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Encryption - RSA implemented through Java Script to Encryt/Decrypt data

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9 Sep 2003CPOL6 min read 190.9K   4K   50   24
Demonstrate the use of RSA algorithm in HTML pages


RSA is a public key cryptosystem for both encryption and authentication; it was given by three scientists viz. Ron Rivest, Adi Shamir and Leonard Adleman. This algorithm is much secure than any other algorithm. The latest key size used for this encryption technique is 512 bits to 2048 bits.

With the advent of computers it has become possible to perform computations at teraflop speeds so such algorithms could easily be cracked. But RSA encryption uses the concept of two large prime numbers, such that, their product could not be easily factorized. Let us see how this algorithm works and understand its implementation using Java Script.

Mathematical Background

Modular Arithmetic

RSA uses modular arithmetic. This is similar to conventional arithmetic, but only uses positive integers that are less than a chosen value, called the modulus. Addition, subtraction and multiplication work like regular maths, but there is no division. You can use any value for the modulus; the diagram uses 13, so counting goes 0, 1, 2, ..., 11, 12, 0, 1, 2 ... The notation used for expressions involving modular arithmetic is:

x = y (mod m)

Which reads as "x is equivalent to y, modulo m". What this means is that x and y leave the same remainder when divided by m. For example, 7 = 23 (mod 8) and 22 = 13 (mod 9). The following statement is a basic principle of modular arithmetic:

a + kp = a (mod p)

You can visualize this on the diagram - each time you add p you go round the circle, back to where you started. It doesn't matter where you start, how big the circle is, or how many times you do it, it's always true.

Primality and Coprimality

  • A number is prime if the only numbers that exactly divide it are 1 and itself. e.g. 17 is prime, but 15 isn't, because it's divisible by 3 and 5.
  • A pair of numbers are coprime if the largest number that exactly divides both of them is 1. The numbers themselves don't have to be prime. e.g. 8 and 9 are coprime, but 8 and 10 are not, because they're both divisible by 2.
  • If you have a pair of distinct prime numbers, they will always be coprime to each other.

Chinese Remainder Theorem

This theorem provides a way to combine two modular equations that use different moduli.


x = y (mod pq)


x = y + kp
x - y = kp
p divides (x - y)
  by a similar route, q divides (x - y)
  as p and q are coprime, pq divides (x - y)
x - y = l(pq)
x = y (mod pq)

Fermat/Euler Theorem

This theorem is a surprising identity that relates the exponent to the modulus.



p-1 = 1 (mod p)
if p is prime and x 0 (mod p)



as p is prime, these numbers are coprime to p
  0 is not coprime to p
  Q includes all the numbers in (mod p) coprime to p
  now consider the set U, obtained by multiplying each element of Q by x (mod p)
  each element of U is coprime to p
  i = xQj (mod p) with i j
  Qi = Qj (mod p) as x 0
  elements of U are distinct
  U is a permutation of Q
  U1.U2 ... Up-1 = Q1.Q2 ... Qp-1 (mod p)
  xQ1.xQ2 ... xQp-1 = Q1.Q2 ... Qp-1 (mod p)
  1.Q2 ... Qp-1
  xp-1 = 1 (mod p)

Using the code

This implementation of RSA uses 32 bit key. There are two files: input.htm and output.htm. The code for the input.htm file is as follows:



<script language="JavaScript">
<!-- hide from old browsers
function gcd (a, b)
   var r;
   while (b>0)
   return a;

function rel_prime(phi)
   var rel=5;
   while (gcd(phi,rel)!=1)
   return rel;

function power(a, b)
   var temp=1, i;
    return temp;

function encrypt(N, e, M)
   var r,i=0,prod=1,rem_mod=0;
   while (e>0)
      r=e % 2;
      if (i++==0)
         rem_mod=M % N;
         rem_mod=power(rem_mod,2) % N;
      if (r==1)
         prod=prod % N;
   return prod;

function calculate_d(phi,e)
   var x,y,x1,x2,y1,y2,temp,r,orig_phi;
   while (e>0)
      if (phi==1)
   return y2;

function decrypt(c, d, N)
   var r,i=0,prod=1,rem_mod=0;
   while (d>0)
      r=d % 2;
      if (i++==0)
         rem_mod=c % N;
         rem_mod=power(rem_mod,2) % N;
      if (r==1)
         prod=prod % N;
   return prod;

function openNew()
"Output.htm", "Obj","HEIGHT=400,WIDTH=600,SCROLLBARS=YES");
   var p=parseInt(document.Input.p.value);
   var q=parseInt(document.Input.q.value);
   var M=parseInt(document.Input.M.value);
   var N=p * q;
   var phi=(p-1)*(q-1);
   var e=rel_prime(phi);
   var c=encrypt(N,e,M);
   var d=calculate_d(phi,e);

