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Locus Effects

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15 Feb 2006CPOL12 min read 306.8K   3.7K   188   113
.NET/C# visual effects framework for changing the user's locus of attention to an area on the screen.

Example 1:

Example 2:

Image 1

Image 2

Example 3:

Image 3


I was first introduced to the term "Locus" almost an year ago, when I attended a fascinating 2-day seminar with Prof. Jim Coplien on the subject of “Humane User Interfaces”. It was quite amazing to know that the design of user interfaces in software really hasn’t got that much attention and has a long way to go. Anyway, one of the key aspects in designing a good user interface is to understand how the human perception works. First of all, we humans have only one conscious (well, perhaps except for some lunatics ;)). In our mind, the thing that gets high conscious attention or most of our conscious attention is called the "Locus of attention".

Locus- Latin for "the place."

So our Locus is the place where our conscious/mind is set. It is the state of our mind. The Locus can change if an external event alarms our mind. For example: when we are reading a book, if a rapid ball of fire moves from right to left in the horizon, it is likely to catch our attention. This biological mechanism is built in us for survival. If a dangerous event happens, our mind pays attention to it since it is something that can kill us, harm us etc.

It is obvious that our Locus can be changed. This can be taken into consideration while designing a user interface that requires user’s attention. But usually it is misused or overly used; causing distracted user interfaces that makes us unproductive and tired. Modal forms attract our locus but since they are so repetitive and since they block our work we tend to click OK automatically and close these nags. Locus changes should be done as and when needed with great care and thought. If the locus changes for a brief time, our productivity is not harmed but after that we loose concentration in our previous task. Switching back to the previous task is quite slow and causes productivity problems.

Why do we need Locus Effects?

It is quite evident from the introduction and from daily experience that to change or attract a user’s attention we need to perform some sort of alarming event. This event can be a sound (clap your hands in a room and everyone will look at you), a visual effect (in the same room wave with a red handkerchief) or a physical sensation (somebody touching your shoulder while you are staring at VS.NET).

I want to provide in this article a means to perform visual Locus Effects (maybe in future I might write a version where the computer touches your shoulder ;)).

We need Locus Effects if we want to draw the user’s attention temporarily to some activity that is being done without harming productivity, while making this change pleasant.

A good example of an application that uses the concept of Locus Effects is shown in DevExpress’ CodeRush. This highly productive commercial VS.NET add-on uses a cool set of effects in order to draw your attention to changes. For example: After setting a bookmark (Alt+Home) if you go somewhere else in the file and click Esc, the cursor returns to the bookmark and shows the original cursor position using an effect that looks like a radar beacon.

Another example for a locus effect (again a beacon) is Microsoft's mouse pointer highlight feature - If you turn it on and press Ctrl a (not so nice..) beacon draws your attention to the current position of the mouse. (Control Panel/Mouse/Pointer Options/Show location of pointer..)

So Locus Effects can be used in different scenarios where setting the attention of the user can help in improving productivity. Sample scenarios:

  • Showing a position in a text editor (after find, find and replace, etc.).
  • Showing bookmarks in a text editor.
  • Showing a certain control that needs to be clicked.
  • Showing a validation error or warning on the form that needs user changes.

Using the framework (or, How do I show a Locus Effect?)

Using the LocusEffects framework is quite straightforward and easy. First, add the LocusEffectsProvider component to VS components toolbox by:

  1. Show tool box.
  2. Add/Remove Items....
  3. Browse and select the assembly BigMansStuff.LocusEffects.dll.
  4. Select the component: LocusEffectsProvider.
  5. Select OK.

Now drag and drop LocusEffectsProvider to your form, user control or component.


