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User-Level Spin Locks

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23 Oct 2000CPOL 228.1K   53   29
An introduction to using spin locks for synchronization.
"The concept of mutual exclusion is a crucial one in operating systems development. It refers to the guarantee that one, and only one, thread can access a particular resource at a time. Mutual exclusion is necessary when a resource doesn't lend itself to shared access or when sharing would result in an unpredictable outcome... If one thread reads a memory location while another writes to it, the first thread will receive unpredictable data... The same error could occur on a single processor system if the operating system were to perform a context switch while the two threads are accessing this non-shareable resource or critical section... The biggest area of concern is interrupts. The kernel (or a thread) might be updating a global data structure when an interrupt occurs whose interrupt-handling routine also modifies the structure."

Excerpt from the book Inside Microsoft Windows 2000, Third Edition, by David Solomon and Mark Russinovich...

1. What is a Spin Lock?

A Spin Lock is an inter-process or task synchronization mechanism like a Mutex, Semaphore or a (Win32) Critical Section. Spin Locks are often used in Symmetric Multiprocessor Operating System Kernels. Because sometimes it is more efficient to constantly poll for the availability of a lock rather than...

  1. Pre-empting the thread (doing the context switch), schedule another thread
  2. Maintaining and altering the extra housekeeping structures ("who" owns the synchronization object or lock, how long, has the timeout interval elapsed,...)
  3. Doing the extra work (of C function calls or even of Assembler routines) for a fair first-in-first-out mechanism.

Compared with the Win32 CRITICAL_SECTION structure and its functions, and certainly with any other synchronization mechanism like advanced mutexes and semaphores, a Spin Lock is certainly less fair (there is no protection - in this version anyway - against the theoretical "starvation” of a thread that is forever-waiting for the resource to unlock).

Also, it is more "unsafe" for your programs: if a Thread holding the lock unexpectedly dies (without freeing the lock), the presented Spin Lock has no way of knowing this, hence your threads waiting on the resource will also not be able to recover and thus "spin forever", burning CPU cycles.

But if used very carefully, a Spin Lock is in certain situations a lot faster than any other synchronization mechanism your operating system has to offer (unless it also provides user accessible Spin Locks, of course). These classes (a not-re-entrant and a re-entrant version of a USER-LEVEL SPIN LOCK) were constructed because they are a "semi-portable" synchronization mechanism for threads or tasks within the same process or address space. You can use this lock mechanism in software running on top of an OS, and also on a system without an OS where you have to protect queues, buffers, lists, structures, etc... against interrupt routines, which can leave your shared data in an inconsistent state. This situation has a lot of similarities to a thread synchronization problem (race condition) for a critical section of a standard Win32 multi-threaded program.

All you have to do is to port one (1) function to your specific CPU platform. (The i386 implementation is only 4 instructions long).

When first investigating these synchronization issues for no-OS-Embedded systems, I came across software locking mechanisms such as Peterson's Algorithm (for protecting a critical section against data corruption by 2 competing processes or tasks) and Lamport's Bakery Algorithm (for protecting a critical section against data corruption by N competing processes or tasks). Both solutions (and their derivatives) make the assumption that, reads and writes are "atomic". This just means that, reads and writes happen in a not-interruptible sequence of (CPU) instructions (or preferably only one CPU instruction), which is not the case for most hardware platforms – just take a look a the number of (i386) processor instructions required to store or write a value into a variable.

This explanation brings us to the standard way of avoiding data corruption in the no-OS-world when memory is shared between interrupt routines and a 'normal' – not-interrupt-driven – part of the program (what is mostly referred to as the "main loop"): 

=> Temporarily disabling the interrupts from within the main loop when retrieving data from the shared buffer.

Pretty 'lame' - as they say - because this solution can (in extreme cases) lead to the "loss of events", if the 'retrieve' function in the main loop takes too long to complete.

The solution here is to find a processor specific instruction that is SMP safe and executes in one not-interruptible sequence. As an example, the SWAP instruction is mostly used. This simple but ingenious idea is, in literature, also referred to as the "Test And Set" method.

