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Walkthrough in detail : Create Dataset and Database with two relational tables. An UpdateAll method on the TableAdapterManager.

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28 Nov 2017CPOL20 min read 23.9K   12   2
Walkthrough in detail to create a relational database application using C# .NET without code.


Create a 1)database and 2)dataset this is not a new topic, but I tried to outline the working project in detail without writing the code. (Please, pay attention to the sequence 1)database and 2)dataset.)


*Microsoft Visual Studio 2012-2015 (I used Visual Studio Community 2015)
*SQL Server 2012-2015 

Tasks illustrated in this walkthrough include:

*Create a new Windows Application project.
*Create a new local SQL Server database file
*Create tables, columns, primary keys, and foreign keys.
*Create a new dataset object used Dataset Designer with two relational tables.
*Populate the tables with data, and save them.
*An Insert, Update, and Delete operations and save changes back to the database.


1.Create a new Windows Forms Application project.
  1.1 File>New>Project>Visual C#>Windows Form Application>named "DBExample">OK
  1.2 The "DBExample" project is created and added to Solution Explorer.

2.Create a new SQL Server database file attached to the local instance.
  2.1 Project>Add New Item>Data (Installed)>Service-based Database (Templates)>named Database1.mdf>Add

Image 1

 2.2 If The Data Source Configuration Wizard opens, click Finish

 2.3 The "Database1.mdf" file added to project.(It's located in your folder "DBExample" project)

 2.4 Important! It will save you from the problem: 
      'My database is not updated, but there were no errors.'
      Click Database1.mdf in the Solution Explorer.
      Edit properties Build Action=None and Copy to Output Directory=Do not copy

Image 2
      2.4.1 You can use Database1.mdf " file properties to indicate what actions the project system 
               should perform on the files. For example, you can set file properties to indicate 
               whether a file should be compiled or embedded into the build output as a resource.
      The Build Action property indicates what Visual Studio does with a file 
                           when a build is executed (main properties).
                         * None - The file is not included in the project output group 
                           and is not compiled in the build process. An example is a Readme text fil.
                         * Compile - The file is compiled into the build output. This setting is used for code files.
                         * Content - The file is not compiled, but is included in the Content output group. 
                            For example, this setting is the default value for an .htm or other kind of Web file.
                         * Embedded Resource - This file is embedded in the main project build output as a DLL or                                          executable.  It is typically used for resource files.
                         * Other properties are mainly for WPF.
       The Copy to Output Directory Property 
                           specifies the conditions under which the selected source file 
                           will be copied to the output directory (.../bin/Debug/...).
                          * Do not copy - If the file is never to be copied to the output directory.
                          * Copy always - If the file is always to be copied to the output directory.
                          * Copy if newer - If the file is to be copied only when it is newer than 
                            an existing file of the same name in the output directory." (MSDN source)

2.5 In Solution Explorer double click Database1.mdf. You are open Server Explorer window.

Image 3

 2.6 Select Database1.mdf and click Refresh. 
      The Refresh method updates the Database object properties from the instance of SQL Server.    
      2.6.1 The Properties window for the database shows the connection string 
               and the location of the primary .mdf file for the database. 

3.Create database based on the Customers and Orders tables with relationship.
  3.1 In Server Explorer, expand the Data Connections node, and then expand the Database1.mdf node. 
        If Server Explorer doesn't appear, you can display it by choosing View, Server Explorer on the menu bar.
  3.2 Right-click the Tables node under the Database1.mdf

        3.2.1 If you can't to see in drop-down menu Add New Table as shown below

                one of possible is installation the SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT) appropriate version Visual Studio.

                Image 4

  3.3 From the drop-down menu click Add New Table (The design surface is loading)

Image 5
        "The Table Designer is a visual tool that allows you to design 
        and visualize database tables to which you are connected.
        The Table Designer opens and shows a grid with one default row, 
        which represents a single column in the table that you're creating. 
        By adding rows to the grid, you'll add columns in the table." (MSDN source)

Image 6

   3.4 Rename new table in T-SQL script pane (Customers)

   3.5 The following table and fields should be created in the SQL Express database.

Image 7

    3.5.1 "In the new version SQL Server 2012, you can change a table definition through 
            a graphical interface or directly in a script pane. 
            If you use the graphical interface,the table’s definition is automatically updated 
            in the script pane.To apply the SQL code in the script pane, choose the Update button." (MSDN source)

 3.6 Check the CustomerID row for setting Primary Key.

 3.7 Select CustomerID column and edit these properties in the Properties window when the column is selected.
      Edit an Is Identity=True , Identity Increment=1 , Identity Seed=1.

