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Drawing UPC-A Barcodes with C#

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13 Apr 20058 min read 275.9K   12.1K   166   45
Demonstrates a method to draw UPC-A barcodes using C#.


On almost every product sold, there is typically a UPC barcode of some type which is used to identify the product. The most common barcode used, in the United States and Canada, is the UPC-A barcode. In this article, we will look at the UPC-A specification and examine some code that can produce UPC-A barcodes.

UPC-A Background

The UPC-A barcode is composed of 12 digits which are made up of the following sections:

  • the first digit is the product type,
  • the next five digits are the manufacturer code,
  • the next five digits are the product code,
  • the last digit is the checksum digit.

Product Type

The product type is a one digit number which is used to describe the type of product.

Product Type NumberDescription
0Regular UPC codes
2Weight items marked at the store.
3National Drug/Health-related code.
4No format restrictions, in-store use on non-food items.
7Regular UPC codes

Manufacturer code and product code

The manufacturer code is assigned by the Uniform Code Council, and is used to uniquely identify the product's manufacturer. The product code is used to identify the product.

Checksum digit

The checksum digit is calculated using the product type, manufacturer's code, and the product code. The odd numbers are multiplied by 3 and added to the sum, while the even numbers are simply added to the sum. The modulus of 10 is then taken of the summed total. This is subtracted from 10 and the modulus of 10 is taken again.

For example: UPC-A 01234567890
Product Type : 0
Manufacturer's Code : 12345
Product Code : 67890

The first digit '0' is odd, so multiple it by 3, the second digit 1 is even so just add it, etc...

(0 * 3) + 1 + (2 * 3) + 3 + (4 * 3) + 5 + (6 * 3) + 7 + (8 * 3) + 9 + (0 * 3) = 85

85 % 10 = 5

( ( 10 - 5 ) % 10 ) = 5

Symbol size

The specifications for the UPC-A barcode specify the nominal size of a UPC symbol as 1.496" wide and 1.02" high. Based upon this nominal size the UPC symbol can be scaled by a magnification factor of 0.8 to 2.0. Scaling the barcode will produce a barcode between the minimal allowable size of 1.175" wide by .816" high and the maximum allowable size of 2.938" wide and 2.04" high.

Digit patterns

Each digit in a UPC-A bar code is composed of a series of two spaces and two bars. Each digit is drawn within a space that is 7 modules wide. In addition to the 12 digits, which make up a UPC-A barcode, the barcode symbol also has two quite zones, a lead block, a separator, and a trailing block. Each quite zone is 9 modules wide, the lead and trailing blocks are a series of lines and spaces in the format of bar, space, bar. The separator is signified by the sequence space/bar/space/bar/space.

Special SymbolPattern
Quite Zone000000000
Lead / Trailer101

where '0' represents space and '1' denotes a bar.

In addition to the special symbol patterns listed above, the UPC-A barcode symbol uses two distinct digit patterns as well, the Left Digit pattern and the Right Digit pattern. The Left Digit pattern is used to draw the product type and the manufacturer code. The Right Digit pattern is used to draw the product code and the checksum digit. The Left Digit pattern starts with spaces and the Right Digit pattern starts with bars (see table below).

NumberLeft DigitsRight Digits

where a '0' denotes a space and '1' represents a bar.

Using the code

First, we will examine how to use the UpcA class, and then we'll examine how the UpcA class works.

Using the UpcA Class

The code excerpt below uses the UpcA class to draw a UPC-A barcode in a picture box control:

private void DrawUPC( )
   System.Drawing.Graphics g = this.picBarcode.CreateGraphics( ); 

   g.FillRectangle(new System.Drawing.SolidBrush(
                new Rectangle(0, 0, picBarcode.Width, picBarcode.Height)); 
   // Create an instance of the UpcA Class.        
   upc = new UpcA( ); 
   upc.ProductType = "0";
   upc.ManufacturerCode = "21200"; 
   upc.ProductCode = "10384"; 
   upc.Scale = 
     (float)Convert.ToDecimal( cboScale.Items [cboScale.SelectedIndex] ); 
   upc.DrawUpcaBarcode( g, new System.Drawing.Point( 0, 0 ) ); 
   g.Dispose( );

The first step for the DrawUPC function is to create an instance of the UpcA class, and then set the product type, manufacturer code, the product code, and the scale factor properties (the check sum will be calculated by the UpcA class). Once these properties are set, a call to the DrawUpcaBarcode function is made, passing a Graphics object and a Point, which indicates the starting position to draw at, this will cause the barcode to be drawn in the picture box starting at point (0, 0).

