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Text 2Text Steganography - Part 2

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19 Jun 20079 min read 83.8K   6K   60   18
Using fake text for encrypted text transmission

Screenshot - image001.gif


Our goal is to build a simple application that is able to send and receive encrypted messages embedded in Rich Text Format: *.DOC, *.RTF, EMAIL /MessageBody/, etc. The user has the ability to choose the fake text he wants and the program must be able to tell whether or not this fake text will suit the real text.

The user can set a different password for every message he sends. This will enable the manager to transmit to two groups two different messages with two different passwords using the same fake text. Thus, you will be able to send encrypted and hidden messages in any source code that you choose! Just take a look at the EXE to see for yourself.

How does it work?

We will not change the text itself, but we will change the unseen attributes of the text. These attributes are many and it is impossible for web servers to track them all. There are lots of Steganographic methods and tracking them will waste huge amounts of processing for uncertain results. Be aware that Steganography is more effective than encryption when used in the right way. The deletion of all attributes is not an option, so we will choose the size and the color. This figure will underscore my point:

Screenshot - diagram.gif

Size change mode

In this mode, we will change the size of the characters in the fake text according to the selected font size and differential factor. We will use 2 sizes, X1 and X2. X1 is the selected font size and X2 is the selected font size plus the differential factor. Bit 0 is represented by the occurrence of the character whose size is X1. Bit 1 is represented by the occurrence of the character whose size is X2.

Behold! Not all fonts support any size you choose, so the program will recommend that you decrypt your message before you send it to make sure that the font supports your {X2} size. The recipient must have the same font that you use installed in his machine. This will probably not be a problem to you because there is a wide range of font families in common between Windows OS versions. The recipient must also know the selected font size that you use for decryption. After we hide the real message in the fake message, the rest of the fake message characters will be sized as X1.

Color change mode

This is the more recommended mode for use, as it is very stable and safe. In this mode, we will change the color of the chars in the fake text according to the selected color and the program's calculated color. We will use 2 colors, X1 and X2. X1 is the selected color and X2 is the program's calculated color. The program will search to find the nearest color for which it is impossible to recognize the difference with naked eye. Bit 0 is represented by the occurrence of the character whose color is X1. Bit 1 is represented by the occurrence of the character whose color is X2. The recipient must know which color you have chosen for decryption. After we hide the real message in the fake message, the rest of the fake message characters will be colored as X1.

When do we stop?

We shall not use certain characters from the plain text alphabet. That is to say, when we will get a particular character we will stop output message generation. In this way we prohibit users from using that character, so don't underestimate any input character. Here is an example.


Imagine using "/ " as the 'End Of Message' sign, but some user may like to send a messages like this:

/ \ \ / \ \ \ / \ / \ \ \ \ \ / \ /

"Now," you ask, "what is this?" This is another encrypted message where {/,\} stand for bits {0,1}. So, this is an encrypted bits stream. If you decrypt it, you will have bits. Then if you convert them to bytes, they can be anything: image, text, word document, sound, etc. Here, we decrypted some encrypted steganographic text -- in the visible fake message -- to have steganographic encrypted text, i.e. invisible / \ / \ / /... This was a doubled steganography. We could add a new layer of steganography if the output bytes were a Word or RTF file. For a big Word or RTF file, these things are more than possible because storage size is divided by 8. This is not so bad, as a normal text book with 800 pages can have the required size.

As you have probably noticed, we need to store extra information for size. We will use 4 bytes to store the size. This means 4 * 8 bits or 32 bits, i.e. the first 32 characters in the fake text. We will take every 2 digits in size number and store them in 1 byte. Here you can see that the first 32 characters in the fake text are extremely important, even if they are unseen characters such as spaces.

How to use it?

There are Paste and Clear buttons for every text box, besides the Import and Export buttons for the Output text box. First of all, copy any big useless text and use the Paste button near the fake text box to paste it. Write your real message in the real message text box. The program will tell you about the required capacity of the fake text. Don't use huge fake text for small real messages, as this will increase the processing time.

Try to cut text from the fake message to have optimum capacity, i.e. the smallest capacity that is bigger than the required capacity. This is shown above the real message text box. Next, select your mode and supply the password you want. If you used size mode, verify that font size differences in the output message are invisible. Otherwise, change the font size and try again untill you see that the differences are invisible. You can use the spaces trick, too, as it is mentioned later. Then export the output message to the RTF File using the Export button. That's it! Now you can attach it to your email and send it anywhere.

Using the code

I have outlined the main procedures that will unhide text in text. The code is commented for every step.

subs encrypter1  encrypter2 handles hiding according to mode 1 2 
subs decrypter1  decrypter2 handles unhiding according to mode 1 2 

Size mode

size mode : 
'this will tell you how to decrypt steganographic message using size mode 
'this reverses encryption steps... 