Image 8

      3.7.1 "Is Identity Indicates whether or not this column is an identity column.
      3.7.2 Identity Seed Displays the seed value specified during the creation of this identity column.
      3.7.3 Identity Increment Displays the increment value specified during the creation of this identity column."
                   (MSDN source)

3.8 In the upper-left corner of the Table Designer, choose the Update button.
      In the Preview Database Updates dialog box, choose the Update Database button.
      Your changes are saved to the local database file.
      3.8.1 An option Unclude Transaction Script saved transaction script
      3.8.1 Used Generate Script you have the option of saving a change script 
            when you are using Table Designer.

3.9 Refresh Database1.mdf on Server Explorer, open Tables node. 
      It's appear you new Customers table.

3.10 Repeate 3.1-3.9 for new table with named Orders.

Image 9

3.11 To create a relationship between the tables created in the previous step.              
       For the Orders table, in the context pane on the right side of the grid, 
       open the shortcut menu for Foreign Keys, and then choose Add New Foreign Key. 
       Click Enter.

Image 10

  3.11.1 SQL Server 2012-2015 doesn't support the Database Diagram Designer.
            However, SQL Server 2005, SQL Server 2008, and SQL Server 2008 R2 
            does support this feature.

3.12 In the T-SQL pane update the default definition of the foreign key line reference with the following.
  CONSTRAINT [FK_Orders_Customers] FOREIGN KEY (CustomerID) REFERENCES Customers(CustomerID)

Image 11

 3.13 In the upper-left corner of the Table Designer, click the Update button.

 3.14 File>Save All or Save All(Ctrl+Shift+S) button.

4. You can easily display data from a local database file in your application by creating a dataset.
   You will create and configure a dataset using Customers and Orders relational tables from Database1.mdf.
   Dataset is object that contain data tables where you can temporarily store the data for use in your application.
   The structure of a DataSet is similar to that of a relational database:
   it exposes a hierarchical object model of tables, rows, columns, constraints and relationships.

  4.1 Click Form1.cs[Design] view.
  4.2 Create new DataSet object.
       Project>Add New Items>Data (Installed)>DataSet (Templates)>named DataSet1.xsd>Add

Image 124.3 Opened Dataset Designer windows.
       The Dataset Designer is a set of visual tools that you can use to create 
       and edit typed datasets and the individual items that they contain.
       Drag two tables Customers and Orders from Server Explorer to Dataset Designer field
       4.3.1 Note the Dataset Designer has created CustomersTablesAdapter and OrdersTablesAdapter
               with Fill,GetData() main query that defines the SQL schema for the tables.

               "TableAdapters provide communication between your application and a database. 
               They connect to the database, run queries or stored procedures, and either return 
               a new data table or fill an existing DataTable with the returned data. 
               TableAdapters can also send updated data from your application back to the database".(MSDN source)

       4.3.2 Note the  Customers and Orders tables has a relationship by foreign key  FK_Orders_Customers. 

Image 13

     4.3.3 Auto code generated connection string and saved it 
             in the application configuration file (application settings).
             Check it in Solution Explorer click App.Config file

Image 14

            Connection string is the 'key-string' used to open a database.

 4.4 Open Data Sources panel and open Customers node.
       If the Data Sources window isn't showing, choose View, Other Windows,  Show Data Sources on the menu bar.
       Into Customers tables you see a node Orders table.

Image 15

  4.5 In the Dataset Designer for CustomerID DataColumn object into Customers DataTable, 
       open Properties window and change the AutoIncrement=True 
       AutoIncrementSeed=1 AutoIncrementStep=1 properties.
       That indicates whether the column automatically increments the value of the column for new rows added to            the table.

Image 16

 4.6 Change the AutoIncrement=True AutoIncrementSeed=1 AutoIncrementStep=1 properties
       for OrderID DataColumn object into Orders DataTable.

 4.7 On the menu bar, choose Build and choose Rebuild Solution to 'clean'
       the solution and then build all project files and components.

       Note. Database files (Database1.mdf,Database1_log.ldf) 
       is not copy to the output folder(.../bin/Debug/) of the project.

5. Design the UI by dragging items that represent data tables or objects from the Data Sources window.
   5.1 Make sure that the Windows Forms designer is open, select Form1.cs[Design] view.
   5.2 In the Data Sources window, select the DataGridView that represents the data table.

