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Project Metadata Generation using T4

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7 Nov 2009BSD16 min read 171.8K   1.5K   152   44
Generate project metadata with T4 and unburden yourself from string literals in XAML binding expressions and INotifyPropertyChanged event arguments.



Have you ever wished that you could bind properties to your WPF controls without using string literals to identify property names? This article describes how to use the T4 (Text Template Transformation Toolkit), which is built into Visual Studio 2008, and the Visual Studio automation object model API, to generate member and type information for an entire project. Generated metadata can then be applied to such things as dispensing with string literals in XAML binding expressions and overcoming the INotifyPropertyChanged property name string code smell, or indeed any place you need to refer to a property, method, or field by its string name. There is also experimental support for obfuscation, so member names can be retrieved correctly even after obfuscation. I've also ported the template to VB.NET, so our VB friends can join in on the action too.

Image 1


I've been spending a lot of time lately on my latest series of Calcium articles (I am in the process of porting Calcium to Silverlight), but this week I confess that I got a little sidetracked. I have discovered the joys of generating code with T4, and I have used it to build a metadata generator for your Silverlight and Desktop CLR projects (C# and VB.NET). It can be used as a replacement for static reflection (expression trees), reflection (walking the stack), and various other means for deriving the name of a property, method, or field. It can also be used, as I will demonstrate, to replace those nasty string literals in XAML path binding expressions, with statically typed properties; allowing the detection of erroneous binding expressions at compile time rather than at runtime.

Let us begin by looking at an example. In the following excerpt we see how a simple binding is traditionally expressed in WPF XAML:

Example 1 (traditional)

<StackPanel DataContext="{Binding Source={StaticResource Person}}">
    <TextBlock >Name:</TextBlock>
    <TextBox Text="{Binding Name}" />

Binding errors can be hard to spot, and time consuming to diagnose. The downside of using string literals, as shown in the example above, is that if the Binding Path property expressed as Name is incorrect, then we will learn of it only at runtime. Ordinarily, diagnosis of binding errors is done at runtime using one or more of the following four available techniques:

  • Watching Visual Studio’s Output window for errors.
  • Adding a breakpoint to a Converter.
  • Using Trace Sources.
  • Using the property PresentationTraceSources.TraceLevel.

But by generating metadata, we have the opportunity to express the same binding using a statically typed property:

Example 2 (using the MetadataGeneration template)

<StackPanel DataContext="{Binding Source={StaticResource Person}}">
	<TextBlock >Name:</TextBlock>
	<TextBox Text="{Binding Path={x:Static Metadata:PersonMetadata.NamePath}}"/>

The difference between the two examples is profound. In the second example, if the name of the property is incorrect, a compile time error will occur. Thus saving time and perhaps, in some cases, a little piece of sanity.

We can also use the generated metadata for removing the INotifyPropertyChanged string name code smell. I will demonstrate how in a moment, but first I want to briefly provide you with an overview of what’s happening behind the scenes.

Behind the Scenes

Introducing T4

T4 (Text Template Transformation Toolkit) is a code generation system that is available in Visual Studio 2008 and 2010 out of the box (apart from Express edition). The format of T4 templates resembles that of ASP.NET, where tags are used to segregate various parts.

It’s easy to create a template. Simply add a new text file to a project within Visual Studio, and change its file extension to .tt.

Image 2

Figure: Screenshot of Visual Studio Add New Item.

After a template is created, there is an associated .cs file. This is the destination for the generated output of our template.

Image 3

Figure: Template file and associated C# output file.

There are some differences in the way that Visual Studio treats templates in VB.NET and C# projects. When using VB.NET note that an associated .vb file will not be created until an output directive is added to the top of the template like so:
<#@ output extension=".vb" #>

Also, to view the generated output for a VB.NET template, select ‘Show All Files’ in the Solution Explorer.

Image 4

Figure: VB.NET T4 template

To see the T4 system in action, add the following text to the newly added .tt file:


public class SimpleClass
	<# for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
	{ #>
	public int Property<#= i #> { get; set; }
	} #>		


<#@ output extension=".vb" #>
<#@ template language="VBv3.5" #>

public Class SimpleClass
	Dim i As Integer
	For i = 1 to 3 #>
	Dim field<#= i #> As Integer 
	<# Next #>		
End Class

At the time of writing, T4 templates in Visual Studio 2008 default to C# 2.0, so we see that even in a VB.NET project we need to override the setting.

There are a number of ways to have Visual Studio process the template and generate output. We can save the template, right click on the file and select the Run Custom Tool context menu item, or use the Solution Explorer button shown in the following image.

Image 5

Figure: Transform all templates by using a button in the Solution Explorer.

Initiating the template generation will cause the associated output file to be populated with the following content:


public class SimpleClass
		public int Property0 { get; set; }
		public int Property1 { get; set; }
		public int Property2 { get; set; }			


public Class SimpleClass
		Dim field1 As Integer 
		Dim field2 As Integer 
		Dim field3 As Integer 			
End Class

In order to create something of a little more use, it is necessary to understand the various T4 tag types.

My fellow Disciple Colin Eberhardt has a great primer on T4 in the article Generate WPF and Silverlight Dependency Properties using T4 Templates. If you are new to T4, I recommend reading it to deepen your understanding of T4. In it Colin provides an overview of the various block types, and how to use T4 with Silverlight; topics I will not be covering here.