2. The Algorithm

The Hardware algorithm for a binary semaphore using the Test and Set method:

      set s = 0; 
      if (s == 0 && previous value of s == 1)
         break; // we obtained the lock
   while (true);

    set s = 1; // release the lock

Just to set the dot on the 'i': 

This is nothing new; you can find this in any good OS internals-explaining textbook.

3. The Spin Lock implementation:

3.1 Non-reentrant spin lock

class CPP_SpinLock
public:    // inlined constructor
    // inlined NON-virtual destructor
    inline CPP_SpinLock() : m_s(1) {}
    inline ~CPP_SpinLock() {}    
    // enter the lock, spinlocks (with/without Sleep)
    // when mutex is already locked
    inline void Enter(void)
        int prev_s;
            prev_s = TestAndSet(&m_s, 0);
            if (m_s == 0 && prev_s == 1)
            // reluinquish current timeslice (can only
            // be used when OS available and
            // we do NOT want to 'spin')
            // HWSleep(0);
        while (true);
    // Tries to enter the lock, returns 0
    // when mutex is already locked, 
    // returns != 0 when success
    inline int TryEnter(void)
        int prev_s = TestAndSet(&m_s, 0);
        if (m_s == 0 && prev_s == 1)
            return 1;
        return 0;
    // Leaves or unlocks the mutex
    // (should only be called by lock owner)
    inline void Leave(void)
        TestAndSet(&m_s, 1);
    // sets BIT value and returns previous
    // 1 atomic un-interruptable operation
    int TestAndSet(int* pTargetAddress, int nValue);
    int m_s;

// This part is Platform dependent!
#ifdef WIN32
inline int CPP_SpinLock::TestAndSet(int* pTargetAddress, 
                                              int nValue)
        mov edx, dword ptr [pTargetAddress]
        mov eax, nValue
        lock xchg eax, dword ptr [edx]
    // mov = 1 CPU cycle
    // lock = 1 CPU cycle
    // xchg = 3 CPU cycles
#endif // WIN32

3.2 Reentrant Spin Lock

// Thanks to George V. Reilly for pointing out
// the flaws in the first inefficient implementation.
// So here is the second try.
// NB PNumber is used as the Task, Thread or
// Process Number, on Windows you should
// pass GetCurrentThreadId() into it.
// For Embedded systems you pass your owned
// assigned task (or interrupt) numbers.
class CPP_SpinLock_Reentrant_Hopefully_Less_Clumsy

      m_nOwner(0xffffffff) {};

      ~CPP_SpinLock_Reentrant_Hopefully_Less_Clumsy() {};

    inline void Enter(unsigned int PNumber)
        if (PNumber == m_nOwner)
        m_nOwner = PNumber;

    inline int TryEnter(unsigned int PNumber)
        if (PNumber == m_nOwner) // we own it
            return 1;
        if (m_RealCS.TryEnter())
            m_nOwner = PNumber;
            return 1;
        return 0;

    inline void Leave(unsigned int PNumber)
        assert(PNumber == m_nOwner);
        if (m_nLockCount == 0)
            m_nOwner = 0xffffffff;


    CPP_SpinLock m_RealCS;
    unsigned int m_nLockCount;
    unsigned int m_nOwner;

4. Spin Lock Usage

4.1 When should you use a Spin Lock?

Only when it makes sense not to do a context switch in the event of a locked resource:

  • The time the thread has to wait is smaller than the amount of time to do the context switch. (This is only true for SMP operating systems running on SMP hardware! If there is no real parallelism and you have a pre-emptive OS, you should always prefer a context switch. Which thread is going to free the resource anyway on a uni-processor system?)
  • The chance of a resource conflict (= the chance of having to actually wait for the lock) in the critical section is either very small or the average waiting time is less than the time needed for the OS to do the context switching.
  • The critical section itself is very small and the number of checks is very high.
  • You don't have another synchronization mechanism because you do not have an OS.

4.2 Benefits of using a Spin Lock:

Depends on the situation, of course (as we will see in a couple of tests): speed. An NT Critical Section check (and the resource is 'free' – you have a "green light") takes about 6 CPU cycles. (I haven't checked this - it depends also on the type of CPU - but I remember reading it somewhere. N.B.: You can always do further testing yourself if you wanted...).