Image 17

 For information:
     5.2.1 To display each data field in a separate control, click Details. 
             When you drag the data item to the designer, this action will
             create a different data-bound control for each column or property of the 
             parent data table or object, along with labels for each control.
    5.2.2 Select each column or property for which you want to set the control to be created

Image 18

 5.3 Drag the main Customers node as DataGridView from the Data Sources window onto Form1.
       Data-bound control customersDataGridView appear on the form, 
       along with a tool strip customersBindingNavigator for navigating records.

Image 19

   5.4 Drag the main Orders node as DataGridView from the Data Sources window onto Form1.

Image 20

   5.5 Drag the relational Orders node as DataGridView from the Data Sources window onto Form1.

Image 21

  5.6 A dataSet1, customersTableAdapter, customersBindingSource, tableAdapterManager,
       customersBindingNavigator, ordersBindingSource, ordersTableAdapter and ordersBindingSource1

       appear in the component tray.

Image 22

     5.6.1 Click orderBindingSource (orderBindingSource1) and open Properties window.
             Note the difference between ordersBindingSource and ordersBindingSource1
             in the properties DataMember and AllowNew.
    5.6.2 "By default, a TableAdapterManager class is generated when you create 
             a dataset that contains related tables with Hierarchical Update=true property.
             By default, a dataset treats related tables as "relations only," 
             which means that it doesn't enforce foreign key constraints.  
             You can modify that setting at design time by using the Dataset Designer. 
             Select the relation line between two tables and double click
             to bring up the Relation dialog box.
             The changes you make here will determine how the TableAdapterManager behaves
             when it send the changes in the related tables back to the database."(MSDN source)

  5.7 Right-click Form1 and select View Code.

  5.8 When dragging items from the Data Sources Window onto a form, 
       the code to fill the data table with data is automatically added to the Form_Load event handler.
       Open your form in the code editor to see the exact syntax to fill your specific tables.

Image 23

  5.9 By default, an event handler for the BindingNavigator's Save button is added 
       to the form's code to send updates to the database. 

Image 24

6. Now we have UI design for fill Customers and Orders relational tables.
   "After dataset is populated with data, you will typically perform some kind of manipulation 
   of the data before sending it back to the data source or to another process or application. 
   Since each record in a dataset is represented by a DataRow object, 
   changes to a dataset are accomplished by updating and deleting individual rows."(MSDN source)

 6.1 On the Debug menu, click Start to run the project or F5.
       6.1.1 Raise Form1_Load event handler. The TableAdapter's Fill method fills the dataset with data.
       6.1.2 The dataset is an in-memory copy of datasource. And default it's empty.

  6.2 Fill the first row Customers table (dataSet1) like this example
       and click Save button customersBindingNavigator (save data dataSet1 into Database1.mdf).

Image 25

  6.3 Oops! An appear 'An unhandled exception of type 'System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException' 
       occurred in System.Data.dll'. An attempt to attach an auto-named Database1.mdf is fail.

Image 26

       Click Stop Debuggin.

     6.3.1 In the Solution Explorer open App.Config file.
             See on the string AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|\Database1.mdf;
             This connection string syntax is supported by the SqlClient and OleDb managed providers.
             "By default, the |DataDirectory| variable will be expanded as follow:
             * – For applications placed in a directory on the user machine, this will be the app’s (.exe) folder.
             * – For apps running under ClickOnce, this will be a special data folder created by ClickOnce
             * – For Web apps, this will be the App_Data folder  
  6.4 We replace data file path to outside the project as hard AttachDbFilename=Myproject\Data.mdf;
       This way, both the design-time and the run-time will be using the same data 
       file but the downside is that the path in the connection string will be hard coded 
       and therefore it’ll be harder to share the project and deploy the app. 
       Before deploying the app, just make sure to replace the full path in the settings with a relative path."                                                                                                                                                           (MSDN source)

Image 27

 6.5 Repeat 6.2. Fill the first row Customs table (dataSet1) and click Save button customersBindingNavigator.
       Now, all right!
       In the Server Explorer window right click Customers table and choose Show Table Data.
       Click Refresh and note that Database1 and dataSet1 are updated.
       Check that data Customers table is saved.

Image 28

 6.6 Fill the Customs and Orders tables like this example and click Save button customersBindingNavigator.

Image 29

 6.7 Select row CustomerID=3 Customers table
       Relational FK_Orders_Customers table display two orders with CustomerID=3 only.

Image 30

  6.8 Select row CustomerID=4 Customers table.
       The Orders table hasn't rows with CustomerID=4 than relational FK_Orders_Customers table is empty.

Image 31

 6.9 Similary, select row CustomerID=5 Customers table
       Relational FK_Orders_Customers table display one order with CustomerID=5 only.

