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An Asynchronous Socket Server and Client

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An asynchronous socket server and client with encryption and compression.
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I've been working with sockets since 2000, using Delphi 5.0 and some third-party libraries (Synapse). My very first socket application just copied files between many clients and one server. The client app checks a folder to see if files exist, asks the server where to copy the files in the network and, after copying the files, flags the database record indicating that a file has been moved. The server listens to the client connections, and both exchange XML messages indicating the state of each file copy. Synapse is a blocking socket implementation, and I needed a thread pooling mechanism that works like an HTTP server, because I couldn't keep the connection open (one thread per connection). My solution was to use some IOCP functions to pool the client requests (code) and close the connection after the message exchange was terminated.

Now, using C#, I decided to write a socket server and client library that helps me to only have to think about the message exchange (the process) and let .NET do the hard job. So, I needed the following features:

  • Asynchronous processing
  • Some encryption and compression capabilities
  • Encapsulate the socket, and encrypt the services in the interfaces and separate them from the host implementation

Socket Connection

Image 2

The ISocketConnection is the base interface for the socket connections, and describes all the connection properties and the methods. The ConnectionID property defines a unique connection ID using a GUID string. The CustomData property defines a custom object that can be associated with the connection. The Header property is the socket service header used in each message that is encapsulated in a packet message. Only messages with a defined header will be accepted. The LocalEndPoint and RemoteEndPoint are the socket IP end points used in the connection. SocketHandle is the socket handle given by the OS.

The IClientSocketConnection and IServerSocketConnection inherit the ISocketConnection, and each one has special functions. The IClientSocketConnection can reconnect to the server using the BeginReconnect method, and the IServerSocketConnection can communicate with other connections in the server host using the BeginSendTo and BeginSendToAll methods, and can get the ConnectionId using the GetConnectionById method. Every connection knows the host, the encryption, the compression type, and can send, receive, and disconnect itself from the other part. This interface is used in the ISocketService interface to allow the user to interact with socket connections.

Image 3

Internally, in the library implementation, all the connection interfaces are created using the base connection implementations: BaseSocketConnection, ClientSocketConnection, and ServerSocketConnection.

Socket Service

Image 4

The ISocketService describes the connection events. These events are fired by the host, and have a ConnectionEventArgs argument which has an ISocketConnection that identifies the connection. In the OnReceived and OnSent events, a MessageEventArgs is passed, which has the sent or received array of bytes. In the OnDisconnected event, a DisconnectedEventArgs is passed; the Exception property indicates if the disconnection has been caused by an exception.

Here is an example of a ISocketService implementation:

public class SimpleEchoService : ISocketService
    public void OnConnected(ConnectionEventArgs e)
        //----- Check the host!
        if (e.Connection.HostType == HostType.htServer)
            //----- Enqueue receive!
            //----- Enqueue send a custom message!
            byte[] b =

    public void OnSent(MessageEventArgs e)
        //----- Check the host. In this case both start a receive!
        if (e.Connection.HostType == HostType.htServer)
            //----- Enqueue receive!
            //----- Enqueue receive!

    public override void OnReceived(MessageEventArgs e)
        //----- Check the host!
        if (e.Connection.HostType == HostType.htServer)
            //----- If server, send the data buffer received!
            byte[] b = e.Buffer;
            //----- If client, generate another
            //----- custom message and send it!
            byte[] b = GetMessage(e.Connection.SocketHandle.ToInt32());

    public override void OnDisconnected(DisconnectedEventArgs e)
        //----- Check the host!
        if (e.Connection.HostType == HostType.htServer)
            //----- Nothing!
            //----- Reconnect with server!

The ISocketService implementation can be done in the same host assembly, or another assembly referenced by the host. This allows the user to separate the host implementation from the socket service, helping the administration in a server or a domain.

Connection Host

Image 5

With the ISocketService created, you need to host the service and the service connections. Both the server and the client host have the same parent class, BaseSocketConnectionHost, which keeps a list of connections, encrypts and compresses the data buffers, enqueues the service requests and ensures that all data buffer has been sent or received, checks messages headers, and checks for idle connections. The CheckTimeoutTimer, periodically, at IdleCheckInterval, checks if the connections become idle, using the IdleTimeOutValue as the idle timeout. Header is the socket service header used by the host. HostType indicates if a host is a server or a client host. SocketBufferSize defines the size of the socket send and receive buffer. SocketService is the instance of ISocketService that drives the message exchange between the connections.

Encrypt and Compress

Image 6

Every time you send and receive messages, the host checks if the data must be encrypted and/or compressed, and this work is made by the CryptUtils static class. The CreateSymmetricAlgoritm creates an ISymmetricAlgoritm based on the encryptType parameter. The DecryptData and DecryptDataForAuthenticate are used, respectively, to decrypt the received message and check the hash sign on the authenticate procedure. The EncryptData and EncryptDataForAuthenticate, respectively, encrypt the data to be sent and sign the authenticated message.

Image 7

The encrypted data buffer is labelled with the service header and the data buffer length, becoming a packet buffer. This packet buffer is controlled by the MessageBuffer class that keeps information about the packet buffer offset, length, the remaining bytes, and the raw buffer.

Enqueuing requests

Every time you call BeginReceive or BeginSend in ISocketService, the host checks if some request has been initiated. If a request is in process, the host enqueues the request. If not, it fires the request.

Send request

In the BeginSend method, the following enqueuing is used:

internal void BeginSend(BaseSocketConnection connection, byte[] buffer)
    //----- Check Queue!
    lock (connection.WriteQueue)

        if (connection.WriteQueueHasItems)
            //----- If the connection is sending, enqueue the message!

            //----- If the connection is not sending, send the message!
            connection.WriteQueueHasItems = true;


When the message is sent, in the send callback, the host checks the queue again and initiates another send process, if needed:

private void BeginSendCallback(IAsyncResult ar)
    //----- Check Queue!
    lock (connection.WriteQueue)

        if (connection.WriteQueue.Count > 0)

            //----- If has items, send it!
            MessageBuffer dequeueWriteMessage =

            connection.WriteQueueHasItems = false;


Receive request

The same technique applies to the receive method: all the calls to BeginReceive are enqueued if the receive method is in action. If no receive process was initiated, the host starts to receive:

internal void BeginReceive(BaseSocketConnection connection)
    //----- Check Queue!
    lock (connection.SyncReadCount)

        if (connection.ReadCanEnqueue)

            if (connection.ReadCount == 0)

                //----- if the connection is not receiving, start the receive!
                MessageBuffer readMessage = new MessageBuffer



            //----- Increase the read count!



