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C# Linq Expressions in Easy Samples

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30 Oct 2022MIT13 min read 25.6K   31   9
Explains concepts of Expression programming by simple examples
This article explains Linq Expression programming by providing simple examples, making it easy to switch the context from C# to Expression programming when needed.


One of the most useful and at the same time poorly documented C# built-in libraries is System.Linq.Expressions. It allows creating complex C# code, compiling it dynamically into lambda expressions and then running those lambda expressions at compiled code speed - many times faster than achieving the same using System.Reflection library.

Expression coding is very different from writing usual C# code and requires a drastic context switch.

I've been working with expressions now and then, not very often, and every time I work with expressions, I have to spend some time to remember the basics of Expression coding.

The purpose of this article is to provide information and samples that will make the context switch into expression coding easier for myself and others in the future.

The code samples for this article are located under Expressions folder of NP.Samples repository at NP.Samples/Expressions on Github.

Simple vs Block Expressions

Simple expressions are those that are built without Expression.Block(...) method. Such expressions are simpler and are often sufficient for basic purposes, but have the following limitations:

  1. Composed non-block (simple) expressions are build by combining simpler expressions with static methods from Expression class (aside from Expression.Block(...) method). Such recursive expression building results in what is called expression tree. The resulting code is essentially a one-liner obtained by recursively substituting combinations of simpler expressions into more complex ones. There is no way to properly imitate the line by line code so common for C#.
  2. There is no way to define and initialize local variables for the resulting lambda expressions. You will see it in our sample below that we have to create lambdas with essentially unneeded parameters for non-block expressions.
  3. One cannot create an Expression wrapping a call to a method with some ref or out arguments without using Block expression, precisely because only local variables can be used as ref or out arguments.

Simple (non-Block) Expressions

Most of the built-in expression functionality comes from the static methods of Expression class located within System.Linq.Expressions package.

Primitive or built-in Expressions are Expressions built by using static factory methods of the Expression class, for example:

  • Expression.Constant(5, typeof(int)) will create an expression for a constant 5 of type int.
  • Expression.Parameter(typeof(double), "var1")) will create an expression for a variable named "var1" of type double.

By themselves, the primitive (built-in) expressions are largerly useless, but Expression class also provides static methods to combine them into composed Expressions and to compile the composed Expressions into useful lambdas.

Open a console application SimpleExpressionsExamples/NP.Samples.Expressions.SimpleExpressionsExamples.sln.

Look at the main file Program.cs. The content of the file consists of static methods; each of which corresponds to a single sample. At the end of the file, the commented out methods calls are written in the same order in which they are defined. When you work with a sample, uncomment the corresponding method and run it; when you are done, comment it out back for clarity sake.

Note that every expression has DebugView property visible only within the debugger that displays the expression's code not quite in C#, but very similar and understandable for a C# developer. This property can and should be used for checking and debugging the expressions.

Simplest Expression Samples

In this subsection, we present simple Expression samples without return statements and without loops.


The first sample method is called WrongConstantAssignmentSample(). Its name starts with 'Wrong' because it throws an exception.

The method demonstrates assigning a constant to a variable:

static void WrongConstantAssignmentSample()
    // Create variable 'myVar' of type 'int'
    var paramExpression = Expression.Parameter(typeof(int), "myVar");

    // create constant 5
    var constExpression = Expression.Constant(5, typeof(int));

    // assign constant to the variable
    Expression<Action<int>> lambdaExpr =
            assignExpression, // lambda body expression
            paramExpression   // lambda input parameter expression

    // create lambda expression
    Expression<Action> lambdaExpr = 

    // compile lambda expression
    Action lambda = lambdaExpr.Compile();

    // run lambda

Once you uncomment and run the method call at the bottom of Program.cs file, you shall see that it throws an exception at lambdaExpr.Compile() line and the exception message is:

System.InvalidOperationException: 'variable 'myVar' of type 'System.Int32' 
       referenced from scope '', but it is not defined'  

Get to the WrongConstantAssignmentSample() scope within the debuger, open up lambdaExpr variable in the debugger and take a look at the content of its DebugView property:

.Lambda #Lambda1<System.Action>() {
    $myVar = 5

As I mentioned above, DebugView property (available only in the debugger) contains a detailed view of the code (not exactly in C# but very close) of the Expression and can be used for debugging and fixing it.