// end scripting here -->



<p><font size="6">Input Form</font></p>
<form name="Input">
<table border="0" width="100%" height="109">
    <td width="24%" height="23">
        <font color="#0000FF">Enter P</font></td>
    <td width="76%" height="23">
         <input type="text" name="p" size="20"></td>
    <td width="24%" height="23"><font color="#0000FF">
             Enter Q</font></td>
    <td width="76%" height="23">
          <input type="text" name="q" size="20"></td>
    <td width="24%" height="20">
           <font color="#0000FF">Enter any Number ( M )</font></td>
    <td width="76%" height="20"><input type="text" name="M" size="20">
        <font size="1" color="#FF0000">(1-1000)</font></td>
    <td width="24%" height="19"><input type="button" 
         value="Submit" name="Submit" onClick="openNew()"></td>
    <td width="76%" height="19"><input type="reset" 
          value="Reset" name="Reset"></td>



The code for the output.htm file is as follows:





<p><font size="6">Output Form</font></p>
<p><font color="#FF0000">1.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; N = p * q
<p><font color="#FF0000">2.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 
phi = ( p - 1 ) * ( q - 1
<p><font color="#FF0000">3.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; GCD 
( phi , e ) = 1</font></p>
<p><font color="#FF0000">4.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 
Encrypted Text ( c ) = M<sup>e</sup>
* ( mod N )</font></p>
<p><font color="#FF0000">5.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 
e * d =&nbsp; 1 * ( mod phi )</font></p>
<p><font color="#FF0000">6.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 
Decrypted Text = c<sup>d</sup> * (
mod N )</font></p>
<form name="Output">
<table border="0" width="100%">
    <td width="22%"><font color="#0000FF">N
    <td width="78%"><input type="text" name="N" 
    <td width="22%"><font color="#0000FF">Phi</font></td>
    <td width="78%"><input type="text" 
       name="phi" size="20"></td>
    <td width="22%"><font color="#0000FF">e
    <td width="78%">
   <input type="text" name="e" size="20"></td>
    <td width="22%"><font color="#0000FF">Encrypted Text
    <td width="78%">
    <input type="text" name="c" size="20"></td>
    <td width="22%"><font color="#0000FF">d
    <td width="78%"><input type="text" name="d" size="20">
    <td width="22%"><font color="#0000FF">
        Decrypted Text</font></td>
    <td width="78%"><input type="text" name="M" size="20"></td>
    <td width="22%">
      <input type="button" value="Close" name="Close" 
    <td width="78%">&nbsp;</td>



Now, after creating the files you can run the input.htm file from your browser and provide the necessary values. Clicking the Submit button will open the output.htm file with the necessary outputs.

Compatibility of Code

The code has been tested on IE 4.0 and above as well as on Netscape Navigator.

Working of RSA Algorithm

Suppose that B wants to send a message to A. A and B have exchanged their public keys. Let us try to understand how this works:

  1. Person A selects two prime numbers. Say p = 53 and q = 61.
  2. Person A calculates p * q = 3233. This is the public key which he sends to B.
  3. Person A calculates the value of e such that GCD (( p – 1 ) * ( q – 1 ), e) = 1. This is also send to B.
  4. Suppose person B wants to send message M = 999 to A.
  5. Person B encrypts the message, c = Me (mod N) = 9997 (mod 3233) = 3026.
  6. Person B sends c to person A.
  7. Person A decodes c = 3026. Firstly, he finds d such that e * d = 1 (mod ( ( p – 1 ) * ( q - 1) ).
  8. This equation is solved using Extended Euclidean Algorithm. Hence d = 1783.
  9. Secondly, person A decodes the encrypted message c using: cd (mod N) = 30261783 (mod 3233) = 999.

Points of Interest

  1. The factors of the public key N, that is, p and q should be large enough so that its not easy to factorize N.
  2. In general, the order of the primes should be 160 (512 bits) digits to 640 (2048 bits) digits.
  3. No algorithm is available that could factorize a number of the mentioned order in reasonable amount of time.
  4. So the RSA algorithm is defended by the non-availability of such algorithms.