After that, when the message is received and parsed in the receive callback, the host checks the read queue again, and initiates another receive process, if needed:

private void BeginReadCallback(IAsyncResult ar)
    //----- Check Queue!
    lock (connection.SyncReadCount)


        if (connection.ReadCount > 0)

            //----- if the read queue has items, start to receive!



Ensure send and receive

To ensure that all data buffer is sent, the BaseSocketConnectionHost checks the bytes sent, and compares it to the MessageBuffer class. It continues to send the remaining bytes till all the data buffer is sent:

private void BeginSendCallback(IAsyncResult ar)
    byte[] sent = null;
    int writeBytes = .EndSend(ar);

    if (writeBytes < writeMessage.PacketBuffer.Length)
        //----- Continue to send until all bytes are sent!
        writeMessage.PacketOffSet += writeBytes;
        .BeginSend(writeMessage.PacketBuffer, writeMessage.PacketOffSet,
                   writeMessage.PacketRemaining, SocketFlags.None ...);
        sent = new byte[writeMessage.RawBuffer.Length];
        Array.Copy(writeMessage.RawBuffer, 0, sent, 0, 
        FireOnSent(connection, sent);

The same approach is used in the receive data buffers because, to read data, a MessageBuffer is used as the read buffer. When the receive callback is called, it continues to read till all the bytes in the message are read:

private void BeginReadCallback(IAsyncResult ar)
    CallbackData callbackData = (CallbackData)ar.AsyncState;

    connection = callbackData.Connection;
    readMessage = callbackData.Buffer;

    int readBytes = 0;
    readBytes = .EndReceive(ar);

    if (readBytes > 0)
        //----- Has bytes!
        //----- Process received data!
        readMessage.PacketOffSet += readBytes;

        if (readSocket)

            //----- Read More!
                          SocketFlags.None, ...);

Check message header

If the socket service uses some header, all the send and receive processes need to create a packet message indicating the header and the message length. This packet label is created using the following structure:

Image 8

The first label's part is the socket service header. The header is an array of bytes of any length, and you need some advice here: if you choose a very small header, maybe you can have a message with the same array of bytes somewhere, and the host will lose the sequence. If you choose a very long array of bytes, the host can spend the processor's time to verify if the message header is equal to the socket service. The second part is the packet message length. This length is calculated adding the raw message data buffer length, encrypted and/or compressed, plus the header length.

Sending packets

As said before, every time you send messages, the host checks if the data must be encrypted and/or compressed, and, if you choose to use some header, the raw buffer is controlled by the MessageBuffer class. This class is created using the GetPacketMessage static method:

public static MessageBuffer GetPacketMessage(
       BaseSocketConnection connection, ref byte[] buffer)

    byte[] workBuffer = null;

    workBuffer = CryptUtils.EncryptData(connection, buffer);

    if (connection.Header != null && connection.Header.Length >= 0)
        //----- Need header!
        int headerSize = connection.Header.Length + 2;
        byte[] result = new byte[workBuffer.Length + headerSize];

        int messageLength = result.Length;

        //----- Header!
        for (int i = 0; i < connection.Header.Length; i++)
            result[i] = connection.Header[i];

        //----- Length!
        result[connection.Header.Length] =
           Convert.ToByte((messageLength & 0xFF00) >> 8);
        result[connection.Header.Length + 1] =
           Convert.ToByte(messageLength & 0xFF);

        Array.Copy(workBuffer, 0, result,
                   headerSize, workBuffer.Length);

        return new MessageBuffer(ref buffer, ref result);

        //----- No header!
        return new MessageBuffer(ref buffer, ref workBuffer);

Receiving packets

The receive process, if you're using some socket service header, needs to check the header, and continues to read bytes till all the packet message is received. This process is executed in the read callback:

private void BeginReadCallback(IAsyncResult ar)

    byte[] received = null
    byte[] rawBuffer = null;
    byte[] connectionHeader = connection.Header;

    readMessage.PacketOffSet += readBytes;

    if ((connectionHeader != null) && (connectionHeader.Length > 0))

        //----- Message with header!
        int headerSize = connectionHeader.Length + 2;

        bool readPacket = false;
        bool readSocket = false;

            connection.LastAction = DateTime.Now;

            if (readMessage.PacketOffSet > headerSize)
                //----- Has Header!
                for (int i = 0; i < connectionHeader.Length; i++)
                    if (connectionHeader[i] != readMessage.PacketBuffer[i])
                        //----- Bad Header!
                        throw new BadHeaderException(
                          "Message header is different from Host header.");

                //----- Get Length!
                int messageLength =
                  (readMessage.PacketBuffer[connectionHeader.Length] << 8) +
                  readMessage.PacketBuffer[connectionHeader.Length + 1];

                if (messageLength > FMessageBufferSize)
                    throw new MessageLengthException("Message " +
                      "length is greater than Host maximum message length.");

                //----- Check Length!
                if (messageLength == readMessage.PacketOffSet)
                    //----- Equal -> Get rawBuffer!
                    rawBuffer =
                      readMessage.GetRawBuffer(messageLength, headerSize);

                    readPacket = false;
                    readSocket = false;
                    if (messageLength < readMessage.PacketOffSet)
                        //----- Less -> Get rawBuffer and fire event!
                        rawBuffer =
                          readMessage.GetRawBuffer(messageLength, headerSize);

                        //----- Decrypt!
                        rawBuffer = CryptUtils.DecryptData(connection,
                                    ref rawBuffer, FMessageBufferSize);

                        readPacket = true;
                        readSocket = false;

                        received = new byte[rawBuffer.Length];
                        Array.Copy(rawBuffer, 0, received, 0, 
                        FireOnReceived(connection, received, false);
                        if (messageLength > readMessage.PacketOffSet)
                            //----- Greater -> Read Socket!
                            if (messageLength > readMessage.PacketLength)

