw std::string( "Private Key Validation Error");
if( false == PublicKey.Validate( rng, 3 ) )
throw std::string( "Public Key Validation Error" );
CryptoPP::ECIES< CryptoPP::ECP >::Encryptor Encryptor( PublicKey );
CryptoPP::ECIES< CryptoPP::ECP >::Decryptor Decryptor( PrivateKey );
std::string PlainText = "Yoda said, Do or do not. There is no try.";
unsigned int PlainTextLength = PlainText.length() + 1;
unsigned int CipherTextLength =
Encryptor.CiphertextLength( PlainTextLength );
if( 0 == CiphertextLength )
throw std::string("plaintextLength is not valid (too long)");
byte* CipherText = new byte[ CipherTextLength ];
Encryptor.Encrypt( rng, reinterpret_cast<const byte*>
( PlainText.c_str() ), PlainTextLength, CipherText );
unsigned int RecoveredTextLength =
Decryptor.MaxPlaintextLength( CipherTextLength );
if( 0 == RecoveredTextLength )
throw std::string(
"CipherTextLength is not valid (too long or too short)");
char* RecoveredText = new char[ RecoveredTextLength ];
Decryptor.Decrypt( rng, CipherText, CipherTextLength,
reinterpret_cast<byte*>( RecoveredText ) );
ecctest1 is a generalization of ecc160test. One can choose odd characteristic fields of Fp (where p>3 is a large prime) by #define ECC_FIELD CryptoPP::ECP
for curves from 112 bits to 521 bits; and fields of characteristic two (F2^m) for curves from 113 bits to 571 bits by #define ECC_FIELD CryptoPP::EC2N
#define ECC_FIELD CryptoPP::ECP
#define ECC_CURVE CryptoPP::ASN1::secp160r1()
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
CryptoPP::ECIES< ECC_FIELD >::PrivateKey PrivateKey;
CryptoPP::ECIES< ECC_FIELD >::PublicKey PublicKey;
CryptoPP::AutoSeededRandomPool rng;
PrivateKey.Initialize( rng, ECC_CURVE );
PrivateKey.MakePublicKey( PublicKey );
CryptoPP::ECIES< ECC_FIELD >::Encryptor Encryptor( PublicKey );
CryptoPP::ECIES< ECC_FIELD >::Decryptor Decryptor( PrivateKey );
return 0;
Using elliptic curves with user-defined domain parameters in Crypto++
Crypto++ supplies 31 predefined Elliptical Curves for use with ECIES (Elliptic Curve Integrated Encryption Scheme) as specified in ANSI X9.63. These curves range in size from 112 bits to 571 bits. Encrypting a 4 byte message with a 112 bit ECIES object produces a cipher text length of 53 bytes. Encrypting the same message with an ECIES object of 34 bits will produce a 35 byte cipher text. The large cipher text is due in part to the following: when using Crypto++, a CryptoPP::ECIES< CryptoPP::ECP >
object is created. The CryptoPP::ECIES< CryptoPP::ECP >::Encryptor
returns a cipher text object which is a tuple (V, C, T) consisting of the following components:
- temporary EC public key V
- encrypted message C
- authentication tag T (generated from message M)
It is very noteworthy that public key V is a temporary key. This provides a randomization of the Product Key. However, should the reader's binary fall to Reverse Engineering, a private key is compromised due to the decryption routine. The authentication tag T is derived from SHA-1. The SHA-1 block size is 160 bits. So the authentication tag accounts for approximately 160/8 or approximately 20 bytes of the cipher text object. The astute reader should realize another benefit of a Signature Scheme with Message Recovery at this point. More will follow later in this article with respect to authentication tag T paring. Ideally, the cipher text will be about 20 bytes. This will produce a key of 30 to 35 characters in length after Base Encoding the cipher text into a Product Key. Again, further reductions will be achieved later in the article.
Using elliptic curve builder to generate domain parameters
For this portion of the article, Elliptic Curve Builder (ECB) will be used to generate curves for use with the Product Keys. Many thanks to Marcel Martin for modifying his original Object Pascal code to accommodate this article. ECB can be downloaded here. A copy of the ECB version is not included with the article. However, it is obtainable from Marcel's Ellipsa page. The author chose to use ECB rather than implementing a curve parameter generator due to the difficulty in determining the order of E(Fp). For reading on the subject, begin with 'Schoof-Atkin-Elkies Algorithm' and 'Elliptic Curve Point Counting Algorithm'.
Open ECB and click the leftmost blue thunderbolt. This will generate new curve parameters over Fp.