One can immediately see what is wrong with the expression above - the myVar variable was never defined.

There is no way to define a local variable within expressions except for a Block expression which we shall describe later.

Instead, we can define a parameter to the lambda and use it as a variable within the lambda expression as shown below.


Take a look at CorrectedConstantAssignmentSample() method:

static void CorrectedConstantAssignmentSample()
    // Create variable 'myVar' of type 'int'
    var paramExpression = Expression.Parameter(typeof(int), "myVar");

    // create constant 5
    var constExpression = Expression.Constant(5, typeof(int));

    // assign constant to the variable
    var assignExpression = Expression.Assign(paramExpression, constExpression);

    // assign constant to the variable
    Expression<Action<int>> lambdaExpr =
            assignExpression, // lambda body expression
            paramExpression   // lambda input parameter expression
    ///.Lambda #Lambda1<System.Action`1[System.Int32]>(System.Int32 $myVar) {
    ///    $myVar = 5

    // compile lambda expression
    Action<int> lambda = lambdaExpr.Compile();

    // run lambda (pass any int number to it)

Note that the resulting paramExpression is used twice:

  1. As the left part of the assignment: Expression.Assign(paramExpression, constExpression);
    In C# code, that would be myVar = 5;
  2. As an input parameter for the lambda Expression: Expression.Lambda<Action<int>>(assignExpression, <b>paramExpression</b>);
    In C#, that would look as Lambda(myVar);

Take a look at how we obtain the lambda expression lambdaExpr:

// create lambda expression (now it has an input parameter)
Expression<Action<int>> lambdaExpr =
    (assignExpression/*body expression*/, paramExpression /* input arg expression */);

We use Action<...> as the Type parameter to Expression. The number of types within Action<...> should be equal to the number of input parameters to the lambda (in this sample - it is just one integer parameter, so we have Action<int>).

The arguments that we pass to Expression.Lambda<Action<int>>(...) are: the lambda body expression followed by the input parameters expressions in the same order in which the parameters are passed to the lambda. Of course, the number of input parameter expressions should be the same as the number of type arguments to Action<...> and their types should match.

In this sample - method body is represented by assignExpression while the single integer input parameter is represented by paramExpression.

Here is the DebugView code of lambda expression for this sample:

.Lambda #Lambda1<System.Action`1[System.Int32]>(System.Int32 $myVar) {
    $myVar = 5

Important Note: As was explained above, we cannot define a local variable without using Block expressions and because of that, myVar variable is defined as an input argument (parameter) to the lambda expression, even though, from C# point of view - the input argument is otherwise completely useless: it cannot produce any change outside of the method since it is passed by value. Defining local variables is one of the reasons to use Block expression - this will be detailed below.

We no longer get an exception, but there is no indications that assignment had really taken place. The program runs without producing any console output.


In the next sample, we demo calling Console.WriteLine(int i) method to print the resulting value of the variable.

static void ConstantAssignmentSampleWithPrintingResult()
    // Create variable 'myVar' of type 'int'
    var paramExpression = Expression.Parameter(typeof(int), "myVar");

    // create constant 5
    var constExpression = Expression.Constant(5, typeof(int));

    // assign constant to the variable
    var assignExpression = Expression.Assign(paramExpression, constExpression);

    // get method info for a Console.WriteLine(int i) method
    MethodInfo writeLineMethodInfo = 
        typeof(Console).GetMethod(nameof(Console.WriteLine), new Type[] {typeof(int)})!;

    // we create an expression to call Console.WriteLine(int i)
    var callExpression = Expression.Call(writeLineMethodInfo, assignExpression);

    // create lambda expression (now it has an input parameter)
    Expression<Action<int>> lambdaExpr =
            callExpression, /* lambda body expression */
            paramExpression /* input parameter expression */
    ///.Lambda #Lambda1<System.Action`1[System.Int32]>(System.Int32 $myVar) {
    ///    .Call System.Console.WriteLine($myVar = 5)

    // compile lambda expression
    Action<int> lambda = lambdaExpr.Compile();

    // run lambda (pass any int number to it)

Here is how we add the call to Console.WriteLine(int i) that prints the result of the assignExpression:

// get method info for a Console.WriteLine(int i) method
MethodInfo writeLineMethodInfo = 
    typeof(Console).GetMethod(nameof(Console.WriteLine), new Type[] {typeof(int)})!;

// we create an expression to call Console.WriteLine(int i)
var callExpression = Expression.Call(writeLineMethodInfo, assignExpression);

Running this ConstantAssignmentSampleWithPrintingResult() method will print number 5 to console.