Exploring a Visual Studio project programmatically

In order to generate metadata from a Visual Studio project we make use of a single template to traverse the project structure, and then output classes with static properties (or constants where XAML support is not required) representing class member names, and PropertyPaths for use in XAML binding expressions. To accomplish this we could resort to using reflection and AppDomains, but that would be slow and fraught with peril. Fortunately we are able to harness the Visual Studio EnvDTE.DTE instance (the top-level object in the Visual Studio automation object model), and explore the solution from within our template. The following excerpt shows how we are able to retrieve the DTE:


IServiceProvider hostServiceProvider = (IServiceProvider)Host;
EnvDTE.DTE dte = (EnvDTE.DTE)hostServiceProvider.GetService(typeof(EnvDTE.DTE));


Dim hostServiceProvider As IServiceProvider = Host
Dim dte As DTE = DirectCast(hostServiceProvider.GetService(GetType(DTE)), DTE)

Here, we use the Host property of the template to retrieve the EnvDTE.DTE instance. It is important to note that we are only able to retrieve the host from the template because an explicit property of our template directive at the top of the template, which looks like this:

<#@ template language="C#v3.5" hostSpecific="true" #>

Without hostSpecific, no Host property will exist because T4 won’t generate it when it compiles the template. For more information on the template directive, see Oleg Sych’s post on the subject. It is also important to note that when specifying the language in the template directive, if 'C#' is used then C# 2.0 will be used for compilation. If you wish to use the language features of 3.5, specify the language as 'C#v3.5' or 'VBv3.5'.

Following the retrieval of the EnvDTE.DTE instance, we are then able to locate the project in which the template resides; as shown in the following excerpt:


EnvDTE.ProjectItem containingProjectItem = dte.Solution.FindProjectItem(Host.TemplateFile);
Project project = containingProjectItem.ContainingProject;


Dim project As Project = dte.Solution.FindProjectItem(Host.TemplateFile).ContainingProject

Once we have obtained the project instance, we are able to traverse the project. We will explore how this occurs in greater detail later, when we look at the template implementation.

Generated Output

The and templates included in the download, produce metadata for an entire project. On generation, what results is a file containing various namespace blocks that include static classes representing our non-metadata classes and interfaces with the project. Property names, method names, and field names are represented as constants (or static properties if obfuscation support is enabled). Inner classes are represented as nested static classes. The generated output consists of classes that are internal static by default.

Generated classes are grouped into namespaces that match their non-metadata counterparts. For example, if there is a class called MyNamespace.Person, the generated output will be an internal static class called MyNamespace.Metadata.PersonMetadata. Of course all naming can be completely customized to suit your needs. It’s not necessary to place the generated classes in a sub-namespace, but I do so by default to avoid polluting the parent namespace.

The following are excerpts from the generated output of the downloadable C# and VB.NET demo projects:


This code was automatically generated by Daniel Vaughan's metadata generator.
Changes to this file may be lost if regeneration occurs.
using System.Windows;
using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Linq.Expressions;

namespace DanielVaughan.MetaGen.Demo.Metadata
    /// <summary>Metadata for interface 
    /// <see cref="DanielVaughan.MetaGen.Demo.IPerson"/></summary>
    internal static class IPersonMetadata
        public static class MemberNames
            /// <summary>Refers to property 
            /// <see cref="DanielVaughan.MetaGen.Demo.IPerson.Name"/></summary>
            public const string Name = "Name";


        /// <summary>Refers to property 
        /// <see cref="DanielVaughan.MetaGen.Demo.IPerson.Name"/></summary>
        public static PropertyPath NamePath { get { return new PropertyPath("Name"); } }

    /// <summary>Metadata for class 
    /// <see cref="DanielVaughan.MetaGen.Demo.Person"/></summary>
    internal static class PersonMetadata
        public static class MemberNames
            /// <summary>Refers to field 
            /// <see cref=""/></summary>
            public const string name = "name";

            /// <summary>Refers to property 
            /// <see cref="DanielVaughan.MetaGen.Demo.Person.Name"/></summary>
            public const string Name = "Name";

            /// <summary>Refers to method 
            /// <see cref="DanielVaughan.MetaGen.Demo.Person.ObfuscationTest"/></summary>
            public const string ObfuscationTest = "ObfuscationTest";

            /// <summary>Refers to method 
            /// <see cref="DanielVaughan.MetaGen.Demo.Person.OnPropertyChanged"/></summary>
            public const string OnPropertyChanged = "OnPropertyChanged";


        /// <summary>Refers to property 
        /// <see cref="DanielVaughan.MetaGen.Demo.Person.Name"/></summary>
        public static PropertyPath NamePath { get { return new PropertyPath("Name"); } }



' This code was automatically generated by Daniel Vaughan's metadata generator.
' Changes to this file may be lost if regeneration occurs.