In the New Curve Parameters Over... Dialog Box, enter the following:
- Suitable Curve Size (minimum is 33 bits)
- Cofactor S max binary size of 2

A note on EC Domain Parameters and ECB: although the ECB editor displays Discriminant as 0, ECB begins its search at Discriminant + 1, so the parameter does not require modification. The ECB Discriminant value is for Complex Multiplication. This is a different Discriminant than that of Weierstrass equation of y2 ≡ x3 + ax + b (mod p). A non-0 Discriminant is required for the later case in this Cryptosystem. Eventually, Crypto++ will check the condition 4a3 + 27b2 !≡ 0 (mod p). For a complete list of required checks, see Certicom's accompanying document, SEC 1: Elliptic Curve Cryptography. Section, Elliptic Curve Domain Parameters over Fp Generation Primitive, is the appropriate area of the document.
Cofactor S max binary size is set to 2 because 22 = 4. According to the Certicom document, h ≤ 4 (S in ECB, h in EC literature). If the reader is inclined, a larger S can be selected. Marcel recommends at least 3, so a cofactor of 4 is available. If the user encounters cofactor S of 5, 6, or 7, he or she should regenerate the parameters. Note that NIST predefined curves specify a cofactor h = 1, 2, or 4 to speed calculations. Certicom requires that CEIL(log2p) = {112, 128, 160, 192, 224, 256, 384, 521} for E(Fp). At this point, the article is well below the recommended minimum curve size of 112 bits for E(Fp). Use of E(Fp) 56 bit curves will be presented later in the article. A 56 bit curve is available for E(F2^m). The exercise is left to the reader.
Next, select the tab entitled "Curve and Point." Click the yellow thunderbolt. The presented parameters are acceptable. Note that NIST curves use A = -3 to speed underlying mathematical operations.

Finally, click the green thunderbolt in the editor. This will produce G(x, y) points of Order R over the Curve E(Fp). Note that negative values are acceptable for either a, b, x or y. However, SEC1, Section Elliptic Curve Domain Parameters over Fp Validation Primitive (check 2) states:
Check that a, b, xG, and yG are integers in the interval [0, p-1].
To facilitate the requirement, issue the following:
a %= p; b %= p; x %= p; y %= p;
Copy and Paste the parameters into Visual C++ to avoid transcription errors.
ecctest2 exercises Crypto++ and the User Defined Domain Parameters. The essence of ecctest2 is below, as well as some notes:
- p, a, and b define the curve
- Base Point G is specified as a (x,y) coordinate
#include "cryptlib.h"
#include "osrng.h" // Random Number Generator
#include "eccrypto.h" // Elliptic Curve
#include "ecp.h" // F(p) EC
#include "integer.h" // Integer Operations
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
CryptoPP::AutoSeededRandomPool rng;
CryptoPP::Integer p("11069481119");
CryptoPP::Integer a("9891419326");
CryptoPP::Integer b("3785846764");
CryptoPP::Integer n("5534832397");
CryptoPP::Integer h("2");
CryptoPP::Integer x("53467489");
CryptoPP::Integer y("1485849126");
CryptoPP::ECP ec( p, a, b );
CryptoPP::ECP::Point G( x, y );
CryptoPP::ECIES< CryptoPP::ECP >::PrivateKey PrivateKey;
CryptoPP::ECIES< CryptoPP::ECP >::PublicKey PublicKey;
PrivateKey.Initialize( ec, G, n, h );
PrivateKey.MakePublicKey( PublicKey );
CryptoPP::ECIES< CryptoPP::ECP >::Encryptor Encryptor( PublicKey );
CryptoPP::ECIES< CryptoPP::ECP >::Decryptor Decryptor( PrivateKey );
std::string PlainText = " ECC ";
unsigned int PlainTextLength = PlainText.length() + 1;
unsigned int CipherTextLength =
Encryptor.Cipher=CiphertextLength( PlainTextLength );
if( 0 == CiphertextLength )
throw std::string("PlainTextLength is not valid (too long)");
byte* CipherText = new byte[ CipherTextLength ];
rng, reinterpret_cast<const byte*>( PlainText.c_str() ),
PlainTextLength, CipherText );
unsigned int RecoveredTextLength =
Decryptor.MaxPlaintextLength( CipherTextLength );
if( 0 == RecoveredTextLength )
throw std::string(
"CipherTextLength is not valid (too long or too short)");
char* RecoveredText = new char[ RecoveredTextLength ];
Decryptor.Decrypt( rng, CipherText, CiphertextLength,
reinterpret_cast<byte*>( RecoveredText ) );
std::cout << "Recovered text (
" << RecoveredTextLength << " bytes):" << std::endl;
std::cout << "'" << RecoveredText << "'" << std::endl;
return 0;
Below is a sample output with satisfactory parameters. The litmus test is definitive: the message decrypts.
Finally, I'll discuss a sample output with unsatisfactory parameters. Should a reader encounter similar, perform the following:
- Verify ECB parameters were correctly transcribed
- Generate new parameters with ECB.

