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A Guide To Writing Articles For Code Project

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8 Nov 2012CPOL22 min read 963.2K   315   233
Some tips on writing a decent article.

Having trouble writing or posting articles? These articles aim to gather together tips and tricks from authors and mentors to help you write great articles.

Why Write An Article?

Motivation to write a decent article is an important factor.  This section discusses possible motivations.


Code Project has high visibility in the programming world. It has a constantly growing member and article base and the forums have a high amount of traffic with Code Project "regulars" frequenting the help forums.  Code Project has a high hit rate when doing a keyword search on many programming terms using any of the popular search engines.  If you are writing an article that solves a problem or demonstrates how to use a particular piece of technology, then in it is quite likely that your article will show up when people search for solutions / examples.  It's also a great way to find work--personally, I've landed several multi-year contracts as a result of my visibility on Code Project.  

When submitting an article, think carefully about your display name.  Sure, you can hide behind an alias, but if you want to call attention to your articles (and perhaps your article awards!) then you might to consider using your real name or some abbreviation of your name, so that a potential employer gets some assurance that you are actually referencing articles and awards that you actually wrote / won.  Most likely, your motivation for writing an article has nothing to do with your CV, but keep in mind that at some point you might realize that this is a side benefit.  To change the displayed author name on your articles just login to Code Project, click on 'My Settings' and enter your name. Your articles will be automatically updated.

Peer Review

One of the things that I enjoy about writing an article is the peer review.  There are a lot of smart people that hang out on Code Project and over the years I've found the comments of people to be incredibly helpful - they point out where I've made mistakes, where I could have done things better, or just point out a different approach.  It would be difficult to find a world-class community like this anywhere else - as a consultant, I am usually hired because I am considered the expert, and it is nice to have access to a community where I consider many of the members to be experts far and above my own skills.

Giving Something to the Community

It's a very simple concept, but one that I have heard from other members -- they receive a lot of good information from Code Project and are motivated to write something themselves to contribute back to the community.  Nice and simple! 

Whatever the Reason... 

I suspect that you want your article read by others. And that implies, that with anything else, you need to rapidly convince the reader that the article is professional, and that you are, to some degree, shedding some expertise on a subject. With a readerships probably in the millions (nowadays I see Code Project articles referenced everywhere) one just can't predict why someone lands on your article -- perhaps the topic is something that they need to learn about, perhaps they are looking for a code snippet that provides a usage example, perhaps they are just perusing topics to which they have no familiarity.  Regardless, your article is visible, and it can only be in your best interest to write a good one.

What Makes a Decent Article?

Here are a few pointers for creating a decent article - one that will hopefully pass the muster of the unknown reader's criticisms:
  • Well thought out - present your ideas with a concise and well thought out plan.  I often write an outline first, then flesh out the details, revise the outline, and then fill in the text. 
  • Visually appealing - a liberal sprinkling of screenshots, flowcharts, UML diagrams, etc., provide a nice visual "break" to the reader.  Use images:
    • to show intermediate progress as well as the final result
    • if applicable, to illustrate your architecture
    • to illustrate complicated concepts, such as flow, schema, state, messaging, interconnectivity, and so forth.  A picture is worth a thousand words! 
  • Spelling, grammar, and readability
    • In this day and age, there's simply no excuse to not spell check your article, especially with the number of free editors and spell checkers out there.  Ironically, even though I use a spell checker, spelling mistakes always seem to slip through, especially words like "for" vs. "four", and so forth.  It's hard to catch those!
    • Grammar can be harder, especially if you are not a native English speaker.  Consider asking another esteemed member to review your article for you. 

Use the Article Template Content Suggestions

When you use the article submission wizard, a boilerplate list of sections is provided for you to fill in.

Image 1

Personally, I always write the article first before using the article submission wizard, but if this is your first time, use the headings in the template if they are appropriate and you need help thinking of what the content should be. 