                            readPacket = false;
                            readSocket = true;
                if (readMessage.PacketRemaining < headerSize)
                    //----- Adjust room for more!
                    readMessage.Resize(readMessage.PacketLength + headerSize);

                readPacket = false;
                readSocket = true;

        } while (readPacket);

        if (readSocket)
            //----- Read More!
            .BeginReceive(readMessage.PacketBuffer, readMessage.PacketOffSet,
                          readMessage.PacketRemaining, SocketFlags.None, ...);
        //----- Message with no header!
        rawBuffer = readMessage.GetRawBuffer(readBytes, 0);

    if (rawBuffer != null)
        //----- Decrypt!
        rawBuffer = CryptUtils.DecryptData(connection,
                    ref rawBuffer, FMessageBufferSize);

        received = new byte[rawBuffer.Length];
        Array.Copy(rawBuffer, 0, received, 0, rawBuffer.Length);
        FireOnReceived(connection, received, true);


The read callback method first checks if the connection has some header and, if not, just gets the raw buffer and continues. If the connection has some header, the method needs to check the message header against the socket service header. Before doing that, it checks if the packet message length is greater than the connection header length, to ensure that it can parse the total message length. If not, it reads some bytes. After checking the header, the method parses the message length, and checks with the packet length. If the length is equal, it gets the raw buffer and terminates the loop. If the message length is less than that of the packet message, we have the message plus some data. So, the method gets the raw buffer and continues to read using the same MessageBuffer class. If the length of the message is greater than that of the packet message, before reading some data, it just resizes the packet buffer to the message size, ensuring enough room for more read bytes.

Checking idle connections

Using the BeginSend and BeginReceive methods of ISocketConnection doesn't return some IAsyncResult to know if the method was completed or not allowing disconnection after some timeout value. To prevent this, the BaseSocketConnectionHost has a System.Threading.Timer that periodically checks the LastAction property of BaseSocketConnection. If LastAction is greater than the idle timeout, the connection is closed.

Crypto Service

Image 9

The ICryptoService describes the authentication methods fired when the connection is made to the other part. The OnSymmetricAuthenticate method is fired when EncryptType.etRijndael or EncryptType.etTripleDES is used, and OnSSLXXXXAuthentication is fired when EncryptType.etSSL is used. Like ISocketService, the ICryptService can be done in the same host assembly, or another assembly referenced by the host, so you can have one ICryptoService implementation used in many ISocketService implementations.

SSL authentication

There's a new stream class called SslStream in .NET 2.0 which can authenticate SSL streams. The SslStream's constructor accepts a NetworkStream class, and this stream is created using the Socket class. So, using SslStream, you can send and receive data buffers using socket connections.

Server authentication

The SslStream authentication is done in both the client and the server, but each one has different parameters. In the server side, you need to pass a certificate using the X509Certificate2 class, either finding in the certificate store using X509Store, or by creating it from a certification file (.cer). Also, you can request a client authentication and check the certificate's revocation. The following code is an example of an SSL server authentication using ICryptService:

public void OnSSLServerAuthenticate(out X509Certificate2 certificate,
               out bool clientAuthenticate, ref bool checkRevocation)
    //----- Set server certificate, client
    //----- authentication and certificate revocation!
    X509Store store = new X509Store(StoreName.My,

    X509Certificate2Collection certs =
      "ALAZ Library", false);
    certificate = certs[0];

    clientAuthenticate = false;
    checkRevocation = false;


Client authentication

On the client side of the SSL authentication, you need to pass the host name of the server certificate, and if this name doesn't match, the authentication fails. You can pass a client certificate collection using X509Certificate2Collection. If the server doesn't request a client authentication, you don't need to pass the collection but, if the server requests it, you can find the certificates using X509Store. You can also request a client certificate's revocation. This is an example of SSL client authentication in ICryptoService:

public void OnSSLClientAuthenticate(out string serverName,
            ref X509Certificate2Collection certs, ref bool checkRevocation)
    serverName = "ALAZ Library";
    //----- Using client certificate!
    X509Store store = new X509Store(StoreName.My,

    certs = store.Certificates.Find(
            serverName, true);
    checkRevocation = false;



To create certificates, you can use the MakeCert.exe tool found in .NET, and there's a lot of information available about it. You can take a look at John Howard's page, this MS post, and this website.

Symmetric authentication

To implement some symmetric encryption and authentication in this library, I decided to put a post in Microsoft newsgroups. Unfortunately, for the post, but luckily for the knowledge sharing (many thanks to Joe Kaplan, Dominick Baier, and Valery Pryamikov), I decided to use William Stacey's implementation example "A generic method to send secure messages using an exchanged session key". In this code, the symmetric key used in the session is encrypted and signed using RSA key pairs, and the client part needs to know the encrypted server's public key, meaning that this key isn't received from the server in the authentication process. Both the client and the server need to know this key through a manual process. To ensure this, the OnSymmetricAuthenticate needs a RSACryptoServiceProvider class providing the key pair for encryption. You can fill the RSACryptoServiceProvider from an XML string, a file, a CspParameters class, or a certificate. Here is an example of symmetric authentication:

public void OnSymmetricAuthenticate(HostType hostType,
            out RSACryptoServiceProvider serverKey)
       * A RSACryptoServiceProvider is needed to encrypt and send session key.
       * In server side you need public and private key to decrypt session key.
       * In client side you need only public key to encrypt session key.
       * You can create a RSACryptoServiceProvider from a string
       * (file, registry), a CspParameters or a certificate.

    //----- Using string!
    serverKey = new RSACryptoServiceProvider();
    serverKey.FromXMLString("XML key string");

    //----- Using CspParameters!
    CspParameters param = new CspParameters();
    param.KeyContainerName = "ALAZ_ECHO_SERVICE";
    serverKey = new RSACryptoServiceProvider(param);

    //----- Using Certificate Store!
    X509Store store = new X509Store(StoreName.My,

    X509Certificate2 certificate = store.Certificates.Find(
                     "ALAZ Library", true)[0];
    serverKey = new RSACryptoServiceProvider();

    if (hostType == HostType.htClient)
        //----- In client only public key is needed!
        serverKey = (RSACryptoServiceProvider)certificate.PublicKey.Key;
        //----- In server, both public and private key is needed!


