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A Complete Excel Programming Sample

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19 Dec 2007CPOL3 min read 360K   15.5K   86   18
An article on Excel programming, including Excel operations in C# and VBA
Screenshot - Template Image


This is a sample to create an Excel template for a specified purpose. The end user could download the template and fill it in and then upload it to the server, and the server will read the template and update the database. Here are the steps of this scenario:

  1. Clarify the requirement and create the Excel template
  2. Generate an Excel template to fill with the source data
  3. Download the template from the web site
  4. Fill in the template and verify the data via VBA
  5. Upload the template (Web)
  6. Import data in Excel Template to the database


AdventureWorks wanted its salesmen in each territory to be able to fill in the special offer plan which they want to execute in their territory. But most of the salesmen travel a lot and they cannot access the site on-time. Then an offline solution is needed and using Excel template is the best solution. First of all, it’s cheaper because no additional software/hardware is needed. Secondly, all the salesmen are experts in Excel and the training will be much easier.

The AdventureWorks database could be downloaded from the Microsoft download center.

Using the Code

Step 1: Create the Excel Template Based on Requirement

  1. Clarify the requirement
  2. Create a hidden template sheet
    • Clarify the data type in each cell, fill in type (user input/list validation or a pop form) and the lock property
  3. Create a hidden data source sheet
    • Clarify the source data in each column
    • Create a named range for list validation (if the data is already known)
  4. Create Summary, Filling Sheet
    • Set the layout, add validation button and add new button
  5. VBA programming to add list validation or auto-fill is as follows:
    rng.Validation.Add xlValidateList, xlValidAlertStop, xlBetween, _
    rng.Validation.IgnoreBlank = True
    rng.Validation.InCellDropdown = True 
  6. VBA programming to select data in pop form is as follows:

    With frmChoose
        .CCodeColumn = "AB"
        .CNameColumn = "B"
        .CRow = Target.Row
        .CCodeSourceColumn = "B"
        .CNameSourceColumn = "C"
        .CKeyWords = Me.Cells(iRow, iColumn).Text
        .Caption = Me.Cells(iRow, iColumn - 1)
        Set .CWorksheet = Application.ActiveSheet
        Set .CSourceWorksheet = sourceSheet
    End With 

    In frmChoose, when the Ok button is clicked:

    CWorksheet.Unprotect Password
    n = 2
    If (CSourceWorksheet Is Nothing) Then
        name = wsDataSource.Range(CNameSourceColumn & n).Text
        name = CSourceWorksheet.Range(CNameSourceColumn & n).Text
    End If
    While (name <>  "")
        If name = lstSelected.List(lstSelected.ListIndex) Then
            If (CSourceWorsheet Is Nothing) Then
                code = wsDataSource.Range(CCodeSourceColumn & n).Text
                code = CSourceWorksheet.Range(CCodeSourceColumn & n).Text
            End If
        End If
        n = n + 1
        If (CSourceWorksheet Is Nothing) Then
            name = wsDataSource.Range(CNameSourceColumn & n).Text
            name = CSourceWorksheet.Range(CNameSourceColumn & n).Text
        End If            Wend
    If (CNameColumn <>  "") Then
        CWorksheet.Range(CNameColumn & CRow).Value2 =
    End If
    If (CCodeColumn <>  "") Then
        CWorksheet.Range(CCodeColumn & CRow).Value2 = code
    End If
    CWorksheet.Protect Password
  7. VBA programming to validate the data filled in every sheet is as follows:
    If Not CheckDateType(ws.Cells(i, 2).Value) Then
        bCheck = False
        MsgBox ws.Cells(i, 1).Value & "ÄÚÊäÈëµÄ²»ÊÇÓÐЧʱ¼ä"
        ws.Cells(i, 2).Select
        Exit Sub
    End If            .....
    Function CheckNumberic(sourceString As String) As Boolean
        Dim bOk As Boolean
        bOk = True
        If sourceString <>  "" And Not IsNumeric(sourceString) Then
            bOk = False
        End If
        CheckNumberic = bOk
    End Function
    Function CheckDateType(sourceString As String) As Boolean
        Dim bOk As Boolean
        bOk = False
        If sourceString <>  "" And IsDate(sourceString) Then
            bOk = True
        End If
        CheckDateType = bOk
    End Function