The UpcA Class

The most significant variables are listed below:

// This is the nomimal size recommended by the UCC.
private float _fWidth = 1.469f;
private float _fHeight = 1.02f;
private float _fFontSize = 8.0f;
private float _fScale = 1.0f;

// Left Hand Digits.
private string [] _aLeft = { "0001101", "0011001", "0010011", "0111101", 
                             "0100011", "0110001", "0101111", "0111011", 
                             "0110111", "0001011" };

// Right Hand Digits.
private string [] _aRight = { "1110010", "1100110", "1101100", "1000010", 
                              "1011100", "1001110", "1010000", "1000100", 
                              "1001000", "1110100" };

private string _sQuiteZone = "0000000000";
private string _sLeadTail = "101";
private string _sSeparator = "01010";

The _fWidth, _fHeight, and the _fScale variables are initialized with the nominal size recommended by the Uniform Code Council. When the barcode is rendered, its actual size will be determined by the nominal size, and the scale factor, as discussed in the Symbol Size section of this article. The variables _aLeft, _aRight, _sQuiteZone, _sLeadTail, and _sSeparator are all string representations of the bar/space graphics, which represent the various parts of a UPC-A barcode. Essentially, a '1' represents a bar and a '0' represents a space, so _sSeparator would cause a space-bar-space-bar-space to be rendered. An alternate method to using a string could be to use a binary representation, where a 0 bit would be space and a 1 bit is a bar.

There are three primary functions which provide the majority of the functionality for the UpcA class. The workhorse of these functions is DrawUpcaBarcode. DrawUpcaBarcode uses the other two functions as helper functions. The two helper functions are: CalculateChecksumDigit, ConvertToDigitPatterns and these will be discussed first. There is also a fourth function, CreateBitmap, which provides an easy means for creating a bitmap image.

The first helper function DrawUpcaBarcode calls the CalculateChecksumDigit function, which uses the product type, manufacturer code, and product code to calculate the barcode's check sum.

public void CalculateChecksumDigit( )
    string sTemp = this.ProductType + this.ManufacturerCode + this.ProductCode;
    int iSum = 0;
    int iDigit = 0;

    // Calculate the checksum digit here.
    for( int i = 1; i <= sTemp.Length; i++ )
        iDigit = Convert.ToInt32( sTemp.Substring( i - 1, 1 ) );
        if( i % 2 == 0 )
        {    // even
            iSum += iDigit * 1;
        {    // odd
            iSum += iDigit * 3;

    int iCheckSum = ( 10 - ( iSum % 10 )  ) % 10;
    this.ChecksumDigit = iCheckSum.ToString( );


The CalculateChecksumDigit function calculates the check sum using the method discussed in the Checksum Digit section listed above.

The second helper function used is the ConvertToDigitPatterns function. This function takes the individual numbers of the manufacturer code, and the product number, and converts them to the string representation of the barcode graphics.

private string ConvertToDigitPatterns( string inputNumber, string [] patterns )
    System.Text.StringBuilder sbTemp = new StringBuilder( );
    int iIndex = 0;
    for( int i = 0; i < inputNumber.Length; i++ )
        iIndex = Convert.ToInt32( inputNumber.Substring( i, 1 ) );
        sbTemp.Append( patterns[iIndex] );
    return sbTemp.ToString( );

The ConvertToDigitPatterns function requires two parameters:

  • inputNumber
  • patterns

The inputNumber will be either the manufacturer number or the product number, and the patterns will either be the _aLeft or the _aRight array depending on whether the inputNumber is the manufacturer number or the product number.