Encoding a cipher text string in Crypto++
For encoding and decoding of the cipher text, this article will use both the Crypto++ base 64 encoder and base 32 encode. Better alphabet choices exist for Product Keys. For example, the following is a short list of alphabet constraints for Product Keys
- Key are formed over the alphabet A-Z and 0-9
- Keys are not case sensitive
- Do not use letters l (lowercase "L") or O (capital "o") (appear as numbers in some fonts)
- Do not use letters u and v (appear similar in some fonts)
- Do not use numbers 0 or 1 (appear as letters in some fonts)
- Print keys using a font created for text scanning (it is easier to distinguish characters)
Base Encoding expansion for Base64 encoding is approximately 35%, while expansion for Base32 encoding is approximately 60%. These estimates are based on a psuedo-randomly generated block of 16 * 1024 (16384) bytes. See the accompanying BaseExp for the program used to generate the sample block and calculate the expansions.
#include "cryptlib.h"
#include "osrng.h" // Random Number Generator
#include "eccrypto.h" // Elliptic Curve
#include "ecp.h" // F(p) EC
#include "integer.h" // Integer Operations
#include "base64.h" // Base 64 Encode/Decoder
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
CryptoPP::ECIES< CryptoPP::ECP >::PrivateKey PrivateKey;
CryptoPP::ECIES< CryptoPP::ECP >::PublicKey PublicKey;
PrivateKey.Initialize( ec, G, n, h );
PrivateKey.MakePublicKey( PublicKey );
CryptoPP::ECIES< CryptoPP::ECP >::Encryptor Encryptor( PublicKey );
CryptoPP::ECIES< CryptoPP::ECP >::Decryptor Decryptor( PrivateKey );
std::string PlainText = " ECC ";
unsigned int PlainTextLength = PlainText.length() + 1;
unsigned int CipherTextLength = Encryptor.CiphertextLength(
PlainTextLength );
if( 0 == CipherTextLength )
throw std::string("plaintextLength is not valid (too long)");
byte* CipherText = new byte[ CipherTextLength ];
rng, reinterpret_cast<const byte*>( PlainText.c_str() ),
PlainTextLength, CipherText );
CryptoPP::Base64Encoder Encoder;
Encoder.Put( CipherText, CipherTextLength );
unsigned int EncodedTextLength = Encoder.MaxRetrievable();
byte* EncodedText = new byte[ EncodedTextLength + 1 ];
EncodedText[ EncodedTextLength ] = '\0';
Encoder.Get( EncodedText, EncodedTextLength );
CryptoPP::Base64Decoder Decoder;
Decoder.Put( EncodedText, EncodedTextLength );
unsigned int DecodedTextLength = Decoder.MaxRetrievable();
byte* DecodedText = new byte[ DecodedTextLength ];
Decoder.Get( DecodedText, DecodedTextLength );
assert( 0 == ::memcmp( DecodedText, CipherText, CiphertextLength ) );
unsigned int RecoveredTextLength = Decryptor.MaxPlaintextLength(
CiphertextLength );
if( 0 == RecoveredTextLength )
throw std::string(
"CiphertextLength is not valid (too long or too short)");
char* RecoveredText = new char[ RecoveredTextLength ];
Decryptor.Decrypt( rng, CipherText, CipherTextLength,
reinterpret_cast<byte*>( RecoveredText ) );
std::cout << "Recovered text (
" << RecoveredTextLength << " bytes):" << std::endl;
std::cout << "'" << RecoveredText << "'" << std::endl;
ecctest3 is the driver for this portion of the article - Base64 encoding the cipher text. The results of running ecctest3 should be similar to below.