The authentication message

Image 10

The symmetric authentication uses the AuthMessage structure to exchange session keys between the client and the server. The SessionKey and SessionIV properties are, respectively, the symmetric key and the initialization vector of the algorithm. The Sign property is the hash code generated by the client using the sign RSACryptoServiceProvider class created internally, and its public key is exchanged using the SourceKey property. This internal sign key pair is necessary to sign the AuthMessage, and the server can ensure that the AuthMessage is accurate. This process is done using the following code:

Client side

//----- Sign Message!
private byte[] signMessage = new byte[]
                         { <sign message array of bytes for authentication> };
protected virtual void InitializeConnection(BaseSocketConnection connection)

//----- Symmetric!
if (connection.EncryptType == EncryptType.etRijndael ||
    connection.EncryptType == EncryptType.etTripleDES)
    if (FHost.HostType == HostType.htClient)
        //----- Get RSA provider!
        RSACryptoServiceProvider serverPublicKey;
        RSACryptoServiceProvider clientPrivateKey =
                                new RSACryptoServiceProvider();

                                          out serverPublicKey);

        //----- Generates symmetric algorithm!
        SymmetricAlgorithm sa =

        //----- Adjust connection cryptors!
        connection.Encryptor = sa.CreateEncryptor();
        connection.Decryptor = sa.CreateDecryptor();

        //----- Create authenticate structure!
        AuthMessage am = new AuthMessage();
        am.SessionIV = serverPublicKey.Encrypt(sa.IV, false);
        am.SessionKey = serverPublicKey.Encrypt(sa.Key, false);
        am.SourceKey =

        //----- Sign message with am.SourceKey,
        //----- am.SessionKey and signMessage!
        //----- Need to use PaddingMode.PKCS7 in sign!
        MemoryStream m = new MemoryStream();
        m.Write(am.SourceKey, 0, am.SourceKey.Length);
        m.Write(am.SessionKey, 0, am.SessionKey.Length);
        m.Write(signMessage, 0, signMessage.Length);

        am.Sign = clientPrivateKey.SignData(
                  m.ToArray(), PaddingMode.PKCS7),
                  new SHA1CryptoServiceProvider());

        //----- Serialize authentication message!
        XmlSerializer xml = new XmlSerializer(typeof(AuthMessage));
        xml.Serialize(m, am);

        //----- Send structure!
        MessageBuffer mb = new MessageBuffer(0);
        mb.PacketBuffer =
            mb.PacketBuffer, mb.PacketOffSet,
            mb.PacketRemaining, SocketFlags.None,
            new AsyncCallback(InitializeConnectionSendCallback),
            new CallbackData(connection, mb));


On the client side of the symmetric authentication, the OnSymmetricAuthenticate is called, getting the RSACryptoServiceProvider to encrypt the session key generated by the CryptUtils.CreateSymmetricAlgoritm method. The AuthMessage is filled with the encrypted session key, session IV, and the sign public key. To sign the message, the SourceKey, SessionKey, and signMessage are used, and the resulting hash is assigned to the Sign property.

Server side

protected virtual void InitializeConnection(BaseSocketConnection connection)
    if (FHost.HostType == HostType.htClient)
        //----- Create empty authenticate structure!
        MessageBuffer mb = new MessageBuffer(8192);

        //----- Start receive structure!
        connection.Socket.BeginReceive(mb.PacketBuffer, mb.PacketOffSet,
                 mb.PacketRemaining, SocketFlags.None,
                 new AsyncCallback(InitializeConnectionReceiveCallback), ...);

private void InitializeConnectionReceiveCallback(IAsyncResult ar)

bool readSocket = true;
int readBytes = ....EndReceive(ar);

if (readBytes > 0)

    readMessage.PacketOffSet += readBytes;
    byte[] message = null;

        message = Convert.FromBase64String(
          0, readMessage.PacketOffSet));
    catch (FormatException)
        //----- Base64 transformation error!

    if ((message != null) &&

        //----- Get RSA provider!
        RSACryptoServiceProvider serverPrivateKey;
        RSACryptoServiceProvider clientPublicKey =
                    new RSACryptoServiceProvider();

                                         out serverPrivateKey);

        //----- Deserialize authentication message!
        MemoryStream m = new MemoryStream();
        m.Write(message, 0, message.Length);
        m.Position = 0;

        XmlSerializer xml = new XmlSerializer(typeof(AuthMessage));
        AuthMessage am = (AuthMessage)xml.Deserialize(m);

        //----- Generates symmetric algorithm!
        SymmetricAlgorithm sa =
        sa.Key = serverPrivateKey.Decrypt(am.SessionKey, false);
        sa.IV = serverPrivateKey.Decrypt(am.SessionIV, false);

        //----- Adjust connection cryptors!
        connection.Encryptor = sa.CreateEncryptor();
        connection.Decryptor = sa.CreateDecryptor();

        //----- Verify sign!
                        am.SourceKey, PaddingMode.ISO10126)));

        m.Write(am.SourceKey, 0, am.SourceKey.Length);
        m.Write(am.SessionKey, 0, am.SessionKey.Length);
        m.Write(signMessage, 0, signMessage.Length);

        if (!clientPublicKey.VerifyData(
             CryptUtils.EncryptDataForAuthenticate(sa, m.ToArray(),
             new SHA1CryptoServiceProvider(), am.Sign))
            throw new
              SymmetricAuthenticationException("Symmetric sign error.");

        readSocket = false;




    if (readSocket)
                         new AsyncCallback(
                           InitializeConnectionReceiveCallback), ...);


On the server side of the symmetric authentication, a MessageBuffer is used to receive the socket buffer. The read callback method continues to read till a completed AuthMessage is received. With this message, the method calls the OnSymmetricAuthenticate to get the RSACryptoServiceProvider to decrypt the session key, session IV, and the sign public key. With all the keys decrypted, the method verifies the Sign property to ensure that the AuthMessage is accurate, using the SourceKey, SessionKey, and signMessage.