Imports System.Windows
Imports System
Imports System.Linq
Imports System.Linq.Expressions
Imports System.Reflection

    ''' <summary>Metadata for interface 
    ''' <see cref="T:DanielVaughan.MetaGen.VBDesktopClrDemo.IPerson"/></summary>
    Friend Class IPersonMetadata
        Public Class MemberNames

            ''' <summary>Refers to property 
            ''' <see cref="M:DanielVaughan.MetaGen.VBDesktopClrDemo.IPerson.Name"/></summary>
            Public Const [Name] As string = "Name"

        End Class

        ''' <summary>Refers to property 
        ''' <see cref="M:DanielVaughan.MetaGen.VBDesktopClrDemo.IPerson.Name"/></summary>
        Public Readonly Shared Property NamePath() As PropertyPath
                Return new PropertyPath("Name")
                End Get
            End Property

    End Class

    ''' <summary>Metadata for class 
    ''' <see cref="T:DanielVaughan.MetaGen.VBDesktopClrDemo.Person"/></summary>
    Friend Class PersonMetadata
        Public Class MemberNames
            ''' <summary>Refers to method 
            ''' <see cref="M:DanielVaughan.MetaGen.VBDesktopClrDemo.Person.OnPropertyChanged"/></summary>
            Public Const [OnPropertyChanged] As string = "OnPropertyChanged"

            ''' <summary>Refers to property 
            ''' <see cref="M:DanielVaughan.MetaGen.VBDesktopClrDemo.Person.Name"/></summary>
            Public Const [Name] As string = "Name"

            ''' <summary>Refers to field 
            ''' <see cref="M:DanielVaughan.MetaGen.VBDesktopClrDemo.Person._name"/></summary>
            Public Const [_name] As string = "_name"

        End Class

        ''' <summary>Refers to property 
        ''' <see cref="M:DanielVaughan.MetaGen.VBDesktopClrDemo.Person.Name"/></summary>
        Public Readonly Shared Property NamePath() As PropertyPath
                Return new PropertyPath("Name")
                End Get
            End Property

    End Class

Namespace DanielVaughan.MetaGen.VBDesktopClrDemo.Folder1.Metadata
    ''' <summary>Metadata for interface <see cref="T:DanielVaughan.MetaGen.VBDesktopClrDemo.Folder1.Folder1Interface"/></summary>
    Friend Class Folder1InterfaceMetadata
        Public Class MemberNames
            ''' <summary>Refers to property 
            ''' <see cref="M:DanielVaughan.MetaGen.VBDesktopClrDemo.Folder1.Folder1Interface.Foo"/></summary>
            Public Const [Foo] As string = "Foo"

        End Class

        ''' <summary>Refers to property 
        ''' <see cref="M:DanielVaughan.MetaGen.VBDesktopClrDemo.Folder1.Folder1Interface.Foo"/></summary>
        Public Readonly Shared Property FooPath() As PropertyPath
                Return new PropertyPath("Foo")
                End Get
            End Property

    End Class

    ''' <summary>Metadata for class <see cref="T:DanielVaughan.MetaGen.VBDesktopClrDemo.Folder1.Folder1SharedClass"/></summary>
    Friend Class Folder1SharedClassMetadata
        Public Class MemberNames
            ''' <summary>Refers to property 
            ''' <see cref="M:DanielVaughan.MetaGen.VBDesktopClrDemo.Folder1.Folder1SharedClass.StringStaticProperty"/></summary>
            Public Const [StringStaticProperty] As string = "StringStaticProperty"

            ''' <summary>Refers to field 
            ''' <see cref="M:DanielVaughan.MetaGen.VBDesktopClrDemo.Folder1.Folder1SharedClass.StringConstant"/></summary>
            Public Const [StringConstant] As string = "StringConstant"

        End Class

        ''' <summary>Refers to property 
        ''' <see cref="M:DanielVaughan.MetaGen.VBDesktopClrDemo.Folder1.Folder1SharedClass.StringStaticProperty"/></summary>
        Public Readonly Shared Property StringStaticPropertyPath() As PropertyPath
                Return new PropertyPath("StringStaticProperty")
                End Get
            End Property

    End Class

End Namespace

With obfuscation enabled, the constants are replaced with static properties that rely on Linq Expressions for deriving the member names.

/// <summary>Metadata for class <see cref="DanielVaughan.MetaGen.Demo.Person"/></summary>
internal static class PersonMetadata
    public static class MemberNames
        /// <summary>Refers to property 
        /// <see cref="DanielVaughan.MetaGen.Demo.Person.Name"/></summary>
        public static string Name
                return DanielVaughan.Metadata.ObfuscatedNameResolver.GetObfuscatedName(
                    x => {
                        Expression<Func<System.String>> expression = 
                            () => default(DanielVaughan.MetaGen.Demo.Person).Name;
                        var body = (MemberExpression)expression.Body;
                        return body.Member.Name;


Here we see that we take the full name of a property ‘Name’ and use it as a key to a dictionary of obfuscated names. If this is the first time we are retrieving the name, we use a MemberExpression to resolve it. Once this is done, the dictionary is populated.

There are slight differences in how member names are derived when using the Linq Expression approach, and they vary according to whether the member is static, its parameter cardinality, and return type. You may notice this when exploring the generated output.

In order to enable WPF XAML binding support, PropertyPaths are generated for class properties. Generated PropertyPaths appear as static properties (required for binding), and in the case of obfuscation support enabled, use expression trees like their regular Member Name counterparts.

Please note that I have not yet implemented obfuscation support for the VB.NET version of the template.

Challenges with Silverlight Binding

There are obvious differences between databinding in WPF and Silverlight, in particular Silverlight’s absence of the x:Static binding attribute. Thus, I soon abandoned the implementation of compile time XAML validation in Silverlight. I tried to circumvent the absence of x:Static by binding the PropertyPath to a StaticResource. Alas, to no avail.