Product keys based on ECC
This (near anticlimactic) portion of the article discusses Feature Encoding. is the sample archive. Feature Encoding requires very few bytes. In the author's sample it is 4 bytes, as one unsigned int
is used. Other notes on the code are:
- Message is now an
unsigned int
rather than a std::string
- Features is a bit mask values
- Magic is the final check to verify the Product Key is Valid
const unsigned int FEATURE_EVALUATION = 0x01;
const unsigned int FEATURE_USE_SQUARES = 0x02;
const unsigned int FEATURE_USE_CIRCLES = 0x04;
const unsigned int FEATURE_USE_WIDGETS = 0x08;
const unsigned int FEATURE_MAGIC = 0xAAAA << 16;
const unsigned int FEATURE_MAGIC_MASK = 0xFFFF << 16;
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
CryptoPP::ECIES< CryptoPP::ECP >::PrivateKey PrivateKey;
CryptoPP::ECIES< CryptoPP::ECP >::PublicKey PublicKey;
PrivateKey.Initialize( ec, G, n, h );
PrivateKey.MakePublicKey( PublicKey );
CryptoPP::ECIES< CryptoPP::ECP >::Encryptor Encryptor( PublicKey );
CryptoPP::ECIES< CryptoPP::ECP >::Decryptor Decryptor( PrivateKey );
unsigned int Features = 0;
Features |= FEATURE_MAGIC;
unsigned int PlainTextLength = sizeof( Features );
unsigned int CipherTextLength = Encryptor.CiphertextLength(
PlainTextLength );
if( 0 == CipherTextLength )
throw std::string("PlainTextLength is not valid (too long)");
CipherText = new byte[ CipherTextLength ];
Encryptor.Encrypt( rng, reinterpret_cast<const byte*>( &Features ),
PlainTextLength, CipherText );
CryptoPP::Base64Encoder Encoder;
Encoder.Put( CipherText, CipherTextLength );
unsigned int EncodedTextLength = Encoder.MaxRetrievable();
EncodedText = new byte[ EncodedTextLength + 1 ];
EncodedText[ EncodedTextLength ] = '\0';
Encoder.Get( EncodedText, EncodedTextLength );
std::cout << "Encoded Text Before Tampering:" <<
std::endl << EncodedText << std::endl;
std::cout << "Evaluation Edition." << std::endl;
std::cout << "Operations are permitted on Squares." << std::endl;
std::cout << "Operations are permitted on Circles." << std::endl;
std::cout << "Operations are permitted on Widgets." << std::endl;
std::cout << std::endl << "********************" <<
std::endl << std::endl;
char ch = 'A';
for( unsigned int i = 0; i < EncodedTextLength - 1; i += 3 )
EncodedText[ i ] = ch++;
std::cout << "Encoded Text After Tampering:" << std::endl <<
EncodedText << std::endl;
CryptoPP::Base64Decoder Decoder;
Decoder.Put( EncodedText, EncodedTextLength );
unsigned int DecodedTextLength = Decoder.MaxRetrievable();
DecodedText = new byte[ DecodedTextLength ];
Decoder.Get( DecodedText, DecodedTextLength );
unsigned int RecoveredTextLength = Decryptor.MaxPlaintextLength(
DecodedTextLength );
if( 0 == RecoveredTextLength )
throw std::string(
"CipherTextLength is not valid (too long or too short)");
unsigned int RecoveredText = static_cast<int>( -1 );
Decryptor.Decrypt( rng, DecodedText, DecodedTextLength,
reinterpret_cast<byte *>( &RecoveredText ) );
if( FEATURE_MAGIC != (RecoveredText & FEATURE_MAGIC_MASK ) )
throw( std::string("Invalid Product Key!") );
std::cout << "Evaluation Edition." << std::endl;
std::cout << "Operations are permitted on Squares." << std::endl;
std::cout << "Operations are permitted on Circles." << std::endl;
std::cout << "Operations are permitted on Widgets." << std::endl;
return 0;
Results from running ecctest4 are shown below. ecctest4 Base64 encodes a Feature bit value rather than a string.