5. The tests

The test system is a dual PII 350 MHz (2 CPUs), 256 MB RAM and running Windows 2000 Advanced Server Edition.

Depending on the situation, the NOT-REENTRANT version is about 1 to 5 times faster (and remember it is sometimes also slower and wasting resources) than the EnterCriticalSection/LeaveCriticalSection stuff, which is the fastest Win32 synchronization mechanism. The REENTRANT version, however, is a lot (more than 2 times) slower and is only provided for no-OS Embedded systems programmers. I am sure the implementation can be a lot faster when using more 'assembler', but that would decrease the portability (A better re-entrant algorithm would also do the trick). So if you do not need re-entrance, do not use the re-entrant version!

In all the tests, the higher the number, the better the performance. There is no absolute proof to be found in these tests. It just helps you to reflect on things. Let common sense prevail.

5.1 Test 1:

This test code will generate a lot of collisions in the critical section, so other differences will emerge when collisions are sparse.

double value = 0;
double prevvalue = 0;
bool stop = false;

CPP_SpinLock theTestMutex;

void IncreaseValue(unsigned int PNumber)
    // EnterCriticalSection(&theCS);
    prevvalue = value;
    if (prevvalue != value-1)
        MessageBox(NULL, "Oh Oh Oh!", 0, MB_OKCANCEL);
    // LeaveCriticalSection(&theCS);

DWORD WINAPI ThreadProc( LPVOID lpParameter )
    while (!stop)
        IncreaseValue((unsigned int) lpParameter);
    return 0;

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
    HANDLE hThread1 = NULL;
    HANDLE hThread2 = NULL;
    DWORD dwThreadID1 = 0;
    DWORD dwThreadID2 = 0;


    hThread1 = ::CreateThread(NULL, 0, 
      ThreadProc, (void*) 0, 0, &dwThreadID1);
    hThread2 = ::CreateThread(NULL, 0, ThreadProc, 
      (void*) 1, 0, &dwThreadID2);

    WaitForSingleObject(hThread1, 10000);

    stop = true;

    WaitForSingleObject(hThread1, INFINITE);
    WaitForSingleObject(hThread2, INFINITE);



    cerr << "\nNumber Increases:" 
             << value << "\n";

    return 0;
Run1 output: Number Increases:1.2227e+006
Run2 output: Number Increases:1.29654e+006
Run3 output: Number Increases: 1.23221e+006
Run4 output: Number Increases: 1.15439e+006

Using the Spin Lock 
Run1 output: Number Increases: 8.43261e+006
Run2 output: Number Increases: 9.13226e+006
Run3 output: Number Increases: 8.1077e+006
Run4 output: Number Increases: 7.93513e+006

This certainly would prove my point, but don't cheer just yet. The performance differences are subtler than that.

5.2 Test 2:

Now, we change the test code, so we no longer have collisions on the lock:

double value[2];
double prevvalue[2];
bool stop = false;

CPP_SpinLock theTestMutex[2];

void IncreaseValue(unsigned int PNumber)
    // EnterCriticalSection(&(theCS[PNumber]));
    prevvalue[PNumber] = value[PNumber];
    if (prevvalue[PNumber] != value[PNumber]-1)
        MessageBox(NULL, "Oh Oh Oh!", 0, MB_OKCANCEL);
    // LeaveCriticalSection(&(theCS[PNumber]));

DWORD WINAPI ThreadProc( LPVOID lpParameter )
    while (!stop)
        IncreaseValue((unsigned int) lpParameter);
    return 0;

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
    HANDLE hThread1 = NULL;
    HANDLE hThread2 = NULL;
    DWORD dwThreadID1 = 0;
    DWORD dwThreadID2 = 0;


    value[0] = 0;
    prevvalue[0] = 0;
    value[1] = 0;
    prevvalue[1] = 0;

    hThread1 = ::CreateThread(NULL, 0, 
      ThreadProc, (void*) 0, 0, &dwThreadID1);
    hThread2 = ::CreateThread(NULL, 0, ThreadProc, 
      (void*) 1, 0, &dwThreadID2);

