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Strings Obfuscation System

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15 Feb 2013CDDL5 min read 192.3K   3.3K   121   79
A string obfuscation system that integrates in a Visual Studio C++ solution
In this article, I will introduce a set of tools that were developed for the purpose of encrypting strings within applications.


The purpose of obfuscators in general is to hide program code, flow, and functionality. If your program uses an algorithm that is a trade secret, obfuscation will make it harder to reverse engineer it and reveal this trade secret. But what about hiding the data inside the executable? Some people say that is almost impossible to achieve. Since the problem needs to be able to read this data, the data must be there, and if it is there, it can be revealed eventually. In my opinion, a well obfuscated program, can make it next to impossible to guess where the data is kept (encrypted), and even if the data is found, to obfuscate it using strong encryption.

The Solution

The set of tools I will introduce in this article, were developed for the purpose of encrypting strings within applications.

Usually, an application can reveal a great deal of information about itself, even without having to reverse engineer it. When you open an application such as Calc.exe from a Hex editor (or from Notepad as a text editor), you can find strings like:

Image 1

An example of strings that create a risk if kept non encrypted, is passwords. If your software connects to an Internet service, SMS gateway or a FTP server, and send a password, this password will be visible to anyone who opens the executable of your application with any textual editor.


I have read Chris Losinger's excellent article and wanted to take it to the next level by creating a stronger encryption (AES-256) and to support more variations and string types, including UNICODE, double and single byte strings.

The purpose of this tool is professional use, and not just being a proof of concept.

The Source Code

The encryption / decryption mechanism integrate as two separate projects which need to be added to your Visual Studio solution. The two projects are in the main folder:

  1. The obfisider project
  2. The obfuscase project

The Obfisider and the Obfuscate Projects

The Obfisider project contains the AES encryption part. The Obfuscate project contains the necessary parts to scan a solution, and each project it contains, and to encrypt the strings found.

Scanning a Solution

Solutions are scanned using parseSolution which calls another function named parseProject.

static strList parseSolution( const char * solName  )
  strList result;
  static char drive[_MAX_DRIVE];
  static char somepath[_MAX_PATH];
  static char buffer[_MAX_PATH];
  static char path[_MAX_PATH];
  static char ext[_MAX_EXT];
  _splitpath( solName, drive, somepath, buffer, ext );
  FILE * f = fopen( solName, "r" );
  if( NULL == f )
    printf("ERROR: Solution %s is missing or unavailable.\n", solName );
  while( !feof(f) )
    char * res = fgets( buffer, sizeof(buffer), f );
    if( NULL == res )
    if( NULL != strstr(buffer, "Project(") )
      char * ptrName = strchr( buffer, '=' );
      char * ptrFile = strchr( ptrName, ',' );
      *ptrFile++ = 0;
      char * ptrEnd  = strchr( ptrFile, ',' );
      *ptrEnd++  = 0;
      while( ('=' == *ptrName) 
           ||(' ' == *ptrName)
           ||('"' == *ptrName) ) ptrName++;
      if( '"' == ptrName[strlen(ptrName)-1] )
        ptrName[strlen(ptrName)-1] = 0;
      while( (' ' == *ptrFile)
           ||('"' == *ptrFile) ) ptrFile++;
      if( '"' == ptrFile[strlen(ptrFile)-1] )
        ptrFile[strlen(ptrFile)-1] = 0;
      _makepath( path, drive, somepath, ptrFile, NULL );
      result.push_back( std::string(path) );
  return result;

The parseProject function extract the relevant files from a given project. Relevant files means: .c, .cpp, .h and .hpp files.