Connection Creator

Image 11

Although BaseSocketConnectionHost can manage ISocketConnection connections, it cannot create them. This job is made by BaseSocketConnectionCreator which creates and initializes ISocketConnections. The CompressionType and EncryptType properties define, respectively, the compression and the encryption types that will be used in the connection. The CryptoService defines the ICrytoService instance used to initialize the connection, if needed. The Host property defines the host of the BaseSocketConnectionCreator; it can be a server or a client host. The LocalEndPoint defines the socket IP end point used in the connection, and it can have different behavior depending on the type of the creator.

SocketServer and SocketListener

Image 12

The SocketServer and SocketListener are the classes needed to create a socket server. SocketServer is derived from BaseSocketConnectionHost, and manages ISocketConnections. The SocketListener is derived from BaseSocketConnectionCreator, and listens for incoming connections, accepts a connection, and creates a new ISocketConnection to be used. A SocketServer can have as many SocketListeners attached as required, each one assigned to a local port to listen.

SocketServer constructor and methods

Image 13

In the SocketServer constructor, the socketService parameter defines the ISocketService instance used by the server. The header parameters define the array of bytes used in the message header exchange. The socketBufferSize adjusts the socket buffer size. The messageBufferSize defines the maximum message size of the service. The idleCheckInterval indicates the interval for idle connections checking, in milliseconds. The idleTimeoutValue defines the timeout, in milliseconds, to be compared to each connection LastAction property.

To add SocketListener items in SocketServer, the method AddListener must be used. The localEndPoint parameter defines the local socket IP endpoint used to listen to connections. The encryptType and compressionType defines, respectively, the encryption and compression methods used in the new accepted connection. The cryptoService defines the ICryptoService used to authenticate the encryption method chosen. The backLog limits the listen queue of the OS socket to the defined number, and acceptThreads sets the calling number of the socket's BeginAccept to increase the accepted performance.


Image 14

This library uses asynchronous socket communication which, in turn, uses the .NET ThreadPool. In the .NET 2.0 ThreadPool, the thread number can be controlled using the SetMaxThreads and SetMinThreads methods, and I think there are a lot of improvements in this class. But, if you don't want to use the .NET class, you can use a managed thread pool called HostThreadPool, very similar to Stephen Toub's ManagedThreadPool. HostThreadPool uses a list of managed threads that keeps increasing as more enqueueing tasks are provided. To use this class instead of the .NET ThreadPool in SocketServer, just set the minThreads and maxThreads constructor parameters to non-zero numbers.

Here are some examples of using SocketServer and SocketListener:

//----- Simple server!
SocketServer server = new SocketServer(new SimpleEchoService());
//----- Simple listener!
server.AddListener(new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, 8087));
//----- Server with header!
SocketServer server = new SocketServer(new SimpleEchoService(),
                      new byte[] { 0xFF, 0xFE, 0xFD });
//----- Listener with simple encryption!
server.AddListener(new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, 8087),
       EncryptType.etBase64, CompressionType.ctNone, null);
//----- Server with header and buffer
//----- sizes, no hostthreadpool and idle check setting!
SocketServer server = new SocketServer(new SimpleEchoService(),
                      new byte[] { 0xFF, 0xFE, 0xFD },
                      2048, 8192, 0, 0, 60000, 30000);
//----- More than one listener each one with different listen port number!
server.AddListener(new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, 8087));
server.AddListener(new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, 8088),
                   EncryptType.etBase64, CompressionType.ctNone, null);
server.AddListener(new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, 8089),
                   EncryptType.etRijndael, CompressionType.ctGZIP,
                   new SimpleEchoCryptService(), 50, 10);
server.AddListener(new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, 8090),
                   EncryptType.etSSL, CompressionType.ctNone,
                   new SimpleEchoCryptService());

SocketClient and SocketConnector

Image 15

The SocketClient and SocketConnector are the classes needed to create a socket client. SocketClient is derived from BaseSocketConnectionHost and, like SocketServer, manages ISocketConnections. The SocketConnector is derived from BaseSocketConnectionCreator, and it connects with the socket server and creates a new ISocketConnection to be used. A SocketClient can have as many SocketConnectors attached as required, each one connecting to a socket server, and they can be assigned to a local address and a local port to start the connection.

SocketClient constructor and methods

Image 16

The SocketClient constructor has the same parameter signature as the SocketServer class. To add SocketConnector items in SocketClient, the method AddConnector must be used. The remoteEndPoint parameter defines the remote socket IP endpoint used for the connection. The encryptType and compressionType define, respectively, the encryption and compression methods used in the new connection. The cryptoService defines the ICryptoService used to authenticate the encrypted method chosen. The reconnectAttempts and reconnectAttemptInterval define, respectively, the number of reconnect attempts when using BeginReconnect method and the time interval to reconnect. The localEndPoint defines the local socket IP endpoint used to start the connection process to the remote endpoint.

Here are some examples of using SocketClient and SocketConnector:

//----- Simple client!
SocketClient client = new SocketClient(new SimpleEchoService());
//----- Simple connector!
client.AddConnector(new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(""), 8087));
//----- Client with header!
SocketClient client = new SocketClient(new SimpleEchoService(),
                      new byte[] { 0xFF, 0xFE, 0xFD });
//----- Connector with simple encryption!
client.AddConnector(new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(""), 8087),
                    EncryptType.etBase64, CompressionType.ctNone, null);
//----- Client with header and buffer sizes,
//----- no hostthreadpool and idle check setting!
SocketClient client = new SocketClient(new SimpleEchoService(),
                      new byte[] { 0xFF, 0xFE, 0xFD },
                      2048, 8192, 0, 0, 60000, 30000);
//----- Connector with encryption and reconnect!
client.AddConnector(new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(""), 8087),
                    EncryptType.etSSL, CompressionType.ctGZIP,
                    new SimpleEchoCryptService(),
                    5, 30000);
//----- Client with header and buffer sizes,
//----- using hostthreadpool and idle check setting!
SocketClient client = new SocketClient(new SimpleEchoService(),
                      new byte[] { 0xFF, 0xFE, 0xFD },
                      4096, 8192, 5, 50, 60000, 30000);
//----- Connector with encryption, reconnect and local endpoint!
client.AddConnector(new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(""), 8087),
                    EncryptType.etSSL, CompressionType.ctGZIP,
                    new SimpleEchoCryptService(),
                    5, 30000,
                    new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(""), 2000));
//----- Simple client!
SocketClient client = new SocketClient(new SimpleEchoService());
//----- More than one connector each one with different remote socket servers!
client.AddConnector(new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(""), 8087));
client.AddConnector(new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(""), 8088),
                    EncryptType.etBase64, CompressionType.ctNone, null);
client.AddConnector(new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(""), 8089),
                    EncryptType.etRijndael, CompressionType.ctGZIP,
                    new SimpleEchoCryptService());
client.AddConnector(new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(""), 8090),
                    EncryptType.etSSL, CompressionType.ctNone,
                    new SimpleEchoCryptService(),
                    5, 30000,
                    new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(""), 2000));

