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Compilers Demystified: Function Pointers in Visual Basic 6.0

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18 Jun 2007CPOL26 min read 150.9K   1.2K   67   32
Enables applications written in Visual Basic 6 to use function pointers and shows how to embed native code


Future VB with embedded native code.
Figure 1: Imagine such code being legal in VB.


The purpose of this investigation is to enable applications written in Visual Basic 6 to use function pointers. Other advantages may be discovered, such as embedding native code in Visual Basic applications, thus extending the world of possibilities without the need of external DLLs. For the sake of keeping this as brief and concise as possible, other variations of the techniques used have been ignored and the focus has been maintained on detailing the one methodology which handles more common situations. Before reading a comprehensive examination, I'm assuming you'd like to actually see a working sample project:

Did You Say Function Pointers?

Since pointers in general aren't Visual Basic 6 specific, it might sound crazy to talk about function pointers in Visual Basic 6. So, let's see first how we usually get function pointers in Visual Basic 6. AddressOf operator? Yes, but not just that! Well, there's also the GetProcAddress Win32 API from kernel32.dll which can be used at runtime to retrieve addresses of functions exported by other DLLs. Again, not just this... there're other scenarios! But why would one use runtime loading when one can simply use a Declare statement? For the same reasons a C/C++ programmer would, for example, using different DLLs (or versions of the same DLL) depending on the environment in which the application is running.

In fact, the whole concept of plug-ins is based on loading, probably on demand, external components which export the expected functionality. For example, some codecs are even downloaded on demand and then loaded by the application which uses them. Also, a function pointer might be given by an external module as a callback (aka delegate) and its value may depend on the state of some objects. In OOP, a well-known behavioral pattern called the "Template Method" is characterized by changing control flow at runtime. Using function pointers may reduce considerably the effort put in its implementation by reducing the number of classes that need to be defined.

Using Pointers which Are Not Type-safe

If you ever used the EnumWindows API in Visual Basic 6, you may have noticed that there's nothing which enforced you to pass as a callback, the address of a function with a correct prototype. The code will fail at runtime, but compile without complaining. Delegates in Visual Basic .NET overcome this issue, although their main purpose might have been to ensure availability of code because the CLR may discard compiled code that is not referenced. While other languages have a way to declare type-safe pointers (as typedef in C/C++), in Visual Basic 6 we can only treat them as signed 4-byte numbers. The developer will be responsible for type checking, without any help from the compiler.

Making the Call

The method of choice for calling addresses stored as Long is replacing entries in the "Virtual Function Table" (VFT) of a class, because it provides enough flexibility while still being easy to use. It has the same behaviour in IDE, Native code and P-Code, which helps debugging. A vftable is a mechanism used in programming language implementations in order to support dynamic polymorphism, i.e. runtime method binding. Where some online resources are describing how the Visual C++ 6.0 compiler creates vftables for classes, I couldn't find anything regarding the Visual Basic 6.0 compiler.

Typically, a compiler creates a separate vftable for each class and stores its pointer as a hidden member of each base class, often as the first member. The Visual C++ compiler builds the vftable for each class in a read-only page of the code section in a similar way to string literals. In order to modify its contents, one needs to use the VirtualProtect API for temporarily changing the access rights. The first address in the vftable created by Visual C++ points to the scalar destructor function of the class, and it is followed by the addresses of virtual functions in their order of declaration.

While Visual C++ supports multiple inheritance and handles pure virtual function calls, our objective can simply be achieved by identifying how Visual Basic retrieves the address of a public method given the address of an instance from a class. A visual inspection of a class instance was required to establish the location and content of the vftable. Displaying the memory content from the addresses of two instances of the same class, we should be able to identify which is the pointer to the vftable. Since both instances point to the same vftable, the pointer value must be the same and must belong to our Visual Basic module (by default, the starting address is 0x00400000). As you can see, the pointer to the vftable is stored as the first 4 bytes within the class instances.

VFT of 2 instances of same class.
Figure 2: Two objects sharing same VFT.
VFT of 2 instances of same class.
Figure 3: Addresses at offset &H1C belong to our module.

The first seven addresses in the vftable point to code within msvbvm60.dll. Modifying the class definition by adding more public methods will change the vftable content starting with offset &H1C. In order to consolidate the theory, I wrote an external DLL for breaking into Visual Basic calls to methods of an object and reading the disassembly with the Visual C++ debugger.

This is much easier than it sounds. Have a global procedure creating an instance of a Visual Basic class and call its first public method. At runtime, display the address of the global function, the address of the class instance and the pointer to the vftable. Load the process with the Visual C++ debugger by pressing F11. Write down the current instruction pointer (eip of the application's entry point) and change it to the address of the global procedure (type it in the Registers window and press Enter). Set a breakpoint at this address. Change the eip to the old value and resume execution.

When the breakpoint is reached, step through the code and observe the registry values until the method of the class is being called. The screenshots are showing how the eax register is getting the address of the object (0x14BE70), from which 4 bytes are copied into the ecx register, representing the address of the VFT (0x4033B8). The instruction at 0x402391 is the call to the first public method of that class and, as you can see, its offset in the vftable is &H1C.

Loaded modules.
Figure 4: Disassembly showing how to get addresses from vftable.

My investigation continued to see if private member data or methods affect the location or content of the vftable. The answer was no, but public member variables change the contents of the vftable by inserting accessors and modifiers which will be called when using the member data outside the class. For proof of concept, I wrote the following test:

Attribute VB_Name = "DynamicVFT"
'Byte offset of first index in Virtual Function Table (VFT).
Private Const OffsetToVFT = &H1C
'Swaps the addresses of 2 public methods with the same prototype.
Private Sub SwapPlayers()
  Dim pVFT As Long
  CopyMemory pVFT, ByVal ObjPtr(Me), 4 'get the VFT address.
  Dim fnAddress As Long
  CopyMemory fnAddress, ByVal pVFT + OffsetToVFT, 4 'get AddressOf Play.
  CopyMemory ByVal pVFT + OffsetToVFT, ByVal pVFT + OffsetToVFT + 4, 4
                'replace Play address with Replay address.
  CopyMemory ByVal pVFT + OffsetToVFT + 4, fnAddress, 4 _
            'replace Replay address with Play address.
End Sub
'Address of this method can be found at first index in the VFT.
Public Sub Play()
  Debug.Print "Dynamic VFT plays: White move."
  Call SwapPlayers
End Sub
'Address of this method can be found at second index in the VFT.
Public Sub Replay()
  Debug.Print "Dynamic VFT plays: Black move."
  Call SwapPlayers
End Sub
Sub Main()
  'Phase 1: Making the call.
  Dim dynObj As New DynamicVFT
  Dim idx As Long
  For idx = 0 To 9
  Next idx
End Sub

Please note that these methods had the same prototype. Swapping the addresses in the vftable worked as expected and the output of the above code is shown below:

Dynamic VFT: White move.
Dynamic VFT: Black move.
Dynamic VFT: White move.
Dynamic VFT: Black move.