Image 32

6.10 Try to change related data FK_Orders_Customers table.
       Select new row and fill data like this.

Image 33

6.11 Click Enter keyboard button. New row passed to Orders table.
        Relational FK_Orders_Customers table remained to display one order with CustomerID=5 only.   

Image 34

6.12 Select row CustomerID=3 and click Delete button customersBindingNavigator. 
       dataSet1 has upgraded. Click Save button customersBindingNavigator.

Image 35

 6.13  Oops! An appear 'SqlException was unhandled'. The Database1.mdf has not upgraded.

Image 36

       Click Stop Debuggin.

       "You can delete rows in a database by removing the corresponding LINQ to SQL objects from their 
       table-related collection. LINQ to SQL translates your changes to the appropriate SQL DELETE commands.
       LINQ to SQL does not support or recognize cascade-delete operations. 
       If you want to delete a row in a table that has constraints against it,  you must complete either of the                      following tasks:
       * - Set the ON DELETE CASCADE rule in the foreign-key constraint in the database.
       * - Use your own code to first delete the child objects that prevent the parent object from being deleted.
       Otherwise, an exception is thrown." (MSDN source)

6.14 We'll use the first rule.
       In the Server Explorer refresh Database1.mdf and double click Orders table.
       The dbo.Orders[Design] is opened.
       Add  referential action ON DELETE CASCADE into T-SQL script field.
       And click Update button.

Image 37

6.15 Retry 6.12, delete the row CustomerID=3 in the Customers table.
       Click Delete button customersBindingNavigator.
       The Customers and FK_Orders_Customers tables are updated.
        It's show that dataSet1 has updated.

        6.15.1  "As you make changes to records in a dataset by updating, inserting, and deleting records, 
                   the dataset maintains original and current versions of the records. 
                   In addition, each row's RowState property keeps track of whether the records are in their 
                   original state or have been updated, inserted, or deleted.
                   As a result of this change, the value of the RowState property for that row changes 
                   from Unchanged to Modified.
                   As changes are made in the dataset, the RowState property of changed rows is set." (MSDN source)

       After click Save button customersBindingNavigator Database1.mdf has updated too.
       But for display the last updates open Server Explorer, right click Customers or Orders node
       and choose  Show Table Date. Don't forget click Refresh button!

Image 38

  6.17 Insert new rows into Customers and Orders tables.
       And new row will appear into FK_Orders_Customers table.

Image 39

        Click Save button for save all changes dataSet1 to Database1.mdf.

6.18  I and the MSDN gave you the base. Try to experiment with the tables yourself.

         Have a cool code!


  All comments were taken from sources below:

Dataset tools in Visual Studio

Walkthrough: Creating a Local Database File in Visual Studio

Database.Refresh Method ()

How to: Generate Change Scripts

Create and configure TableAdapters

Walkthrough: Creating a Relationship between Data Tables

How to: Edit a Connection String

How to: Create DataRelations with the Dataset Designer

Introduction to DataRelation Objects

Relation Dialog: Relation Only, or with Foreign Key Constraint?

Relation Dialog Box

How to: Fill a Dataset with Data

Hierarchical update

DataColumn.AutoIncrement Property

Save data back to the database

DataGridView.DataSource Property

Working with Datasets in Visual Studio

Walkthrough: Saving Data to a Database (Single Table)

Create a SQL database by using a designer

File Properties

Working with local databases

How to: Save Dataset Changes to a Database

How to: Delete Rows From the Database Using FOREIGN KEY Constraints

Error and Transaction Handling in SQL Server

Previous releases of SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT and SSDT-BI)


* published March 15, 2017

* republished March 16, 2017

* update November 29, 2017


This article, along with any associated source code and files, is licensed under The Code Project Open License (CPOL)

Written By
Software Developer
Israel Israel
8 years experience working as a Software Developer.
Use C#, Visual Basic, Java.

Comments and Discussions

Questionobviously a lot of work went into this article ... but Pin
BillWoodruff16-Mar-17 22:02
professionalBillWoodruff16-Mar-17 22:02 
AnswerRe: obviously a lot of work went into this article ... but Pin
Bob Stoom19-Mar-17 19:52
professionalBob Stoom19-Mar-17 19:52 
Please give me a link to a similar article,
with the help of which, step by step, simply and without writing code,
any beginner could build his first relational, updated, saved and appeared database.
Sometimes, it is much better to quote and give a link to the source,
than to paraphrase it.

modified 20-Mar-17 2:25am.

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