A word about "brief description" - a good article can be short and sweet (though you might fall into the criticism of it looking more like a blog entry at that point) or they can be tomes where you need to describe the details of several technologies to paint the complete picture, or they can be somewhere in the middle.  If you are going to write a tome, I suggest you consider using a table of contents generator to help your reader navigate and select topics to read--see the Tools section at the end of this article.

Ask a Mentor 

As explained here, if you want help polishing your article, you can request that a mentor review your article.

Formatting Graphics 

Graphics should illustrate only the necessary amount of information - crop your image so that it contains only that which is pertinent in supplementing the text - we don't need to see your taskbar, desktop background, etc.  If you have a very large image, consider a smaller thumbnail or a small fragment of the image along with a link with text like "Click here for a full-size image" that the reader can click on to view the image in its entirety at 100% a zoom level.

Flow of Ideas

An article should have some kind of outline which is typically represented in the headers. The headers give the reader a quick summary of your thought process and the flow of the article.  If your article is longer than a few screens of scrolling, consider creating a table of contents (see Tools below.) 


I tend to write articles on topics where I could probably write an entire book on the subject.  If you're faced with that situation, consider writing an outline first to focus, like a laser beam, on specific concepts that you want to write about.  Stick with the plan! 

Multi-part Articles

Another way to help your reader digest your articles is to break them apart into several articles (this also brings up your article count, hahaha.)  If you are considering a multi-part article series, keep in mind that each subsequent article in the series should:

  • build on the work of the previous article
  • represent a complete concept - whatever your article talks about should be completed package in the current article. 

The purpose of the second point above is to prevent people from writing multi-part articles simply for the sake of doing so - there should be a clean delineation  of concepts in each part. 

Formatting Text 

Another aspect of formatting is to have a basic understanding of HTML. Here's a really brief guide:

<p> - paragraph separator
<br> - forces a line break
&lt; - the '<' character
&gt; - the '>' character
&amp; - the & character
<h2> - the beginning of a main level header
</h2> - the end of a main level header
<h3> - the beginning of a sub-level header
</h3> - the end of a sub-level header 

There are of course many other useful HTML commands, but I consider these to be the essential ones.

Code Formatting 

One of the guidelines for code formatting is that the code should be readable without horizontal scrolling on an 800x600 display. There is an excellent tool that can be used to see how your article and its code looks on an 800x600 display (see Tools below.) 

Another aspect of code formatting is deciding what code to present and how much of it to present in a single <pre> block. A couple simple rules suffice:
  • present only the code that is core to your point.
  • if a block of code takes up more than a screen, consider organizing the code into sections where you discuss the salient points of each section. 

Colors and Formatting 

The goal of an article is to be readable.  Having more colors, underlines, bold tags, SHOUTING, etc. can detract from the readability.  You'll also want to ensure a degree of consistency with other articles, so it is highly recommended that you don't stray too far outside of the lines of the Code Project style - don't invent your own header / sub-header color scheme, for example. 

Some Further Ideas 

The following are additional content ideas that come in part from Dale Carnegie's How to Win Friends and Influence People and how to give a 2-minute talk.  Keep in mind that these are just suggestions--many articles do not need to follow this outline.

What Is Your Subject Matter?

This should describe what you are writing about. It is usually placed in the introduction, and it is often helpful to provide a brief outline (backed up by your article headers) describing the content of your article. If there is some specific background knowledge to the topic that you recommend the reader to have, then a brief overview would be valuable to your readers.

Why Are You An Expert? 

Briefly describe your experiences that led you to writing this article. What problem were you trying to solve? If applicable, you may also want to briefly describe your non-programming related knowledge that led you to write this article.  For example, if you are writing an article that solves some electrical engineering problem, describe your experience in that field. 

Many authors write articles because they wish to share something they themselves just learned. This is great, and is the very spirit behind Code Project.  If this is your first time writing an article, realize that while you may be an expert in what you are writing about, you may not yet have polished your writing skills.  Take care to check your work, and once your article is posted be ready to accept suggestions and improvements. Your article will be better for it, and there is no better way to learn.  Certainly, when I look back at my earlier work, I frequently roll my eyes at what I now consider to be a low quality of writing.  I'm sure 10 years from now, I'll be doing the same when I look at the articles I'm writing today!

