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Extract List of Codes of Windows-Messages from WinUser.H

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23 Feb 2014CPOL2 min read 17.4K   5   1


This small piece of F#-code extracts the "WM_XXXX-Names of Windows-messages" and their system-defined numeric codes from the Windows header file, WinUser.H, and stores them in a text file. The produced list of message-codes is also attached. One can use such a list for example, to translate message-codes passed by Windows to a Window-Procedure function to the correspondig WM_XXXX string.


I was trapped in a programming hardship and in order to get rid of it, I decided to check, if a particular Windows-message is really sent to the window-procedure or not - It was a Win32-Application containing native code written in C using MS-Visual Studio, who had to receive some user defined messages from a DLL containing a hook-procedure. So I tried to store the list of selected messages in a file. Hence I needed the corresponding name strings, WM_XXXX, assigned to each Windows-message-code sent by Windows to Window Procedure, and instead of searching the Internet to find the ready to use material, as we usually do, this time I decided to put my recently being developed experiences in F# language into practice. The following F# code produces my needed list of Windows-messages and their corresponding codes. Herewith I upload both F#-code and the produced list used in a C-Function that returns the WM_XXXX-Names of message-codes, to be used by the other programmers in order to save their time.

Using the Code

The F# code here can be treated as a single-file F# console-application in MS-Visual Studio:

open System
open System.IO

// Returns the part of the line, containing a Windows-message name.
let FindWMDefName string_aWMDefLine =
    // A substring of the line, containing "WM_" contains a Windows-message name,
    //  and we will return it :
    List.find ( fun object_string_PartsOfWMDefLine -> -1 <> 
    ( string object_string_PartsOfWMDefLine).IndexOf ( "WM_")) ( List.ofArray string_aWMDefLine)

// Returns the part of the line, containing a Windows-message code.
let FindWMDefCode string_aWMDefLine =
    // The codes in WinUser.H are stored as hexadecimal numbers,
    //  so a substring of the line, containing "0x" contains a code,
    //  and we will return it :
    List.find ( fun object_string_PartsOfWMDefLine -> -1 <> 
    ( string object_string_PartsOfWMDefLine).IndexOf ( "0x")) ( List.ofArray string_aWMDefLine)

// This function extracts integer numbers from strings. The number can be given in decimal or hexadecimal bases.
let ConvertStringTOInt32 ( string_WMDef_Code : String) =
    // Some of codes in WinUser.H are specified with a trailing 'L' type specifier, that they are long integers,
    //  and we need the index of this 'L' to remove it :
    let nIdexOfTypeSpecifier = ( string_WMDef_Code.ToUpper ()).IndexOf ( "L")
    // Remove the trailing type specifier, if exists :
    let string_WMDef_Code =
        if nIdexOfTypeSpecifier <> -1
        then string_WMDef_Code.Substring ( 0, nIdexOfTypeSpecifier)
        else string_WMDef_Code
    // Translate the number in the string, depending on its base :
    if string_WMDef_Code.IndexOf ( "0x") <> -1
    then Int32.Parse ( string_WMDef_Code.Substring ( 2), Globalization.NumberStyles.AllowHexSpecifier)
    else Int32.Parse ( string_WMDef_Code)

// Extracts the list :
let Extract_WM_WinMsg_hashDefs_OutOfWinHeaderFile string_FileFullName_WinUser_H =
    // Lists are more efficient as arrays in F# :
    List.ofArray ( File.ReadAllLines ( string_FileFullName_WinUser_H))
    // Sieve the simple "#define WM_XXXX ..." lines :
    |> List.filter  ( fun string_Line       -> -1 <> 
    ( string string_Line).IndexOf ( "#define")  &&  -1 <> 
    ( string string_Line).IndexOf ( "WM_")  &&  -1 <> 
    ( string string_Line).IndexOf ( "0x"))
    // Omit lines containing phrases such as "XXXWM_XXX" :
    |> List.filter  ( fun string_Line       -> 
    string_Line.[ ( string string_Line).IndexOf ( "WM_") - 1] = ' ')
    // Split line to words :
    |>     ( fun string_WMDefLine  ->  string_WMDefLine.Split [| ' '|])
    // Build list of message names and their corresponding codes :
    |>     ( fun string_aWMDefLine -> ( ConvertStringTOInt32 
    ( FindWMDefCode string_aWMDefLine)), ( FindWMDefName string_aWMDefLine))
    // Sort the list by code :
    |> List.sortBy  ( fun tuple_nWMDefCode_string_WMDefName -> 
    fst tuple_nWMDefCode_string_WMDefName)