INPC string name code smell

I began this article espousing the virtues of compile time validation. But there are many other applications of generated metadata. A highly desirable candidate for improvement is the INPC (INotifyPropertyChanged) string name code smell. There has been much discussion’s around this topic by the WPF Disciples, and a great overview of the topic can be found on Karl Shifflett’s blog. Most solutions to the problem reside around using reflection in some shape or form, to derive the name of the property in order to signal that it is being changed. Thus avoiding mismatches between the name of the property and the string literal identifier. Unfortunately reflection can be slow, and while various techniques using reflection have been proposed, all contribute to decreased application performance. It now seems reasonable that a language extension for property change notification might be in order. But, as that may be some time coming, I have chosen to create the next best thing: a metadata generator.


Example 3 (traditional)

string name;

public string Name
		return name;
		name = value;

Example 4 (using generated metadata)

string name;

public string Name
		return name;
		name = value;


Example 3 (traditional)

Private _name As String
Public Property Name() As String Implements IPerson.Name
	    Return _name
    End Get
	Set(ByVal value As String)
		_name = value
	End Set
End Property

Example 4 (using generated metadata)

Private _name As String
Public Property Name() As String Implements IPerson.Name
	    Return _name
    End Get
	Set(ByVal value As String)
		_name = value
	End Set
End Property

In Example 3 we see how a loosely typed string is used to specify the name of the property. There is a danger that if a modification is made to the property’s name, it will not be replicated in the argument value. If, like me, you use a third party tool for refactoring, then the situation may not be as dire, because these days most tools will check for matching string values as well. Yet, the risk remains that a mismatch will occur. There have been a number of solutions to this problem, and most have included reflection. But as mentioned, reflection comes at a cost: runtime performance.

In the Example 4 however, we see how our generated metadata come to the rescue, and is used to resolve the name of a property in a safe way. By using the generated metadata we have the safety of a constant, with the added benefit of improved performance by avoiding reflection.

Using the Template

To use the Metadata Generation template, simply include the downloaded (C#) or (VB.NET) file in your project. That’s it!

The has a number of customizable constants that will allow you to prevent name collisions in your project, and to toggle obfuscation support.

/// <summary>
/// If <c>true</c> <see cref="System.Windows.PropertyPath"/> properties
/// will be generated for use in binding path assignment.
/// </summary>
const bool supportXamlBinding = true;

/// <summary>
/// This is experimental. Generic, out, and ref parameters are not supported. 
/// If <c>true</c> <see cref="System.Windows.PropertyPath"/> member metadata
/// will be derived using expression trees. 
/// Only use if obfuscation will occur.
/// </summary>
const bool supportObfuscation = false;

/// <summary>
/// The modifier to use when outputting classes.
/// </summary>
const string generatedClassAccessModifier = "internal";

/// <summary>
/// The prefix to use for output class and interface names. 
/// The combination of this and <see cref="generatedClassSuffix"/> provides 
/// MetaGen with the ability to identify those classes etc., 
/// for which it should generated metadata, and to ignore MetaGen generated classes.
/// </summary>
const string generatedClassPrefix = "";

/// <summary>
/// The suffix to use for output class and interface names. 
/// The combination of this and <see cref="generatedClassSuffix"/> provides 
/// MetaGen with the ability to identify those classes etc., 
/// for which it should generated metadata, and to ignore MetaGen generated classes.
/// </summary>
const string generatedClassSuffix = "Metadata";

/// <summary>
/// The child namespace in which to place generated items.
/// If there is a class in MyNamespace namespace, 
/// the metadata class will be generated
/// in the MyNamespace.[generatedClassSuffix] namespace. 
/// This string can be null or empty, in which case a subnamesapce 
/// will not be created, and generated output will reside 
/// in the original classes namespace.
/// </summary>
const string generatedNamespace = "Metadata";

/// <summary>
/// The number of spaces to insert for a one step indent.
/// </summary>
const int tabSize = 4;

The Demo Projects

I have included in the download three demo projects. Two of those are WPF Desktop CLR projects: one C# and the other VB.NET. The third project is a Silverlight C# project.

There is no difference between the template present in the Silverlight project and the C# WPF project. The WPF VB.NET project is different however.

Image 6

Figure: Unobfuscated Desktop CLR C# Demo Screenshot

I have attempted to demonstrate the obfuscation features of the Metadata Generation by assigning the metadata property name to a TextBlock as shown in the following excerpt:

/* We output the name of the 'ObfuscationTest' method name. 
 * This will be 'ObfuscationTest' unless obfuscated. */
NamePropertyBlock.Text = Metadata.PersonMetadata.MemberNames.ObfuscationTest;

We can see that the member ObfuscationTest of the Person class is resolved as "ObfuscationTest" in the unobfuscated version, and it is resolved as "b" in the obfuscated version. All the while, a statically typed constant is used to represent the name.