What Did You Learn?

Describe what you learned in the process of solving whatever problem your article solves. Sometimes this can be quite different than your original subject matter but just as valuable as the content of your article itself.

What Can the Reader Learn?

This isn't necessarily just a rehash describing your subject matter. You can go into further detail here, describing what technologies, tools, and other special solutions you used. Many articles have gems of knowledge in them. If I see an article on diagramming a database model in Visio, I might not care at all about databases but I might be interested in your Visio interface, while another person might not care about Visio but want to see how you extracted a database schema.

So, the "what can I learn" section is really asking you to think about other interesting things that your article illustrates.

Revision History

Many authors will update their article from time to time, fixing bugs, adding features, updating the content of the article itself.  Consider putting in a section on your revision history.  Code Project has a lovely revision history feature (viewable by click on the "Revisions" link on the left sidebar).  For example:

Image 2

However, having an annotated description of your revisions is immensely helpful.  By the way, can you spot the spelling error in the author's article title? 

A Conclusion 

Here's your chance to really free-form it. What additional information do you have that didn't fit anywhere else? Are you going to continue working on your topic? Maybe a sneak peek at what you're thinking about writing next. What sort of feedback interests you?  What were your experiences writing the code? 

Some Additional Advice


Member ".S.Rod." suggested:

Regardless of whether or not an article is well written, I am more concerned about how easily helpful source code from articles gets reached with a simple keyword in the search engine (may be two sometimes).

This brings up an important point--choose your tags well so that when someone is searching Code Project for information on the topic that you have written about, it will be more likely that your article will come up in the list.  There is a large list of tags to select from when you use the submission wizard:

Image 3

Do Your Homework

Member Rohit Sinha wrote:

Check to see if the topic has already been covered. If it has, what does your article offer over and above the others? Does it approach the problem in a different way? Does it offer an alternative solution? It'll be good to mention the other articles too, and offer an explanation of why you thought yours was necessary. A hint should also be provided in the article description that accompanies the article title. After all, if there are 10 articles on a hover button, which one should I read?

This is excellent advice.

Submitting an Article  for Code Project to Post

If you are uncomfortable with submitting your article through the submission wizard (discussed next), you can simply send your article (in zip form) to Code Project from the main "Submit a new Article" screen:

Image 4

Using the Submission Wizard

The submission wizard is an excellent editor that you can use to post your article immediately, throwing it to the wolves, as it were.

Choose a Section and Subsection 

Image 5

This is a large list of section items, separated loosely into the following categories:

  • Desktop Development
  • Web Development
  • Mobile Development
  • Cloud Computing
  • Enterprise Systems
  • Database
  • Multimedia
  • Languages
  • Platforms, Frameworks & Libraries
  • General Programming
  • Graphic / Design
  • Development Lifecycle
  • General Reading
  • Third Party Products
  • Mentor Resources

This list can be daunting, and the subsections themselves can be many items.  It may also be confusing because your article might cover several reasonable sections, such as "Multimedia", "Mobile Development", and "Database".  My advice is to think about the section in which your article fits best and to peruse the subsections to see if that refines things a bit.  When in doubt, leave a comment for the editor in the "Comments for the editor" box:

Image 6

which is immediately below the article WYSIWYG editor.

Article Title

Image 7

After choosing a section and subsection, enter your article's title.  This should be the title of your article, which is different from a  one-line description.  Sometimes it's easier to write a one sentence description and then determine the title from that.  If it helps, think about the one line description as providing further detail about your title.  For example:

Image 8

I used the main headers of my article to come up with the one line description.


Image 9

There are also a lot of tags to choose from.  I would suggest first checking off the technology boxes that apply directly to your article:

  • What language(s) is it written in?
  • What platform(s) is it targeting?
  • What technologies are you demonstrating / depending on in your code?
  • Who is the primary and secondary audience ?