The lambda expression's DebugView is:

.Lambda #Lambda1<System.Action`1[System.Int32]>(System.Int32 $myVar) {
    .Call System.Console.WriteLine($myVar = 5)

The Principle of Building non-Block Expressions

The above samples illustrate the principle of building complex expressions from simpler ones - you pass the simpler expressions to some Expression static methods as arguments.

In the last example, we build an expression callExpression by using Expression.Call(...) method and passing to it assignExpression which is in turn obtained by Expression.Assign(...) method working on two other expressions - paramExpression and constExpression. In short, we have the following Expression tree for the call Expression (which is the body of our Lambda Expression):

Image 1

Expression trees result in lambdas that recursively pass the results of the parent expressions to the transformation defined by the child expression.

Every expression aside from Block expressions is essentially a one liner - though such line (being a result of combining and expanding other expressions) can be very long.

Non-Block Expressions with Return Value

An Expression (both Simple and Block) can be made to return a value (same as a non-void method). Compiling such an expression would result in Func<...> and not Action<...> lambda.

The only thing you need to do differently is to create a lambda expression that returns a value, is to pass Func<...> instead of Action<...> to Expression.Lambda as the lambda type parameter. As always, Func<...> last type argument should specify the return type.

Of course, there is also a condition that the lambda body Expression returns some value, but most simple expressions do it anyways.

In this subsection, we shall provide examples of such methods.


Take a look at SimpleReturnConstantSample() static method:

static void SimpleReturnConstantSample()
    // create a lambda expression returning integer 1234
    var lambdaExpr = Expression.Lambda<Func<int>>
                     (Expression.Constant(1234, typeof(int)));
    ///.Lambda #Lambda1<System.Func`1[System.Int32]>() {
    ///    1234

    // compile lambda expression
    var lambda = lambdaExpr.Compile();

    // lambda returns 1234
    int returnedNumber = lambda();

    // 1234 is printed to console

Running it will print 1234 to console.


ReturnSumSample() static method sums up two integer input arguments passed to it and returns the result:

static void ReturnSumSample()
    // integer input parameter i1
    var i1Expr = Expression.Parameter(typeof(int), "i1");

    // integer input parameter i2
    var i2Expr = Expression.Parameter(typeof(int), "i2");

    // sum up two numbers expression
    var sumExpr = Expression.Add(i1Expr, i2Expr);
    //$i1 + $i2

    // lambda expression that sums up two  numbers and returns the result
    var sumLambdaExpr = 
        Expression.Lambda<Func<int, int, int>>
            sumExpr, // lambda body expression
            i1Expr,  // first int parameter i1 expression
            i2Expr   // second int parameter i2 expression
    ///.Lambda #Lambda1<System.Func`3[System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32]>(
    ///    System.Int32 $i1,
    ///    System.Int32 $i2)
    ///    $i1 + $i2

    // compile lambda expression
    var sumLambda = sumLambdaExpr.Compile();

    int i1 = 1, i2 = 2;

    // run lambda (i1 + i2)
    int result = sumLambda(i1, i2);

    // print the result
    Console.WriteLine($"{i1} + {i2} = {result}");

The most interesting parts of the code above are:

  1. a new simple expression created by Expression.Add(param1Expr, param2Expr) method
  2. creating the lambda expression:
// lambda expression that sums up two  numbers and returns the result
var sumLambdaExpr = 
    Expression.Lambda<Func<int, int, int>>
        sumExpr, // lambda body expression
        i1Expr,  // first int parameter i1 expression
        i2Expr   // second int parameter i2 expression

Note that we use Func<int, int, int> and not Action<int, int> as the generic type parameter to Expression.Lambda.