// Calls extracter function and saves the list in the output file :
let Store_WM_WinMsg_hashDefs_FromWinHeaderFile string_FileFullName_WM_WinMsg string_FileFullName_WinUser_H =
    let string_a_nWMDefCode_string_WMDefName = 
        // Perform the extraction :
        Extract_WM_WinMsg_hashDefs_OutOfWinHeaderFile string_FileFullName_WinUser_H
        // Format output lines :
        |> ( fun tuple_nWMDefCode_string_WMDefName -> 
        ( string ( fst tuple_nWMDefCode_string_WMDefName)) + "\t\t, 
        \"" + ( string ( snd tuple_nWMDefCode_string_WMDefName)) + "\"")
        // Prepare data to be send to the File.WriteAllLines () :
        |> List.toArray
    File.WriteAllLines ( string_FileFullName_WM_WinMsg, string_a_nWMDefCode_string_WMDefName)

// Run the program:
let main argv = 
    Store_WM_WinMsg_hashDefs_FromWinHeaderFile @"D:\\WinWM.TXT" @"D:\\WinUser.h"
    printfn "Done."

The following C-Function is the code that I have used to find the corresponding Windows-message name, having the message-code, using the produced list:

typedef	struct	SWinMsgDefKodeName_Tag
	int		nKode;
	TCHAR		tchar_aName		[ 64];
} SWinMsgDefKodeName, *PSWinMsgDefKodeName;
TCHAR * Code2WM_MSG ( TCHAR* tchar_pStringZero_WM_WinMsgName, UINT unWM_WinMsgCode)
SWinMsgDefKodeName swinmsgdefkodename_a	[] =
    { 0		, _T( "WM_NULL"						 )}
  , { 1		, _T( "WM_CREATE"					 )}
  , { 2		, _T( "WM_DESTROY"					 )}
  , { 3		, _T( "WM_MOVE"						 )}
  , { 5		, _T( "WM_SIZE"						 )}
  , { 6		, _T( "WM_ACTIVATE"					 )}
  , { 7		, _T( "WM_SETFOCUS"					 )}
  , { 8		, _T( "WM_KILLFOCUS"					 )}
  , { 10	, _T( "WM_ENABLE"					 )}
  , { 11	, _T( "WM_SETREDRAW"					 )}
  , { 12	, _T( "WM_SETTEXT"					 )}
  , { 13	, _T( "WM_GETTEXT"					 )}
  , { 14	, _T( "WM_GETTEXTLENGTH"				 )}
  , { 15	, _T( "WM_PAINT"					 )}
  , { 16	, _T( "WM_CLOSE"					 )}
  , { 17	, _T( "WM_QUERYENDSESSION"				 )}
  , { 19	, _T( "WM_QUERYOPEN"					 )}
  , { 22	, _T( "WM_ENDSESSION"					 )}
  , { 18	, _T( "WM_QUIT"						 )}
  , { 20	, _T( "WM_ERASEBKGND"					 )}
  , { 21	, _T( "WM_SYSCOLORCHANGE"				 )}
  , { 24	, _T( "WM_SHOWWINDOW"					 )}
  , { 26	, _T( "WM_WININICHANGE"					 )}
  , { 27	, _T( "WM_DEVMODECHANGE"				 )}
  , { 28	, _T( "WM_ACTIVATEAPP"					 )}
  , { 29	, _T( "WM_FONTCHANGE"					 )}
  , { 30	, _T( "WM_TIMECHANGE"					 )}
  , { 31	, _T( "WM_CANCELMODE"					 )}
  , { 32	, _T( "WM_SETCURSOR"					 )}
  , { 33	, _T( "WM_MOUSEACTIVATE"				 )}
  , { 34	, _T( "WM_CHILDACTIVATE"				 )}
  , { 35	, _T( "WM_QUEUESYNC"					 )}
  , { 36	, _T( "WM_GETMINMAXINFO"				 )}
  , { 38	, _T( "WM_PAINTICON"					 )}
  , { 39	, _T( "WM_ICONERASEBKGND"				 )}
  , { 40	, _T( "WM_NEXTDLGCTL"					 )}
  , { 42	, _T( "WM_SPOOLERSTATUS"				 )}
  , { 43	, _T( "WM_DRAWITEM"					 )}