Unless it is truly a beginner guide, the skill level should be Intermediate.  If you are Sacha, it should always be Advanced.

The topics are a bit odd - it seems like a collection of keywords scraped from articles before this incarnation of the article wizard.  "Economics?"  "MOSS2007?"  Really???  Leave this blank if you can't find a keyword topic that fits!

One Line Description

The one line description appears on the front page of Code Project's article listing, so it's important to be succinct to really capture the reader into clicking on your article - you might consider the title to be the hook and the one line description to be the line and sinker.  If you are unfamiliar with the idiom, read here (isn't Wikipedia amazing?)

The Article Itself

The submission wizard provides a great inline editor:

Image 10

That said, writing an article in the submission wizard is still a PITA, not because of any fault of Code Project but because writing a medium or large article in an online format just isn't the best way to go about it.  However, the submission wizard has been improved tremendously, in that you can save drafts: 

Image 11

by clicking on the green "Save Draft" button, and you can then continue editing your article later on by going back to the "Submit an Article" menu:

Image 12

and then picking from any of the articles that you are currently editing:

Image 13

The auto-save feature is also great, especially when a hurricane takes down your Internet connection.

Suggested Process

This is what I do: 

  • I first write the article in an HTML editor (converting from something like Word is also a PITA, so I don't recommend it.)  The only formatting that I do is headers (starting at Header 2) and <pre> tags for code blocks.  Sometimes I'll do <code> tags for in-text code elements, but I often leave that to the finishing process. 
  • I then click on the "HTML" clickey in the toolbar of the WYSIWYG editor window, which takes me to the HTML
  • I then paste my HTML into the window 
  • Then I click on the "HTML" clickey again to go back to the WYSIWYG mode, so I can see what it looks like. 

Image 14


  • The WYSIWYG editor does not do spell checking (though your browser might add this feature), which is why I prefer to work with an editor that does.  If you are using the WYSIWYG editor, I would suggest copying your article into an editor that does, fix any spelling errors, and paste it back. 
  • I also go through the article and highlight all in-line code and the click on the "var" clickey in the toolbar so that in-text code words use the correct style.
  • I also check the width of my code blocks and force hard-returns to avoid scrolling.  This isn't that much of an issue anymore because Code Project now uses snazzy horizontal and vertical scrolling code boxes if the code is too lengthy in either width or height. 
  • Speaking of code blocks (those things between <pre> tags), go through and select the correct language from the pulldown on the toolbar so that syntax highlighting works correctly.

Legal Stuff

Image 15

You are required to check the "I have read and agree to the contributor's agreement", even if you haven't.  But do read it--you are agreeing to certain things such as that you are not plagiarizing, you own the rights to the work being submitted, etc., and also that you are agreeing to give Code Project certain rights with regards to your article, as well as giving rights (based on the EULA that you select) to people who read and potentially use the code in your article. 

Are You Updating Your Article?

Image 16

If you are updating your article, put in a one line description of what you changed.  This is valuable to the reader and appears in the revision history:

Image 17

Uploading Files

Use the "Add File" button to upload your source code and binaries (as a ZIP), as well as any images or movies (JPG, GIF, PNG, SWF, FLV, MP4).

Image 18

You can only select one file at a time, but the neat thing is, you are only selecting the files.  Once the files are selected, click on "Upload Files" (hey Chris, the "F" should be capitalized in that button):

Image 19

The great thing is, they all load in one fell swoop.  Kudos to whoever realized that it is such a PITA to have to wait for each image to upload, and that it is so much nicer to simply select all the images and then upload them all together.

Unless you're a masochist like me, I would suggest using filenames for your images that are descriptive of those images.  

Using Your Images

Once you've uploaded your images and files, you get this unsorted morass of links in the Current Files section:

Image 20

  • Clicking on the file will open the file in a new window.
  • Clicking on the red "X" will delete the file. 
  • Clicking on the little "pencil on paper" icon will allow you to edit the filename. 