Non-Block Expressions with Loops

Loops allow to create expressions with loop control flow.


Take a look at LoopSample():

static void LoopSample()
    // loop index
    var loopIdxExpr = Expression.Parameter(typeof(int), "i");

    // max loop index plus 1
    var loopIdxToBreakOnExpr = Expression.Parameter(typeof(int), "loopIdxToBreakOn");

    // label with return type int will be returned when loop breaks. 
    LabelTarget breakLabel = Expression.Label(typeof(int), "breakLoop");

    // loop expression 
    var loopExpression =
            // if then else expression
                           loopIdxToBreakOnExpr), // if (i < loopIdxToBreakOn)
                Expression.PostIncrementAssign(loopIdxExpr),   //     i++;
                Expression.Break(breakLabel, loopIdxExpr)      // else return i;
    //    .If($i < $loopIdxToBreakOn) {
    //        $i++
    //    } .Else {
    //        .Break #Label1 { $i }
    //    }
    //.LabelTarget #Label1:

    var lambdaExpr = Expression.Lambda<Func<int, int, int>>
        loopExpression,        // loop lambda expression body
        loopIdxExpr,           // loop index (we cannot define it as a local variable, 
                               // so, instead we pass it as an input arg)
        loopIdxToBreakOnExpr   // input arg expression specifying the number 
                               // to break on when loop index reaches it.
    //.Lambda #Lambda1<System.Func`3[System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32]>(
    //    System.Int32 $i,
    //    System.Int32 $loopIdxToBreakOn) 
    //    .Loop  {
    //        .If($i < $loopIdxToBreakOn) {
    //            $i++
    //        } .Else {
    //            .Break #breakLoop { $i }
    //        }
    //    }
    //    .LabelTarget #breakLoop:
    var lambda = lambdaExpr.Compile();

    int result = lambda(0, 5);

    // should print 5

The simple loop iterates from 0 to 5 and then returns 5. The returned result is printed to console. The loop essentially imitates the following C# code:

    if (i < loopIdxToBreakOn)
return i;

Note that variable i is not defined by the loop. This is a common problem - not being able to define a local variable within a non-block expression.

Since we cannot define the loop index i as a local variable, we have to define it as an input argument to the lambda (even though, there is no any other need to do it).

The most interesting part of the code is:

// label with return type int will be returned when loop breaks. 
LabelTarget breakLabel = Expression.Label(typeof(int), "breakLoop");

// loop expression 
var loopExpression =
        // if then else expression
                       loopIdxToBreakOnExpr),             // if (i < loopIdxToBreakOn)
            Expression.PostIncrementAssign(loopIdxExpr),  //     i++;
            Expression.Break(breakLabel, loopIdxExpr)     // else return i;

Expression.Label allows to create a 'goto' label that will specify where the code execution resumes after breaking from the loop. It can be void or it can have a return type (int in our case).

Expression.IfThenElse(...) combines three other expressions - specifying the loop condition, the loop action and what happens when the loop condition is no longer satisfied. In our case, it results in approximately the following code:

if (i < loopIdxToBreakOn) // loop condition
    i++;                  // loop action
    return i;             // return i if loop condition is not satisfied


Our next example LoopForCopyingArrayValuesSample() demostrates creating an expression to copy contents of one int[] array into another. The arrays (sourceArray and targetArraty) are passed to the lambda as input arguments. The arrays are assumed to be non-null and of the same size, but for the sake of simplicity, we do not check it within the expression lambda.

static void LoopForCopyingArrayValuesSample()
    // assume that the passed arrays are of the same length

    // source array expression
    var sourceArrayExpr = Expression.Parameter(typeof(int[]), "sourceArray");

    // target array expression
    var targetArrayExpr = Expression.Parameter(typeof(int[]), "targetArray");

    // array cell index (we have to pass it as an input arg 
    // since there are no local variables)
    var arrayCellIdxExpr = Expression.Parameter(typeof(int), "i");

    // source array length
    var arrayLengthExpr = 
        Expression.ArrayLength(sourceArrayExpr); // sourceArray.Length