Public Sub decrypter1(ByRef errflag As Boolean) 
' errflag can tell the outside of the sub that there is an error or not
errflag = False ' initialize errflag 
    TextBox1.Text = "" 
        ' clear the text box of real message 
        ' because we will display a new one
Dim tm As String = RichTextBox1.Text  
    ' get the text of output message (received message) 
    ' that has the real message and fake message
Dim cont As Double = -1 
    ' init the position counter this will scan the whole text 
Dim rt As New RichTextBox 
    ' temporary richtextbox that carries temporary 
    ' current char [and its attributes] 
Dim ba As bits_array 
    ' the class is defined in alaa_image module
 ba.Initialize()  ' init bits_array with false [zeros] 
Dim sz As Long ' this one will carry the size of real message 
Dim sz1, sz2, sz3, sz4 As Byte 
    ' each one will carry 2 digits of the real 
    ' message size they help to reconstruct size
Dim m As Long 
For m = 0 To 7 ' start to get first 2 digits of size
 cont = cont + 1
RichTextBox1.Select(cont, 1) 
    ' select one char of output message
If RichTextBox1.SelectionFont.Size = Me.user_size Then  
    ' make the comparison between the selected char 
    ' font size and selected font size
ba.bits(m) = False 
Else ba.bits(m) = True
End If  
Next m ' after 8 cycles we get a byte
bits_to_byte(sz1, ba) ' give me this byte

For m = 0 To 7 ' start to get second 2 digits of size
               ' same as first for loop
cont = cont + 1 
RichTextBox1.Select(cont, 1) 
If RichTextBox1.SelectionFont.Size = Me.user_size Then 
ba.bits(m) = False Else ba.bits(m) = True
End If ''' RichTextBox1.Refresh() 
Next m
bits_to_byte(sz2, ba) 

 For m = 0 To 7 
 cont = cont + 1 
 RichTextBox1.Select(cont, 1) 
 If RichTextBox1.SelectionFont.Size = Me.user_size Then
 ba.bits(m) = False
 Else ba.bits(m) = True
 End If 
Next m 
 bits_to_byte(sz3, ba)

For m = 0 To 7 
cont = cont + 1 
RichTextBox1.Select(cont, 1) 
If RichTextBox1.SelectionFont.Size = Me.user_size Then
ba.bits(m) = False
ba.bits(m) = True 
End If 
Next m 
bits_to_byte(sz4, ba)

'''''''''''REAL MESSAGE in sz4 variable
'reconstruct size from digits
sz = sz1 + 100 * sz2 + 10000 * sz3 + sz4 * 1000000 
If sz = 0 Or sz >= ( 99 99 99 99 ) Then 
    ' size is outside possible range 
    ' justified by: font size is illegal 
    'and probably we are here because size is zero and 
    ' all chares have the same attributes 
MsgBox("Error: Font Doesn,t Support This Size") 
errflag = True
Exit Sub
End If
MsgBox("The Used Differential Factor Is : " + 
    Me.Differential_f.ToString, MsgBoxStyle.Information)
'inform user of the  Differential Factor that he uses now
'now we collected size of text so we start collecting text

Dim i As Long
Dim output As String = ""

For i = 1 To sz 'just scan up to real message size
ba.Initialize() ' init bits array [equals one byte]
For m = 0 To 7 ' fill one bits array
 cont = cont + 1
RichTextBox1.Select(cont, 1) 'select one char 
If RichTextBox1.SelectionFont.Size = Me.user_size Then 
ba.bits(m) = False 'set one bit here
ba.bits(m) = True  'or here
End If 
Next m 
//'bits array is filled
bits_to_byte(sz1, ba)'give me the byte

output = output + Chr(sz1).ToString 
    ' gather the new char generated by chr(Ascii code = the byte) 
Next i '[][][]
' we got the encrypted real message now we try to decrypt it
Dim passw As String = "" 
input("Enter Password To Decrypt Your Text", passw) 
    ' get the password

If passw = "" Then ''err handler
MsgBox("User Canceled.")
errflag = True
 Exit Sub
ElseIf passw.Length < 4 Then ''err handler
MsgBox("Error ! Password Is Too Short.") 
errflag = True 
Exit Sub 
End If 

process_pass_with_tx(passw, output) 
    'perform xor with password to retrive Real message 
Dim je As Long 
    ' delete the space that you always add it to real message 
    ' to make sure that no one played with it 
je = output.Length - 1 
output = output.Substring(0, je)
TextBox1.Text = output ' congratulations the game is over !

Color mode

color mode :
' we will follow  similar steps but using this if-condition

RichTextBox1.Select(current_char, 1) 
    ' this will select one char from output message 
    ' according to the position of  current_char
If RichTextBox1.SelectionColor = 
    ColorTranslator.FromWin32(Me.user_rgb_big) Then 
    ' Me.user_rgb_big holds the RGB value of the selected color
    ' so this (if) will compare [current selected char] color with  
    ' [Me.user_rgb] color
ba.bits(m) = True
ba.bits(m) = False 
End If
 ' after  that we will change 8-bits array to byte 
 ' bits_to_byte call from alaa_image module 
 ' now use chr to retrieve char from ascii code
 ' continue like that to reconstruct encrypted message
 ' after that decrypt it (bitstream xor) using the password
 ' display the real message 
 ' these  calls  are done by the recipient
 ' If you read the above code comments carefully then 
 ' you know now how encryption was achieved.