Assuming we dragged a LocusEffectsProvider component and named it "locusEffectsProvider": In the load event handler, or in another initialization event, initialize the component by calling:


Showing a predefined Locus Effect

If a certain predefined effect is good enough for the job and needs no customizations, simple show it by calling locusEffectsProvider.ShowLocusEffect. For example showing the predefined arrow Locus Effect:

locusEffectsProvider.ShowLocusEffect( this,
    this.RectangleToScreen( locusArea.Bounds ),
    LocusEffectsProvider.DefaultLocusEffectArrow );

Customizations: Creating and showing a custom Locus Effect

If customization is needed, create an instance of a predefined Locus Effect class, change some of its properties and register it once (code snippets from test application showing creation of a custom curved arrow Locus Effect):

private void InitializeLocusEffects()
    locusEffectsProvider.Initialize() ;


private void CreateCustomLocusEffects()
    ResourceManager rm = new ResourceManager(
        Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly() ) ;

    m_customArrowLocusEffect = new ArrowLocusEffect() ;
    m_customArrowLocusEffect.Name = "CustomArrow_Curved" ;
    m_customArrowLocusEffect.AnimationStartColor = Color.Red ;
    m_customArrowLocusEffect.AnimationEndColor = Color.Yellow ;
    m_customArrowLocusEffect.Bitmap = rm.GetObject(
        "CustomCurvedArrowBitmap" ) as Bitmap ;
    locusEffectsProvider.AddLocusEffect( m_customArrowLocusEffect ) ;
. . .

Finally, use it as many times as needed:

locusEffectsProvider.ShowLocusEffect( this, 
    this.RectangleToScreen( locusArea.Bounds ), 
                         "CustomArrow_Curved" );

Extensions: Creating a new Locus Effect type

If none of the predefined Locus Effect classes are satisfactory even after customization of their styles, then a developer can choose to add a new type of effect that inherits from the framework classes. This is more complex (but not too complex) and requires knowledge of the framework internals as described below. But once the new class is ready, the usage pattern is identical to creating and using a predefined Locus Effect as shown above.

Locus Effects framework

Image 4

Framework Internals

The framework is built from a few core classes. LocusEffectsProvider is the main component and provides a facade for managing and controlling locus effects. When ShowLocusEffect is called LocusEffectsProvider starts showing the Locus Effect by delegating the call to the registered Locus Effect instance:

    private void InternalShowLocusEffect( 
        Form activatorForm, 
        Rectangle locusScreenBounds, string locusEffectName)
      BaseLocusEffect locusEffect = 
        m_registeredEffects[ locusEffectName ] as BaseLocusEffect;
      if ( locusEffect == null )
          throw new ApplicationException( 
               "Could not show locus effect, 
                '{0}' is not registered", locusEffectName ));

      m_activeEffect = locusEffect ;
      locusEffect.ShowEffect(activatorForm, locusScreenBounds);

which starts a new animation thread:

    public virtual void ShowEffect( Form activatorForm, 
        Rectangle locusScreenBounds )
        lock ( this )
            m_runTimeData = new EffectRuntimeData() ;
            this.SetInitialRunTimeData() ;

            m_runTimeData.ActivatorForm = activatorForm ;
            m_runTimeData.LocusScreenBounds = locusScreenBounds ;
            // Create and start animation thread
            m_runTimeData.AnimationThread = new System.Threading.Thread( 
                new System.Threading.ThreadStart( DoAnimation ) ) ;
            m_runTimeData.AnimationThread.IsBackground = true ;
            m_runTimeData.AnimationThread.Priority = 
                ThreadPriority.AboveNormal ;
            m_runTimeData.AnimationThread.Name = "ShowEffect_Thread" ;
            m_runTimeData.AnimationThread.Start() ; 
protected virtual void DoAnimation()
        m_owner.EffectWindow.SetEffect( this ) ;

        m_runTimeData.LastActivatorFormBounds =
             m_runTimeData.ActivatorForm.Bounds ;
        m_runTimeData.StepMaxDuration = 1000.0f /
             m_owner.FramesPerSecond ;


        m_runTimeData.IsAnimating = true ;
             // Do the actual animation of the effect
             this.AnimateEffect() ;
            this.CleanUpEffect() ;
     . . .