  1. One has to use brute-force to factorize N.
  2. The algorithms to factorize N have a running time exponential with respect to the length of N.
  3. Still the existence of a faster algorithm, to factorize N, is very remote.

Further Suggestions

  1. Possible attacks on RSA
  2. Algorithm to find whether a number is prime or not (less time complexity algorithm).
  3. Largest prime numbers in use.

I would suggest that the readers should try to work on these topics so as to learn more about the RSA encryption scheme. I am having the necessary content, but I don't want to complicate the things write now.

Implementations of RSA

  • S.S.L. (Secure Sockets Layer)
  • Firewalls
  • ATM machines
  • Digital Signatures
  • Certificates

Contact Info

Send your recommendations, suggestions and problems at


This article, along with any associated source code and files, is licensed under The Code Project Open License (CPOL)

Written By
Team Leader
India India
Over 10 years of experience in designing & development of Java/J2EE standalone and web based systems for financial & commercial institutions. Over 4 years of experience in enhancing and maintenance of multi-threaded systems. Solid background in Object-Oriented analysis and design, web site development and maintenance. Proficient in developing thorough design documentation of system interfaces, data model and application components. Profound knowledge of design patterns (GOF & J2EE patterns), coding standards and best practices. Deep knowledge in creation of standalone batch based data extraction & loader systems.

Had been to onsite (NY, USA) for 2 years (2009-2011) and worked with technical, implementation team, customer support team and business team for creation, design, implementation, deployment and post deployment support of new web based and batch based systems.

Comments and Discussions

Generalrsa encryption algo Pin
Rahul Shahane19-Feb-09 5:11
Rahul Shahane19-Feb-09 5:11 
GeneralRe: rsa encryption algo Pin
Gaurav Saini4-Apr-09 21:44
Gaurav Saini4-Apr-09 21:44 
Questionhelp me!! Pin
loc_bv@yahoo.com24-Nov-06 15:27
loc_bv@yahoo.com24-Nov-06 15:27 
Generalrsa in java + some modifications Pin
skatb0y22-May-06 8:41
skatb0y22-May-06 8:41 
Generalrsa in vb 6.0 Pin
lokesh_the_best26-Mar-06 19:22
lokesh_the_best26-Mar-06 19:22 
GeneralRe: rsa in vb 6.0 [modified] Pin
tyrone152813-Mar-08 17:28
tyrone152813-Mar-08 17:28 
GeneralBuddy need to check Yahoo! Pin
sanjit_rath1-Dec-05 7:45
sanjit_rath1-Dec-05 7:45 
GeneralVB.Net and RSA in Javascript Pin
Member 29167611-Oct-04 16:32
Member 29167611-Oct-04 16:32 
QuestionHow to handle Large Integer (64 Bytes) Pin
Yiping Zou17-Jun-04 21:34
Yiping Zou17-Jun-04 21:34 
Generalhelp Pin
Aemro27-May-04 8:10
sussAemro27-May-04 8:10 
GeneralRSA coding Pin
Mierul16-Apr-04 19:58
Mierul16-Apr-04 19:58 
Smile | :) I have problem to do RSA program using java,i hope you can help me to solve my problem to do my RSA program.Thank you for your cooperation
GeneralRe: RSA coding Pin
Jörgen Sigvardsson19-May-04 8:53
Jörgen Sigvardsson19-May-04 8:53 
GeneralRe: RSA coding Pin
awb51317-Aug-04 10:15
awb51317-Aug-04 10:15 
QuestionCommercial Javascript Library w/ large integer Implementations? Pin
kfkyle19-Feb-04 3:46
kfkyle19-Feb-04 3:46 
GeneralWow Pin
alex.barylski2-Dec-03 22:24
alex.barylski2-Dec-03 22:24 
GeneralInteresting Pin
Blake Coverett10-Sep-03 12:22
Blake Coverett10-Sep-03 12:22 
GeneralRe: Interesting Pin
hagarhorrible16-Sep-03 19:19
hagarhorrible16-Sep-03 19:19 
GeneralRe: Interesting Pin
Matt Gerrans14-Oct-03 14:32
Matt Gerrans14-Oct-03 14:32 
GeneralThanks Pin
Bill Seddon10-Sep-03 10:31
Bill Seddon10-Sep-03 10:31 

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