  , { 44	, _T( "WM_MEASUREITEM"					 )}
  , { 45	, _T( "WM_DELETEITEM"					 )}
  , { 46	, _T( "WM_VKEYTOITEM"					 )}
  , { 47	, _T( "WM_CHARTOITEM"					 )}
  , { 48	, _T( "WM_SETFONT"					 )}
  , { 49	, _T( "WM_GETFONT"					 )}
  , { 50	, _T( "WM_SETHOTKEY"					 )}
  , { 51	, _T( "WM_GETHOTKEY"					 )}
  , { 55	, _T( "WM_QUERYDRAGICON"				 )}
  , { 57	, _T( "WM_COMPAREITEM"					 )}
  , { 61	, _T( "WM_GETOBJECT"					 )}
  , { 65	, _T( "WM_COMPACTING"					 )}
  , { 68	, _T( "WM_COMMNOTIFY"					 )}
  , { 70	, _T( "WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGING"			 	 )}
  , { 71	, _T( "WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGED"				 )}
  , { 72	, _T( "WM_POWER"					 )}
  , { 74	, _T( "WM_COPYDATA"					 )}
  , { 75	, _T( "WM_CANCELJOURNAL"				 )}
  , { 78	, _T( "WM_NOTIFY"					 )}
  , { 81	, _T( "WM_INPUTLANGCHANGE"				 )}
  , { 82	, _T( "WM_TCARD"					 )}
  , { 83	, _T( "WM_HELP"						 )}
  , { 84	, _T( "WM_USERCHANGED"					 )}
  , { 85	, _T( "WM_NOTIFYFORMAT"					 )}
  , { 123	, _T( "WM_CONTEXTMENU"					 )}
  , { 124	, _T( "WM_STYLECHANGING"				 )}
  , { 125	, _T( "WM_STYLECHANGED"					 )}
  , { 126	, _T( "WM_DISPLAYCHANGE"				 )}
  , { 127	, _T( "WM_GETICON"					 )}
  , { 128	, _T( "WM_SETICON"					 )}
  , { 129	, _T( "WM_NCCREATE"					 )}
  , { 130	, _T( "WM_NCDESTROY"					 )}
  , { 131	, _T( "WM_NCCALCSIZE"					 )}
  , { 132	, _T( "WM_NCHITTEST"					 )}
  , { 133	, _T( "WM_NCPAINT"					 )}
  , { 134	, _T( "WM_NCACTIVATE"					 )}
  , { 135	, _T( "WM_GETDLGCODE"					 )}
  , { 136	, _T( "WM_SYNCPAINT"					 )}
  , { 160	, _T( "WM_NCMOUSEMOVE"					 )}
  , { 161	, _T( "WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN"				 )}
  , { 162	, _T( "WM_NCLBUTTONUP"					 )}
  , { 163	, _T( "WM_NCLBUTTONDBLCLK"				 )}
  , { 164	, _T( "WM_NCRBUTTONDOWN"				 )}
  , { 165	, _T( "WM_NCRBUTTONUP"					 )}
  , { 166	, _T( "WM_NCRBUTTONDBLCLK"				 )}
  , { 167	, _T( "WM_NCMBUTTONDOWN"				 )}
  , { 168	, _T( "WM_NCMBUTTONUP"					 )}
  , { 169	, _T( "WM_NCMBUTTONDBLCLK"				 )}
  , { 171	, _T( "WM_NCXBUTTONDOWN"				 )}
  , { 172	, _T( "WM_NCXBUTTONUP"					 )}
  , { 173	, _T( "WM_NCXBUTTONDBLCLK"				 )}
  , { 254	, _T( "WM_INPUT_DEVICE_CHANGE"				 )}
  , { 255	, _T( "WM_INPUT"					 )}
  , { 256	, _T( "WM_KEYFIRST"					 )}
  , { 256	, _T( "WM_KEYDOWN"					 )}
  , { 257	, _T( "WM_KEYUP"					 )}
  , { 258	, _T( "WM_CHAR"						 )}
  , { 259	, _T( "WM_DEADCHAR"					 )}
  , { 260	, _T( "WM_SYSKEYDOWN"					 )}
  , { 261	, _T( "WM_SYSKEYUP"					 )}
  , { 262	, _T( "WM_SYSCHAR"					 )}
  , { 263	, _T( "WM_SYSDEADCHAR"					 )}
  , { 265	, _T( "WM_UNICHAR"					 )}
  , { 265	, _T( "WM_KEYLAST"					 )}
  , { 264	, _T( "WM_KEYLAST"					 )}
  , { 269	, _T( "WM_IME_STARTCOMPOSITION"			 	 )}