So, changing the values in the VFT of a Visual Basic 6 class will replace the methods of that class. One more important thing to remember when modifying vftables, is that they are shared by all instances of that class.

Passing Parameters

Assuming that we'll change the addresses in the VFT of a class, further examination is required on how these methods are called. This section will describe the calling convention used, as well as the position of the parameters on the stack. Displaying from the VFT an address of a member procedure taking one Long parameter (4 bytes on the stack) and loading the process in the Visual C++ debugger, the assembly at that address can be observed. It belongs to a jump table:

00401451 jmp         004025A0

Each entry of the jump table points to the location of the compiled code for the member method defined:

004025A0 push        ebp
004025A1 mov         ebp,esp
004025A3 sub         esp,0Ch
004025A6 push        401136h
004025AB mov         eax,fs:[00000000]
004025B1 push        eax
004025B2 mov         dword ptr fs:[0],esp
004025B9 sub         esp,8
004025BC push        ebx
004025BD push        esi
004025BE push        edi
004025BF mov         dword ptr [ebp-0Ch],esp
004025C2 mov         dword ptr [ebp-8],401118h
004025C9 mov         dword ptr [ebp-4],0
004025D0 mov         eax,dword ptr [ebp+8]
004025D3 push        eax
004025D4 mov         ecx,dword ptr [eax]
004025D6 call        dword ptr [ecx+4]
004025D9 mov         eax,dword ptr [ebp+8]
004025DC push        eax
004025DD mov         edx,dword ptr [eax]
004025DF call        dword ptr [edx+8]
004025E2 mov         eax,dword ptr [ebp-4]
004025E5 mov         ecx,dword ptr [ebp-14h]
004025E8 pop         edi
004025E9 pop         esi
004025EA mov         dword ptr fs:[0],ecx
004025F1 pop         ebx
004025F2 mov         esp,ebp
004025F4 pop         ebp
004025F5 ret         8
Figure 5: Stack differences.

For experienced assembly readers, the above listing is quite straightforward. At this point, the emphasis is on the instructions modifying the stack. In fact, the last instruction is telling us almost all we need to know. First, the callee is cleaning the stack, not the caller. Thus, the calling convention cannot be __cdecl or __fastcall. Since this method takes only one Long parameter (4-bytes in size), why is the method removing 8 bytes from the stack? Because there's an extra parameter pushed onto stack before the call: the pointer to the object for which we're calling the procedure (aka the this pointer).

To confirm that the __thiscall calling convention isn't used, have another look at the assembly listing. You'll see that the first time the ecx register is used, at address 4025D4, it is being written, not read. Thus, the pointer to the object isn't passed through the ecx register, nor the other registers. Without even looking at what the caller does, we can already consider the calling convention as __stdcall with the object pointer passed as last parameter on the stack. No surprise here, since Visual Basic 6 is known to use it extensively. Another test is in order, which is supposed to confirm the value of the last, extra parameter pushed onto stack. Remember that in the __stdcall calling convention, parameters are pushed from right to left, as they are declared.

Attribute VB_Name = "MemberVsGlobal"
'Replaces address of MemberProcedure with given address at which
'should reside a procedure using
'__stdcall calling convention and accepts 2 parameters of type Long;
'restores the original address
'of MemberProcedure when given address is 0
Private Sub ReplaceMemberWithGlobal(ByVal fnAddress As Long)
  Dim pVFT As Long
  CopyMemory pVFT, ByVal ObjPtr(Me), 4 'get the VFT address
  Static oldAddress As Long
    'static variable which stores the original MemberProcedure address
  If (oldAddress = 0) Then
    CopyMemory oldAddress, ByVal pVFT + OffsetToVFT, 4
                'get MemberProcedure address
  End If
  If (fnAddress = 0) Then
    CopyMemory ByVal pVFT + OffsetToVFT, oldAddress, 4
                'restores original MemberProcedure address
    CopyMemory ByVal pVFT + OffsetToVFT, _
      fnAddress, 4 'replace MemberProcedure address with given global address
  End If
End Sub
'Restores the original MemberProcedure address
Private Sub Class_Terminate()
  ReplaceMemberWithGlobal 0
End Sub
'Its address in the VFT will be replaced with given fnAddress
'after the first call, thus becoming inaccessible after its first return
Public Sub MemberProcedure(ByVal fnAddress As Long)
  Debug.Print Hex$(ObjPtr(Me)) & ".MemberProcedure(0x" & Hex$(fnAddress) & ")"
  ReplaceMemberWithGlobal fnAddress
End Sub
'Procedure for replacing a member procedure
Private Sub GlobalProcedure(ByVal objInstance As Long, ByVal parameter As Long)
  Debug.Print Hex$(objInstance) & ".GlobalProcedure(0x" & Hex$(parameter) & ")"
End Sub
Sub Main()
  'Phase 2: Passing parameters
  Dim MvsG As New MemberVsGlobal
  MvsG.MemberProcedure AddressOf GlobalProcedure
  MvsG.MemberProcedure &HB0A
End Sub

Notice that in the output there is the same value obtained by ObjPtr(Me) in the class' method as the objInstance parameter for the global procedure that replaced it, thus confirming our theory that a pointer to the object is pushed onto the stack before the call:


An interesting behaviour was observed while running the last example under the IDE. If you remove the Class_Terminate implementation, running twice the code will not call the original MemberProcedure, if not either remake (Alt+F K) the executable or reload the project. An examination of this behaviour under the IDE isn't required for our purpose, but is good to know that in case you observe a corrupt object while debugging, you should remake before restarting execution.

Embedding Native Code

At this point, we know that we can use a global procedure to replace a member procedure of a class if the global procedure has the same prototype, but with an extra parameter: the pointer to the object for which the method is being called. Hmm, but what we need is almost the opposite! We won't be needing to call global procedures taking, as the first parameter, a pointer to an object. How do we remove the extra parameter before the call reaches the global procedure? We will embed some native code written in the assembly.

Such an implementation is known as a stub or proxy. In other situations, it can be used for logging or sub-classing. Our purpose is to adapt the call as expected. When the call to the member procedure has been made, the stack will contain the return address, the pointer to the object, followed by the parameters for the method called. Our stub is supposed to remove the pointer to the object, such as the return address immediately followed by the parameters, and then jump to the desired forwarding address. Remember that we are assuming at this stage that the forwarding address points to a procedure, not a function (does not return anything) and its calling convention is __stdcall. The assembly that will do the job follows:

pop         eax // remove return address from stack
pop         ecx // remove pointer to object from stack
push        eax // push return address onto stack
mov         eax,XXXXXXXXh // XXXXXXXX can be replaced here with
             // any forwarding address
jmp         eax // jump to forwarding address

You can use any assembler to produce native code from the above. I have written it as a Visual C++ __asm block and then copied the native code produced from the disassembly view. The native code can also be found in the associated *.cod file (assembly listing file) if you set the Visual C++ compiler option /FAc or /FAcs (listing file type: Assembly with Machine Code or Assembly, Machine Code, and Source). How do we embed the native code in Visual Basic 6? Copy the listing; remove the addresses at the beginning of each line and the assembly source, keeping only the machine code bytes as hex characters; remove any spacing between them; format it as a Visual Basic constant string and you should obtain something like this: "58" & "59" & "50" & "B8XXXXXXXX" & "FFE0".