See all those lines where the resolution is in red?  That's because Code Project thinks that those image files are too big (usually too wide, I'm not sure if there's a vertical restriction.)  Ideally, you should pay attention to this and resize the images to no more than 650 pixels wide.

Now here's the snazzy part:

Click on the "Insert/Modify Image" or, for a movie, "Insert/Modify Movie" icon in the toolbar:

Image 21

You will get a pop-up:

Image 22

and all you do is type in the image/movie filename, click OK, and your image is inserted into the article:

Image 23

Oops!  Something went wrong!  Maybe it's because I'm using Chrome and/or I have something not working right on my machine.  Anyways, by clicking  on the "HTML" clickey twice (once to go into HTML view, the second time to exit HTML view mode) in the toolbar, I can see my image:

Image 24

Note that what I usually do (this is based on the old way of working with images) is to put my images in a subfolder of the article's HTML.  This means I have "src" lines like this:


A quick search&replace to strip off the subfolder name fixes this before I paste the HTML, and I almost never end up using the "insert image" feature directly.

Additional Important Options

To the right of where you type in your article's title are some important options:

Image 25

Here you can choose:

  • The license that you prefer (read about the license options, this is where you determine how others use your code.) 
  • Options on the status of your article (the Code Project editors may also set the status.) 
  • Whether this is an article, video, or tip/trick. 
  • Who can edit your article (admins, editors, or Code Project members at different levels.) 
  • Whether you want to mark the article as updated - IMPORTANT: uncheck this if this is the first iteration of your article.  If you don't do this, your article will appear on the front page as "Updated" rather than "New".
  • Whether you want to hold off on publishing your article because you are still working on it. 
  • And finally, whether you don't want HTML formatting stripped.  Typically, this should be left unchecked.

The WYSIWYG Editor is not Perfect

Keep in mind that the editor is not perfect - I frequently have to pop into the HTML view of the article to fix some weird formatting thing that occurred when inserting an image.  Sometimes the way the carat behaves is bizarre and makes it difficult to delete/insert text at the point where I want--again, popping into the HTML view and fixing the problem there solves the issue. 

Preview and Submit!

Although the WYSIWYG editor is the cat's meow, you should preview your article to verify the final way it will appear when published.  Of course, you can always edit it to fix up problems once submitted (and I quite frequently do!)


For testing your article and program in different screen resolutions:[^ ]

An excellent tool for writing an article is (I'm using it right now):[^ ]

Automatic table of contents generator (generated this articles TOC!)


It's interesting to read the conclusion that I wrote more than 9 years ago: 

I wrote this article mainly out of frustration in seeing some of the articles that have recently been submitted. I would like to view this article as a "call to arms" to raise the bar of professionalism in our community--out of respect for each other. I realize that many people will disagree with what I have said. Well, good! The point is not whether you agree or disagree, but whether, as a result of reading this article and thinking about it, you see something in your own writing style that can be improved, however small. 

Since then, I've grown older and it seems more moderate, as I ended up re-writing most of the rhetoric that existed in the previous incarnation of this work.  My, how we change over time!  And the article submission wizard has similarly undergone a great number of improvements over the years as well!  

 Hopefully, new and veteran authors will find something useful here! 

Revision History


  • Basically, a complete rewrite


  • Added a reference to a great table of contents generator to the tools section
  • Formatted the article to better comply with my own guidelines!


  • Some additional recommendations that Chris Maunder suggested. Smile | <img src= " />


  • First revision. Incorporated readers comments: fleshed out several concepts, added a few sections, and sanitized some of the more blunt statements (sorry Bill, I guess I removed some of my personality from the article).


  • Original article


This article, along with any associated source code and files, is licensed under The Code Project Open License (CPOL)

Written By
Architect Interacx
United States United States
Home Page:

All my life I have been passionate about architecture / software design, as this is the cornerstone to a maintainable and extensible application. As such, I have enjoyed exploring some crazy ideas and discovering that they are not so crazy after all. I also love writing about my ideas and seeing the community response. As a consultant, I've enjoyed working in a wide range of industries such as aerospace, boatyard management, remote sensing, emergency services / data management, and casino operations. I've done a variety of pro-bono work non-profit organizations related to nature conservancy, drug recovery and women's health.