  , { 270	, _T( "WM_IME_ENDCOMPOSITION"			 	 )}
  , { 271	, _T( "WM_IME_COMPOSITION"				 )}
  , { 271	, _T( "WM_IME_KEYLAST"					 )}
  , { 272	, _T( "WM_INITDIALOG"					 )}
  , { 273	, _T( "WM_COMMAND"					 )}
  , { 274	, _T( "WM_SYSCOMMAND"					 )}
  , { 275	, _T( "WM_TIMER"					 )}
  , { 276	, _T( "WM_HSCROLL"					 )}
  , { 277	, _T( "WM_VSCROLL"					 )}
  , { 278	, _T( "WM_INITMENU"					 )}
  , { 279	, _T( "WM_INITMENUPOPUP"				 )}
  , { 281	, _T( "WM_GESTURE"					 )}
  , { 282	, _T( "WM_GESTURENOTIFY"				 )}
  , { 287	, _T( "WM_MENUSELECT"					 )}
  , { 288	, _T( "WM_MENUCHAR"					 )}
  , { 289	, _T( "WM_ENTERIDLE"					 )}
  , { 290	, _T( "WM_MENURBUTTONUP"				 )}
  , { 291	, _T( "WM_MENUDRAG"					 )}
  , { 292	, _T( "WM_MENUGETOBJECT"				 )}
  , { 293	, _T( "WM_UNINITMENUPOPUP"				 )}
  , { 294	, _T( "WM_MENUCOMMAND"					 )}
  , { 295	, _T( "WM_CHANGEUISTATE"				 )}
  , { 296	, _T( "WM_UPDATEUISTATE"				 )}
  , { 297	, _T( "WM_QUERYUISTATE"					 )}
  , { 306	, _T( "WM_CTLCOLORMSGBOX"				 )}
  , { 307	, _T( "WM_CTLCOLOREDIT"					 )}
  , { 308	, _T( "WM_CTLCOLORLISTBOX"				 )}
  , { 309	, _T( "WM_CTLCOLORBTN"					 )}
  , { 310	, _T( "WM_CTLCOLORDLG"					 )}
  , { 311	, _T( "WM_CTLCOLORSCROLLBAR"			 	 )}
  , { 312	, _T( "WM_CTLCOLORSTATIC"				 )}
  , { 512	, _T( "WM_MOUSEFIRST"					 )}
  , { 512	, _T( "WM_MOUSEMOVE"					 )}
  , { 513	, _T( "WM_LBUTTONDOWN"					 )}
  , { 514	, _T( "WM_LBUTTONUP"					 )}
  , { 515	, _T( "WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK"				 )}
  , { 516	, _T( "WM_RBUTTONDOWN"					 )}
  , { 517	, _T( "WM_RBUTTONUP"					 )}
  , { 518	, _T( "WM_RBUTTONDBLCLK"				 )}
  , { 519	, _T( "WM_MBUTTONDOWN"					 )}
  , { 520	, _T( "WM_MBUTTONUP"					 )}
  , { 521	, _T( "WM_MBUTTONDBLCLK"				 )}
  , { 522	, _T( "WM_MOUSEWHEEL"					 )}
  , { 523	, _T( "WM_XBUTTONDOWN"					 )}
  , { 524	, _T( "WM_XBUTTONUP"					 )}
  , { 525	, _T( "WM_XBUTTONDBLCLK"				 )}
  , { 526	, _T( "WM_MOUSEHWHEEL"					 )}
  , { 526	, _T( "WM_MOUSELAST"					 )}
  , { 525	, _T( "WM_MOUSELAST"					 )}
  , { 522	, _T( "WM_MOUSELAST"					 )}
  , { 521	, _T( "WM_MOUSELAST"					 )}
  , { 528	, _T( "WM_PARENTNOTIFY"					 )}
  , { 529	, _T( "WM_ENTERMENULOOP"				 )}
  , { 530	, _T( "WM_EXITMENULOOP"					 )}
  , { 531	, _T( "WM_NEXTMENU"					 )}
  , { 532	, _T( "WM_SIZING"					 )}
  , { 533	, _T( "WM_CAPTURECHANGED"				 )}
  , { 534	, _T( "WM_MOVING"					 )}
  , { 536	, _T( "WM_POWERBROADCAST"				 )}
  , { 537	, _T( "WM_DEVICECHANGE"					 )}
  , { 544	, _T( "WM_MDICREATE"					 )}
  , { 545	, _T( "WM_MDIDESTROY"					 )}
  , { 546	, _T( "WM_MDIACTIVATE"					 )}
  , { 547	, _T( "WM_MDIRESTORE"					 )}
  , { 548	, _T( "WM_MDINEXT"					 )}
  , { 549	, _T( "WM_MDIMAXIMIZE"					 )}
  , { 550	, _T( "WM_MDITILE"					 )}