The XXXXXXXX can have any value you want, since it will be replaced at runtime with the forwarding address that we need to call, our function pointer. Declare a hex string as a constant; convert it to a Byte array; allocate the same number of bytes with the GlobalAlloc API and copy the Byte array; use the memory handle as the address to our native code; discard the allocation with GlobalFree API when the native code is not required anymore. To demonstrate how embedding native code works and that a stub can successfully replace a member procedure with a non-member procedure of the same prototype, I am providing a more general approach in the following class implementation and sample test of using the class:

Attribute VB_Name = "StubCallToSub"
Private Const hexStub4ProcedureCall = "58" & "59" & "50" & "B822114000" & _
'An array that saves the original addresses to the member procedures
Private VFTable() As Long
'An array that saves addresses of allocations made for stubs,
'in order to be freed
Private VFArray() As Long
'Sets initial state of the private arrays,
'thus UBound will not fail on first call
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
  ReDim VFTable(0)
  VFTable(0) = 0
  ReDim VFArray(0)
  VFArray(0) = 0
End Sub
'Removes only existing stub for member specified by index
Private Sub RemoveStub(ByVal index As Long)
  Dim pVFT As Long
  CopyMemory pVFT, ByVal ObjPtr(Me), 4 'get the VFT address
  If (index < 1) Then Exit Sub
  If (index > UBound(VFTable)) Then Exit Sub
  If (VFTable(index) <> 0) Then 'stub exists for this member
    Dim oldAddress As Long
    oldAddress = VFTable(index)
    CopyMemory ByVal pVFT + OffsetToVFT + index * 4, oldAddress, 4
        'restore original member address
    VFTable(index) = 0
    GlobalFree VFArray(index)
        'discard the allocated memory for stub implementation
    VFArray(index) = 0
  End If
End Sub
'Replaces / restores the address of a member procedure of this class
Public Sub ReplaceMemberSubWithStub(ByVal index As Long, _
                    ByVal fnAddress As Long)
  Dim pVFT As Long
  CopyMemory pVFT, ByVal ObjPtr(Me), 4 'get the VFT address
  If (index < 1) Then 'restore all the original addresses
    For index = 1 To UBound(VFTable)
      RemoveStub index
    Next index
    If (fnAddress = 0) Then 'restore only the address for the index specified
      RemoveStub index
    Else 'replace the address of a member specified by index
      If (index > UBound(VFTable)) Then
        ReDim Preserve VFTable(index)
            'resize the array to save original addresses
        VFTable(index) = 0
        ReDim Preserve VFArray(index)
            'resize the array to save changes in the VFT
        VFArray(index) = 0
      End If
      RemoveStub index 'check if a stub exists for this member
            'and needs to be removed first
      Dim oldAddress As Long
      CopyMemory oldAddress, ByVal pVFT + OffsetToVFT + index * 4, 4
            'get original member address
      VFTable(index) = oldAddress
      Dim hexCode As String
      hexCode = hexStub4ProcedureCall
      Dim nBytes As Long 'number of code bytes to allocate
      nBytes = Len(hexCode) \ 2
      Dim Bytes() As Byte 'array of code bytes converted from hex
      ReDim Preserve Bytes(1 To nBytes)
      Dim idx As Long 'loop counter
      'convert each pair of hex chars to a byte code
      For idx = 1 To nBytes
        Bytes(idx) = Val("&H" & Mid$(hexCode, idx * 2 - 1, 2))
      Next idx
      CopyMemory Bytes(5), fnAddress, 4
            'replace the forwarding address in the native code
      Dim addrStub As Long 'address where the code bytes will be copied
      addrStub = GlobalAlloc(GMEM_FIXED, nBytes)
            'allocate memory to store the code bytes
      CopyMemory ByVal addrStub, Bytes(1), nBytes 'copy given code bytes
      CopyMemory ByVal pVFT + OffsetToVFT + index * 4, _
        addrStub, 4 'replace member address with stub address
      VFArray(index) = addrStub 'save the handle to the stub for cleanup
    End If
  End If
End Sub
'Restores the original addresses in the VFT and discards
'the allocated memory for stub implementations
Private Sub Class_Terminate()
  ReplaceMemberSubWithStub 0, 0
End Sub
'Member procedure can be replaced by a stub by
'calling ReplaceMemberSubWithStub(1,address)
Public Sub PrintMessage(ByVal msg As String)
  Debug.Print "PrintMessage says: " & msg
End Sub
'Procedure called through embedded stub
Private Sub PrintFirstParameter(ByVal msg As String)
  Debug.Print "PrintFirstParameter says: " & msg
End Sub
Sub Main()
  'Phase 3: Embedding native code
  Dim fwdSub As New StubCallToSub
  fwdSub.PrintMessage "Hello!"
  fwdSub.ReplaceMemberSubWithStub 1, AddressOf PrintFirstParameter
  fwdSub.PrintMessage "A stub called me instead!"
  fwdSub.ReplaceMemberSubWithStub 1, 0
  fwdSub.PrintMessage "My address has been restored in VFT!"
End Sub

Please observe in the output which code is printing the messages after each call to ReplaceMemberSubWithStub method:

PrintMessage says: Hello!
PrintFirstParameter says: A stub called me instead!
PrintMessage says: My address has been restored in VFT!

Additional member procedures (not functions) with different prototypes may be declared in this class and, calling the ReplaceMemberSubWithStub method, we can change their destination. The class is self-cleaning in Class_Terminate, so you only have to exercise caution when choosing the index for the method you're setting the pointer to. For larger projects, I would recommend using an Enum which somehow correlates the function pointer names with their prototypes:

Public Enum FwdSubIdx
  idxPrintMessage = 1
  'index of second public sub (ReplaceMemberSubWithStub is not to be replaced)
End Enum

Returning Values

This is where things get complicated. If you feel like taking a break, it might be a good time to reflect on what has been said and assimilate the ideas presented here. It may look like we have already found a general method to handle function pointers, but the truth is that much more investigation is required. Simply changing the member procedure from the previous example into a member function will not work as required. The return value will be lost, the stack will not be adjusted correctly and the control flow after the function call will be undefined. The reason behind it is that a member function is called in a different way than a global function. Since global functions can be used as callbacks to API calls, their behaviour is quite well-known. For example, if it is supposed to return a Long, we will use the eax register as shown below:

Private Function GlobalFunction(ByVal param As Long) As Long
  GlobalFunction = param
End Function