Finally the workhorse; the DrawUpcaBarcode handles the rendering of the barcode graphics and requires two parameters:

  • g
  • pt

This function begins by determining the width and height for the barcode, by scaling the nominal width and height by the scale factor. The lineWidth is based upon the total number of modules required to render a UPC-A barcode. The total number of modules, 113, is determined by the following: for example:

UPC-A code - 021900103841

Barcode SectionNumeric ValueGraphic RepresentationNumber of Modules
Quite ZoneN/A0000000009 modules
LeadN/A1013 modules
Product Type1 digit - "0"00011017 modules
Manufacturer Number5 digits = "21900"001001100110010001011000110100011015 digits * 7 modules = 35 modules
SeparatorN/A010105 modules
Product Number5 digits = "10384"110011011100101000010100100010111005 digits * 7 modules = 35 modules
Check Sum1 digit = "1"11001107 modules
TrailerN/A1013 modules
Quite ZoneN/A0000000009 modules

So, to determine the total module width, simply add the individual parts: 9 + 3 + 7 + 35 + 5 + 35 + 7 + 3 + 9 = 113.

public void DrawUpcaBarcode(System.Drawing.Graphics g,System.Drawing.Point pt)

    float width = this.Width * this.Scale;
    float height = this.Height * this.Scale;

    // A upc-a excluding 2 or 5 digit supplement information 
    // should be a total of 113 modules wide. 
    // Supplement information is typically 
    // used for periodicals and books.
    float lineWidth = width / 113f;

    // Save the GraphicsState.
    System.Drawing.Drawing2D.GraphicsState gs = g.Save( );

    // Set the PageUnit to Inch because all of 
    // our measurements are in inches.
    g.PageUnit = System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Inch;

    // Set the PageScale to 1, so an inch will represent a true inch.
    g.PageScale = 1;

    System.Drawing.SolidBrush brush = 
           new System.Drawing.SolidBrush( System.Drawing.Color.Black );

    float xPosition = 0;

    System.Text.StringBuilder strbUPC = new System.Text.StringBuilder( );

    float xStart = pt.X;
    float yStart = pt.Y;
    float xEnd = 0;

    System.Drawing.Font font = 
      new System.Drawing.Font( "Arial", this._fFontSize * this.Scale );

    // Calculate the Check Digit.
    this.CalculateChecksumDigit( );

    // Build the UPC Code.
    strbUPC.AppendFormat( "{0}{1}{2}{3}{4}{5}{6}{1}{0}",
                this._sQuiteZone, this._sLeadTail,
                ConvertToDigitPatterns( this.ProductType, this._aLeft ),
                ConvertToDigitPatterns( this.ManufacturerCode, this._aLeft ),
                ConvertToDigitPatterns( this.ProductCode, this._aRight ), 
                ConvertToDigitPatterns( this.ChecksumDigit, this._aRight ) );

    string sTempUPC = strbUPC.ToString( );

    float fTextHeight = g.MeasureString( sTempUPC, font ).Height;

    // Draw the barcode lines.
    for( int i = 0; i < strbUPC.Length; i++ )
        if( sTempUPC.Substring( i, 1 ) == "1" )
            if( xStart == pt.X )
                xStart = xPosition;

            // Save room for the UPC number below the bar code.
            if( ( i > 19 && i < 56 ) || ( i > 59 && i < 95 ) )
                // Draw space for the number
                g.FillRectangle( brush, xPosition, yStart, 
                                      lineWidth, height - fTextHeight );
                // Draw a full line.
                g.FillRectangle( brush, xPosition, yStart, lineWidth, height );

        xPosition += lineWidth;
        xEnd = xPosition;

    // Draw the upc numbers below the line.
    xPosition = xStart - g.MeasureString( this.ProductType, font ).Width;
    float yPosition = yStart + ( height - fTextHeight );
    // Draw Product Type.
    g.DrawString( this.ProductType, font, brush, 
                   new System.Drawing.PointF( xPosition, yPosition ) );

    // Each digit is 7 modules wide, therefore the MFG_Number 
    // is 5 digits wide so
    // 5 * 7 = 35, then add 3 for the LeadTrailer 
    // Info and another 7 for good measure,
    // that is where the 45 comes from.
    xPosition += 
          g.MeasureString( this.ProductType, font ).Width + 45 * lineWidth - 
                     g.MeasureString( this.ManufacturerCode, font ).Width;