    // we do not specify the label type, so loopLabel is void
    var loopLabel = Expression.Label("breakLabel");

    var loopExpr =
                           arrayLengthExpr),    // if (i < sourceArray.Length)
                           arrayCellIdxExpr),   //     targetArray[i] = 
                           (arrayCellIdxExpr))  //sourceArray[i++];
                Expression.Break(loopLabel)     // else break;
    //    .If($i < $sourceArray.Length) {
    //        $targetArray[$i] = $sourceArray[$i++]
    //    } .Else {
    //        .Break #breakLabel { }
    //    }
    //.LabelTarget #breakLabel:

    // unnecessary lambda parameter - arrayCellIdxExpr since we cannot define 
    // and instantiate a local variable without Block expression
    var arrayCopyLambdaExpr = 
        Expression.Lambda<Action<int[], int[], int>>
        (loopExpr, sourceArrayExpr, targetArrayExpr, arrayCellIdxExpr);
    //.Lambda #Lambda1<System.Action`3[System.Int32[],System.Int32[],System.Int32]>(
    //    System.Int32[] $sourceArray,
    //    System.Int32[] $targetArray,
    //    System.Int32 $i) 
    //    .Loop  
    //    {
    //        .If($i < $sourceArray.Length) {
    //            $targetArray[$i] = $sourceArray[$i++]
    //        } .Else {
    //            .Break #breakLabel { }
    //        }
    //    }
    //    .LabelTarget #breakLabel:

    var arrayCopyLambda = arrayCopyLambdaExpr.Compile();

    int[] sourceArray = Enumerable.Range(1, 10).ToArray();

    int[] targetArray = new int[10];

    arrayCopyLambda(sourceArray, targetArray, 0);

    // will print: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
    Console.WriteLine(string.Join(", ", targetArray));

The method will print the contents of the targetArray (numbers from 1 to 10) to console.

Note that as always with non-block expressions, we pass the loop index variable i as a parameter since we cannot define it as a local variable.

The most interesting (new) part of the code is the Assign expression within the IfThenElse expression within the loop:

    Expression.ArrayAccess(targetArrayExpr, arrayCellIdxExpr), // targetArray[i] = 
    Expression.PostIncrementAssign(arrayCellIdxExpr))          // sourceArray[i++];

It shows using the ArrayAccess expressions to access the array cells. Here is the resulting C# code

targetArray[i] = sourceArray[i++]; 

Note that we are forced to increment i within the array index operator [] since without Block expressions, we cannot have more than a single line if statement body.


Last non-Block loop sample will show how to sum up consequitive integers from 0 to value specified by to integer variable:

static void LoopSumUpNumbersFromToSample()
    // loop index expression
    var loopIdxExpr = Expression.Parameter(typeof(int), "i");

    // max index to iterate to
    var toExpr = Expression.Parameter(typeof(int), "to");

    // result 
    var resultExpr = Expression.Parameter(typeof(int), "result");

    // of type int returns the integer result
    var loopLabel = Expression.Label(typeof(int), "breakLabel");

    var loopExpr =
                Expression.LessThanOrEqual(loopIdxExpr, toExpr),// if (i < to)
                Expression.PostIncrementAssign(loopIdxExpr)),   // result += i++;
                Expression.Break(loopLabel, resultExpr)         // else break the 
                                                          // loop and return result
    //    .If($i <= $to) {
    //        $result += $i++
    //    } .Else {
    //        .Break #breakLabel { $result }
    //    }
    //.LabelTarget #breakLabel:

    // unnecessary lambda parameter - resultExpr since we cannot define 
    // and instantiate a local variable without Block expression
    var sumNumbersFromTooLambdaExpr = Expression.Lambda<Func<int, int, int, int>>
                                      (loopExpr, loopIdxExpr, toExpr, resultExpr);
    //.Lambda #Lambda1<System.Func`4[System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,
    // System.Int32]>(
    //    System.Int32 $i,
    //    System.Int32 $to,
    //    System.Int32 $result) 
    //    .Loop  {
    //        .If($i <= $to) {
    //            $result += $i++
    //        } 
    //        .Else {
    //             .Break #breakLabel { $result }
    //        }
    //    }
    //    .LabelTarget #breakLabel:

    var sumNumbersFromTooLambda = sumNumbersFromTooLambdaExpr.Compile();

    int from = 1; 
    int to = 10;

    var sumResult = sumNumbersFromTooLambda(from, to, 0);