ecctest5 Base32 encodes the Features and formats the key.

The output above displays the execution of ecctest5. ecctest5 adds the following, shown in the code example below:
- Base 32 Encoding
- 'Pretty Printing' of the Base 32 Encoded cipher text
- Use of
to detect altered Product Keys
CryptoPP::Base32Encoder Encoder;
Encoder.Put( CipherText, CipherTextLength );
const unsigned int BREAK = 7;
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < EncodedTextLength; i++)
if( 0 != i && 0 == i % BREAK )
std::cout << "-";
std::cout << EncodedText[ i ];
std::cout << std::endl;
CryptoPP::DecodingResult Result =
Decryptor.Decrypt( rng, DecodedText, DecodedTextLength,
reinterpret_cast<byte *>( &RecoveredText ) );
if( false == Result.isValidCoding )
throw std::string("Crypto++: Invalid Coding");
To further reduce the size of the Product Key, this article creates a spurious authentication tag T for the cipher text object (C,V,T). Ideally, a 0 byte HMAC function would have been added to CryptoPP::DL_EncryptionAlgorithm_Xor(...)
. However, Microsoft's environment could not properly generate code with arrays of size 0. SecByteBlock<> caused too many C2229 compilations. errors.
As a compromise, TRUEHash was created. The hash returns the same value regardless of the message - 0x01. TRUEHash adds approximately 4 bytes of authentication tagging, T in the cipher text Object (C,V,T). Template specialization for TRUEHash is below. Note also the curve size is 58 bits, which is above Certicom's 56 bit minimum of SEC 1. 58 bits was chosen because it can be partitioned into aesthetically pleasing groups of 5.
#include "cryptlib.h"
#include "iterhash.h"
class TRUEHash : public CryptoPP::IteratedHashWithStaticTransform<
CryptoPP::word32, CryptoPP::BigEndian, 32, 4, TRUEHash>
static void InitState(HashWordType *state)
state[0] = 0x01; return;
static void Transform(CryptoPP::word32 *digest,
const CryptoPP::word32 *data)
static const char *StaticAlgorithmName()
return "TRUE HASH";
With the shim class in place, a new specialized ECIESNullT class< >
was created. Notice the introduction of TRUEHash to DL_EncryptionAlgorithm_Xor< >
#include "pubkey.h"
#include "dh.h"
#include "sha.h"
#include "eccrypto.h"
#include "ecp.h"
template <class EC,
class COFACTOR_OPTION = CryptoPP::NoCofactorMultiplication,
bool DHAES_MODE = false>
struct ECIESNullT
: public CryptoPP::DL_ES<
CryptoPP::DL_KeyAgreementAlgorithm_DH<typename EC::Point, COFACTOR_OPTION>,
CryptoPP::DL_KeyDerivationAlgorithm_P1363<typename EC::Point,
DHAES_MODE, CryptoPP::P1363_KDF2<CryptoPP::SHA1> >,
CryptoPP::ECIES<EC> >
static std::string StaticAlgorithmName()
return "ECIES with NULL T";
Running ecctest6 produces the following output:

And the corresponding results with a false key:

Bulk product key generation
ecctest7 exercises the ability to generate multiple cipher text Objects based on common curve parameters. Recall that ECIES parameters are the sextuple (p, a, b, Point G, n, h), where Point G is simply (x, y). This sample serves as proof of concept for the Key Generator and Key Validator.