This becomes:

00402AA0   mov         eax,dword ptr [esp+4] // GlobalFunction = param
00402AA4   ret         4 // removes param from stack on return

On the other hand, member functions have a different mechanism. They are being told by the caller where to copy the return value, and I will show you how. Once again, the delightful / painful process of finding, reading and understanding the disassembly of native code generated by the Visual Basic 6 compiler is required:

Public Function MemberFunction(ByVal param As Long) As Long
  MemberFunction = param
End Function

This becomes:

00404230   push        ebp
    // 'ebp' register is saved on the stack bellow the return address
00404231   mov         ebp,esp
    // stack frame established (new ebp points to old ebp)
00404233   sub         esp,0Ch
00404236   push        4011E6h // exception handler address
0040423B   mov         eax,fs:[00000000]
00404241   push        eax
00404242   mov         dword ptr fs:[0],esp
    // register exception handler frame
00404249   sub         esp,0Ch
0040424C   push        ebx
0040424D   push        esi // 'esi' register saved
0040424E   push        edi
0040424F   mov         dword ptr [ebp-0Ch],esp
00404252   mov         dword ptr [ebp-8],4011D0h
00404259   xor         esi,esi // esi set to zero
0040425B   mov         dword ptr [ebp-4],esi // local temp0 gets zero value
0040425E   mov         eax,dword ptr [ebp+8] // gets pointer to object
00404261   push        eax
00404262   mov         ecx,dword ptr [eax]
00404264   call        dword ptr [ecx+4]
    // the address called here belongs to 'msvbvm60.dll'
00404267   mov         edx,dword ptr [ebp+0Ch]
    // 'edx' register gets the value of param
0040426A   mov         dword ptr [ebp-18h],esi
0040426D   mov         dword ptr [ebp-18h],edx
    // local temp2 stores value of param
00404270   mov         eax,dword ptr [ebp+8] // gets pointer to object
00404273   push        eax
00404274   mov         ecx,dword ptr [eax]
00404276   call        dword ptr [ecx+8]
    // the address called here belongs to 'msvbvm60.dll'
00404279   mov         edx,dword ptr [ebp+10h]
    // given 'return value' address is copied in 'edx'!!!
0040427C   mov         eax,dword ptr [ebp-18h]
    // 'eax' register gets value of param from local temp2
0040427F   mov         dword ptr [edx],eax
    // param value is copied at given 'return value' address!!!
00404281   mov         eax,dword ptr [ebp-4]
    // 'eax' register gets zero value from local temp0
00404284   mov         ecx,dword ptr [ebp-14h]
00404287   pop         edi
00404288   pop         esi // restores 'esi' register
00404289   mov         dword ptr fs:[0],ecx
    // restores previous exception handler frame
00404290   pop         ebx
00404291   mov         esp,ebp // removes stack frame
00404293   pop         ebp // restores 'ebp' register
00404294   ret         0Ch // removes 12 bytes from the stack on return!!!

We've learned that a member procedure is being passed an extra parameter representing the pointer to the object for which the method is called. Now we find that a member function is given one more parameter representing the address where the return value needs to be stored. Unfortunately, it is given as the last parameter (first pushed onto the stack, before our defined parameters), which complicates the situation greatly. How can such an implementation of a member function be replaced while handling accurately the return value? See for yourself:

Attribute VB_Name = "StubFctCall"
'Replaces address of MemberFunction with given address at which
'should reside a function using
'__stdcall calling convention and accepts 3 parameters of type Long;
'restores the original address
'of MemberFunction when given address is 0
Private Sub ReplaceMemberWithGlobal(ByVal fnAddress As Long)
  Dim pVFT As Long
  CopyMemory pVFT, ByVal ObjPtr(Me), 4 'get the VFT address
  Static oldAddress As Long
    'static variable which stores the original MemberFunction address
  If (oldAddress = 0) Then
    CopyMemory oldAddress, ByVal pVFT + OffsetToVFT, 4
    'get MemberFunction address
  End If
  If (fnAddress = 0) Then
    CopyMemory ByVal pVFT + OffsetToVFT, oldAddress, 4
    'restores original MemberFunction address
    CopyMemory ByVal pVFT + OffsetToVFT, _
      fnAddress, 4 'replace MemberFunction address with given global address
  End If
End Sub
'Its address in the VFT will be replaced with given fnAddress
'after the first call, thus
'becoming inaccessible after its first return
Public Function MemberFunction(ByVal fnAddress As Long) As Long
  Debug.Print Hex$(ObjPtr(Me)) & ".MemberFunction(0x" & Hex$(fnAddress) & ")"
  ReplaceMemberWithGlobal fnAddress
  MemberFunction = fnAddress
End Function
'Function for replacing a member function
Private Function GlobalFunction(ByVal objInstance As Long, _
  ByVal parameter As Long, ByRef retVal As Long) As Long
  Debug.Print Hex$(objInstance) & ".GlobalFunction(0x" & Hex$(parameter) & ")"
  retVal = parameter 'copy return value at given location
  GlobalFunction = 0 'return success
End Function
Sub Main()
  'Phase 4: Returning values
  Dim FwdFct As New StubFctCall
  Dim retVal As Long
  retVal = FwdFct.MemberFunction(AddressOf GlobalFunction)
  Debug.Print "StubFctCall.MemberFunction() returned value: " & Hex$(retVal)
  retVal = FwdFct.MemberFunction(&HB0AB0A)
  Debug.Print "GlobalFunction() returned value: " & Hex$(retVal)
End Sub

The output of the above test shows the correct behaviour on returning the same Long parameter:

StubFctCall.MemberFunction() returned value: AB1BD4
GlobalFunction() returned value: B0AB0A

But why do we set the eax register to zero (GlobalFunction = 0) before returning? Because there's some sort of validation mechanism after a member function is being called:

Dim retVal As Long
retVal = FwdFct.MemberFunction(&HB0AB0A)

This becomes:

00402E52   lea         edx,[ebp-0C8h]
    // 'edx' register gets address of return value
00402E58   push        edx // push address of return value
00402E59   push        0B0AB0Ah // push parameter
00402E5E   push        eax // push pointer to object 'FwdFct'
00402E5F   mov         ebx,eax // save pointer to object
00402E61   call        dword ptr [ecx+1Ch]
    // call first public member of the class
00402E64   cmp         eax,esi
    // here, 'esi' register is zero!!! success is returned as 0!!!
00402E66   fnclex
00402E68   jge         00402E79 // if success returned, jump after next call
00402E6A   push        1Ch
00402E6C   push        4022A8h
00402E71   push        ebx
00402E72   push        eax
00402E73   call        dword ptr ds:[401024h]
00402E79   mov         eax,dword ptr [ebp-0C8h]
    // 'eax' register gets return value
00402E7F   lea         edx,[ebp-94h]
00402E85   lea         ecx,[ebp-24h]
00402E88   push        edx
00402E89   mov         dword ptr [ebp-24h],eax
    // retVal variable gets return value

Beyond Essentials

The same behaviour can be extended for return types such as Double, Date, Currency and so on. An API returning a Currency type is using eax and edx registers, which we'll have to copy at the given address that points to the location where the return value is expected by the caller. Double and Date types are returned through the floating point register. It is important to understand that we need to write different stubs depending on the return type of a function pointer. My plan was to have a generic solution for procedures, functions that return 32-bit and 64-bit types, and functions that return quad-words through the floating point register.