Points of interest

  • You can't use *.txt files to paste an output message because it doesn't support RTF.
  • When you paste the output message in a Word document, the recipient needs to open the attached Word file. He must use Select all and aste it using the Paste button in the Output message section of the application.
  • Similar steps must be followed when you paste the output message in the body of the email message.
  • If you use an RTF file to carry your output message Export button, then you must use the Import button to obtain the delivered output message. This is the most recommended way for transmission and reception because when you use the RTF file of the output message as an email attachment, you guarantee that the output message formation will not suffer any distortion. Also, the output message will be delivered completely to the recipient. This will not engender suspicion. For example, someone might send lectures or source code files to someone as email attachments and it would not be out of the ordinary.
  • When you paste the output message in the body of the email message, note that if your email composer doesn't support the font then the program may show unexpected behavior. The recipient in this case will probably have an error message when he tries to start decryption. This is why I again recommend exporting the message to an RTF file so that you can attach it to your email.
  • When you have the agreement of someone to transmit using this program, then you two must agree on the parameters of the transmission. He must know the color degree you use or the font size you use, otherwise he will not be able to decrypt what you send. Of course, you have to give him the password too.
  • The capacity of fake text -- i.e. the amount of letters that can be embedded in the fake text -- will be automatically displayed in GUI when you try to write a new letter in the fake text box.
  • The capacity of real message -- i.e. the amount of letters in the fake text box needed to carry your real message -- will be automatically displayed in GUI when you try to write a new letter in the real text box. These online flags are designed to save you time, as you will not get an error of <Fake text is not big enough> when you start the encryption process.
  • If you find that the required differential factor has caused visible differences when you use the Size mode, then you can solve the problem in this way: Fill the beginning of the fake text box with spaces. These spaces will carry the encrypted message and because they are unseen characters, your differential factor will cause no damage to the rest of the seen characters, i.e. the fake text. The recipient can decrypt your message using the same font size but with another differential factor. Why? Because bits generation in the decryption process depends on the size of the used font only.
  • The Textbox control has a maximum amount of characters it can hold. If your text is bigger than that, try to separate it and use a new fake text for each part.
  • I did something weird in the code in that I added one space at the beginning of every fake text and I did the same to the beginning of the real message. This space will tell us if someone has played with the text during transmission.
  • Of course, you can change the encryption algorithm to any one you trust.
  • As a user, remember to choose strong keys (passwords) for your messages.


  • 19 June, 2007 -- Original version posted


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Comments and Discussions

Questioncan i get this in java or java me"j2me"? Pin
final final21-Jul-13 15:59
final final21-Jul-13 15:59 
can i get this in java or java me"j2me"?

modified 22-Jul-13 18:50pm.

QuestionError Pin
Nirali Bhagwagar20-May-13 9:11
Nirali Bhagwagar20-May-13 9:11 
AnswerRe: Error Pin
Alaa Jubran10-Jul-15 1:34
Alaa Jubran10-Jul-15 1:34 
Questionjust to embed ? Pin
Member 1000977128-Apr-13 15:46
Member 1000977128-Apr-13 15:46 
Questioncan i get this in java Pin
priyavema26-Jan-12 14:08
priyavema26-Jan-12 14:08 
AnswerRe: can i get this in java Pin
final final21-Jul-13 15:53
final final21-Jul-13 15:53 
vimalmca24-Jul-11 19:40
vimalmca24-Jul-11 19:40 
GeneralMy vote of 5 Pin
saeed hg14-Jul-10 2:49
saeed hg14-Jul-10 2:49 
GeneralPurpose of functions Pin
Member 240290523-Feb-09 18:01
Member 240290523-Feb-09 18:01 
GeneralRe: Purpose of functions Pin
Alaa Jubran5-Jul-09 23:25
Alaa Jubran5-Jul-09 23:25 
GeneralMarvelous article Pin
Hypothalamus22-Jun-07 3:49
Hypothalamus22-Jun-07 3:49 
Jokeabnormal response Pin
George__Washington20-Jun-07 21:09
George__Washington20-Jun-07 21:09 
AnswerRe: abnormal response Pin
apache1o21-Jun-07 1:49
apache1o21-Jun-07 1:49 
GeneralRe: abnormal response Pin
Alaa Jubran21-Jun-07 4:00
Alaa Jubran21-Jun-07 4:00 
QuestionI have Lindows installed on my machine , can i run it ? Pin
apache1o19-Jun-07 21:05
apache1o19-Jun-07 21:05 
AnswerRe: I have Lindows installed on my machine , can i run it ? Pin
Alaa Jubran20-Jun-07 2:21
Alaa Jubran20-Jun-07 2:21 
GeneralPerfect Work has been done here! Pin
vito_19-Jun-07 11:54
vito_19-Jun-07 11:54 

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