Step 2: Generate an Excel Template to Fill with Source Data in C#

  1. Create an Excel application object:
    Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application xlsApp = null;
    Workbook wb=null;
  2. Open the template and SaveCopyAs a new temporary template file name:
    fileName= templatePath + @"\template.xls";
    excelFileName = tempFileName + "_template.xls";
    tempFileName= tempFileName + "_template_Temp.xls";
    xlsApp = new ApplicationClass();
    wb = xlsApp.Workbooks.Open(fileName, Type.Missing, Type.Missing,
        Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing,
        Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing,
        Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing);
  3. Close the template and open the new temporary file:
    wb.Close(false, Type.Missing, Type.Missing);
    wb = xlsApp.Workbooks.Open(tempFileName, Type.Missing, Type.Missing,
        Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing,
        Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing,
        Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing);
  4. Get master data from the database and fill in each cell and set validation lock property properly based on requirement:
    ws = (Worksheet)wb.Worksheets[DataSourceSheet];
    LoadDataSource(ws, wb, beginDate, endDate);
    private void LoadDataSource(Worksheet ws, Workbook wb, DateTime beginDate,
    DateTime endDate)
        DataSet ds = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataset(connnectionString, CommandType.Text, "");
        //Generate the Base Info
        ws.get_Range("A1",System.Type.Missing).Value2 = 0; //Check flag
        ws.get_Range("A4",System.Type.Missing).Value2 = beginDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
        ws.get_Range("A5",System.Type.Missing).Value2 = endDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
        ws.get_Range("A6",System.Type.Missing).Value2 = 
        ws.get_Range("A7",System.Type.Missing).Value2 = _templatetype;
        LoadActionStatus(wb, ws, ds.Tables[0]);
        LoadPromotionType(wb, ws, ds.Tables[0]);
        LoadUserDataSource(wb, ws, beginDate.ToString(PlanDateFormat));
        //ws.Visible = XlSheetVisibility.xlSheetVisible;
    private void LoadCategoryDataSource(Worksheet ws)
        string sql = "SELECT ProductCategoryID, Name FROM ProductCategory";
        DataSet ds = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataset(connnectionString, CommandType.Text, sql);
        int currentRow = 2;
        foreach (DataRow dr in ds.Tables[0].Rows)
            ws.get_Range("F" + currentRow, System.Type.Missing).Value2 = 
            ws.get_Range("G" + currentRow, System.Type.Missing).Value2 = 
  5. Protected worksheets and workbook based on requirement:
    ws = (Worksheet) wb.Worksheets[SummarySheet];
    wb.Protect(TemplatePassword,System.Type.Missing, System.Type.Missing);
  6. Save the temporary file as the final template name:
  7. Close the template and release the Excel resource:
    if (wb!=null)
        wb.Close(false, Type.Missing, Type.Missing);
    if(xlsApp != null)
    //Remove the temporary file

Step 3: Download the Template from the Web Site

Step 4: Fill in the Template and Verify the Data

  1. User fills in the data according to the description: list validation, free typing in, popup form etc.
  2. Click the validation button in the sheet and validate the data

Step 5: Upload the Template to the Web Site

Please refer to the sample to upload a file to the website.