Echo demo project

There's an Echo demo project available in the article download file, using Console, Windows Forms, and Windows Service hosts and clients, and all them use the same EchoSocketService and EchoCryptService. The demos are divided by their type as follows:


  • Console
    1. EchoConsoleClient
    2. EchoConsoleServer
  • Windows Forms
    1. EchoFormClient
    2. EchoFormServer
    3. Echo<code>Form (Forms template)
  • Windows Service
    1. EchoWindowsServiceServer


  • EchoSocketService
  • EchoCryptService


There's a lot going on here, and I think this library can help anyone who wants to write asynchronous sockets with encryption and compression. Any comments will be appreciated.


  • May 15, 2006: Initial version
  • May 19, 2006: Some English text corrections (sorry, I'm still learning!), and rechecking the demo sources
  • June 06, 2006: Version 1.2 with the following changes:
    • Minor bugs fixed
    • All "Sended" changed to "Sent" (thanks vmihalj)
    • ReadCanEnqueue now works correctly and with HostThreadPool (thanks PunCha)
    • Added reconnectAttempts and reconnectAttemptInterval to allow client connection reconnects as many times as is needed in a timed interval (thanks Tobias Hertkorn)
  • April 01, 2007: Version 1.3 with the following changes:
    • Fixed rawbuffer = null
    • Fixed BeginAcceptCallback: stops accepting if exception occurs
    • Fixed BeginSendCallback: PacketRemaining bytes should be used
    • Socket config section added in demos
    • New message size (64K)
    • HosThreadPool removed
    • Header changed to Delimiter property with new delimiter options:
      1. dtNone: No message delimiter
      2. dtPacketHeader: Version 1.2 backward
      3. dtMessageTailExcludeOnReceive: Use custom delimiter at end of message (Exclude delimiter on receiving)
      4. dtMessageTailIncludeOnReceive: Use custom delimiter at end of message (Include delimiter on receiving)
    • New connection object properties/methods:
      1. Nagle, Linger and TTL Algorithm options
      2. Host and Creator
    • Encrypt sign message in service class
    • Exception event in service class
    • New Creator name property
  • July 22, 2007: Version 1.4 with the following changes:
    • Connection initialize procedures executing in same thread (not queued in ThreadPool)
    • Connection disconnect now checks windows version and executes the correct disconnect procedure
    • Connection Active checking for Disposed
    • CheckSocketConnections disposed check fixed
    • CryptUtils Flush() method included
    • Client Connection BeginConnect() exception fixed
    • Server Connection BeginSendToAll array buffer fixed
    • New SocketClientSync class for synchronous using (WinForms demo included)
  • September 5, 2007: Version 1.5 with the following changes:
    • SocketClient with proxy authentication (SOCKS5, Basic HTTP)
    • BeginRead bug fixed (messagetail)
    • BeginDisconnect changed (threadpool)
    • BeginSendToAll reviewed (disposed check)
    • New OnSSLClientValidateServerCertificate event to validate server's certificate
    • Idle check interval set to 0 and only created when greater than 0
    • Using Buffer.BlockCopy instead of Array.Copy
    • New Chat Demo


This article, along with any associated source code and files, is licensed under The Code Project Open License (CPOL)

Written By
Software Developer (Senior)
Brazil Brazil
- Living in São Paulo, Brazil
- Developing since 1994 with
* Clipper (Summer '87 and 5.02)
* FoxPro (DOS, 2.6), Visual Foxpro (6, 7, 8, 9)
* Delphi (1, 2, 5, 7, 2007)
* C# (2.0, 4.0)

Comments and Discussions

GeneralRe: UDP socket Pin
MickaelG16-Nov-09 4:21
MickaelG16-Nov-09 4:21 
GeneralSystem.InvalidOperationException Pin
David Kaplan2-Sep-09 21:10
David Kaplan2-Sep-09 21:10 
GeneralRe: System.InvalidOperationException Pin
elicoo6-Oct-09 22:37
elicoo6-Oct-09 22:37 
GeneralRe: System.InvalidOperationException Pin
bigdkiksass12-Jan-16 5:36
bigdkiksass12-Jan-16 5:36 
GeneralRe: System.InvalidOperationException Pin
Member 366067028-Apr-10 0:54
Member 366067028-Apr-10 0:54 
GeneralRe: System.InvalidOperationException Pin
bigdkiksass12-Jan-16 5:35
bigdkiksass12-Jan-16 5:35 
GeneralIndexOutOfRangeException in ReadMessageWithTail Pin
sindow21-Aug-09 22:02
sindow21-Aug-09 22:02 
GeneralRe: IndexOutOfRangeException in ReadMessageWithTail Pin
mikey2225-Aug-09 9:22
mikey2225-Aug-09 9:22 
This is your lucky day, I think.

I have been having trouble like this frequently and spent a few days last week tracking it down. The problem was mostly in the routine ReadMessageWithTail that extracts messages from the receive buffers. The reason it shows up when sending several packets at once, is that the first packet always (?) goes in a single socket-level buffer, but that messages sent 'quickly' may be packed into multiple socket-level buffers and even span buffers. The code that looked for delimiters and extracts the messages from these buffers is broken.