Image 7

Figure: Obfuscated Desktop CLR C# Demo Screenshot

Obfuscation Support

Obfuscation and string literals are unhappy bedfellows. More often than not, obfuscating type names and member names must be disabled in order to support string literals placed in config files, XAML, and in some cases in code, as with the INotifyPropertyChanged string literal property names (although I tried two obfuscators that appeared not to support property obfuscation at all anyway). I have gone a little of the way in alleviating this problem. The Metadata Generation template is configurable to allow support for obfuscation. It is, however, experimental, and limited to non generic types at the moment. At runtime, expression trees are used to derive member names. Once a lookup occurs, names are cached to improve efficiency. We can see an example of the generated output in the following excerpt:

/// <summary>Refers to property <see cref="DanielVaughan.MetaGen.Demo.IPerson.Address"/></summary>
public static string Address
        return DanielVaughan.Metadata.ObfuscatedNameResolver.GetObfuscatedName(
            x => {
                Expression<Func<System.String>> expression = 
                    () => default(DanielVaughan.MetaGen.Demo.IPerson).Address;
                var body = (MemberExpression)expression.Body;
                return body.Member.Name;


Likewise, for XAML binding support we also create XAML PropertyPaths that use the same mechanism:

/// <summary>Refers to property <see cref="DanielVaughan.MetaGen.Demo.IPerson.Address"/></summary>
public static PropertyPath AddressPath
        return new PropertyPath(DanielVaughan.Metadata.ObfuscatedNameResolver.GetObfuscatedName(
            x => {
                Expression<Func<System.String>> expression = 
                    () => default(DanielVaughan.MetaGen.Demo.IPerson).Address;
                var body = (MemberExpression)expression.Body;
                return body.Member.Name;

Dotfuscator Community Edition was used to perform the obfuscation. The metadata was left unobfuscated, as this version of Dotfuscator was not able to modify type names in the XAML.

Image 8

Figure: Dotfuscator allows exclusion of types.

Image 9

Figure: Obfuscation results.

While the Metadata Generation template comes equipped with obfuscation support for C#, I don’t recommend obfuscating member names. In my opinion it’s not worth the trouble, as it can raise issues at runtime when resolving types from configuration files.

Template Implementation

A statement block containing code to retrieve the EnvDTE.DTE instance, is located near the beginning of the template. The DTE is the top level object in the Visual Studio automation object model, and allows us to retrieve file, class, method information, and so on. Thanks go out to Oleg Sych of the T4 Toolbox for demonstrating how to retrieve the EnvDTE.DTE from the template hosting environment.

Once we obtain the relevant EnvDTE.Project we are able to process the EnvDTE.ProjectItems (files and directories in this case) as the following excerpt shows:


/* Retrieve the project in which this template resides. */
EnvDTE.ProjectItem containingProjectItem = dte.Solution.FindProjectItem(Host.TemplateFile);
Project project = containingProjectItem.ContainingProject;

/* Build the namespace representations, which contain class etc. */
Dictionary<string, NamespaceBuilder> namespaceBuilders = new Dictionary<string, NamespaceBuilder>();
foreach (ProjectItem projectItem in project.ProjectItems)
	ProcessProjectItem(projectItem, namespaceBuilders);


Dim project As Project = dte.Solution.FindProjectItem(Host.TemplateFile).ContainingProject
Dim namespaceBuilders As New Dictionary(Of String, NamespaceBuilder)
Dim projectItem As ProjectItem
For Each projectItem In project.ProjectItems
	Me.ProcessProjectItem(projectItem, namespaceBuilders)

We then recursively process EnvDTE.CodeElements and directories in order to create an object model representing the project.


public void ProcessProjectItem(
	ProjectItem projectItem,
	Dictionary<string, NamespaceBuilder> namespaceBuilders)
	FileCodeModel fileCodeModel = projectItem.FileCodeModel;

	if (fileCodeModel != null)
		foreach (CodeElement codeElement in fileCodeModel.CodeElements)
			WalkElements(codeElement, null, null, namespaceBuilders);

	if (projectItem.ProjectItems != null)
		foreach (ProjectItem childItem in projectItem.ProjectItems)
			ProcessProjectItem(childItem, namespaceBuilders);


int indent;

public void WalkElements(CodeElement codeElement, CodeElement parent,
	BuilderBase parentContainer, Dictionary<string, NamespaceBuilder> namespaceBuilders)
	CodeElements codeElements;

	if (parentContainer == null)
		NamespaceBuilder builder;
		string name = "global";
		if (!namespaceBuilders.TryGetValue(name, out builder))
			builder = new NamespaceBuilder(name, null, 0);
			namespaceBuilders[name] = builder;
		parentContainer = builder;

	switch (codeElement.Kind)
		/* Process namespaces. */
		case vsCMElement.vsCMElementNamespace:
				CodeNamespace codeNamespace = (CodeNamespace)codeElement;
				string name = codeNamespace.FullName;
				if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(generatedNamespace)
						&& name.EndsWith(generatedNamespace))

				NamespaceBuilder builder;

				if (!namespaceBuilders.TryGetValue(name, out builder))
					builder = new NamespaceBuilder(name, null, 0);
					namespaceBuilders[name] = builder;

				codeElements = codeNamespace.Members;
				foreach (CodeElement element in codeElements)
					WalkElements(element, codeElement, builder, namespaceBuilders);
		/* Process classes */
		case vsCMElement.vsCMElementClass:
				CodeClass codeClass = (CodeClass)codeElement;
				string name = codeClass.Name;
				if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(generatedNamespace)
					&& codeClass.FullName.EndsWith(generatedNamespace)
					|| (name.StartsWith(generatedClassPrefix) && name.EndsWith(generatedClassSuffix)))

				/* If obfuscation mode and the class in internal, 
					then break as it's not supported. */
				if (supportObfuscation && codeClass.Access == vsCMAccess.vsCMAccessPrivate)

				List<string> comments = new List<string>();
				    "/// <summary>Metadata for class <see cref=\"{0}\"/></summary>", 