    // prints 'Sum of integers from 1 to 10 is 55'
    Console.WriteLine($"Sum of intergers from {from} to {to} is {sumResult}");

The 'interesting' part of the code is the body of the loop:

           Expression.PostIncrementAssign(loopIdxExpr)),   // result += i++;  

which results in the following C# code:

result += i++;  

Note since we cannot define and initialize local variable, we have to pass the initial value 0 of result variable to the lambda as an input parameter.

Expressions using Expression.Block Method

As was mentioned in the beginning of this article, Expressions with Block Method (or Block Expressions) are more powerful than simple (non-Block) expressions. In particular, they

  1. allow line by line statements.
  2. allow defining local variable that do not need to be passed as input arguments.
  3. can wrap calls to methods with ref or out arguments.

All code for Block expression samples is located within Program.cs file of BlockExpressionsExamples/NP.Samples.Expressions.BlockExpressionsExamples.sln solution.

The content of the Program.cs file consists of static methods each of which corresponding to a single sample. At the end of the file, the commented out methods calls are written in the same order in which they are defined. When you work with a sample, uncomment the corresponding method and run it; when you are done, comment it out back for the sake of clarity.


// the block expression below will 
// return the following code (i1 + i2)^2
static void BlockSampleWithLocalVariableAndLineByLineCode()
    var i1Expr = Expression.Parameter(typeof(int), "i1");
    var i2Expr = Expression.Parameter(typeof(int), "i2");

    // local variable 'result' expression
    var resultExpr = Expression.Parameter(typeof(int), "result");

    var blockExpr =
            typeof(int),                              // return type of the block 
                                                      // (skip parameter if void)
            new ParameterExpression[] { resultExpr }, // local variable(s)
            Expression.Add(i1Expr, i2Expr)),          // result = i1 + i2; 
                                                      // line 1 of block expr
              (resultExpr, resultExpr),               // result *= result; 
                                                      // line 2
            resultExpr                                // return result;    
                                                      // line 3

    var lambdaExpr = Expression.Lambda<Func<int, int, int>>
        blockExpr,                         // lambda body expression 
        i1Expr,                            // lambda input arg 1 
        i2Expr                             // lambda input arg 2

    var lambda = lambdaExpr.Compile();

    int i1 = 1, i2 = 2;
    var result = lambda(i1, i2); // (1 + 2)^2 = 9

    // should print (1 + 2) * (1 + 2) = 9
    Console.WriteLine($"({i1} + {i2}) * ({i1} + {i2}) = {result} ");

The resulting C# code of the lambda is approximately:

(int i1, int i2) =>
    int result;
    result = i1 + i2;
    result *= result;

    return result;

Of course, the same could have been achieved by a non-block expression without multiple lines and without local variable resulting as something like:

(int i1, int i2) => (i1 + i2) * (i1 + i2)

So, we only introduce this sample to demo the Block expression features.

The 'cool', new part of the method is:

var blockExpr =
        typeof(int),                              // return type of the block 
                                                  // (skip parameter if void)
        new ParameterExpression[] { resultExpr }, // local variable(s)
        Expression.Add(i1Expr, i2Expr)),          // result = i1 + i2; 
                                                  // line 1 of block expr
            (resultExpr, resultExpr),             // result *= result; 
                                                  // line 2
        resultExpr                                // return result;    
                                                  // line 3

Let us take a closer look at Expression.Block(...) method used above.

The first argument to Block(...) specifies the return type of the block (int in our case).

The second argument is an array of ParameterExpression objects that specify the local variables of the block. In our case there is only one local variable result of type int.

After that, there are expressions corresponding to the lines of code.

Important Note: The last line expression will be returned (unless it is void) - in our case, result variable is returned since resultExpr is the last line of the code.


Our next sample is similar to LoopSumUpNumbersFromToSample() non-Block sample explained above. It results in Lambda with from and to integer input arguments which sums up all the intergers from from to to including both end points.