So far, nothing exotic, but now we get to the fun stuff. BaseStandardEffect implements a standard effect, which is a normal sequence built up of Lead in, Body and Lead out animation stages. In each stage of the sequence there is a time duration. During the animation an accurate progress (step) is calculated based on the time. This is done in OnLeadInStep, OnAnimationBodyStep and OnLeadOutStep. The effect has paint methods for each stage that take the step progress into account and draw (i.e. render) the effect into an effect bitmap - PaintLeadIn, PaintBodyAnimation and PaintLeadOut.

    protected override void AnimateEffect()
        IntPtr activeWindowHandle = Win32NativeMethods.GetForegroundWindow();

        // Set initial bitmap
        m_animationStep = 0 ;
        using ( Graphics g = 
            Graphics.FromImage( m_runTimeData.EffectBitmap ) )
            PaintLeadIn( g ) ;

        // Move form out of visible area before showing it -
        //  We don't want the last bitmap
        m_owner.EffectWindow.ShowOutOfScreen() ;

        m_owner.EffectWindow.ApplyGraphics() ;
        Win32NativeMethods.SetForegroundWindow( activeWindowHandle ) ;
        m_startTime = DateTime.Now ;
        // Heart of a standard effect: (Lead in, body, lead out sequence)

        // 1. Lead in
        if ( m_leadInTime > 0 )
            this.LeadIn() ;

        // 2. Then, do some animation (body)
        if ( m_animationTime > 0 )
            this.AnimateBody() ;

        // 3. Finally, lead out
        if ( m_leadOutTime > 0 )
            this.LeadOut() ;    

m_owner is an instance of the LocusEffectsProvider component, which owns an EffectWindow window. This special window is what makes the animation rock and roll. It is a per pixel alpha window or a layered window. Layered windows were first introduced in Windows 2000 and provide full support for RGBA bitmaps and transparency. They do not work via the regular WM_PAINT mechanism and are updated by setting a new bitmap to them each time an update is needed. This is in contrast to normal windows which have regions and work through WM_PAINT messages. So EffectWindow is a layered window which has features such as anchoring (i.e. setting the direction of the bitmap in relation to the locus area), bitmap manipulation (rotation, transparency control , shadow, color overlay). Each time a paint is triggered from the animation thread, the ApplyGraphics method of EffectWindow is called. This is how we update the bitmap of the window with the new rendered effect bitmap. CalculateBitmapBounds takes care of moving the effect bitmap to the correct position using anchoring mode rules. SetWindowBitmap does the actual Windows API call that sets the new effect bitmap on the layered window.

protected virtual void AnimateBody()
    m_startAnimationTime = DateTime.Now ;

    TimeSpan duration ;

    DateTime stepStartTime ;
    while ( m_runTimeData != null && !m_runTimeData.StopRequested )
        stepStartTime = DateTime.Now ;

        this.OnAnimationBodyStep() ;

        using ( Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(
                   m_runTimeData.EffectBitmap ) )
            PaintBodyAnimation( g ) ;

        m_owner.EffectWindow.ApplyGraphics() ;

        duration = ( DateTime.Now - m_startAnimationTime ) ;
        if ( duration.TotalMilliseconds >= m_animationTime )
            // Force draw of last position
            m_animationStep = 100.0f ;
            using ( Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(
                 m_runTimeData.EffectBitmap ) )
                PaintBodyAnimation( g ) ;

            m_owner.EffectWindow.ApplyGraphics() ;

            break ;
            TimeSpan stepDuration = ( DateTime.Now - stepStartTime ) ;

            // Allow the processor to rest - we don't want the
            //   animation thread to work all the time
            if ( stepDuration.TotalMilliseconds <
                    m_runTimeData.StepMaxDuration )
                     ( int ) ( m_runTimeData.StepMaxDuration -
                               stepDuration.TotalMilliseconds ) ) ;

ApplyGraphics- it's painting time!

public virtual void ApplyGraphics()
    using ( Bitmap finalBitmap = new Bitmap( m_effect.EffectBitmap ))

        // Calculate bounds of effect bitmap
        this.CalculateBitmapBounds( finalBitmap,
             m_effect.LocusScreenBounds ) ;

        // Handle anchoring logic of effect bitmap
        this.HandleEffectBitmapAnchoring( finalBitmap ) ;

        Size backBitmapSize = finalBitmap.Size ;

        // Extend back bitmap size so it has space for the shadow
        if ( m_effect.ShowShadow )
            backBitmapSize.Width += Math.Abs(
                m_effect.ShadowOffset.X ) ;
            backBitmapSize.Height += Math.Abs(
                m_effect.ShadowOffset.Y ) ;

        bool bitmapsRecreated = false ;

        // Re-create back bitmap size
        if ( backBitmapSize != m_backBitmapSize )
            this.RecreateBitmaps( backBitmapSize ) ;

            bitmapsRecreated = true ;

        // Note: FromHdc is very important as it hooks to
        //   the DIB Section (Back bitmap) in the memory DC
        //   directly, without creating an intermediate buffer
        // Thank you Lou Amadio for helping out here!