				BuilderBase builder;
				if (!parentContainer.Children.TryGetValue(name, out builder))
					builder = new ClassBuilder(name, comments, indent);
					parentContainer.Children[name] = builder;
				codeElements = codeClass.Members;
				if (codeElements != null)
					foreach (CodeElement ce in codeElements)
						WalkElements(ce, codeElement, builder, namespaceBuilders);
		/* Process interfaces. */
		case vsCMElement.vsCMElementInterface:
				CodeInterface codeInterface = (CodeInterface)codeElement;
				string name = codeInterface.Name;
				if (name.StartsWith(generatedClassPrefix) && name.EndsWith(generatedClassSuffix))
				List<string> comments = new List<string>();
				string commentName = FormatTypeNameForComment(codeInterface.FullName);
				    "/// <summary>Metadata for interface <see cref=\"{0}\"/></summary>", 
				InterfaceBuilder builder = new InterfaceBuilder(name, comments, indent);

				codeElements = codeInterface.Members;
				if (codeElements != null)
					foreach (CodeElement ce in codeElements)
						WalkElements(ce, codeElement, builder, namespaceBuilders);
		/* Process methods */
		case vsCMElement.vsCMElementFunction:
				CodeFunction codeFunction = (CodeFunction)codeElement;
				if (codeFunction.Name == parentContainer.Name
					|| codeFunction.Name == "ToString"
					|| codeFunction.Name == "Equals"
					|| codeFunction.Name == "GetHashCode"
					|| codeFunction.Name == "GetType"
					|| codeFunction.Name == "MemberwiseClone"
					|| codeFunction.Name == "ReferenceEquals")
				var parentBuilder = (ClassBuilder)parentContainer;
		/* Process properties. */
		case vsCMElement.vsCMElementProperty:
				var codeProperty = (CodeProperty)codeElement;
				if (codeProperty.Name != "this")
					var parentBuilder = (ClassBuilder)parentContainer;
		/* Process fields. */
		case vsCMElement.vsCMElementVariable:
				var codeVariable = (CodeVariable)codeElement;
				var parentBuilder = (ClassBuilder)parentContainer;


Public Sub ProcessProjectItem(ByVal projectItem As ProjectItem, _ 
    ByVal namespaceBuilders As Dictionary(Of String, NamespaceBuilder))
   Dim fileCodeModel As FileCodeModel = projectItem.FileCodeModel
   If (Not fileCodeModel Is Nothing) Then
       Dim codeElement As CodeElement
       For Each codeElement In fileCodeModel.CodeElements
           Me.WalkElements(codeElement, Nothing, Nothing, namespaceBuilders)
   End If
   If (Not projectItem.ProjectItems Is Nothing) Then
       Dim childItem As ProjectItem
       For Each childItem In projectItem.ProjectItems
           Me.ProcessProjectItem(childItem, namespaceBuilders)
   End If
End Sub

Public Sub WalkElements(ByVal codeElement As CodeElement, _ 
    ByVal parent As CodeElement, ByVal parentContainer As BuilderBase, _ 
    ByVal namespaceBuilders As Dictionary(Of String, NamespaceBuilder))
   Dim codeElements As CodeElements
   Dim builder As NamespaceBuilder
   Dim name As String
   Dim comments As List(Of String)
   Me.indent += 1
   If (parentContainer Is Nothing) Then
       name = "global"
       If Not namespaceBuilders.TryGetValue(name, builder) Then
           builder = New NamespaceBuilder(name, Nothing, 0)
           namespaceBuilders.Item(name) = builder
       End If
       parentContainer = builder
   End If

   Select Case codeElement.Kind
		Case vsCMElement.vsCMElementNamespace
           Dim codeNamespace As CodeNamespace = DirectCast(codeElement, CodeNamespace)
        name = codeNamespace.FullName
        If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(generatedNamespace) _ 
                AndAlso name.EndsWith(generatedNamespace) Then
			Exit Select
	End If
		Dim tempBuilder As NamespaceBuilder
       If Not namespaceBuilders.TryGetValue(name, tempBuilder) Then
           tempBuilder = New NamespaceBuilder(name, Nothing, 0)
           namespaceBuilders.Item(name) = tempBuilder
       End If
	codeElements = codeNamespace.Members
	Dim element As CodeElement
	For Each element In codeElements
		Me.WalkElements(element, codeElement, tempBuilder, namespaceBuilders)
	Exit Select
       Case vsCMElement.vsCMElementClass
           Dim codeClass As CodeClass = DirectCast(codeElement, CodeClass)
           name = codeClass.Name
           If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(generatedNamespace) _
				AndAlso codeClass.FullName.EndsWith(generatedNamespace) _
				OrElse (name.StartsWith(generatedClassPrefix) _
					AndAlso name.EndsWith(generatedClassSuffix)) Then
				Exit Select
			End If
			If supportObfuscation AndAlso codeClass.Access = vsCMAccess.vsCMAccessPrivate Then
				Exit Select
			End If

			Dim tempBuilder As BuilderBase
			comments = New List(Of String)
			comments.Add(String.Format("''' <summary>Metadata for class <see cref=""T:{0}""/></summary>", codeClass.FullName))
			If Not parentContainer.Children.TryGetValue(name, tempBuilder) Then
				tempBuilder = New ClassBuilder(name, comments, Me.indent)
				parentContainer.Children.Item(name) = tempBuilder
			End If
			codeElements = codeClass.Members
			If Not codeElements Is Nothing Then
				Dim ce As CodeElement
				For Each ce In codeElements
					Me.WalkElements(ce, codeElement, tempBuilder, namespaceBuilders)
			End If