Unlike the non-Block expression:

  • It does not require passing the result as an external input argument (the result is defined as a local variable)
  • It allows initializing the result and incrementing the loop index on separate lines.

Here is the code:

static void BlockLoopSumUpNumbersFromToSample()
    // loop index expression
    var loopIdxExpr = Expression.Parameter(typeof(int), "i");

    // max index to iterate to
    var toExpr = Expression.Parameter(typeof(int), "to");

    // result 
    var resultExpr = Expression.Parameter(typeof(int), "result");

    // of type int returns the integer result
    var loopLabel = Expression.Label(typeof(int), "breakLabel");

    var blockExpr =
            typeof(int),                                // returns int
            new ParameterExpression[] { resultExpr },   // resultExpr is the 
                                                        // local variable expression
                  (resultExpr, Expression.Constant(0)), // result = 0; 
                                                        // initialize result
                    Expression.LessThanOrEqual(loopIdxExpr, toExpr), // if (i < to) {
                    Expression.Block // block containing multiple lines of expressions
                                     // (it is more clearer 
                                     // when i++ is on a separate line)
                           (resultExpr, loopIdxExpr),         // result += i;
                                     (loopIdxExpr)            // i++;
                    Expression.Break(loopLabel, resultExpr)   // } else break the loop
                                                              // and return result

    // unnecessary lambda parameter - resultExpr since we cannot define 
    // and instantiate a local variable without Block expression
    var sumNumbersFromTooLambdaExpr = Expression.Lambda<Func<int, int, int>>
                                      (blockExpr, loopIdxExpr, toExpr);

    var sumNumbersFromTooLambda = sumNumbersFromTooLambdaExpr.Compile();

    int from = 1;
    int to = 10;

    var sumResult = sumNumbersFromTooLambda(from, to);

    // prints 'Sum of integers from 1 to 10 is 55'
    Console.WriteLine($"Sum of intergers from {from} to {to} is {sumResult}");

The interesting part is:

var blockExpr =
        typeof(int), // returns int
        new ParameterExpression[] { resultExpr },              // resultExpr is the 
                                                               // local variable 
                                                               // expression
        Expression.Assign(resultExpr, Expression.Constant(0)), // result = 0; 
                                                               // initialize result
                Expression.LessThanOrEqual(loopIdxExpr, toExpr), // if (i < to) {
                Expression.Block // block containing multiple lines of expressions
                                 // (it is more clearer when i++ is on a separate line)
                    Expression.AddAssign(resultExpr, loopIdxExpr), // result += i;
                    Expression.PostIncrementAssign(loopIdxExpr)    // i++;
                Expression.Break(loopLabel, resultExpr)            // } else break 
                                                                   // the loop and 
                                                                   // return result

Expression.Block(...) is used twice. The top level Expression.Block(...) defines resultExpr as a local variable, initializes it by Expression.Assign(resultExpr, Expression.Constant(0)) to zero calls the loop and returns the loop result.

The Block expression within the loop represents the loop body and is used to place i++ increment operator on a separate line after result += i; line. In C#, I prefer it for clarity, even though it will be compiled to the same code.

Running the sample method will result in:

Sum of integers from 1 to 10 is 55

printed to console.


The last block sample will demonstrate how to call a method with a ref argument using Block expressions.

The method to be called is:

public static void PlusRef(ref int i1, int i2)
    i1 += i2;

The first argument i1 is ref and gets updated with the sum of i1 and i2.

The purpose of this sample is to create a lambda that wraps such method something close to:

(int i1, int i2) =>
    int result = i1;
    PlusRef(ref result, i2);

    return result;

Note that lambdas cannot have ref and out arguments, so we are forced to pass inputs as simple int arguments and return also int. Variable result has to be passed to PlusRef(...) method as a ref int argument so it has to be a local variable (since it cannot be passed to the lambda as a ref argument).