        // Draw effect bitmap and its shadow on back bitmap
        using ( Graphics g = Graphics.FromHdc( m_memDC ) )
            g.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.HighQuality ;

            // Clear the back bitmap
            if ( !bitmapsRecreated )
                g.Clear( Color.Transparent ) ;

            // Draw shadow before final bitmap is drawn
            this.DrawShadow( finalBitmap, g ) ;

            // Draw final effect bitmap
            g.DrawImage( finalBitmap,
                m_bitmapSize.Height ) ;

        // Render bitmap to window
        this.SetWindowBitmap( m_effect.RunTimeData.Opacity ) ;

and finally, the bitmap is rendered to the layered window:

protected virtual void SetWindowBitmap( int opacity )
    // Calculate coordinates
    Win32NativeMethods.Point pointMemory = new
        Win32NativeMethods.Point( 0, 0 ) ;
    Win32NativeMethods.Point pointScreen = new
            m_bitmapLocation.X, m_bitmapLocation.Y ) ;
    Win32NativeMethods.Size size = new Win32NativeMethods.Size(
        m_backBitmapSize.Width, m_backBitmapSize.Height ) ;

    // Create blending function
    Win32NativeMethods.BLENDFUNCTION blend = new
        Win32NativeMethods.BLENDFUNCTION() ;
    blend.BlendOp             = Win32Constants.AC_SRC_OVER  ;
    blend.BlendFlags          = 0 ;
    blend.SourceConstantAlpha = ( byte ) ( opacity * 255 / 100 ) ;
    blend.AlphaFormat         = Win32Constants.AC_SRC_ALPHA ;

    // Render the layered window, by supplying it a memory DC
    //    which contains updated LocusEffect bitmap
        m_screenDC, ref pointScreen, ref size,
        m_memDC, ref pointMemory, 0,
        ref blend,
        Win32Constants.ULW_ALPHA ) ;

Things to note

  • EffectWindow inherits from a LayeredWindow class which inherits from NativeWindow. Inheritance from System.Windows.Forms.Form class is not a good idea since all sorts of problems occur. In particular a nasty parking window is created per thread(!). Also a native window is faster and has much less footprint and negative side effects caused by default .NET implementation. We do not need all the complexities of full message support.
  • ImageBlender was extended from its original source code so it supports RGBA bitmaps.
  • Concrete effect classes can override AnimateEffect and provide their own concrete implementation.


The framework is quite heavily documented, and I used NDoc to generated a compiled HTML file (LocusEffects.chm) which is provided with the project and includes documentation for each class, its methods and properties.

Predefined effects

Arrow effect

(LocusEffectsProvider.DefaultLocusEffectArrow or "DefaultArrow")

Image 5

Beacon effect

(LocusEffectsProvider.DefaultLocusEffectBeaconor "DefaultBeacon")

Image 6

Bitmap effect

(LocusEffectsProvider.DefaultLocusEffectBitmap or "DefaultBitmap")

Image 7

Text effect

(LocusEffectsProvider.DefaultLocusEffectText or "DefaultText")

Image 8

Things I have learned


  • Performance in GDI+, .NET and Windows Forms can be very slow. GDI+ itself is slower than GDI, and is (currently) not accelerated by graphics cards. All the processing is done in CPU time. Windows Forms is a very productive wrapper around Win API but it is heavy and has a lot of implementation issues which are slow, because the framework is generic. One specific thing to note is the usage of Bitmaps. Bitmaps in Win Forms are wrappers to GDI+ Bitmaps. This is all OK, however when you try to move from a GDI+ Bitmap to a regular GDI Bitmap you need a handle (HBITMAP). Calling GetHBitmap() is going to work but with a heavy price. The image is copied to a new GDI Bitmap and then the handle is returned to that new GDI bitmap. This is slow. Add to this a call of SelectObject into the Device Context each time, and it is slow too. Finally, UpdateLayeredWindow is also slow by nature. (See MSDN help about it.)