 * Parse project and extract fullpath source filename from project.
static strList parseProject( const char * projName  )
  strList result;
  static char drive[_MAX_DRIVE];
  static char somepath[_MAX_PATH];
  static char buffer[_MAX_PATH];
  static char path[_MAX_PATH];
  static char ext[_MAX_EXT];
  _splitpath( projName, drive, somepath, buffer, ext );
  FILE * f = fopen( projName, "r" );
  if( NULL == f )
    printf("ERROR: Project %s is missing or unavailable.\n", projName );
  while( !feof(f) )
    char * res = fgets( buffer, sizeof(buffer), f );
    if( NULL == res )
    if( (NULL != strstr(buffer, "<ClInclude Include="))
      ||(NULL != strstr(buffer, "<ClCompile Include=")) )
      char * ptrName = strchr( buffer, '=' );
      char * ptrName1 = strstr( buffer, "/>" );
  if( NULL != ptrName1 ) *ptrName1 = 0;
      while( ('=' == *ptrName) 
           ||(' ' == *ptrName)
           ||('"' == *ptrName) ) ptrName++;
      while( ('"' == ptrName[strlen(ptrName)-1])
   ||(' ' == ptrName[strlen(ptrName)-1])
           ||('\n' == ptrName[strlen(ptrName)-1]))
        ptrName[strlen(ptrName)-1] = 0;
      _makepath( path, drive, somepath, ptrName, NULL );
      result.push_back( std::string(path) );
  return result;

The AES_Encode Function

This function handles the encryption of the strings using AES-256:

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
int AES_encode_a( unsigned int key_start, const wchar_t * plainString, 
                  unsigned char * outbuf, unsigned outlen )
  unsigned char key[32];
  aes_key key_context = {0};
  int i;
  unsigned char offset;
  /** Calculate required size */
  int retval = (wcslen(plainString) + 1);
  /** Round to 16 byte over */
  retval = ((retval + 15)&(~0xF)) + 4;
  /** Memory request */
  if( NULL == outbuf )
    return -retval;
  /** Not enough memory */
  if( outlen < retval )
    return 0;
  /** Prepare output buffer */
  memset( outbuf, 0, retval );
//  wcscpy( (char*)(outbuf+4), plainString );
  WideCharToMultiByte( CP_ACP, 0, plainString, -1, (outbuf+4), 
                       retval-sizeof(unsigned),NULL, NULL);
  *((unsigned*)outbuf) = key_start;
  /** Prepare key */
  for( i = 0; i < sizeof(key); i++ )
    key[i] = rand();
  aes_prepare( &key_context, key );
  memset( key, 0, sizeof(key) );
  for( i = 4; i < retval; i += 16 )
    aes_encrypt_block( &key_context, &outbuf[i] );
  memset( &key_context, 0, sizeof(key_context) );
  return retval;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ 

The AES_Decode Function

This function handles the decryption of the strings back:

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
static int AES_decode( const unsigned char * inbuf, unsigned inlen, 
                       void *plainString, unsigned stringSize )
  unsigned char key[32];
  aes_key key_context = {0};
  int i;
  BYTE * outbuf = (BYTE*)plainString;
  if( NULL == plainString )
    return -inlen;
  if( stringSize < inlen )
    return 0;
  /** Prepare output buffer */
  memcpy( outbuf, inbuf, inlen );
  /** Prepare key */
  for( i = 0; i < sizeof(key); i++ )
    key[i] = rand();
  aes_prepare( &key_context, key );
  memset( key, 0, sizeof(key) );
  for( i = 0; i < inlen; i += 16 )
    aes_decrypt_block( &key_context, &outbuf[i] );
  memset( &key_context, 0, sizeof(key_context) );
  return inlen;

Decoding the strings Back

ASCII strings are decoded using the following function ( __ODA__ ):

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
char* __ODA__( const char * enc_str )
  int i, size = strlen( enc_str )/2;
  unsigned char * inBuff = NULL;
  unsigned key = 0;
  PDECODED_LIST ptr = &charList;
  char     * result = a_text_err;

  while( NULL != ptr->next )
  if( ptr->org_str == enc_str )
  return ((char*)ptr+sizeof(DECODED_LIST));
  ptr = ptr->next;
  if( NULL == (inBuff = (unsigned char*)malloc( size )) )
    return result; // a_text_error
  if( NULL == (ptr->next = (PDECODED_LIST)malloc( size + sizeof(DECODED_LIST) )) )
    free( inBuff );
    return result; // a_text_error
  ptr = ptr->next;

When the string is UNICODE, the following function (__ODC__) is used:

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
wchar_t* __ODC__( const char * enc_str )
  int i, size = strlen( enc_str )/2;
  unsigned char * inBuff = NULL;
  unsigned key = 0;
  PDECODED_LIST ptr = &wcharList;
  wchar_t     * result = w_text_err;

  while( NULL != ptr->next )
     if( ptr->org_str == enc_str )
     return (wchar_t*) ((char*)ptr+sizeof(DECODED_LIST));
     ptr = ptr->next;
  if( NULL == (inBuff = (unsigned char*)malloc( size )) )
    return result; // w_text_error
  if( NULL == (ptr->next = (PDECODED_LIST)malloc( size + sizeof(DECODED_LIST) )) )
    free( inBuff );
    return result; // w_text_error
  ptr = ptr->next;

How to Use

Set project dependencies so the main executable or DLL your solution is generating depends on the "obfinsider" project.