Strings are returned by reference, which means they can be handled as a 32-bit pointer, returned in the eax register. For procedures that do not return anything, the forwarding stub already presented can be safely used. For functions, however, we need to write different stubs which are copying one or two register values, or the floating point register, at the given location where the caller expects the return value. Moreover, since an extra, last parameter is given by the caller, our stubs should also remove the pointer to the return value, to properly adjust the stack pointer on return to the caller.

It is obvious that such a stub implementation cannot simply jump to the forwarding address as we were doing for procedure calls forwarding. Instead, the forwarding address must be called, in order to return back to our stub and not to the original caller. When the forwarding call is made, the return address to our stub is pushed on the stack, and that must happen immediately after the parameters expected by the function we're calling. However, that means that we have to remove the address of the Visual Basic caller from the stack and save it at some safe location where it will be available after the forwarding call.

One solution I found was to save it at the location given by the caller for the return value. Feasible, but it involves changing the stub implementation for each prototype of the functions we're forwarding calls to. This means that we'll have to provide the size in bytes of all the parameters that the function takes to the piece of code that replaces the address of a method in the VFT. Hmm, not an easy task to do...

Luckily, there is another way! If you're not already acquainted with it, let me introduce you to the "Thread Information Block" (TIB). The format of the TIB structure can be found in many online resources (for example, "Under The Hood - MSJ, May 1996" by Matt Pietrek) and won't be described here. For our benefit, the TIB structure holds an entry pvArbitrary that is available for application use. Very few applications make use of this location, thus not affecting other components by overwriting their data. Since the TIB structure is available on a per-thread basis, our implementation will be thread-safe.

Is it enough to store the return address in pvArbitrary of the TIB? I'm afraid the answer is no. It will fail in case of re-entrant calls or when any stub replaces the return address of another stub. A common scenario is that an API is called through our forwarding technique, being passed a callback which also calls an API through a stub. How do we make two imbricated calls on the same thread not overwrite their return address? We create a linked list which acts as a LIFO (last in, first out) stack. The pvArbitrary will always point to the head of the list, which stores the return address of the last call.

Such a linked list requires allocation and deletion, for which I have chosen the GlobalAlloc and GlobalFree APIs from kernel32.dll because they are always available. The resulting assembly that can be used to form stubs handling Double / Date (64-bit floating point register), Currency (eax and edx registers) and Long / Integer / Boolean / ByVal String (eax register) returns is explained below:

   push        8 // we need 8 bytes allocated
   push        0 // we need fixed memory (GMEM_FIXED)
   mov         eax,XXXXXXXXh
        // replace here XXXXXXXX with the address of GlobalAlloc
   call        eax // allocate new list node
   pop         ecx // remove return address from stack
   mov         dword ptr [eax],ecx // store return address in list node
   pop         ecx // remove pointer to object from stack
   mov         ecx,dword ptr fs:[18h] // get pointer to TIB structure
   mov         edx,dword ptr [ecx+14h]
        // get pointer to previous list node from pvArbitrary
   mov         dword ptr [eax+4],edx // link list nodes
   mov         dword ptr [ecx+14h],eax
        // store new head of list at pvArbitrary
   mov         eax,XXXXXXXXh
        // XXXXXXXX can be replaced here with any forwarding address
   call        eax // call the forwarding address
   pop         ecx
        // get the location where return value is expected by VB caller
#ifdef _RETURN64_DOUBLE_ // return 64-bit floating point value
   fstp        qword ptr [ecx] // return value gets double result
   mov         dword ptr [ecx],eax // copy first 32-bit of the return value
#ifdef _RETURN64_ // return 64-bit value
   mov         dword ptr [ecx+4],edx
        // copy second 32-bit of the return value
   mov         ecx,dword ptr fs:[18h] // get pointer to TIB structure
   mov         eax,dword ptr [ecx+14h]
        // get pointer to head of list from pvArbitrary
   mov         edx,dword ptr [eax] // get return address from list node
   push        edx // restore return address onto stack
   mov         edx,dword ptr [eax+4] // get pointer to previous list node
   mov         dword ptr [ecx+14h],edx
        // store pointer to previous node at pvArbitrary
   push        eax // we need to free the list node
   mov         eax,XXXXXXXXh
        // replace here XXXXXXXX with the address of GlobalFree
   call        eax // free list node
   ret // return to VB caller

What happens with the validation mechanism after a member function is called? Before returning to the Visual Basic caller, the eax register needs to be set to zero. The documentation of the GlobalFree API says that it returns zero when the function succeeds. I am counting on the successful discard of the allocated node, as I'm counting on the successful allocation of it. If you prefer, insert a xor eax,eax (native code is "33C0") above the ret instruction. Any other improvements to this stub are left as an exercise to the reader. Stub implementations can be written to handle even __stdcall to __cdecl forwarding. The world of possibilities is endless. The native code produced from the above assembly can be split into 3 parts, to ease the formation of a stub handling the required return type just by concatenating strings:

Attribute VB_Name = "StubFwdWithStackOnTIB"
Private Const hexStub4FunctionProlog = "6A08" & "6A00" & _
        "B8XXXXXXXX" & "FFD0" & "59" & "8908" & _
        "59" & "648B0D18000000" & "8B5114" & "895004" & "894114" & _
        "B8XXXXXXXX" & "FFD0" & "59"
'The hex string bellow represents the code bytes compiled
'from a short assembly described as follows:
'   fstp        qword ptr [ecx] // return value gets double result
Private Const hexStub4ReturnDbl = "DD19"
'The hex string bellow represents the code bytes compiled
'from a short assembly described as follows:
'   mov         dword ptr [ecx],eax // copy first 32-bit of the return value
Private Const hexStub4Return32bit = "8901"
'The hex string bellow represents the code bytes compiled
'from a short assembly described as follows:
'   mov         dword ptr [ecx],eax // copy first 32-bit of the return value
'   mov         dword ptr [ecx+4],edx
    // copy second 32-bit of the return value
Private Const hexStub4Return64bit = "8901" & "895104"
Private Const hexStub4FunctionEpilog = "648B0D18000000" & _
        "8B4114" & "8B10" & "52" & "8B5004" & _
        "895114" & "50" & "B8XXXXXXXX" & "FFD0" & "C3"
Private Enum StubTypes 'supported stub types
  ret0bit 'method is a procedure and does not return a value
  ret32bit 'method is a function that returns 32-bit type
    '(String included, since returned ByRef)
  ret64bit 'method is a function that returns 64-bit type (ex. Currency)
  retDbl 'method is a function that returns 64-bit float type
    '(ex. Double, Date)
End Enum
'An array that saves the original addresses to the member procedures
Private VFTable() As Long
'An array that saves addresses of allocations made for stubs,
'in order to be freed
Private VFArray() As Long
'address of GlobalAlloc from kernel32.dll
Private pGlobalAlloc As Long
'address of GlobalFree from kernel32.dll
Private pGlobalFree As Long
'Sets initial state of the private arrays, thus UBound will not fail
'on first call;
'also, obtains the addresses of GlobalAlloc and GlobalFree used
'for the linked list stored at pvArbitrary entry in the TIB
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
  ReDim VFTable(0)
  VFTable(0) = 0
  ReDim VFArray(0)
  VFArray(0) = 0
  Dim hKernel32 As Long 'handle to kernel32.dll
  hKernel32 = LoadLibrary("kernel32.dll")
  pGlobalAlloc = GetProcAddress(hKernel32, "GlobalAlloc")
  pGlobalFree = GetProcAddress(hKernel32, "GlobalFree")
End Sub
'Restores the original addresses in the VFT and discards
'the allocated memory for stub implementations
Private Sub Class_Terminate()
  ReplaceMethodWithStub 0, 0, 0
End Sub
'Removes only existing stub for method specified by index
Private Sub RemoveStub(ByVal index As VFTidxs)
  Dim pVFT As Long
  CopyMemory pVFT, ByVal ObjPtr(Me), 4 'get the VFT address
  If (index < 1) Then Exit Sub
  If (index > UBound(VFTable)) Then Exit Sub
  If (VFTable(index) <> 0) Then 'stub exists for this member
    Dim oldAddress As Long
    oldAddress = VFTable(index)
    CopyMemory ByVal pVFT + OffsetToVFT + index * 4, oldAddress, 4
    'restore original member address
    VFTable(index) = 0
    GlobalFree VFArray(index)
    'discard the allocated memory for stub implementation
    VFArray(index) = 0
  End If
End Sub
'Replaces / restores the address of a method of this class
'If given index is 0 then all original addresses are restored in the VFT
Private Sub ReplaceMethodWithStub(ByVal index As VFTidxs, _
    ByVal fnType As StubTypes, ByVal fnAddress As Long)
  Dim pVFT As Long
  CopyMemory pVFT, ByVal ObjPtr(Me), 4 'get the VFT address
  If (index < 1) Then 'restore all the original addresses
    For index = 1 To UBound(VFTable)
      RemoveStub index
    Next index
    If (fnAddress = 0) Then 'restore only the address for the index specified
      RemoveStub index
    Else 'replace the address of a member specified by index
      If (index > UBound(VFTable)) Then
        ReDim Preserve VFTable(index)
        'resize the array to save original addresses
        VFTable(index) = 0
        ReDim Preserve VFArray(index)
        'resize the array to save changes in the VFT
        VFArray(index) = 0
      End If
      RemoveStub index
    'check if a stub exists for this member and needs to be removed first
      Dim oldAddress As Long
      CopyMemory oldAddress, ByVal pVFT + OffsetToVFT + index * 4, 4
    'get original member address
      VFTable(index) = oldAddress
      Dim hexCode As String
      Select Case fnType
      Case StubTypes.retDbl
    'method is a function that returns 64-bit float type
        hexCode = hexStub4FunctionProlog & hexStub4ReturnDbl & _
      Case StubTypes.ret64bit 'method is a function that returns 64-bit type
        hexCode = hexStub4FunctionProlog & hexStub4Return64bit & _
      Case StubTypes.ret32bit 'method is a function that returns 32-bit type
        hexCode = hexStub4FunctionProlog & hexStub4Return32bit & _
      Case Else 'method is a procedure and does not return a value
        hexCode = hexStub4ProcedureCall
      End Select
      Dim nBytes As Long 'number of code bytes to allocate
      nBytes = Len(hexCode) \ 2
      Dim Bytes() As Byte 'array of code bytes converted from hex
      ReDim Preserve Bytes(1 To nBytes)
      Dim idx As Long 'loop counter
      'convert each pair of hex chars to a byte code
      For idx = 1 To nBytes
        Bytes(idx) = Val("&H" & Mid$(hexCode, idx * 2 - 1, 2))
      Next idx
      If (fnType = ret0bit) Then
        'method is a procedure and does not return a value
        CopyMemory Bytes(5), fnAddress, 4
        'replace the forwarding address in the native code
      Else 'method is a function returning a 32-bit, 64-bit or
        '64-bit float type
        CopyMemory Bytes(6), pGlobalAlloc, 4
        'replace the address of GlobalAlloc
        CopyMemory Bytes(33), fnAddress, 4
        'replace the forwarding address in the native code
        CopyMemory Bytes(nBytes - 6), pGlobalFree, 4
        'replace the address of GlobalFree
      End If
      Dim addrStub As Long 'address where the code bytes will be copied
      addrStub = GlobalAlloc(GMEM_FIXED, nBytes)
        'allocate memory to store the code bytes
      CopyMemory ByVal addrStub, Bytes(1), nBytes 'copy given code bytes
      CopyMemory ByVal pVFT + OffsetToVFT + index * 4, _
        addrStub, 4 'replace member address with stub address
      VFArray(index) = addrStub 'save the handle to the stub for cleanup
    End If
  End If
End Sub

The sample project provided shows a class implementation that tests all the discussed return types, as well as a callback which uses call forwarding. This is done to ensure that our return addresses are not being replaced when saved as a linked list stored in the pvArbitrary entry of the TIB.

Spreading Thin with Typeless Forwarding

While C++ has typedef for prototype definition of function pointers, __asm blocks, intrinsic __asm __emit and __declspec(naked) function declaration specification, the best I could write in Visual Basic 6 is the class described in this last section, which I believe can be used to achieve about everything you could with C++. For those who are too confident when writing code, type checking of parameters passed to a function pointer can be utterly removed. In most situations, a developer will know at compile time a prototype of a function for which it has a pointer. Very few applications would require call construction at runtime, with any number of parameters, of any known types.

Some years ago, I was looking for an application that could read some sort of script where I could define how to test some DLLs I had developed. It would've helped regression testing, and could've been easily maintained by a non-developer tester. Well, such an application can be written as only one Visual Basic 6 module, with the help of TypelessFwd class provided in the sample project.