    // Draw MFG Number.
    g.DrawString( this.ManufacturerCode, font, brush, 
                         new System.Drawing.PointF( xPosition, yPosition ) );

    // Add the width of the MFG Number and 5 modules for the separator.
    xPosition += g.MeasureString( this.ManufacturerCode, font ).Width +
                        5 * lineWidth;

    // Draw Product ID.
    g.DrawString( this.ProductCode, font, brush, 
                          new System.Drawing.PointF( xPosition, yPosition ) );

    // Each digit is 7 modules wide, therefore 
    // the Product Id is 5 digits wide so
    // 5 * 7 = 35, then add 3 for the LeadTrailer 
    // Info, + 8 more just for spacing
    // that is where the 46 comes from.
    xPosition += 46 * lineWidth;

    // Draw Check Digit.
    g.DrawString( this.ChecksumDigit, font, brush, 
                          new System.Drawing.PointF( xPosition, yPosition ) );

    // Restore the GraphicsState.
    g.Restore( gs );


The function uses the CalculateChecksumDigit function to calculate the correct check sum digit, and then uses the ConvertToDigitPatterns function to convert the various numeric parts of the UPC-A barcode number to a string representation. Once the number has been converted over to a string representation, the code uses the string representation to render the barcode, 1 will cause a rectangle to be drawn, and 0 will cause the code to skip drawing a rectangle. If the code draws a rectangle, it also takes into consideration whether it needs to shorten the rectangle to allow space for the manufacturer's number and the product number. Once the barcode is completely rendered, the code then determines the position, and draws the product type number, the manufacturer's number, the product number, and the check sum digit.

The CreateBitmap function simply creates a Bitmap object, and uses the DrawUpcaBarcode function to render the barcode to the Bitmap object, and then it returns the Bitmap.

public System.Drawing.Bitmap CreateBitmap( )
    float tempWidth = ( this.Width * this.Scale ) * 100 ;
    float tempHeight = ( this.Height * this.Scale ) * 100;

    System.Drawing.Bitmap bmp = 
       new System.Drawing.Bitmap( (int)tempWidth, (int)tempHeight );

    System.Drawing.Graphics g = System.Drawing.Graphics.FromImage( bmp );
    this.DrawUpcaBarcode( g, new System.Drawing.Point( 0, 0 ) );
    g.Dispose( );
    return bmp;

Points of interest

The United States and Canada are the only two countries that use the UPC-A barcode system, the rest of the world uses the EAN barcode system. So, as of January 1, 2005, the Uniform Code Council, UCC, has mandated that all U.S. and Canadian point-of-sale companies must be able to scan and process EAN-8, and EAN-13 barcodes, in addition to the UPC-A barcodes (this is called the 2005 Sunrise). The UCC has also began to push a new bar code system, known as the Global Trade Item Numbers (GTINs), basically a GTIN is a 14 digit number which conforms to the UPC-A, and EAN-13 symbol standards but uses additional digits to store country of origin information. If you want more information, go to UCC: 2005 Sunrise.


  • Version 1.0 - Initial application.


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Written By
Web Developer
United States United States
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Comments and Discussions