KeyGen, as with ecctest7, exercises ECIES's property that a new, temporary key V is generated for each message M, producing a unique cipher text object (C,V,T) for each encryption operation. Note that the Decryptor has been dropped. It will exist in the validating software.

The perceptive reader should notice ECIES cipher text redundancy. The reader can further reduce the size of the generated Product Key by removing the redundant bytes after Base32 encoding before PrettyPrint.; and prepending and/or appending before the Base32 decoding, saving an additional 7 bytes of Base32 encoding. As a concrete example, a 56 bit curve produces a 31 byte key. 31 - 7 = 24, which groups aesthetically into six groups of four (xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx). Note that the additional bytes are required for decoding, but do not necessarily need to be keyed by the user.

The following is the Product Key generating program.
const unsigned int FEATURE_EVALUATION = 0x01;
const unsigned int FEATURE_USE_SQUARES = 0x02;
const unsigned int FEATURE_USE_CIRCLES = 0x04;
const unsigned int FEATURE_USE_WIDGETS = 0x08;
const unsigned int FEATURE_MAGIC = 0xAAAA << 16;
const unsigned int FEATURE_MAGIC_MASK = 0xFFFF << 16;
#include "cryptlib.h"
#include "iterhash.h"
class TRUEHash : public CryptoPP::IteratedHashWithStaticTransform<
CryptoPP::word32, CryptoPP::BigEndian, 32, 4, TRUEHash>
static void InitState(HashWordType *state)
state[0] = 0x01; return;
static void Transform(CryptoPP::word32 *digest,
const CryptoPP::word32 *data) { return; }
static const char *StaticAlgorithmName()
return "TRUE HASH";
#include "pubkey.h"
#include "dh.h"
#include "sha.h"
#include "eccrypto.h"
#include "ecp.h"
template <class EC,
class COFACTOR_OPTION = CryptoPP::NoCofactorMultiplication,
bool DHAES_MODE = false>struct ECIESNullT
: public CryptoPP::DL_ES<
CryptoPP::DL_KeyAgreementAlgorithm_DH<typename EC::Point,
CryptoPP::DL_KeyDerivationAlgorithm_P1363<typename EC::Point,
DHAES_MODE, CryptoPP::P1363_KDF2<CryptoPP::SHA1> >,
CryptoPP::ECIES<EC> >
static std::string StaticAlgorithmName()
return "ECIES with NULL T";
#include "cryptlib.h"
#include "osrng.h" // Random Number Generator
#include "eccrypto.h" // Elliptic Curve
#include "ecp.h" // F(p) EC
#include "integer.h" // Integer Operations
#include "base32.h" // Encodeing-Decoding
#include "nbtheory.h" // ModularSquareRoot(...)
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
byte* CipherText = NULL;
byte* EncodedText = NULL;
CryptoPP::AutoSeededRandomPool rng;
unsigned int Features = 0;
Features |= FEATURE_MAGIC;
unsigned int PlainTextLength = sizeof( Features );
CryptoPP::Integer p("214644128745822931");
CryptoPP::Integer a("0");
CryptoPP::Integer b("-23719602096934623");
CryptoPP::Integer n("71548043092139563");
CryptoPP::Integer h("3");
CryptoPP::Integer x("-35255913743814615");
CryptoPP::Integer y("-71911853159754273");
PrintCurveParameters( p, a, b, x, y, n, h ); std::cout << std::endl;
CryptoPP::ECP ec( p, a, b );
ECIESNullT< CryptoPP::ECP >::PrivateKey PrivateKey;
ECIESNullT< CryptoPP::ECP >::PublicKey PublicKey;
PrivateKey.Initialize( ec, CryptoPP::ECP::Point( x, y ), n );
PrivateKey.MakePublicKey( PublicKey );
ECIESNullT< CryptoPP::ECP >::Encryptor Encryptor( PublicKey );
const unsigned int ITERATIONS = 128;
for(int i = 0; i < ITERATIONS; i++ )
unsigned int CipherTextLength = Encryptor.CiphertextLength(
PlainTextLength );
if( 0 == CipherTextLength )
throw std::string("plaintextLength is not valid (too long)");
CipherText = new byte[ CipherTextLength ];
if( NULL == CipherText )
throw std::string( "CipherText Allocation Failure" );
Encryptor.Encrypt( rng,
reinterpret_cast<const byte*>( &Features ),
PlainTextLength, CipherText);
CryptoPP::Base32Encoder Encoder;
Encoder.Put( CipherText, CipherTextLength );
unsigned int EncodedTextLength = Encoder.MaxRetrievable();
EncodedText = new byte[ EncodedTextLength + 1 ];
EncodedText[ EncodedTextLength ] = '\0';
Encoder.Get( EncodedText, EncodedTextLength );
const unsigned int BREAK = 5;
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < EncodedTextLength; i++)
if( 0 != i && 0 == i % BREAK )
std::cout << "-";
std::cout << EncodedText[ i ];
std::cout << std::endl;
delete[] CipherText;
delete[] EncodedText;
catch( CryptoPP::Exception& e )
std::cerr << "Crypto++ Error: " << e.what() << std::endl;
catch( std::string& s )
std::cerr << "Error: " << s << std::endl;
catch (...)
std::cerr << "Unknown Error" << std::endl;
return 0;
Product key validation
KeyVal is the driver program that validates Product Keys. The reader should choose a Product Key from this article and use it as a parameter to Decryptor.Decrypt(...)
after removing the Base32 encoding.