I do not recommend using typeless forwarding when you know the prototype of the function at compile time. This technique merely helps in understanding function calls and parameter passing. It should rarely be used and with advised caution, as when writing an assembly. Because it splits apart the parameter's pushing and the call itself, there'll be no correlation that the compiler can test or understand. If you can live with that and assume the full responsibility of checking the types of parameters expected by a function called through a pointer, then its maximum flexibility will be the reward:

'Phase 6: Spreading thin with typeless forwarding
Dim pFn As New TypelessFwd
Dim sqValue As Double
sqValue = 5
'Function SquareRoot(ByVal value As Double) As Double
Dim hVBVM As Long, pSquareRoot As Long
pSquareRoot = pFn.AddressOfHelper(hVBVM, "msvbvm60.dll", "rtcSqr")
                  'already loaded msvbvm60
pFn.ByRefPush VarPtr(sqValue) + 4
pFn.ByRefPush VarPtr(sqValue)
Debug.Print "Sqr(" & sqValue & ") = " & pFn.CallDblReturn(pSquareRoot)
pFn.AddressOfHelper hVBVM, vbNullString, vbNullString
                  'unload runtime module, if required
Dim interval As String, number As Double, later As Date
interval = "h"
number = 10
'Function DateFromNow(ByVal interval As String, ByRef number As Double)
'As Date
pFn.ByValPush VarPtr(number)
pFn.ByValPush StrPtr(interval)
later = pFn.CallDblReturn(AddressOf DateFromNow)
Debug.Print "In " & number & " " & interval & " will be: " & later
Dim sSentence As String
sSentence = "The third character in this sentence is:"
'Function SubString(ByRef sFrom As String, ByVal start As Long,
'ByVal length As Long) As String
pFn.ByValPush 1
pFn.ByValPush 3
pFn.ByValPush VarPtr(sSentence)
Dim retVal As String
Debug.Print sSentence & " '" & pFn.CallStrReturn(AddressOf SubString) & "'."
Dim sCpuVendorID As String
sCpuVendorID = Space$(12) 'pre-allocate 12 bytes (don't use String * 12)
'Sub Get_CPU_VendorID(ByVal sCpuVendorID As String)
Dim pGet_CPU_VendorID As Long
pFn.NativeCodeHelper pGet_CPU_VendorID, hexGet_CPU_VendorID
              'allocate memory storing native code
pFn.ByValPush StrPtr(sCpuVendorID)
pFn.Call0bitReturn pGet_CPU_VendorID
pFn.NativeCodeHelper pGet_CPU_VendorID, vbNullString
              'free memory storing native code
Debug.Print "CPU Vendor ID: " & sCpuVendorID & "."

The class provides two helper methods for obtaining function pointers. AddressOfHelper can be used to load and unload DLLs at runtime and retrieve pointers to exported functions by name or ordinal, as with the GetProcAddress API. NativeCodeHelper will allocate and free memory storing native code given as hex strings. Whenever you discover a bottleneck in your Visual Basic code, write some assembly that does it faster and embed the native code through a hex string. One remark should be made about embedded native code: edi, esi and ebx register values should be preserved, since it seems that Visual Basic makes use of one of them for validating the return value. The sample project shows how to retrieve some CPU information (using cpuid instruction) by calling embedded native code.

Two other methods of this class will help you push parameters onto the stack before calling a pointer to a function. ByValPush takes a Long value (32-bit) and leaves it onto the stack as it is given. When a parameter to a function is passed ByRef, the pointer to the value should be pushed onto the stack. For example, ByRef param As Double means the address of the double variable should be pushed onto the stack before the call, which can be achieved using ByValPush VarPtr(param). It is like saying, "Push the 32-bit value of the address to double parameter." How to pass a Double type ByVal instead of ByRef? Use the ByRefPush method to dereference any address, by pushing onto the stack the 32-bit value it points to. Since Double is a 64-bit type, we must call ByRefPush twice.

First, we'll push the value of the last 32-bit of the Double and then push the first 32-bit, because parameters and their contents get pushed from right to left. The reason, for those who didn't understand already, is that the esp register (stack pointer) decreases 4-bytes after a push instruction (stack grows downwards). Don't be confused by the naming of these methods, as they shouldn't be associated with the ByVal / ByRef declaration of parameters in a function prototype. Calling 'ByRefPush VarPtr(param) + 4' is like saying, "Add 4 bytes to the address of the double parameter and use the resulting address to read a 32-bit value that must be pushed onto the stack."

Usually, custom types are passed by reference. However, even when passed by value, the same policy can be applied while considering their size and byte-alignment. Pushing each 32-bit value of a structure, giving its address to the ByRefPush method, will achieve a ByVal parameter passing of a custom type. String type directly maps a BSTR (an Automation type representing a basic string commonly used through COM) and you can get both the pointer to the encapsulated buffer, as well as the pointer to the object.

When a parameter of type String is defined ByVal, it means that the function needs the pointer to the actual buffer, which can be retrieved with StrPtr. When the String parameter is defined ByRef, it means that the function needs the pointer to the object (double pointer to the buffer), which can be retrieved with VarPtr. In both cases, use ByValPush with the appropriate address. You can find in my tests calls that receive strings and doubles passed both as ByVal and ByRef.

The other five methods of the class, being replaced with stubs as the previous two, have the purpose of making a call to a given address while handling different types of return values: none (procedure with no return value), 32-bit value, pointer to string (32-bit address), 64-bit value (ex. Currency) and double (64-bit floating point value). Please note here that a pointer to string return is specifically declared (Long cannot be used instead), because Visual Basic must see the return as ByVal String. The assignment operator copying a Long into a String would result in a textual number representing the address of the buffer and not the content of the buffer. Looking at the assembly of the stubs used for these methods, you'll observe that our list kept at pvArbitrary in the TIB structure stores also the location of the return value. This is because, in the moment of the call, it is pushed onto the stack after the parameters for the forwarding call. It thus must be removed and saved as the return address to the Visual Basic caller.


Before going through the sample code and trying to adapt it to your needs, let me summarize the topics discussed:

  • Public methods of a class are called through jump tables and the corresponding addresses are stored in a "Virtual Function Table" (VFT). The pointer to the vftable is stored as the first 4 bytes (hidden member data) within each instance of the class.
  • The compiler will generate accessors and modifiers for public variables (member data) of a class and their addresses will be inserted in the VFT. For classes having no public member data, the VFT will contain addresses of our defined methods starting with offset &H1C (28 bytes), in the order of their declaration.
  • Replacing the addresses in the VFT will redirect calls to whatever code we need and, as long as the prototype and calling convention aren't changed, the call will return successfully.
  • Each vftable is shared by all instances of the same class. Thus, changing it for one object means it will affect even the objects created later during the lifetime of that code section (until a corresponding Visual Basic DLL is unloaded respectively or the entire process when it resides is in the main executable).
  • Member procedures are given an extra parameter (pushed last onto the stack) representing the pointer to the object for which we make the call.
  • Member functions are given two extra parameters: the object pointer (as the first parameter, pushed last onto the stack) and the location where the return value is expected by the caller (as the last parameter, pushed first onto the stack).
  • There'll be no string conversion or other type conversion for parameters, as it is done for calls to functions defined using the Declare statement. The same can be assumed for return types. Strings passed or returned by value can be handled as a 32-bit pointer to the encapsulated buffer, as known from BSTR type description.
  • Native code can be easily embedded by converting an equivalent hex string into a fixed memory buffer dynamically allocated with GlobalAlloc. Embedding native code, stub functions can replace the methods of a class. These can forward our calls while adjusting the stack as expected and handling the return value, depending on its type. It is not shown here, but it is even possible to convert calls made with the __stdcall calling convention and received by functions written as the __cdecl calling convention.
  • When these stubs need control after the forwarding call returns, they must temporarily store the return address of the Visual Basic caller. Different designs may also need to store the pointer to the return value or, not shown here, even some context registers. In order to be thread-safe and re-entrant capable, these can be saved in a linked list dynamically managed as a LIFO stack. The pointer to its head node can be copied into the pvArbitrary member of the "Thread Information Block" (TIB) structure.
  • Visual Basic generates some validation code testing eax registers against one of these registers: edi, esi, ebx. If the embedded native code is using these registers, they must be saved and eax set to zero before returning.