    WaitForSingleObject(hThread1, 10000);

    stop = true;

    WaitForSingleObject(hThread1, INFINITE);
    WaitForSingleObject(hThread2, INFINITE);



    cerr << "\nNumber Increases:" 
      << value[0] + value[1] << "\n";

    return 0;
Run1 output: Number Increases: 1.01325e+007
Run2 output: Number Increases: 1.06665e+007
Run3 output: Number Increases: 1.13035e+007
Run4 output: Number Increases: 1.04613e+007

Using the Spin Lock 
Run1 output: Number Increases: 1.04721e+007
Run2 output: Number Increases: 1.13043e+007
Run3 output: Number Increases: 1.17862e+007
Run4 output: Number Increases: 1.09453e+007

In my opinion, there is hardly a significant difference, although the spin lock seems to do a slightly better job.

5.3 Test 3:

double value;
double prevvalue;
bool stop = false;

CPP_SpinLock theTestMutex;

DWORD WINAPI ThreadProc2( LPVOID lpParameter )
    while (!stop)
        // theTestMutex.Enter();
        // theTestMutex.Leave();
    return 0;

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
    HANDLE hThread1 = NULL;
    DWORD dwThreadID1 = 0;


    value = 0;
    prevvalue = 0;

    hThread1 = ::CreateThread(NULL, 0, 
      ThreadProc2, (void*) 0, 0, &dwThreadID1);

    WaitForSingleObject(hThread1, 10000);

    stop = true;

    WaitForSingleObject(hThread1, INFINITE);



    cerr << "\nNumber Increases:" 
           << value << "\n";

    return 0;
Run1 output: Number Increases: 4.19735e+007
Run2 output: Number Increases: 4.18007e+007
Run3 output: Number Increases: 4.19747e+007
Run4 output: Number Increases: 4.2017e+007

Using the Spin Lock 
Run1 output: Number Increases: 4.19765e+007
Run2 output: Number Increases: 4.1972e+007
Run3 output: Number Increases: 4.20036e+007
Run4 output: Number Increases: 4.19853e+007

This also does not show a 'big' difference (IMHO, it does not show a difference at all). I just think the Win32 Critical Sections have a pretty efficient implementation.

6. Conclusion

It's up to the potential user of these Spin Locks to decide which application is best suited for them. 

Spin Locks can either be used on an embedded device without an operating system, or they can be used - with care - on a SMP machine with a SMP operating system. The mechanism is used to enforce mutual exclusion for shared resources. It is not recommended to use (blocking) Spin Locks on uni-processor systems. The key question is, whether the developer will let the scheduler intervene in case of a locked "shared resource" or "critical section". If it is decided to "spin" the lock, the developer must be certain that performance will be gained by not triggering the context switch.


  • 24 Oct 2000 - Updated reentrant code in section 3.2


This article, along with any associated source code and files, is licensed under The Code Project Open License (CPOL)

Written By
Technical Lead
Belgium Belgium
Gert Boddaert is an experienced embedded software architect and driver developer who worked for companies such as Agfa Gevaert, KBC, Xircom, Intel, Niko, (Thomson) Technicolor, Punch Powertrain, Fifthplay, Cisco and Barco. For more obscure details, please take a look at his LinkedIn profile. Anyway, he started out as a Commercial Engineer – option “Management Informatics”, but was converted to the code-for-food religion by sheer luck. After writing higher level software for a few years, he descended to the lower levels of software, and eventually landed on the bottom of embedded hell… and apparently still likes it down there.