  , { 551	, _T( "WM_MDICASCADE"					 )}
  , { 552	, _T( "WM_MDIICONARRANGE"				 )}
  , { 553	, _T( "WM_MDIGETACTIVE"					 )}
  , { 560	, _T( "WM_MDISETMENU"					 )}
  , { 561	, _T( "WM_ENTERSIZEMOVE"				 )}
  , { 562	, _T( "WM_EXITSIZEMOVE"					 )}
  , { 563	, _T( "WM_DROPFILES"					 )}
  , { 564	, _T( "WM_MDIREFRESHMENU"				 )}
  , { 576	, _T( "WM_TOUCH"					 )}
  , { 641	, _T( "WM_IME_SETCONTEXT"				 )}
  , { 642	, _T( "WM_IME_NOTIFY"					 )}
  , { 643	, _T( "WM_IME_CONTROL"					 )}
  , { 644	, _T( "WM_IME_COMPOSITIONFULL"			 	 )}
  , { 645	, _T( "WM_IME_SELECT"					 )}
  , { 646	, _T( "WM_IME_CHAR"					 )}
  , { 648	, _T( "WM_IME_REQUEST"					 )}
  , { 656	, _T( "WM_IME_KEYDOWN"					 )}
  , { 657	, _T( "WM_IME_KEYUP"					 )}
  , { 673	, _T( "WM_MOUSEHOVER"					 )}
  , { 675	, _T( "WM_MOUSELEAVE"					 )}
  , { 672	, _T( "WM_NCMOUSEHOVER"					 )}
  , { 674	, _T( "WM_NCMOUSELEAVE"					 )}
  , { 689	, _T( "WM_WTSSESSION_CHANGE"			 	 )}
  , { 704	, _T( "WM_TABLET_FIRST"					 )}
  , { 735	, _T( "WM_TABLET_LAST"					 )}
  , { 768	, _T( "WM_CUT"						 )}
  , { 769	, _T( "WM_COPY"						 )}
  , { 770	, _T( "WM_PASTE"					 )}
  , { 771	, _T( "WM_CLEAR"					 )}
  , { 772	, _T( "WM_UNDO"						 )}
  , { 773	, _T( "WM_RENDERFORMAT"					 )}
  , { 774	, _T( "WM_RENDERALLFORMATS"				 )}
  , { 775	, _T( "WM_DESTROYCLIPBOARD"				 )}
  , { 776	, _T( "WM_DRAWCLIPBOARD"				 )}
  , { 777	, _T( "WM_PAINTCLIPBOARD"				 )}
  , { 778	, _T( "WM_VSCROLLCLIPBOARD"				 )}
  , { 779	, _T( "WM_SIZECLIPBOARD"				 )}
  , { 780	, _T( "WM_ASKCBFORMATNAME"				 )}
  , { 781	, _T( "WM_CHANGECBCHAIN"				 )}
  , { 782	, _T( "WM_HSCROLLCLIPBOARD"				 )}
  , { 783	, _T( "WM_QUERYNEWPALETTE"				 )}
  , { 784	, _T( "WM_PALETTEISCHANGING"			 	 )}
  , { 785	, _T( "WM_PALETTECHANGED"				 )}
  , { 786	, _T( "WM_HOTKEY"					 )}
  , { 791	, _T( "WM_PRINT"					 )}
  , { 792	, _T( "WM_PRINTCLIENT"					 )}
  , { 793	, _T( "WM_APPCOMMAND"					 )}
  , { 794	, _T( "WM_THEMECHANGED"					 )}
  , { 797	, _T( "WM_CLIPBOARDUPDATE"				 )}
  , { 798	, _T( "WM_DWMCOMPOSITIONCHANGED"		 	 )}
  , { 799	, _T( "WM_DWMNCRENDERINGCHANGED"		 	 )}
  , { 803	, _T( "WM_DWMSENDICONICTHUMBNAIL"		 	 )}
  , { 831	, _T( "WM_GETTITLEBARINFOEX"			 	 )}
  , { 856	, _T( "WM_HANDHELDFIRST"				 )}
  , { 863	, _T( "WM_HANDHELDLAST"					 )}
  , { 864	, _T( "WM_AFXFIRST"					 )}
  , { 895	, _T( "WM_AFXLAST"					 )}
  , { 896	, _T( "WM_PENWINFIRST"					 )}
  , { 911	, _T( "WM_PENWINLAST"					 )}
  , { 32768	, _T( "WM_APP"						 )}
  , { 1024	, _T( "WM_USER"						 )}
  , { 32	, _T( "WM_NCCALCSIZE"					 )}
  , { 1024	, _T( "WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGING"			 	 )}
  , { 4		, _T( "WM_ERASEBACKGROUND"				 )}
  , { 256	, _T( "WM_ENTERIDLE"					 )}
  , { 128	, _T( "WM_CHAR"						 )}