I'm hoping that you didn't find it too obscure. Thank you very much for reading and I wish that it will prove useful in your future implementations. Any kind of feedback would be greatly appreciated.

Revision History

  • 06-06-2007: Original version.

    Known issue: due to the lack of time available, an unresolved issue noticed in the sample code was left for further investigation. I can describe the behaviour and the reason such that you'll be aware of the problem. Running the code in Visual Basic's IDE will not report any problem because first-chance exceptions are not displayed to the user. The heap manager reports that the same invalid address was given to RtlSizeHeap and RtlFreeHeap. It seems that this happens when a method returning a String type has been replaced by a function that does not return a discardable BSTR. It all works perfectly if the method is replaced by another Visual Basic implementation. However, testing the GetCommandLine API which returns a const buffer and not a discardable BSTR, Visual Basic has tried to delete the returned memory. Thus, the heap manager complains about being an invalid address. A workaround can be used for APIs returning constant string buffers. Declare them as returning a Long and copy the memory from the returned pointer until the null-terminating character.


This article, along with any associated source code and files, is licensed under The Code Project Open License (CPOL)

Written By
Software Developer (Senior) Environmental Systems Research Institute
Romania Romania
Lead Developer / QA Analyst
Though he did not own a computer until 2002, Bogdan's passion about software development sparked for the first time in 1990, when he understood that computer science can help in saving lives, as well as improve quality everywhere. Thus, he keeps in mind that creating software is for people, not computers. He finds programming as the best mixture of art with science and his favorite instrument for such “music” remains unmanaged C++. He studied computer science and applied mathematics in Bucharest, where he also worked for about 6 years. Since 2001 he left his hometown, hoping to learn from experiencing one of the most developing countries in the world, UAE. He’s always eager to help and share, having the most satisfaction when feeling himself useful. He has many other hobbies which, some get him inspired in his profession and some, at least, balance and diversify his experience.

Comments and Discussions

QuestionAdapt pointers in VB to VBA Pin
Ludovic FERRON29-Sep-15 6:18
Ludovic FERRON29-Sep-15 6:18 
AnswerRe: Adapt pointers in VB to VBA Pin
Ludovic FERRON30-Sep-15 21:52
Ludovic FERRON30-Sep-15 21:52 
AnswerRe: Adapt pointers in VB to VBA Pin
Bogdan Apostol31-May-16 0:16
Bogdan Apostol31-May-16 0:16 
QuestionVB6 is alive and feels better than ever. Pin
Howard Cox11-Feb-14 12:39
Howard Cox11-Feb-14 12:39 
AnswerRe: VB6 is alive and feels better than ever. Pin
Bogdan Apostol22-Mar-14 21:43
Bogdan Apostol22-Mar-14 21:43 
Suggestionanother way to use function pointer. Pin
Akihito Yamashiro19-Sep-12 5:51
Akihito Yamashiro19-Sep-12 5:51 
GeneralRe: another way to use function pointer. Pin
Bogdan Apostol8-Jan-14 1:16
Bogdan Apostol8-Jan-14 1:16 
GeneralMy vote of 5 Pin
Manoj Kumar Choubey26-Mar-12 1:03
professionalManoj Kumar Choubey26-Mar-12 1:03 
GeneralAs good an article as Bruce's Hardcore VB book Pin
mnjrupp15-Jun-10 9:43
mnjrupp15-Jun-10 9:43 
GeneralRe: As good an article as Bruce's Hardcore VB book Pin
Bogdan Apostol15-Jun-10 20:39
Bogdan Apostol15-Jun-10 20:39 
GeneralExcellent job! Pin
Shane Story25-May-10 6:33
Shane Story25-May-10 6:33 
GeneralRe: Excellent job! Pin
Bogdan Apostol25-May-10 21:42
Bogdan Apostol25-May-10 21:42 
QuestionHave you seen PowerBasic? Pin
Hosam Ershedat18-Feb-10 10:30
Hosam Ershedat18-Feb-10 10:30 
I've recently found a new language solved the problems in pointers
i think it's a good language for programmers who was using vb6
to develop their skills(I'm one off them), do you agree with me ?
do you advise me to learn it or complete my training course in c++
thanks for this great article Big Grin | :-D
AnswerRe: Have you seen PowerBasic? Pin
Bogdan Apostol20-Feb-10 3:24
Bogdan Apostol20-Feb-10 3:24 
QuestionVery good - but who uses VB6? Pin
ChewsHumans23-Sep-09 14:22
ChewsHumans23-Sep-09 14:22 
AnswerRe: Very good - but who uses VB6? Pin
Bogdan Apostol23-Sep-09 20:54
Bogdan Apostol23-Sep-09 20:54 
GeneralRe: Very good - but who uses VB6? Pin
ChewsHumans24-Sep-09 4:03
ChewsHumans24-Sep-09 4:03 
Generalvb and image processing Pin
mouhamad rayed15-Mar-09 20:29
mouhamad rayed15-Mar-09 20:29 
GeneralRe: vb and image processing Pin
ChewsHumans23-Sep-09 14:23
ChewsHumans23-Sep-09 14:23 
QuestionVery well Done Pin
Sabarinathan A28-Jan-08 18:32
professionalSabarinathan A28-Jan-08 18:32 
GeneralExcellent Job Pin
Paul Conrad15-Jul-07 8:41
professionalPaul Conrad15-Jul-07 8:41 
GeneralRe: Excellent Job Pin
Bogdan Apostol15-Jul-07 9:55
Bogdan Apostol15-Jul-07 9:55 
GeneralRe: Excellent Job Pin
Paul Conrad15-Jul-07 9:58
professionalPaul Conrad15-Jul-07 9:58 
GeneralFunction Pointers the VB6 way Pin
Martin Lercher26-Jun-07 8:11
Martin Lercher26-Jun-07 8:11 
GeneralRe: Function Pointers the VB6 way [modified] Pin
Bogdan Apostol26-Jun-07 9:00
Bogdan Apostol26-Jun-07 9:00 

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