The reader should be aware of the side effects of casting a byte[] to an unsigned int*, as in excerpts from ecctest7 below. It is a C++ side-effect, not a Crypto++ effect.
unsigned int RecoveredFeatures =
*(reinterpret_cast<unsigned int*>( RecoveredText ) );

Securely saving key or activation state to the registry
Product Keys and Program Activation states can be securely saved to the Windows Registry. Please see An AES Encrypting Registry Class for a discussion and implementation.
Although this article does not present a concrete implementation of an Optimal Compact Product Key System, the groundwork for such a system has been outlined. By using ECIES as specified in IEEE 1363 and ANSI X9.63 and implemented in Crypto++, one can side-step most patent issues involved with Elliptic Curve Cryptography. However, there may be other implications in the application of ECC to the realm of Product Keys and Product Activations.
- Wei Dai for Crypto++ and his invaluable help on the Crypto++ mailing list
- Dr. A. Brooke Stephens who laid my Cryptographic foundations
- Marcel Martin for his work on ECB to facilitate this Article and critiques of the Article's EC description correctness
- Jason Smethers for his Elliptic Curve Sample, which served as an early basis for this article (see ecctest1)
- 06.01.2007 Article edited and moved to the main article base
- 12.13.2006 Removed Setup Program Section
- 12.13.2006 Removed User Interface Design Consideration Section
- 12.11.2006 Updated Article Citation Links
- 11.26.2006 Added reference to Product Activation Based on RSA Signatures
- 11.26.2006 Added Generated Assembly Code of string::data() Cast
- 11.21.2006 Added reference to Product Keys Based on the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)
- 11.18.2006 Uploaded DPVal (Domain Parameters Validation Program)
- 11.18.2006 Added Certicom requirement of a, b, x, y be in the interval [0, p-1]
- 11.16.2006 Updated Article Citation Links
- 11.16.2006 Added Note on Downloads
- 11.16.2006 Added Note on Reverse Engineering and Temporary Cipher Text Key
- 11.14.2006 Original Release
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