QuestionUsage in products Pin
Member 114312555-Feb-15 16:58
Member 114312555-Feb-15 16:58 
QuestionGood article about a method to draw UPC-A barcodes using C#. Pin
Volynsky Alex20-Apr-14 22:35
professionalVolynsky Alex20-Apr-14 22:35 
QuestionUPC-A Barcode VB.NET version? Pin
laxi3005-Oct-11 8:29
laxi3005-Oct-11 8:29 
Questionbarcode in code 39 Pin
Member 79252208-Jul-11 22:28
Member 79252208-Jul-11 22:28 
GeneralMy vote of 5 Pin
dl4gbe8-Aug-10 9:34
dl4gbe8-Aug-10 9:34 
GeneralBarcode does not show up if placed in Window directory Pin
BHHNVB18-Sep-09 7:01
BHHNVB18-Sep-09 7:01 
Chris Marcan16-Jul-09 7:43
Chris Marcan16-Jul-09 7:43 
Chris Marcan16-Jul-09 8:36
Chris Marcan16-Jul-09 8:36 
muppaluri23-Oct-09 4:53
muppaluri23-Oct-09 4:53 
Generalquistion Pin
beeshooo9-Feb-09 7:21
beeshooo9-Feb-09 7:21 
GeneralMessage Closed Pin
3-Mar-13 16:41
Thomasssss3-Mar-13 16:41 
Generalhelp Pin
lakshmi priya.t.n29-Jan-09 17:33
lakshmi priya.t.n29-Jan-09 17:33 
GeneralMessage Closed Pin
3-Mar-13 17:11
Thomasssss3-Mar-13 17:11 
GeneralThis saves me $$$ Pin
David Tum27-Jan-07 5:53
David Tum27-Jan-07 5:53 
GeneralUPC-E Pin
Bill Daugherty II1-Jan-06 8:59
Bill Daugherty II1-Jan-06 8:59 
GeneralRe: UPC-E Pin
rainman_633-Jan-06 2:46
rainman_633-Jan-06 2:46 
GeneralRe: UPC-E Pin
Bill Daugherty II3-Jan-06 8:04
Bill Daugherty II3-Jan-06 8:04 
GeneralJust some inforamtion. Pin
Bill Daugherty II1-Jan-06 8:56
Bill Daugherty II1-Jan-06 8:56 
Hello, i downloaded your application, you did a very nice job. I was going to create my own, but found this right when i was ready to start.

I think you did a very nice job.

Here is what i did to modify the code, and anyone can email me to get the code, billsecond at

1. I converted it to VB.NET because i have an application where it was created in, and i don't want to use dll's just yet.
2. I made the minimum size 1.2 (scale), and this actually is the smallest reconized image for a bar code scanner application i found on the internet called "Clear Image", i just downladed the demo to make sure it worked, because the bar code didn't seem to match, but once i did increase the size it worked great.
3. I added another constructor that accepts the 11/12 digit bar code
4. I added an IsValid function that returns a boolean value to test weather or not the barcode is valid.

I also changed the way you can save it. See below..

Dim g As Graphics = CreateGraphics()
Dim newBitmap As Bitmap = New Bitmap(picBarcode.Width, picBarcode.Height, Imaging.PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb)
g = Graphics.FromImage(newBitmap)
g.FillRectangle(New SolidBrush(Color.White), New Rectangle(0, 0, picBarcode.Width, picBarcode.Height))

newBitmap.Save("c:\test.jpg", Imaging.ImageFormat.Jpeg)
Me.picBarcode.Image = Image.FromHbitmap(newBitmap.GetHbitmap)
If Me.txtUPCA.Text.Length = 11 Then
Me.txtUPCA.Text += upc.ChecksumDigit()
ElseIf Me.txtUPCA.Text.Length = 12 Then
If Not Me.txtUPCA.Text.Substring(11, 1) = upc.ChecksumDigit() Then
Me.txtUPCA.Text = Me.txtUPCA.Text.Substring(0, 11) + upc.ChecksumDigit()
End If
End If
(by the way, any coding suggestions, let me know, i know its probbly not the neatest.)

Here is the class file i created..

' Title: UPCA
' Description: Creates a graphic for the UPCA Barcode
' -------------------------------------------------------------------
' This code was taken and modified from the following link. I
' transfered the code from C#.NET to VB.NET so i could eleminate the
' DLL's, and just have a single EXE file.
' Code from:
' Here is a great resource for UPC's:

Option Strict On
Option Explicit On

Imports System
Imports System.Collections.Generic
Imports System.Text

Public Class cUPC
Private globalName As String = "UPC-A"
Private globalMinimumAllowableScale As Single = 0.8F
Private globalMaximumAllowableScale As Single = 2.0F

' This is the nomimal size recommended by the UCC.
Private globalWidth As Single = 1.469F
Private globalHeight As Single = 1.02F
Private globalFontSize As Single = 8.0F
Private globalScale As Single = 1.5F 'Note i have tested this, and 1.2 is the minimum

' Left Hand Digits.
Private globalLeft() As String = {"0001101", "0011001", "0010011", "0111101", _
"0100011", "0110001", "0101111", "0111011", _
"0110111", "0001011"}