His favourite motto: “Think hard, experiment and prototype, think again, write (easy and maintainable) code”,

favourite quote: “If you think it’s expensive to hire a professional to do the job, wait until you hire an amateur.” – by Red Adair,

I can be contacted for real-time embedded software development projects via and

Comments and Discussions

GeneralModified code, :) Pin
sld8-Jan-10 22:03
sld8-Jan-10 22:03 
GeneralSome opinion [modified] Pin
sld8-Jan-10 21:46
sld8-Jan-10 21:46 
QuestionWhat about InterlockedExchange? Pin
Member 167475527-Nov-09 11:03
Member 167475527-Nov-09 11:03 
AnswerRe: What about InterlockedExchange? Pin
Gert Boddaert29-Nov-09 21:33
Gert Boddaert29-Nov-09 21:33 
GeneralThis type of SpinLock is dangerous, and will cause dead-lock. Pin
matt_77712-Dec-07 13:04
sussmatt_77712-Dec-07 13:04 
QuestionProblem with InitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount Pin
kazim bhai22-Mar-07 0:38
kazim bhai22-Mar-07 0:38 
GeneralAtomic or not Pin
Pierre Couderc3-Jan-05 22:02
Pierre Couderc3-Jan-05 22:02 
GeneralImplementing critical section with lists in multi threaded environment Pin
12-Apr-02 3:18
suss12-Apr-02 3:18 
GeneralInitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount Pin
Gerald Schwab11-Oct-01 17:05
Gerald Schwab11-Oct-01 17:05 
GeneralRe: InitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount Pin
ximvu12-Jun-08 5:07
ximvu12-Jun-08 5:07 
GeneralRe: InitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount Pin
Gerald Schwab12-Jun-08 5:24
Gerald Schwab12-Jun-08 5:24 
QuestionHow about a context switch free reader writer lock? Pin
Pieter Viljoen7-Nov-00 16:53
Pieter Viljoen7-Nov-00 16:53 
AnswerRe: How about a context switch free reader writer lock? Pin
Gert Boddaert16-Nov-00 1:58
Gert Boddaert16-Nov-00 1:58 
GeneralRe: How about a context switch free reader writer lock? Pin
Pieter Viljoen18-Nov-00 13:24
Pieter Viljoen18-Nov-00 13:24 
GeneralRe: How about a context switch free reader writer lock? Pin
Gert Boddaert24-Nov-00 3:13
Gert Boddaert24-Nov-00 3:13 
AnswerRe: How about a context switch free reader writer lock? Pin
adisakp19-Feb-09 12:10
adisakp19-Feb-09 12:10 
GeneralPriority Inversion Pin
Rob Krakora25-Oct-00 3:00
Rob Krakora25-Oct-00 3:00 
GeneralRe: Priority Inversion Pin
Gert Boddaert25-Oct-00 5:23
Gert Boddaert25-Oct-00 5:23 
GeneralWhat's about SetCriticalSectionSpinCount() Pin
Daniel Lohmann24-Oct-00 7:21
Daniel Lohmann24-Oct-00 7:21 
GeneralRe: What's about SetCriticalSectionSpinCount() Pin
Gert Boddaert24-Oct-00 7:55
Gert Boddaert24-Oct-00 7:55 
GeneralComments on the code Pin
George V. Reilly, Microsoft23-Oct-00 13:30
sussGeorge V. Reilly, Microsoft23-Oct-00 13:30 
GeneralReaction to comments on the code Pin
Gert Boddaert23-Oct-00 23:29
Gert Boddaert23-Oct-00 23:29 
<< You can omit the test for m_s == 0 in CPP_SpinLock::Enter and TryEnter. It's irrelevant. Just look at prev_s. If it was 1, you now own the lock. Period. If prev_s == 0, then some other thread owns
the lock. >>

<< Testing m_s leads to a harmless race condition. Consider what happens if another thread already owns the lock, but calls Leave between your calling TestAndSet(0) and your testing the value of m_s? >>

Absolutely correct, but as I will explain further on, I did have my reasons.

<< BTW, the code would be more readable if you used an enum for LOCKED and UNLOCKED, especially as LOCKED==0 and UNLOCKED==1 is the inverse of how most people think of the
state of the lock.>>

Well, what about the resource is free
=> the value is 1
The resource is not free
=> the value is 0
Isn’t that how a semaphore logically works? (You have a pool of 5 resources, so you count down to 0 when they are all taken/locked/no longwer available). It just depends how you look at it?