for ( int i = 0; i <= sizeof ( swinmsgdefkodename_a) / sizeof ( SWinMsgDefKodeName); i++)
  if ( swinmsgdefkodename_a [ i].nKode == unWM_WinMsgCode)
    lstrcpy ( tchar_pStringZero_WM_WinMsgName, swinmsgdefkodename_a [ i].tchar_aName);
    return tchar_pStringZero_WM_WinMsgName;

 return ( tchar_pStringZero_WM_WinMsgName = NULL);

Keep in mind that the function does not allocate the required memory, so the caller must do this duty, like this:

TCHAR* tchar_pStringZero_WM_WinMsgName = NULL;
tchar_pStringZero_WM_WinMsgName = ( TCHAR *)( malloc ( sizeof ( TCHAR) * 64));
if ( tchar_pStringZero_WM_WinMsgName != NULL)
  Code2WM_MSG ( tchar_pStringZero_WM_WinMsgName, unWM_WinMsgCode);
  if ( tchar_pStringZero_WM_WinMsgName != NULL)
    // Make use of it.
  free ( tchar_pStringZero_WM_WinMsgName);

Here, I have assumed that the message-code is stored in a variable, named, unWM_WinMsgCode.


This article, along with any associated source code and files, is licensed under The Code Project Open License (CPOL)

Written By
Iran (Islamic Republic of) Iran (Islamic Republic of)
I am an electronics engineer with great interests in computer science since childhood. I have already developed some useful software-projects, which are being used in different industries to solve data processing and management problems.

Comments and Discussions

Suggestion[My vote of 2] A number of issues with the code Pin
.:floyd:.2-Mar-14 2:59
.:floyd:.2-Mar-14 2:59 
There a several issues with the code as posted:
1. The generated code for Code2WM_MSG accesses the element past the last valid entry. The expression i <= sizeof ( swinmsgdefkodename_a) / sizeof ( SWinMsgDefKodeName) must use operator< instead. You could also use the ARRAYSIZE macro (or a C++ function template), to make the expression less chatty.
2. The return statement of Code2WM_MSG is awkward. return ( tchar_pStringZero_WM_WinMsgName = NULL); is just a convoluted way of saying return NULL;. Likewise, writing to a buffer of unknown size (lstrcpy) is a bug waiting to happen. Returning a std::string or std::wstring would be more appropriate.
3. The string parsing is trying too hard to be smart, and produces invalid entries (e.g. { 1024, _T( "WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGING" )}).
4. WM_USER and WM_APP aren't really window messages. They designate the beginning of numeric ranges, and are used by clients to define private messages of the form WM_USER + x and WM_APP + x. For details see About Messages and Message Queues - Application-Defined Messages[^].
5. Similarly, WM_<name>FIRST and WM_<name>LAST aren't real messages. They, too, merely declare message ranges, and are not ever used for anything, but to define messages: #define WM_<messagename> WM_<rangename>FIRST + 0, etc.
6. Using tab characters for alignment is tempting, but will not provide the intended result, unless you can control the number of space characters per tab on the user's machine. Since you cannot, you should use spaces instead.

Bottom line: Even if a task looks simple, don't try to roll your own, if a solution already exists. If you do this for your own pleasure, there is nothing wrong with reinventing the wheel. However, when you publish the results to the world, make sure your reinvented wheel spins as well as all the other wheels out there.


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