' Right Hand Digits.
Private globalRight() As String = {"1110010", "1100110", "1101100", "1000010", _
"1011100", "1001110", "1010000", "1000100", _
"1001000", "1110100"}

Private globalQuiteZone As String = "0000000000"

Private globalLeadTail As String = "101"

Private globalSeparator As String = "01010"

Private globalProductType As String = "0"
Private globalManufacturerCode As String
Private globalProductCode As String
Private globalChecksumDigit As String

Public Sub New()

End Sub

Public Sub New(ByVal barCode As String)
globalProductType = barCode.Substring(0, 1)
globalManufacturerCode = barCode.Substring(1, 5)
globalProductCode = barCode.Substring(6, 5)
If (barCode.Length > 11) Then
globalChecksumDigit = barCode.Substring(11, 1)
End If
End Sub

Public Sub New(ByVal mfgNumber As String, ByVal productId As String)
Me.globalProductType = "0"
Me.globalManufacturerCode = mfgNumber
Me.globalProductCode = productId
End Sub

Public Sub New(ByVal productType As String, ByVal mfgNumber As String, ByVal productId As String)
Me.globalProductType = productType
Me.globalManufacturerCode = mfgNumber
Me.globalProductCode = productId
End Sub

Public Sub New(ByVal productType As String, ByVal mfgNumber As String, ByVal productId As String, ByVal checkDigit As String)
Me.globalProductType = productType
Me.globalManufacturerCode = mfgNumber
Me.globalProductCode = productId
Me.globalChecksumDigit = checkDigit
End Sub

Public Function IsValid(ByVal barCode As String) As Boolean

Dim isTheBarCodeValid As Boolean = False
If barCode.Length = 12 Then
If barCode.Substring(11, 1) = ChecksumDigit() Then
isTheBarCodeValid = True
End If
End If
Return isTheBarCodeValid

End Function

Public Sub DrawUpcaBarcode(ByVal g As System.Drawing.Graphics)
Dim pt As System.Drawing.Point = New System.Drawing.Point(0, 0)
Dim width As Single = Me.globalWidth * Me.globalScale
Dim height As Single = Me.globalHeight * Me.globalScale

' A upc-a excluding 2 or 5 digit supplement information
' should be a total of 113 modules wide. Supplement information is typically
' used for periodicals and books.
Dim lineWidth As Single = width / 113.0F

' Save the GraphicsState.
Dim gs As System.Drawing.Drawing2D.GraphicsState = g.Save()

' Set the PageUnit to Inch because all of our measurements are in inches.
g.PageUnit = System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Inch

' Set the PageScale to 1, so an inch will represent a true inch.
g.PageScale = 1

Dim brush As System.Drawing.SolidBrush = New System.Drawing.SolidBrush(System.Drawing.Color.Black)

Dim xPosition As Single = 0

Dim strbUPC As System.Text.StringBuilder = New System.Text.StringBuilder()
Dim xStart As Single = pt.X
Dim yStart As Single = pt.Y
Dim xEnd As Single = 0

Dim font As System.Drawing.Font = New System.Drawing.Font("MS Reference Sans Serif", (Me.globalFontSize + 1) * Me.globalScale)

' Calculate the Check Digit.

' Build the UPC Code.
strbUPC.AppendFormat("{0}{1}{2}{3}{4}{5}{6}{1}{0}", _
Me.globalQuiteZone, Me.globalLeadTail, _
ConvertToDigitPatterns(Me.globalProductType, Me.globalLeft), _
ConvertToDigitPatterns(Me.globalManufacturerCode, Me.globalLeft), _
Me.globalSeparator, _
ConvertToDigitPatterns(Me.globalProductCode, Me.globalRight), _
ConvertToDigitPatterns(Me.globalChecksumDigit, Me.globalRight))

Dim sTempUPC As String = strbUPC.ToString()

Dim fTextHeight As Single = g.MeasureString(sTempUPC, font).Height

' Draw the barcode lines.
Dim i As Integer = 0
For i = 0 To strbUPC.Length - 1

If (sTempUPC.Substring(i, 1) = "1") Then

If (xStart = pt.X) Then
xStart = xPosition
End If

' Save room for the UPC number below the bar code.
If ((i > 19 And i < 56) Or (i > 59 And i < 95)) Then
' Draw space for the number
g.FillRectangle(brush, xPosition, yStart, lineWidth, height - fTextHeight)
' Draw a full line.
g.FillRectangle(brush, xPosition, yStart, lineWidth, height)
End If
End If
xPosition += lineWidth ' Taken out ";"
xEnd = xPosition ' Taken out ";"