Here are the fixes I made, the comments are very helpful I think:


#region ReadFromConnection

/// <summary>
/// receive bytes transmitted by BeginSend(). The buffer may contain a single message, or multiple
/// messages, and the end of the buffer may contain the first part of a message to be continued in
/// the next buffer to be received.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="connection"></param>
/// <param name="readBytes"></param>
private void ReadFromConnection(BaseSocketConnection connection, int readBytes)

bool onePacketFound = false;
int remainingBytes = 0;
SocketAsyncEventArgs e = connection.ReadOV;

// readBytes is the actual number of bytes read from the Socket into the buffer

// if a partial message was received previously and shifted to the beginning of the buffer, e.Offset
// would have been adjusted to point to the byte following that partial message. processBytes is
// the total length of buffered data assuming a starting offset of zero.

int processBytes = readBytes + e.Offset;

// call FireOnReceived() for each complete message contained in the buffer

switch (connection.DelimiterType)
case DelimiterType.dtNone:
//----- Message, one per buffer, no delimiter!
remainingBytes = ReadMessageWithNoDelimiter(connection, e, processBytes);

case DelimiterType.dtMessageTailExcludeOnReceive:
case DelimiterType.dtMessageTailIncludeOnReceive:
//----- Message(s) packed into buffers, with tail delimiters!
remainingBytes = ReadMessageWithTail(connection, e, processBytes, ref onePacketFound);

// remainingBytes is the number of unprocessed bytes from the buffer which should be saved
// for processing when the next buffer is received

if (remainingBytes == 0)
// the entire message has been read, no further messages are contained in the buffer

// reset buffer for next receipt of data

e.SetBuffer(0, e.Buffer.Length);
// messages which span buffers

// remainingBytes is the number of bytes at the end of the current buffer, to use with the next buffer
// to rebuild the message. Reallocate the socket buffer large enough to hold this unprocessed data
// PLUS the next incoming buffer. e.Count ensures that the next buffer will be stored immediately
// following the unprocessed data from the current buffer.

if (!onePacketFound)
// no message delimiter was found in the buffer - as in the case dtNone
// is it possible for a delimited message to span multiple buffers??? if so, this code probably won't work

// int nextoffset = e.Buffer.Length - remainingBytes;
int nextoffset = processBytes - remainingBytes;

// SetBuffer():
// The offset and count parameters can't be negative numbers.
// The combination of the offset and count parameters must be in bounds of the buffer array in the Buffer property.
// This method sets the Count property to the count parameter and the Offset property to the offset parameter.

e.SetBuffer(nextoffset, remainingBytes);
catch (Exception ex)
// WriteEventLog("ReadFromConnection", "!onePacketFound .SetBuffer exception !!!!!!!!!!!! " + ex.Message);

// a partial message remains in the buffer, to be continued in the next buffer
// save this message fragment to process together with the next buffer
// maximum size for one complete message is FMessageBufferSize
// messages span at most two buffers - start in the first buffer, are completed in the second

byte[] readMessage = connection.BaseHost.BufferManager.TakeBuffer(FMessageBufferSize);

// crash if e.Offset = 0x9ff + remainingBytes = 0x01

// it seems to occur if large messages are sent "fast" due to the buffering algorithm
// on the sending side.

// by catching this exception, the previous behaviour (trapping immediately OUT of this function
// and terminating the read) is prevented - since the value in e.Offset will prevent proper handling
// of future messages, probably the connection should be Disconnected at this point!
// copy remainder of message to the side buffer
// e.Offset points to the next unprocessed data byte
// remainingBytes is the number of unprocessed data bytes
Buffer.BlockCopy(e.Buffer, e.Offset, readMessage, 0, remainingBytes);

// point the socket buffer to the new buffer containing the beginning of a message
// so that the next socket buffer will be appended to it

// free the socket's original buffer

int remainingBytesToFill = readMessage.Length - remainingBytes;

e.SetBuffer(null, 0, 0);
e.SetBuffer(readMessage, remainingBytes, remainingBytesToFill);
catch (Exception ex)
// WriteEventLog("ReadFromConnection", "onePacketFound .SetBuffer exception !!!!!!!!!!!! " + ex.Message);

catch (Exception ex)
// WriteEventLog("ReadFromConnection", "onePacketFound BlockCopy exception !!!!!!!!!!!! " + ex.Message);

if (connection.Active)

// ====================================================================================
// this is where the next Socket read is requested
// ====================================================================================

//----- Read!
bool completedAsync = true;

if (connection.Stream != null)
connection.Stream.BeginRead(e.Buffer, 0, e.Count, new AsyncCallback(BeginReadCallbackSSL), connection);
// if the incoming message is longer than MessageBufferSize, e.BytesTransferred is zero
// but completedAsync returns true. Clients must never specify MessageBufferSize larger
// than the server.

completedAsync = connection.Socket.ReceiveAsync(e);

if (!completedAsync)
BeginReadCallbackAsync(this, e);




#region ReadMessageWithTail

/// <summary>
/// extracts one or more messages from a buffer, and calls FireOnReceived() for each complete message found.
/// Partial messages are left for the next buffer received from the Socket
/// </summary>
/// <param name="connection"></param>
/// <param name="e">current descriptor and data buffer, containing one or more messages separated by delimiters</param>
/// <param name="dataBytes">number of valid data bytes in e.Buffer, beginning at offset=0</param>
/// <param name="MessageFound">output: TRUE if the at least one complete packet was completed and FireOnReceived() called.
/// If the return value is zero, it means there were no message completions found - otherwise it means that some of the bytes
/// at the end of the buffer are part of a future message and should be saved for next time. </param>
/// <returns>number of data bytes unprocessed in e.Buffer - which should be saved and prepended to the next data buffer.
/// If greater than zero, e.Offset points to the next unprocessed byte.</returns>
private int ReadMessageWithTail(BaseSocketConnection connection, SocketAsyncEventArgs e, int dataBytes, ref bool MessageFound)
// default return values