Comments and Discussions

QuestionAnd about demo and source ? and bibliography/references ? Pin
Sebastien Lorion17-Aug-03 4:47
Sebastien Lorion17-Aug-03 4:47 
AnswerRe: And about demo and source ? and bibliography/references ? Pin
Marc Clifton17-Aug-03 5:47
mvaMarc Clifton17-Aug-03 5:47 
GeneralRe: And about demo and source ? and bibliography/references ? Pin
Sebastien Lorion17-Aug-03 7:42
Sebastien Lorion17-Aug-03 7:42 
GeneralRe: And about demo and source ? and bibliography/references ? Pin
Marc Clifton17-Aug-03 8:25
mvaMarc Clifton17-Aug-03 8:25 
GeneralRe: And about demo and source ? and bibliography/references ? Pin
Uwe Keim13-Sep-03 2:00
sitebuilderUwe Keim13-Sep-03 2:00 
QuestionHow to update an article? Pin
User 665826-Jul-03 13:43
User 665826-Jul-03 13:43 
AnswerRe: How to update an article? Pin
Marc Clifton26-Jul-03 13:50
mvaMarc Clifton26-Jul-03 13:50 
GeneralRe: How to update an article? Pin
User 665827-Jul-03 1:09
User 665827-Jul-03 1:09 
Ok, thank you very much! Smile | :)


modified 12-Sep-18 21:01pm.

GeneralRe: How to update an article? Pin
Garry Freemyer17-Jun-05 14:25
Garry Freemyer17-Jun-05 14:25 
QuestionDoes my article fits your whishes ? Pin
Kochise24-Jul-03 2:25
Kochise24-Jul-03 2:25 
AnswerRe: Does my article fits your whishes ? Pin
Marc Clifton25-Jul-03 11:27
mvaMarc Clifton25-Jul-03 11:27 
GeneralRe: Does my article fits your whishes ? Pin
danmorin24-Mar-04 6:51
danmorin24-Mar-04 6:51 
QuestionSpelt? Pin
Chris Marts21-Jul-03 4:57
Chris Marts21-Jul-03 4:57 
AnswerRe: Spelt? Pin
Marc Clifton21-Jul-03 7:04
mvaMarc Clifton21-Jul-03 7:04 
GeneralRe: Spelt? Pin
Chris Marts21-Jul-03 7:11
Chris Marts21-Jul-03 7:11 
Answernutjob :) Pin
dog_spawn25-Jul-03 10:34
dog_spawn25-Jul-03 10:34 
GeneralSpell check error in the spell check recommendation :-) Pin
Uwe Keim19-Jul-03 21:26
sitebuilderUwe Keim19-Jul-03 21:26 
GeneralOT - to Uwe Pin
Nish Nishant20-Jul-03 0:21
sitebuilderNish Nishant20-Jul-03 0:21 
GeneralRe: OT - to Uwe Pin
Uwe Keim20-Jul-03 3:23
sitebuilderUwe Keim20-Jul-03 3:23 
GeneralRe: OT - to Uwe Pin
Nish Nishant20-Jul-03 4:43
sitebuilderNish Nishant20-Jul-03 4:43 
GeneralRe: OT - to Uwe Pin
melwyn10-Dec-03 23:36
melwyn10-Dec-03 23:36 
GeneralRe: OT - to Uwe Pin
David Crow19-May-05 9:30
David Crow19-May-05 9:30 
GeneralRe: OT - to Uwe Pin
David Crow19-May-05 9:29
David Crow19-May-05 9:29 
GeneralRe: OT - to Uwe Pin
Uwe Keim19-May-05 10:20
sitebuilderUwe Keim19-May-05 10:20 
GeneralRe: OT - to Uwe Pin
Marc Clifton20-Jul-03 5:03
mvaMarc Clifton20-Jul-03 5:03 

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