    So what I have done (using Lou Amadio's help) is I have created a DIBSection manually, and selected it into the Device Context once. Now when I render the bitmap in ApplyGraphics I use Graphics.FromHDC(). This API is fast because GDI+ detects that the Device Context is attached to a DIBSection underneath and it uses directly without an intermediate buffer. Using Graphics.FromBitmap() is slow as it creates an intermediate buffer! Beware!

  • Layered Windows - These cool creatures are nice but slow. Empiric tests show that bitmaps over 300x300 start to clog your CPU. So it does not mean that large Locus Effects cannot be used, but there is a small price to it. Until Microsoft does not improve that API to make it much faster, there is nothing that can be done on that subject. Luckily most Locus Effects are smaller than this size, so there is no big problem.

What's next...

Depending on the feedback from users and my spare time, I would like to add the following things in future revisions:

  • More Locus effects - Basic Text (Done), Advanced Text, Moving/Bouncing arrows (Done), Highlighted text markers.
  • A visual properties designer for allowing easy customizations of Locus effects at design time.
  • Animated GIF and PNG.
  • 3D - OpenGL??.
  • Your ideas and improvements.


This is my first article – I’ve been a CodeProject member for a long time, but finally I found the idea, time (and guts...) to write my own article and contribute something back to this really great community. The idea in this article is not new, but when I looked for such an implementation in the web (CodeProject too) there was nothing that was ready, so I decided to write it. There are no limits to imagination and new cool effects and ideas can be added easily to the framework.

The project is written in VS.NET 2003, I have not provided solutions for the older VS.NET format, but it should work on the older VS.NET with minor modifications. VS.NET 2005 (Beta 2) was tested and works fine. Also notice that the APIs used here require Windows 2000 and above. It will not work on Win9X, WinNT! These old operating systems do not support Layered Windows.

If anyone extends the framework and adds new effects, please send me the extension so that I can make it a part of the next version of the framework. Oh, and if you like it, use it, if you have any ideas on how to improve it or just have any comment - please tell me.

Philosophical insights from this article :)

  • Beware: Writing a CodeProject article is addictive! I am not kidding. It's like reading a book. Once you start it you cannot stop it. But it is a lot of fun.
  • It is so addictive that I am already thinking of my next article (Oh, my wife is going to kill me..).


  • 1.0.0 - 3/7/2005: Initial
  • 1.0.1 - 7/7/2005
    • Fixed: Effects were not shown on non primary monitors in a multiple monitor configuration.
    • Fixed: Dynamically handle changes in monitor positions and resolutions.
    • Changed: Demo application layout changed.
    • Changed: Search example in demo application uses selected Locus Effect.
    • Changed: Memory allocation - Back bitmap is allocated just-in-time and disposed when the effect stops.
  • 1.0.2 - 18/7/2005
    • Added: Example - Search state in map.
    • Added: Text effects
    • Added: Movement mode (See Robin Hood arrow, Bulb in Demo)
    • Added: FramesPerSecond property
    • Added: Component toolbox bitmap
    • Fixed: Major Performance boost:

      * DIBSection is used as back bitmap instead of a regular Bitmap. This provides much better performance and allows future enhancements (filters, etc.).

      * Variable back bitmap size logic is used instead of a big static back bitmap.

    • Fixed: Behavior - animations are smoother, thread sleep is now calculated dynamically. Animation thread pump is now using the FramesPerSecond logic and allows a variable sleep time.
    • Fixed: LayeredWindow was activated when it was clicked. Now it is transparent to clicks.
    • Fixed: Effect was not stopped when another window was activated.
  • 1.0.3 - 15/02/2006
    • Added: AnimatedImage locus effect.
    • Improved: Documentation.

References and credits

Also, special thanks to my good friends Ofir Oren and Achi Hackmon for their assistance, QA and for being a feedback wall! :)


This article, along with any associated source code and files, is licensed under The Code Project Open License (CPOL)

Written By
United States United States
I've been punching code since the age of 9 when I got my first computer - A Sinclair Spectrum with 48Kb of RAM!
That was a great time, when peek and pokes were the way to do stuff.