' Draw the upc numbers below the line.

xPosition = xStart - g.MeasureString(Me.globalProductType, font).Width
Dim yPosition As Single = yStart + (height - fTextHeight)
' Draw Product Type.
g.DrawString(Me.globalProductType, font, brush, New System.Drawing.PointF(xPosition, yPosition))

' Each digit is 7 modules wide, therefore the MFG_Number is 5 digits wide so
' 5 * 7 = 35, then add 3 for the LeadTrailer Info and another 7 for good measure,
' that is where the 45 comes from.
xPosition += g.MeasureString(Me.globalProductType, font).Width + 45 * lineWidth - _
g.MeasureString(Me.globalManufacturerCode, font).Width

' Draw MFG Number.
g.DrawString(Me.globalManufacturerCode, font, brush, New System.Drawing.PointF(xPosition, yPosition))

' Add the width of the MFG Number and 5 modules for the separator.
xPosition += g.MeasureString(Me.globalManufacturerCode, font).Width + 5 * lineWidth

' Draw Product ID.
g.DrawString(Me.globalProductCode, font, brush, New System.Drawing.PointF(xPosition, yPosition))

' Each digit is 7 modules wide, therefore the Product Id is 5 digits wide so
' 5 * 7 = 35, then add 3 for the LeadTrailer Info, + 8 more just for spacing
' that is where the 46 comes from.
xPosition += 46 * lineWidth

' Draw Check Digit.
g.DrawString(Me.globalChecksumDigit, font, brush, New System.Drawing.PointF(xPosition, yPosition))

' Restore the GraphicsState.

End Sub

Public Function CreateBitmap() As System.Drawing.Bitmap

Dim tempWidth As Single = (Me.globalWidth * Me.globalScale) * 100
Dim tempHeight As Single = (Me.globalHeight * Me.globalScale) * 100

Dim bmp As System.Drawing.Bitmap = New System.Drawing.Bitmap(CInt(tempWidth), CInt(tempHeight))

Dim g As System.Drawing.Graphics = System.Drawing.Graphics.FromImage(bmp)
Me.DrawUpcaBarcode(g) ' Taken out ";"
g.Dispose() ' Taken out ";"
Return bmp ' Taken out ";"
End Function

Private Function ConvertToDigitPatterns(ByVal inputNumber As String, ByVal patterns() As String) As String

Dim sbTemp As System.Text.StringBuilder = New StringBuilder() ' Taken out ";"
Dim iIndex As Integer = 0 ' Taken out ";"
Dim i As Integer = 0
For i = 0 To inputNumber.Length - 1 '(int i = 0' Taken out ";" i < inputNumber.Length' Taken out ";" i++)
iIndex = Convert.ToInt32(inputNumber.Substring(i, 1)) ' Taken out ";"
sbTemp.Append(patterns(iIndex)) ' Taken out ";"
Return sbTemp.ToString() ' Taken out ";"
End Function

Public Sub CalculateChecksumDigit()
Dim sTemp As String = Me.globalProductType + Me.globalManufacturerCode + Me.globalProductCode ' Taken out ";"
Dim iSum As Integer = 0 ' Taken out ";"
Dim iDigit As Integer = 0 ' Taken out ";"

' Calculate the checksum digit here.
Dim i As Integer = 0
For i = 1 To sTemp.Length '(int i = 1' Taken out ";" i <= sTemp.Length' Taken out ";" i++)

iDigit = Convert.ToInt32(sTemp.Substring(i - 1, 1)) ' Taken out ";"
If (i Mod 2 = 0) Then
iSum += iDigit * 1 ' Taken out ";"
iSum += iDigit * 3 ' Taken out ";"
End If

Dim iCheckSum As Integer = (10 - (iSum Mod 10)) Mod 10 ' Taken out ";"
Me.globalChecksumDigit = iCheckSum.ToString() ' Taken out ";"