The 'obfinsider' project must depend on the other project – the 'obfuscate' project. This will automatically include obfinsider.lib, but in case you make changes that break this dependency, please add obfisider.lib manually.

How It Works

The Process

'obfuscate' is built first and after build is completed, a Post Build event takes place. The Post Build event calls obfuscate along with the entire solution file as its parameter.

The Files Scan

Obfuscate scans the given solution and works on each relevant file in it. The current version requires that no spaces will exist in this path, and if there are spaces, the proper way "obfuscate" should be called would be:

"$(TargetPath)" "$(SolutionPath)"

"obfuscate" scans the solution for all project files, but process the following file types: .c, .cpp, .h and .hpp.

The Work

Per each file, the following checks are made:

// this is a comment   


/*  this a another comment */  
Static char c[]="test string";  
  1. Obfuscated files are skipped
  2. "obfuscate" doesn't process itself, so its own files are skipped.
  3. Comments are skipped. This includes:
  4. #include and #pragma declarations are skipped.
  5. Initialized global strings are ignored. If you look at the following example:
  6. For all other strings, "obfuscate" looks for the original declaration and replaces it with a calls to the decryption function, along with the encrypted string as its parameter.

For easy maintenance, the original line is preserves as kept as a commented line above the new line.

ASCII vs. Unicode

The system distinguishes between ASCII and Unicode text. Two separate sets of functions are used per each type.

The following statement:

wcscpy(mystring, "my text");  


wcscpy(mystring, _T("my text")); 

will be detected as Unicode type and will be replaced with a call to __ODC__ while similar ASCII statements:

strcpy(mystring, "my text"); 

will be detected as such as will be replaced with a call to __ODA__.

Encryption and Encoding Scheme

For example: value 0x3 is set as a result of shifting from character "A" and "D" (0x40+0x3==0x43).

For example: if Last value was 'z' (code 0x7A) and encoded value is 0xF, then the new value will be encoded as character '+' ( code 0x2B == 0x7A + 0xF - (0x7E-0x20) )

  1. Each string is encrypted separately with an ad-hoc generated encryption key.
  2. This key is generated randomly, while the SEED value for the random number generated is set at the start of the application.
  3. All strings are padded with NULL characters to round them so their length match an entire number of encryption blocked, which are required by the AES-256 encryption scheme.
  4. The result, is in a binary form, and is represented as a printable set of characters using the following algorithm:
    • Each byte is split by half. Higher half is encoded first and then the 2nd half. For example: 0xAF is split into: 0xA and 0xF.
    • The encoded value is the Delta between the preview value and the new value (initial value is "A").
  5. When the shifted value reaches 0x7E, the initial value of "A" is subtracted from this value.


The following statement:

wprintf(L"This is a test\n" );

will be replaced with the following lines:

/*  wprintf( L"This is a test\n" );*/
wprintf( __ODC__("IPPXXXXXbmm|\"$%.=KXfgpx#-;DPZiw}$$*0=APR[\\epy##$.27EKXXdhq}#/00>DEOVVW]"; 


It is impossible to cover all variations in which strings may appear in a C / C++ project, even though I have done my best to cover most of them. Since one can initialize a one-dimensional character array by specifying:

  • A brace-enclosed comma-separated list of constants, each of which can be contained in a character
  • A string constant (braces surrounding the constant are optional)

For example:

static char a[]="some_string";   

When the size of the array is not set, it is impossible to encrypt the predefined contents as the real size isn't know at the time of compilation.