MessageFound = false;
int unprocessedBytes = dataBytes;
int messageOffset = 0; // offset of first byte in a message
int messageLength = 0; // message length including the delimiter
int delimiterOffset = 0; // offset of end-of-message delimiter in the buffer

while ((messageOffset < dataBytes) && (delimiterOffset >= 0))
// find all the messages in the buffer
// each series of message bytes is followed by the message delimeter
// if there is no delimiter following the last message identified, the unprocessed bytes are part of the next message in a future buffer

while ((delimiterOffset >= messageOffset) && (messageOffset < dataBytes))
// find the next complete end-of-message delimiter in the buffer

delimiterOffset = Array.IndexOf<byte>(e.Buffer, connection.Delimiter[0], delimiterOffset, unprocessedBytes); // zero-based, returns (-1) if not found

if (delimiterOffset < messageOffset)
break; // not found! Bytes from messageOffset to (dataBytes-1) remain unprocessed

messageLength = delimiterOffset - messageOffset + 1;

// match remaining characters of delimiter
// if the complete delimiter is not found here, it may occur later in the buffer
// so keep scanning until the entire buffer has been examined
// the entire delimiter must be contained in the buffer and not span to the next one !!

for (int i = 1; (i < connection.Delimiter.Length); i++)
if (((messageOffset + messageLength) >= dataBytes) || (e.Buffer[messageOffset + messageLength] != connection.Delimiter[i]))
messageLength = -1;


if (messageLength <= 0)

// message plus a complete delimiter series was found

MessageFound = true;
unprocessedBytes -= messageLength;

// messageOffset points to the first byte of the message, which is messageLength bytes long including the delimiter
// delimiterOffset points to the first byte of the delimiter

// process the message buffer

byte[] messageBuffer = BufferUtils.GetRawBufferWithTail(connection, e, messageOffset, messageLength, connection.Delimiter.Length);

messageBuffer = CryptUtils.DecryptData(connection, messageBuffer, FMessageBufferSize);

FireOnReceived(connection, messageBuffer);

// advance pointers for next scan

messageOffset += messageLength;
delimiterOffset = messageOffset;
messageLength = 0;

} // end-while
} // end-while

if (unprocessedBytes > 0)
// from messageOffset to [dataBytes-1] are unprocessed

// sets the value for e.Offset so that the calling routine can know the offset to the next message
// which begins in this buffer

e.SetBuffer(messageOffset, unprocessedBytes);

return (unprocessedBytes);



#region GetRawBufferWithTail

/// <summary>
/// returns byte array containing the encoded message - assuming that the buffer contains the delimiter string,
/// e.Buffer contains the raw bytes, and e.Offset points to the first byte to be copied. There is no check for
/// trying to BlockCopy beyond the end of the e.Buffer
/// </summary>
/// <param name="connection"></param>
/// <param name="e"></param>
/// <param name="offset">offset at which to start copying</param>
/// <param name="length">number of bytes to copy, including the trailing delimiter</param>
/// <param name="delimiterSize">number of bytes of the delimiter</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static byte[] GetRawBufferWithTail(BaseSocketConnection connection, SocketAsyncEventArgs e, int offset, int length, int delimiterSize)

//----- Get Raw Buffer with Tail!
byte[] result = null;

if (connection.DelimiterType == DelimiterType.dtMessageTailIncludeOnReceive)
// include the delimiter in the output buffer

result = new byte[length];
// exclude the delimiter from the output buffer

result = new byte[length - delimiterSize];

Buffer.BlockCopy(e.Buffer, offset, result, 0, result.Length);

return result;



GeneralRe: IndexOutOfRangeException in ReadMessageWithTail Pin
sindow26-Aug-09 23:12
sindow26-Aug-09 23:12 
GeneralRe: IndexOutOfRangeException in ReadMessageWithTail Pin
mikey2227-Aug-09 5:37
mikey2227-Aug-09 5:37 
GeneralRe: IndexOutOfRangeException in ReadMessageWithTail Pin
sindow27-Aug-09 23:58
sindow27-Aug-09 23:58 
GeneralRe: IndexOutOfRangeException in ReadMessageWithTail Pin
mikey2228-Aug-09 7:19
mikey2228-Aug-09 7:19 
GeneralRe: IndexOutOfRangeException in ReadMessageWithTail Pin
mikey2228-Aug-09 7:25
mikey2228-Aug-09 7:25 
GeneralRe: IndexOutOfRangeException in ReadMessageWithTail Pin
sindow29-Aug-09 0:33
sindow29-Aug-09 0:33 
GeneralRe: IndexOutOfRangeException in ReadMessageWithTail [modified] Pin
sindow215-Aug-09 22:44
sindow215-Aug-09 22:44 
GeneralRe: IndexOutOfRangeException in ReadMessageWithTail [modified] Pin
sindow219-Aug-09 19:27
sindow219-Aug-09 19:27 
GeneralRe: IndexOutOfRangeException in ReadMessageWithTail Pin
shoaib.adil28-Apr-13 20:19
shoaib.adil28-Apr-13 20:19 
GeneralRe: IndexOutOfRangeException in ReadMessageWithTail [modified] Pin
msidoruk1-Apr-10 4:42
msidoruk1-Apr-10 4:42 
GeneralRe: IndexOutOfRangeException in ReadMessageWithTail Pin
Iamamac31-May-10 0:58
Iamamac31-May-10 0:58 
GeneralRe: IndexOutOfRangeException in ReadMessageWithTail Pin
skcrpk21-Sep-10 13:49
skcrpk21-Sep-10 13:49 
GeneralRe: IndexOutOfRangeException in ReadMessageWithTail Pin
Sebastian Sagemüller17-May-11 4:16
Sebastian Sagemüller17-May-11 4:16 
GeneralRe: IndexOutOfRangeException in ReadMessageWithTail Pin
RayBez15-Jul-11 3:53
RayBez15-Jul-11 3:53 
GeneralRe: IndexOutOfRangeException in ReadMessageWithTail Pin
uflex9-Aug-11 0:22
uflex9-Aug-11 0:22 
GeneralRe: IndexOutOfRangeException in ReadMessageWithTail Pin
antinea15-Aug-11 0:59
antinea15-Aug-11 0:59 
GeneralRe: IndexOutOfRangeException in ReadMessageWithTail [modified] Pin
shoaib.adil28-Apr-13 20:25
shoaib.adil28-Apr-13 20:25 

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