In order to be able to declare and initialize a local variable, we are forced to use a Block expression.

static void BlockCallPlusRefSample()
    // i1 argument expression
    var i1Expr = Expression.Parameter(typeof(int), "i1");

    // i2 argument expression
    var i2Expr = Expression.Parameter(typeof(int), "i2");

    // local variable 'result' expression
    var resultExpr = Expression.Parameter(typeof(int), "result");

    Type plusRefMethodContainer = typeof(Program);

    // PlusRef(...) MethodInfo
    MethodInfo plusRefMethodInfo =

    // block expression
    var blockExpr = Expression.Block
        typeof(int), // block return type
        new ParameterExpression[] { resultExpr },               // int result; 
                                                                // local variable
        Expression.Assign(resultExpr, i1Expr),                  // result = i1;
        Expression.Call(plusRefMethodInfo, resultExpr, i2Expr), // call PlusRef
                                                                // (ref result, i2)
        resultExpr                                              // return result;

    var lambdaExpr =
        Expression.Lambda<Func<int, int, int>>
            blockExpr, // lambda body expression
            i1Expr,    // i1 parameter expression
            i2Expr     // i2 parameter expression

    var lambda = lambdaExpr.Compile();

    int i1 = 1, i2 = 2;
    int result = lambda(i1, i2);

    Console.WriteLine($"{i1} + {i2} = {result}");
    // prints 1 + 2 = 3 to console


In this article, I explained the basics and gave numerous hands-on examples of programming System.Linq.Expressions, went over Non-Block and Block expressions, explaining the concepts of Expressions and going over numerous static methods within Expression class used for building various expressions.


  • 30th October, 2022: Initial version


This article, along with any associated source code and files, is licensed under The MIT License

Written By
Architect AWebPros
United States United States
I am a software architect and a developer with great passion for new engineering solutions and finding and applying design patterns.

I am passionate about learning new ways of building software and sharing my knowledge with others.

I worked with many various languages including C#, Java and C++.

I fell in love with WPF (and later Silverlight) at first sight. After Microsoft killed Silverlight, I was distraught until I found Avalonia - a great multiplatform package for building UI on Windows, Linux, Mac as well as within browsers (using WASM) and for mobile platforms.

I have my Ph.D. from RPI.

here is my linkedin profile

Comments and Discussions

GeneralMy vote of 5 Pin
Champion Chen9-Sep-23 0:35
Champion Chen9-Sep-23 0:35 
GeneralRe: My vote of 5 Pin
Nick Polyak9-Sep-23 15:37
mvaNick Polyak9-Sep-23 15:37 
QuestionAmazing tutorial - Can we get something on caching compiled expressions? Pin
Daniel Thibault-Shea19-Apr-23 8:16
Daniel Thibault-Shea19-Apr-23 8:16 
This was more than I could have hoped for. Thank you very kindly for your effort and generosity. This got me from complete ignorance to a fair degree of confidence with building expressions.

If I may be so bold, I do have a wishlist :

1) How to cache compiled expressions for reuse (avoid costly compiling).
2) Extract a nested property access (from a lambda in parameter - x => x.Address.StreetNumber) :
public MemberExpression GenerateNestedPropertyAccessExpression<TEntity, TProperty>(ParameterExpression paramExp, Expression<Func<TEntity, TProperty> propertyAccessLambda)
    // code here that gives MemberExpression that accesses any level of property (ie. x.Address.StreetNumber)

    return MemberExpression that represents (nested) property access

var personParamExp = Expression.Property(typeof(Person), "person");
var memberExp = GenerateNestedPropertyAccessExpression<Person, int>(personParamExp, x => x.Address.StreetNumber)

AnswerRe: Amazing tutorial - Can we get something on caching compiled expressions? Pin
Nick Polyak9-Sep-23 15:40
mvaNick Polyak9-Sep-23 15:40 
GeneralMy vote of 5 Pin
Igor Ladnik31-Oct-22 7:45
professionalIgor Ladnik31-Oct-22 7:45 
GeneralRe: My vote of 5 Pin
Nick Polyak31-Oct-22 7:53
mvaNick Polyak31-Oct-22 7:53 
QuestionNice Pin
Sacha Barber31-Oct-22 4:14
Sacha Barber31-Oct-22 4:14 
AnswerRe: Nice Pin
Nick Polyak31-Oct-22 4:28
mvaNick Polyak31-Oct-22 4:28 
AnswerRe: Nice Pin
Nick Polyak31-Oct-22 4:49
mvaNick Polyak31-Oct-22 4:49 

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