       	Exit Select
	    Case vsCMElement.vsCMElementInterface
           Dim codeInterface As CodeInterface = DirectCast(codeElement, CodeInterface)
           name = codeInterface.Name
           If (Not name.StartsWith("") OrElse Not name.EndsWith("Metadata")) Then
               comments = New List(Of String)
               Dim commentName As String = FormatTypeNameForComment(codeInterface.FullName)
               comments.Add(String.Format("''' <summary>Metadata for interface <see cref=""T:{0}""/></summary>", commentName))
               Dim b As New InterfaceBuilder(name, comments, Me.indent)
               codeElements = codeInterface.Members
               If (Not codeElements Is Nothing) Then
                   Dim ce As CodeElement
                   For Each ce In codeElements
                       Me.WalkElements(ce, codeElement, b, namespaceBuilders)
               End If
               Exit Select
           End If
           Exit Select
       Case vsCMElement.vsCMElementFunction
           Dim codeFunction As CodeFunction = DirectCast(codeElement, CodeFunction)
           If (codeFunction.Name <> parentContainer.Name _
				AndAlso codeFunction.Name <> "ToString" _
				AndAlso codeFunction.Name <> "Equals" _
				AndAlso codeFunction.Name <> "GetHashCode" _
				AndAlso codeFunction.Name <> "GetType" _
				AndAlso codeFunction.Name <> "MemberwiseClone" _
				AndAlso codeFunction.Name <> "ReferenceEquals") Then
              	DirectCast(parentContainer, ClassBuilder).AddMember(codeFunction)
			End If                                
           Exit Select
       Case vsCMElement.vsCMElementVariable
           Dim codeVariable As CodeVariable = DirectCast(codeElement, CodeVariable)
           Dim parentBuilder As ClassBuilder = DirectCast(parentContainer, ClassBuilder)
           Exit Select
       Case vsCMElement.vsCMElementProperty
           Dim codeProperty As CodeProperty = DirectCast(codeElement, CodeProperty)
           If (codeProperty.Name <> "this") Then
               DirectCast(parentContainer, ClassBuilder).AddMember(codeProperty)
           End If
           Exit Select
   End Select
   Me.indent -= 1
End Sub

Iterating over ProjectItem CodeElements, we represent each with an instance of a specialized BuilderBase. Within the template there exists a type for each of the EnvDTE.vsCMElement Kinds that we wish to process.

Image 10

Figure: Each EnvDTE.vsCMElement Kind is represented as an inner class in the template.

Each specialized BuilderBase class knows how to output itself. Once we have generated our model, we output our namespace representations to the resulting MetadataGeneration.cs file like so:


foreach (object item in namespaceBuilders.Values)


Dim item As Object
For Each item In namespaceBuilders.Values

Thus, in C#, a namespace will output itself as a declaration and enclosing bracket, and then ask its children to output themselves. Simple really...

In order to support WPF XAML binding expression using the x:Static syntax, the template generates PropertyPath properties. The WPF binding infrastructure does not support binding to nested properties directly, so these were unable to be placed in an inner class, as I would have preferred for consistency. In any case, it means that our binding expressions end up being somewhat shorter.

Further Advantages

Interface Based Development

The metadata generation produces metadata, not only for classes, but also for interfaces. This is rather useful, because it allows us, for one thing, to not only dispense with using string literals for properties names in our bindings, but also to develop against interfaces in XAML. For example, in the sample download there is a class called Person, which happens to implement an IPerson interface. We can bind to the Person class metadata (PersonMetadata), but we also have the option to bind to the IPersonMetadata, as the following excerpt demonstrates:

<TextBox Text="{Binding Path={x:Static Metadata:IPersonMetadata.AddressPath}}"/>

One can imagine a scenario where there is no concrete implementation to begin with, and the GUI developer is given a set of interfaces that define the entities that will appear. Later, once the concrete entities have been developed, they are guaranteed to be compatible because they have implemented the GUI contract defined in the interface and declared in the XAML.

Another scenario where this might be useful is in a GUI first approach. The developer rapidly comes up with a prototype GUI design, all the while adding to the ViewModel interfaces. Later, the interfaces can be implemented. Moreover, a mocking system like Rhinomocks could be employed to mock the interfaces during development and testing.


When working with XAML, its common place to wire up Views to ViewModels using binding expressions. It can be time consuming, incorrectly specifying the name of a property in a binding expression. It means we must stop debugging, correct it, and restart your debugging session. The absence of intellisense when using string literals means that sometimes we must resort to switching between files, copying property names etc. Not much fun. Well, with generated metadata we have the opportunity to forego this clumsiness. By using a third party add-in like Resharper, Property names are available via intellisense right there in the XAML editor. That should save some time!


This article described how to use T4, and the Visual Studio automation object model API, to generate type information for an entire project. We have seen how generated metadata can be used to dispense with string literal property names in XAML binding expressions. We looked at how metadata can be used to promote runtime binding failures to compile time errors, improving reliability and developer efficiency. We saw how generated metadata can be used to solve the INotifyPropertyChanged string property name code smell, without compromising performance. Finally we saw how Linq Expressions can be used to provide obfuscation support.

I’m excited about this approach, and I hope you will be too, because it marries compile time verification with runtime performance. Moreover, no Visual Studio add-in is required, as we are able to harness T4, Visual Studio’s built in template engine.