Another example where such system will not be able to encrypt is referred to as "Hidden Merging":

#define PRODUCT_NAME "MyProduct"
#define PRODUCT_FOLDER "MyFolder"


  • 16th February, 2013: Initial version

Michael Haephrati, CodeProject MVP 2013


This article, along with any associated source code and files, is licensed under The Common Development and Distribution License (CDDL)

Written By
CEO Secured Globe, Inc.
United States United States
Michael Haephrati is a music composer, an inventor and an expert specializes in software development and information security, who has built a unique perspective which combines technology and the end user experience. He is the author of a the book Learning C++ , which teaches C++ 20, and was published in August 2022.

He is the CEO of Secured Globe, Inc., and also active at Stack Overflow.

Read our Corporate blog or read my Personal blog.

Comments and Discussions

AnswerRe: Even easier way to do the same thing Pin
Michael Haephrati18-Jan-13 23:27
professionalMichael Haephrati18-Jan-13 23:27 
GeneralMy vote of 5 Pin
Ștefan-Mihai MOGA15-Jan-13 6:50
professionalȘtefan-Mihai MOGA15-Jan-13 6:50 
GeneralMy vote of 5 Pin
sch11614-Jan-13 9:25
professionalsch11614-Jan-13 9:25 
GeneralWell, aside from someone not liking you very much, PinPopular
KChandos10-Jan-13 9:14
professionalKChandos10-Jan-13 9:14 
GeneralRe: Well, aside from someone not liking you very much, Pin
Michael Haephrati10-Jan-13 9:22
professionalMichael Haephrati10-Jan-13 9:22 
AnswerRe: Well, aside from someone not liking you very much, Pin
Michael Haephrati10-Jan-13 9:41
professionalMichael Haephrati10-Jan-13 9:41 
GeneralMy vote of 5 Pin
Loic URIEN6-Dec-12 20:28
Loic URIEN6-Dec-12 20:28 
GeneralMy vote of 5 Pin
Jerry Fish 4046-Dec-12 8:28
Jerry Fish 4046-Dec-12 8:28 
Excellent work (and so is Chriss's article you are mentioning)
GeneralMy vote of 5 Pin
Emma2012326-Dec-12 7:46
Emma2012326-Dec-12 7:46 
GeneralMy vote of 5 Pin
Hillary Higg5-Dec-12 16:03
Hillary Higg5-Dec-12 16:03 
GeneralMy vote of 5 Pin
Jason4444-Dec-12 12:52
Jason4444-Dec-12 12:52 
SuggestionMessage Closed Pin
4-Dec-12 12:10
WebMaster4-Dec-12 12:10 
GeneralRe: [My vote of 1] I can't believe this Pin
Jason4444-Dec-12 12:50
Jason4444-Dec-12 12:50 
GeneralMessage Closed Pin
4-Dec-12 12:58
WebMaster4-Dec-12 12:58 
GeneralRe: [My vote of 1] I can't believe this Pin
Jason4444-Dec-12 13:06
Jason4444-Dec-12 13:06 
GeneralMessage Closed Pin
4-Dec-12 13:14
WebMaster4-Dec-12 13:14 
GeneralRe: [My vote of 1] I can't believe this Pin
Michael Haephrati4-Dec-12 22:43
professionalMichael Haephrati4-Dec-12 22:43 
GeneralMessage Closed Pin
6-Dec-12 7:11
WebMaster6-Dec-12 7:11 
GeneralRe: [My vote of 1] I can't believe this Pin
Hillary Higg5-Dec-12 16:03
Hillary Higg5-Dec-12 16:03 
GeneralMessage Closed Pin
6-Dec-12 7:14
WebMaster6-Dec-12 7:14 
GeneralMy reply to the ignorant user Pin
Michael Haephrati6-Dec-12 8:16
professionalMichael Haephrati6-Dec-12 8:16 
GeneralMessage Closed Pin
6-Dec-12 8:37
WebMaster6-Dec-12 8:37 
GeneralRe: [My vote of 1] I can't believe this Pin
Ruth Rogers6-Dec-12 8:43
Ruth Rogers6-Dec-12 8:43 
GeneralRe: [My vote of 1] I can't believe this Pin
Ruth Rogers6-Dec-12 8:48
Ruth Rogers6-Dec-12 8:48 
GeneralRe: [My vote of 1] I can't believe this Pin
_Vitor Garcia_18-Jun-13 3:33
_Vitor Garcia_18-Jun-13 3:33 

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