Concerning the test of (m_s == 0), Actually this is an EXCELLENT remark! The reason for this is the availability of the supported processor instruction for swapping (values): some architectures, like the one we use now, allow only a Bit Test And Set: it is nice to test the actual assembler function result whether it conforms to the expected result ( 32 bit “0” and “1” ) . That does not mean that if this conformation test is done, you can and should omit it (m_s == 0).

<< Your implementation of TestAndSet should be ifdef'd on
_M_IX86, not just WIN32. Also, look up __fastcall and/or __declspec(naked) in MSDN. Your cycle cost ignores the cost of the prolog and push/pop instructions. >>

Point taken (for _M_IX86, I will change that ASAP). __fastcall and __declspec(naked) is Microsoft specific. I cannot predict cycles for other platforms and actual performance changes between (i386) processor generations. Modern processors do more in 1 cycle.

<< The PORTABLE way to do TestAndSet on Win32/WinCE/Win64 is to use InterlockedExchange. It will be indetectably slower in any real application. >>

Yes, but that is because any “real application” will not have this lock testing function as the relatively most called function. However, That does not say which function is faster. It is also debatable what PORTABLE means in this (Microsoft) context.

<< For the re-entrant spinlock, the PNumber stuff is pretty
clumsy. Much better to omit it entirely and use GetCurrentThreadId() to identify the owner of the lock. The code is pretty clumsy and it's possible to do without m_RealCS entirely.>>

Nobody likes it when his code is called clumsy, but I do like constructive criticism. Open your mind and try to expand beyond Microsoft Windows for a moment (no offence intended). Not every platform has a GetCurrentThreadId() function,… not every system even has threads. However, If you NUMBER your INTERRUPT ORIGINS and your main loop on a NO-OS SYSTEM, you should see how "PNumber" could come in Handy. I know this a Windows Programming site and I do program 70% of my time on Windows NT/2000, which is the certainly the top Desktop OS. However, over 90% of all processors sold go into embedded systems. Some (and more than you think) of those Embedded systems do not even have an OS, although thank God - I might add - this is changing.
I do admit there is a lot of room for improvement in the Re-entrant version. Any suggestion would be greatly appreciated. I also recognize not to have explained the intentions behind the "PNumber" construction and the Re-entrant version in general, which is a mistake on my part. Either I should omit it or explain it.

<< Your code, as listed, is completely bogus on
uniprocessor systems (you sort of mention this). If the lock is held by another thread, the only appropriate thing to do is to yield immediately. If you don't, the owning thread won't get a chance to release the lock until your timeslice expires. The easiest way to yield is to call Sleep(0). Even on multiprocessor systems, you should yield eventually in most circumstances. >>

I think you overlooked some things in the article, because I did mention that (The Sleep(0) is even in the code but I commented it out). It is bogus on uniprocessor systems with a pre-emptive multi-threaded OS like Windows 9X/NT/2000/LINUX/UNIX/…. To protect an embedded program against corruption by interrupt routines, it is more than simple, sufficient and efficient enough. The interrupt tests the lock. If the lock is acquired, it can put its data into the shared queue (shared with the main loop and possibly other interrupts, that is). Otherwise, it will keep the data in a private queue and retry to repost it to the shared queue ASAP.

<< Your tests would be more meaningful if they reported how many CPUs were in the machine and the context switch rate.>>

I did. (It’s right below 5. Tests) I don’t know the context switch rate of the tests though.

<< Finally, note that NT has supported spincounts on CRITICAL_SECTIONs since NT4.0sp3. Look up SetCriticalSectionSpinCount in MSDN, then retry your experiment.>>

Point taken.

Thank you very much for your reaction.

Best regards and take care,

GeneralRe: Comments on the code Pin
Doug Gale16-Mar-02 7:15
Doug Gale16-Mar-02 7:15 
GeneralRe: Comments on the code Pin
Gert Boddaert17-Mar-02 22:14
Gert Boddaert17-Mar-02 22:14 
GeneralRe: Comments on the code Pin
JoelKatz21-Feb-06 21:51
JoelKatz21-Feb-06 21:51 

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