Step 6: Import the Data in Excel to the Database

  1. Create an Excel app object and open the uploaded file:
    Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application xlsApp = new ApplicationClass();
    Workbook wb = xlsApp.Workbooks.Open(_filePath,Type.Missing,Type.Missing,
  2. Save the upload file as a temporary file. Then close the uploaded file and open the temporary file as follows:
    string tempFileName = _filePath.ToLower().Replace(".xls","_Temp.xls");
  3. Verify the data in the template again in the web application:
        out branchID, out planDate, out startDate, out endDate, 
        out iChecked, out templatetype);
    if(!(iChecked == 1))
        returnVal = "Please verify the data before upload to the server!";
        throw new Exception(returnVal);
    if(templatetype.ToUpper() != _templatetype.ToUpper())
        returnVal = "The version is not corrected, 
        please verify the document and uploaded again";
        throw new Exception(returnVal);
    private void ReadDataSource(Worksheet ws, out string branchID, 
        out string planDate, out DateTime startDate,out DateTime endDate, 
        out int iChecked, out string templatetype)
        string check = ws.get_Range("A1", System.Type.Missing).Text.ToString();
        branchID = ws.get_Range("A2", System.Type.Missing).Text.ToString();
        string sDate = ws.get_Range("A4", System.Type.Missing).Text.ToString();
        string eDate = ws.get_Range("A5", System.Type.Missing).Text.ToString();
        planDate = ws.get_Range("A6", System.Type.Missing).Text.ToString();
        templatetype = ws.get_Range("A7", System.Type.Missing).Text.ToString();
        startDate = DateTime.Parse(sDate);
        endDate = DateTime.Parse(eDate);
            iChecked = Convert.ToInt16(check);
            iChecked = 0;
  4. Read the data in the worksheet:
    string territoryList = ws.get_Range("B"+ i.ToString(), 
    string territoryIDList = ws.get_Range("AB" + i.ToString(), 
    string category = ws.get_Range("E" + i.ToString(), 
    string categoryID = ws.get_Range("AE" + i.ToString(), 
  5. Change the database based on data in the Excel sheet:
    SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(connnectionString, CommandType.Text, "insert into … ");

Points of Interest

  1. Excel.Application
    • Application.Workbooks.Open
    • Quit
  2. Excel.Workbook
    • SaveCopyAs
    • Unprotect
    • Worksheets
    • Protect
    • Names.Add
    • Close
  3. Excel.WorkSheet
    • Unprotect
    • Protect
    • Hyperlinks.Add
  4. Range
    • Value2
    • Text
  5. Cell, Cells


This article, along with any associated source code and files, is licensed under The Code Project Open License (CPOL)

Written By
China China
This member has not yet provided a Biography. Assume it's interesting and varied, and probably something to do with programming.

Comments and Discussions

AnswerMessage Closed Pin
31-Aug-21 21:40
Member 1412519531-Aug-21 21:40 
Questionpassword Pin
Dipjyoti1224-Jul-18 21:15
Dipjyoti1224-Jul-18 21:15 
QuestionPassword Pin
Member 117528579-Jul-17 16:42
Member 117528579-Jul-17 16:42 
AnswerRe: Password Pin
Thomas Edmundson (DS1nt2210)27-Sep-17 18:48
Thomas Edmundson (DS1nt2210)27-Sep-17 18:48 
QuestionPassword please Pin
Member 107224289-Feb-17 19:37
Member 107224289-Feb-17 19:37 
QuestionPassword please Pin
Member 127238006-Sep-16 11:14
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SuggestionWhy extend with C#.NET? Pin
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Questionpassword Pin
Member 1179565426-Jun-15 15:46
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QuestionPass Pin
Georgian Pirvu23-Feb-15 22:42
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QuestionHopes dashed Pin
mzsarko2-Sep-14 16:49
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Member 1063850319-May-14 23:01
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QuestionPassword needed Pin
Member 108002486-May-14 19:38
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QuestionDear sir, Pin
lin21c30-Sep-13 19:53
lin21c30-Sep-13 19:53 
QuestionNice Pin
PraveenKumarReddyChinta28-Nov-12 23:00
PraveenKumarReddyChinta28-Nov-12 23:00 
Great post ! Smile | :)
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GeneralCan't open the macros of the template Pin
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