I wrote in X86 Assembly, Logo Wink | ;) , Basic, C, C++, Pascal, Delphi, Java and in the last 16 years C#, but NodeJS and Python too.

Comments and Discussions

QuestionSuperb Thanks... Pin
Bhavesh Patel8-Jan-16 22:25
Bhavesh Patel8-Jan-16 22:25 
Questiondemanding simple code Pin
shaikh-adil22-Nov-12 6:35
shaikh-adil22-Nov-12 6:35 
AnswerRe: demanding simple code Pin
Yuval Naveh22-Nov-12 6:40
Yuval Naveh22-Nov-12 6:40 
GeneralRe: demanding simple code Pin
shaikh-adil24-Nov-12 20:06
shaikh-adil24-Nov-12 20:06 
GeneralRe: demanding simple code Pin
Yuval Naveh27-Nov-12 11:09
Yuval Naveh27-Nov-12 11:09 
QuestionPossible to show a locus effect without any window? Pin
Uwe Keim18-Jun-12 1:35
sitebuilderUwe Keim18-Jun-12 1:35 
AnswerRe: Possible to show a locus effect without any window? Pin
Yuval Naveh18-Jun-12 15:43
Yuval Naveh18-Jun-12 15:43 
GeneralRe: Possible to show a locus effect without any window? Pin
Uwe Keim18-Jun-12 17:42
sitebuilderUwe Keim18-Jun-12 17:42 
GeneralRe: Possible to show a locus effect without any window? Pin
Yuval Naveh19-Jun-12 17:17
Yuval Naveh19-Jun-12 17:17 
GeneralRe: Possible to show a locus effect without any window? Pin
Uwe Keim19-Jun-12 18:23
sitebuilderUwe Keim19-Jun-12 18:23 
GeneralRe: Possible to show a locus effect without any window? Pin
Yuval Naveh26-Jun-12 17:32
Yuval Naveh26-Jun-12 17:32 
GeneralRe: Possible to show a locus effect without any window? Pin
Uwe Keim26-Jun-12 19:52
sitebuilderUwe Keim26-Jun-12 19:52 
GeneralRe: Possible to show a locus effect without any window? Pin
Yuval Naveh27-Jun-12 17:08
Yuval Naveh27-Jun-12 17:08 
GeneralRe: Possible to show a locus effect without any window? Pin
Uwe Keim27-Jun-12 17:45
sitebuilderUwe Keim27-Jun-12 17:45 
GeneralMy vote of 5 Pin
Manoj Kumar Choubey26-Feb-12 21:18
professionalManoj Kumar Choubey26-Feb-12 21:18 
QuestionAmazing work - Can you create it in wpf? Pin
shgil4-Aug-11 6:03
shgil4-Aug-11 6:03 
AnswerRe: Amazing work - Can you create it in wpf? Pin
Yuval Naveh4-Aug-11 10:38
Yuval Naveh4-Aug-11 10:38 
Questionwhat code change was required for fixing the effects not showing on non-primary monitor? Pin
blast22-Dec-09 11:19
blast22-Dec-09 11:19 
AnswerRe: what code change was required for fixing the effects not showing on non-primary monitor? Pin
Yuval Naveh22-Dec-09 14:01
Yuval Naveh22-Dec-09 14:01 
GeneralRe: what code change was required for fixing the effects not showing on non-primary monitor? Pin
blast22-Dec-09 16:27
blast22-Dec-09 16:27 
GeneralRe: what code change was required for fixing the effects not showing on non-primary monitor? Pin
Yuval Naveh22-Dec-09 17:13
Yuval Naveh22-Dec-09 17:13 
GeneralRe: what code change was required for fixing the effects not showing on non-primary monitor? Pin
blast22-Dec-09 18:48
blast22-Dec-09 18:48 
AnswerRe: what code change was required for fixing the effects not showing on non-primary monitor? Pin
blast22-Dec-09 19:25
blast22-Dec-09 19:25 
NewsImportant Announcement: License changed to LGPL Pin
Yuval Naveh5-Nov-09 15:47
Yuval Naveh5-Nov-09 15:47 
NewsImportant Announcement: Version 2.0 has been checked in into Google Code Pin
Yuval Naveh19-Apr-09 15:18
Yuval Naveh19-Apr-09 15:18 

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