If you have any suggestions, such as ideas for other metadata information, please let me know.

I hope you find this project useful. If so, then I'd appreciate it if you would rate it and/or leave feedback below. This will help me to make my next article better.


August 2009

  • Inititial Publication

September 7 2009

  • Provisioning for operator overloading.

October 3 2009

  • Generates classes containing XAML metadata including x:Key properties.
  • Property Path Generics bug fix

November 7 2009

  • See here for a blog post outlining new features.
  • JoinPath MarkupExtension allows concatenation of property paths in XAML to specify path for nested objects.
  • Removed nested static class MemberNames from generated output as the nested class was incompatible with WPF XAML.


This article, along with any associated source code and files, is licensed under The BSD License

Written By
Switzerland Switzerland
Daniel is a former senior engineer in Technology and Research at the Office of the CTO at Microsoft, working on next generation systems.

Previously Daniel was a nine-time Microsoft MVP and co-founder of Outcoder, a Swiss software and consulting company.

Daniel is the author of Windows Phone 8 Unleashed and Windows Phone 7.5 Unleashed, both published by SAMS.

Daniel is the developer behind several acclaimed mobile apps including Surfy Browser for Android and Windows Phone. Daniel is the creator of a number of popular open-source projects, most notably Codon.

Would you like Daniel to bring value to your organisation? Please contact

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Comments and Discussions

QuestionNested Properties Pin
johnL1114-Sep-16 13:36
johnL1114-Sep-16 13:36 
GeneralMy vote of 5 Pin
Kanasz Robert5-Nov-12 2:38
professionalKanasz Robert5-Nov-12 2:38 
GeneralRe: My vote of 5 Pin
Daniel Vaughan5-Nov-12 3:26
Daniel Vaughan5-Nov-12 3:26 
BugFix for Bug When Dealing With Operators Pin
Somedave19-Oct-12 3:40
Somedave19-Oct-12 3:40 
GeneralRe: Fix for Bug When Dealing With Operators Pin
Daniel Vaughan19-Oct-12 4:33
Daniel Vaughan19-Oct-12 4:33 
GeneralExcellent Article! Pin
Ammar_Ahmad10-Jun-12 23:51
Ammar_Ahmad10-Jun-12 23:51 
GeneralRe: Excellent Article! Pin
Daniel Vaughan11-Jun-12 4:55
Daniel Vaughan11-Jun-12 4:55 
GeneralInteresting idea... Pin
Steven Kirk7-Nov-09 8:48
Steven Kirk7-Nov-09 8:48 
...but the syntax is horrible, too much typing for my liking.

I was wondering if a custom markup extension could be created to improve the syntax. So instead of:

<TextBox Text="{Binding Path={x:Static Metadata:PersonMetadata.NamePath}}"/>

We could write something like:

<TextBox Text="{MetaBinding Path=PersonMetadata.NamePath}"/>

I have no idea if this is possible, and no time to investigate right now, but thought I'd put it out there!
GeneralRe: Interesting idea... Pin
Daniel Vaughan7-Nov-09 11:01
Daniel Vaughan7-Nov-09 11:01 
GeneralRe: Interesting idea... Pin
Steven Kirk7-Nov-09 11:19
Steven Kirk7-Nov-09 11:19 
GeneralRe: Interesting idea... Pin
Steven Kirk7-Nov-09 11:28
Steven Kirk7-Nov-09 11:28 
GeneralRe: Interesting idea... Pin
W4Rl0CK4710-Nov-09 2:58
W4Rl0CK4710-Nov-09 2:58 
GeneralRe: Interesting idea... Pin
Daniel Vaughan10-Nov-09 3:29
Daniel Vaughan10-Nov-09 3:29 
GeneralTip and a question Pin
W4Rl0CK4725-Oct-09 4:55
W4Rl0CK4725-Oct-09 4:55 
GeneralRe: Tip and a question Pin
Daniel Vaughan25-Oct-09 5:44
Daniel Vaughan25-Oct-09 5:44 
GeneralRe: Tip and a question Pin
W4Rl0CK4726-Oct-09 4:48
W4Rl0CK4726-Oct-09 4:48 
GeneralRe: Tip and a question Pin
Daniel Vaughan26-Oct-09 5:18
Daniel Vaughan26-Oct-09 5:18 
GeneralRe: Tip and a question Pin
Daniel Vaughan26-Oct-09 7:52
Daniel Vaughan26-Oct-09 7:52 
GeneralRe: Tip and a question Pin
W4Rl0CK474-Nov-09 7:47
W4Rl0CK474-Nov-09 7:47 
GeneralRe: Tip and a question Pin
Daniel Vaughan4-Nov-09 7:53
Daniel Vaughan4-Nov-09 7:53 
GeneralRe: Tip and a question Pin
Daniel Vaughan7-Nov-09 6:45
Daniel Vaughan7-Nov-09 6:45 
GeneralGood one ! Pin
Abhijit Jana15-Oct-09 17:35
professionalAbhijit Jana15-Oct-09 17:35 
GeneralRe: Good one ! Pin
Daniel Vaughan16-Oct-09 0:12
Daniel Vaughan16-Oct-09 0:12 
General5 from me too Pin
scott.leckie12-Oct-09 9:26
scott.leckie12-Oct-09 9:26 
GeneralRe: 5 from me too Pin
Daniel Vaughan12-Oct-09 10:18
Daniel Vaughan12-Oct-09 10:18 

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