End Sub

Public Property Name() As String
Return globalName ' Taken out ";"
End Get
Set(ByVal value As String)
End Set
End Property

Public Property MinimumAllowableScale() As Single
Return MinimumAllowableScale ' Taken out ";"
End Get
Set(ByVal value As Single)

End Set
End Property

Public Property MaximumAllowableScale() As Single
Return MaximumAllowableScale ' Taken out ";"
End Get
Set(ByVal value As Single)

End Set
End Property

Public Property Width() As Single
Return Width ' Taken out ";"
End Get
Set(ByVal value As Single)

End Set
End Property

Public Property Height() As Single
Return Height ' Taken out ";"
End Get
Set(ByVal value As Single)

End Set
End Property

Public Property FontSize() As Single
Return FontSize ' Taken out ";"
End Get
Set(ByVal value As Single)

End Set
End Property

Public Property Scale() As Single
Return Scale ' Taken out ";"
End Get
Set(ByVal value As Single)
If (value < Me.globalMinimumAllowableScale Or value > Me.globalMaximumAllowableScale) Then
Throw New Exception("Scale value out of allowable range. Value must be between " + _
Me.globalMinimumAllowableScale.ToString() + " and " + _
Me.globalMaximumAllowableScale.ToString()) ' Taken out ";"
globalScale = value ' Taken out ";"
End If
End Set
End Property

' System Description
' 0 - Regular UPC codes
' 1 - Reserved
' 2 - Weightitems marked at the store
' 3 - National Drug/Health-related code
' 4 - No format restrictions, in-store use on non-food items
' 5 - Coupons
' 6 - Reserved
' 7 - Regular UPC codes
' 8 - Reserved
' 9 - Reserved

' <value>

Public Property ProductType() As String
Return globalProductType ' Taken out ";"
End Get
Set(ByVal value As String)
' Check against what types are valid.
Dim iTemp As Integer = Convert.ToInt32(value) ' Taken out ";"
If (iTemp = 1 Or iTemp = 6 Or iTemp > 7) Then
' throw new Exception(value + " is a reserved Product Type. ")' Taken out ";"
globalProductType = value ' Taken out ";"
End If
End Set
End Property

Public Property ManufacturerCode() As String
Return globalManufacturerCode ' Taken out ";"
End Get
Set(ByVal value As String)
If Not value.Length = 5 Then
' throw new Exception("The manufacturer number must be 5 digits.")' Taken out ";"
globalManufacturerCode = value ' Taken out ";"
End If
End Set
End Property

Public Property ProductCode() As String
Return globalProductCode ' Taken out ";"
End Get
Set(ByVal value As String)
If Not value.Length = 5 Then
'throw new Exception("The product identification number must be 5 digits.")' Taken out ";"
globalProductCode = value ' Taken out ";"
End If
End Set
End Property

Public Property ChecksumDigit() As String
Return globalChecksumDigit ' Taken out ";"
End Get
Set(ByVal value As String)
Dim iValue As Integer = Convert.ToInt32(value) ' Taken out ";"
If (iValue < 0 Or iValue > 9) Then
' throw new Exception("The Check Digit must be between 0 and 9.")' Taken out ";"
globalChecksumDigit = value ' Taken out ";"
End If
End Set
End Property

End Class[/code]
Generalrunnign code as webapp... Pin
walkerla27-Sep-05 15:26
walkerla27-Sep-05 15:26 
AnswerRe: runnign code as webapp... Pin
rainman_6328-Sep-05 4:37
rainman_6328-Sep-05 4:37 
QuestionRe: runnign code as webapp... Pin
coderPros7-Mar-08 3:46
coderPros7-Mar-08 3:46 
GeneralModify to get EAN-8 codes Pin
gRabbi24-Jul-05 11:29
gRabbi24-Jul-05 11:29 
Generalconvert string to UPC-A Pin
SpYflaX4-May-05 9:34
SpYflaX4-May-05 9:34 
GeneralRe: convert string to UPC-A Pin
SpYflaX4-May-05 10:06
SpYflaX4-May-05 10:06 
GeneralRe: convert string to UPC-A Pin
laxi3005-Oct-11 8:33
laxi3005-Oct-11 8:33 

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